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Subject/Grade: Science / ⅚ Lesson/Date: Clue Time: 110 mins

Stage 1: Desired Results

GOs: Students will:
6–8 Apply observation and inference skills to recognize and interpret patterns and to
distinguish a specific pattern from a group of similar patterns.
SOs: Students will:
Recognize that evidence found at the scene of an activity may have unique characteristics that
allow an investigator to make inferences about the participants and the nature of the activity,
and give examples of how specific evidence may be used.
Lesson Students will:
Objectives ● Identify examples of forensic evidence.
● Elaborate on inferences.
● Apply observational skills.

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Formative Clue Worksheet Summative N/A
Assessment Assessment

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Prior to The teacher will have the students Resources:
Lesson: grab their duatangs, sit and read at
their desks prior to given directions. If
students are not quiet we will not
watch the movie and do another
Time: Content/Description Differentiation/
110 Assessments:
10 mins Introduction:
The teacher will direct the students to answer the questions while watching the Differentiation:
film. The film is about murder mystery there are some scenes of violence and Vocabulary
blood. But it was filmed in the 80s so the blood is clearly ketchup. (I hope this review or
line will help calm those who have anxiety). If you ever feel you need to leave murder mystery
the room I have an activity you can do out in the hallway. The reason why I activity like
chose this film is because the writer's purposely made it possible for the murder mafia.
to be each character or all. It could end in multiple ways and for people to have
multiple inferences.
The teacher will handout the worksheet and ask students if they have any
questions about the assignment. The teacher will read each question out loud
for students who may have troubles reading on their own.
90 mins Body:
Learning Activity 1: Movie Worksheet Differentiation:
Teachers could
Students will fill out this worksheet while watching the film. The teacher will use particular
pause during the film to ask questions to help them think about evidence to clips from the
support their argument. film and have
Subject/Grade: Science / ⅚ Lesson/Date: Clue Time: 110 mins
Questions: questions for
1. Who is the character you find most suspicious at the dinner table? Why? the students to
2. Why do you think they have been brought to this house? answer. This
3. Who do you think killed Mr. Boddy? Why? could reduce the
4. Who do you think is lying after the first murder? time of the
5. Who do you think killed the cook? What is your evidence? lesson.
6. Who do you think is burning all the blackmail evidence?
7. What do you think happened to the key to the lounge? Assessment:
8. What do you think the officer will find? Apply their
9. Who do you think killed the maid? overall
10. Who do you think killed the singing telegram? vocabulary in
11. Who do you think is the murderer? What was their motive? the context of
their responses.
The students will also have the vocabulary list next to them from their duotang
to use in the questions.
Students will put this worksheet in their duatangs and clean up for the day.
10 mins Consolidation:
Review of Key Concepts/Point to Next Class:

This is the vocabulary for their exam:

- Absorbency
- Accused
- Composite Drawing
- Observation
- Inference
- Controlled variable
- Manipulated variable
- Responding variable
- Discrepancies
- Evidence
- Investigation
- Patterns
- Analysis
- Classify
- Forensic Science
- Forgery
- Hypothesis
- Chromatography
- Graphology
- Fingerprint Analysis
- Track Analysis (foot, animal, tire)
- Motive
- Suspect
- Testimony
Stage 4: Reflection
1. How the students responded to the lesson as planned and taught:
2. Specific strengths of the lesson plan and delivery:
3. Specific weaknesses in the lesson plan and delivery:
Subject/Grade: Science / ⅚ Lesson/Date: Clue Time: 110 mins
4. What must be addressed to improve this plan?
5. How I have grown from this teaching experience:

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