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• Irony: a contrast between appearance and actuality:

• Verbal irony: a writer says one thing, but means something entirely different.

• Situational irony: occurs when something happens that is entirely different from what is expected.

• Dramatic irony: occurs when the reader knows information that the characters do not.

Metaphor: a figure of speech in which a comparison or analogy is made between two seemingly
unlike things, as in the phrase “evening of life.”

Broken heart - Your heart is not literally broken into pieces; you just feel hurt and sad.

The light of my life - The person described by this metaphor isn't really providing physical light. He or
she is just someone who brings happiness or joy.

Time is a thief - Time isn't really stealing anything, this metaphor just indicates that time passes
quickly and our lives pass us by.

He is the apple of my eye - There is, of course, no real apple in a person's eye. The "apple" is
someone beloved and held dear.

Symbol: a person, object, idea or action that stands for something else. It is usually something literal
that stands for something figurative. For example: Roads can stand for choices.

Literary criticism (or literary studies) : It is the study, evaluation, and interpretation of literature. It
goes beyond just saying that a book is good or bad. It instead analyzes the parts of the work through
several different approaches as a process towards making a claim about the work.

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