Senior Endeavor Final Draft

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Rutland High School

Energy Research

Jacob Jaton
Composition III
Ms. Mills
December 6th, 2021

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since energy’s conception, energy has impacted the world we live in. From Benjamin

Franklins wild lightening experiment to our modern-day wind farms or the massive oil reservoirs

to modern synthetic mixtures energy has evolved and become ingrained in everyday life. Energy

is not just used to turn your lights on in your house, and let you have an advantage while

cooking, and all of your everyday things. Do you use energy in your day to day life? Electricity

made its appearance in 1821 when Michael Faraday found out how to cause an electrical current.

How energy has changed since it was first introduced Electricity is one of the many greatest

inventions in the world because it opened up a bunch of new things for people like even a whole

new world. Now electricity is mainly generated by steam turbines. Energy is transferred 4

different ways mechanically by the action of a force, electrically by an electrical current,

radiation by light waves or sound waves, and heating by conduction, convection, or radiation.

There are six different forms of energy: chemical, electrical, mechanical, thermal, and nuclear.

As you can see, everywhere you go in todays society, you see the use of electricity everywhere.

Without all of the inventors of electricity, the world wouldn’t be nearly as advanced as it

currently is. Having all of the background knowledge and experience with electricity gives

todays researchers proper evidence. All of the different forms of energy and

ways it is transferred is the key element to electricity.

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• Introduction.

• Thesis statement

• Review of paper

• Body paragraph

• Body paragraph

• Body paragraph

• Body paragraph

• Body paragraph

• Body paragraph

• Results.

• Conclusion

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Since its conception, energy has impacted the world. From Benjamin Franklins, wild

lightning experiment to our modern-day wind farms or the massive oil reservoirs to modern

synthetic mixtures, energy has evolved and become ingrained in everyday life. The way it is

produced, supplied, transported from source to consumer has evolved and will continue to evolve

into more efficient and cleaner sources. The oldest known to understand electricity was the

ancient Greeks, the electric fish in the Nile River. In the 1630’s William Gilbert who is an

American Physician studied electricity and other stuff such as magnetism, and whom did all

these studies with other English people, Mr. Boyle and Mr. Franklin. Then by the mid 1800’s

Allesandro Volta, whom is a scientist had found a way to get electricity in a battery type of form,

and he founded other stuff as he discovered the chemical reactions that electricity have let off.

Mr. Allesandro Volta also invented many things which is the first device with a steady current

known as the battery that of course was electric, and Mr. Volta also created the very first

transmission of electricity and the way he did the very first transmission of electricity was by

linking positively-charged and negatively-charged connectors and he was driving an electric

charge all the way through them. The battery way was looked over and made right by

NikolaTelsa and Thomas Edison. Mr. Edison invented the light bulb in 1879, but the flashlight

wasn’t invented for over 20 more years and it was invented in until the year 1902 and it wasn’t

wasn’t invented until that late because it depended on many other inventions other than light

bulbs such as the battery.

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Energy is not just used to turn lights on in a house, and give an advantage to cooking, and

everyday tasks. It involves a lot of support of industries, with technology. If Michael Faraday

hadn’t discovered the electrical current in 1821 and all the other electrical inventors, there

wouldn’t be such a thing as technology and everyday life, would be a lot different.

Energy is used in every day life. It is used for appliances, like TVs, stoves, microwaves,

lights and of course cell phones. Let us look at electricity in the traveling aspect. All cars and

pickups have a battery in them, and they are even coming out with the electric car (Tesla). Other

things relating to transportation are electric trains, airplanes, and all sorts of other things that

require electricity to start them.

Electricity made its appearance in 1821 when Michael Faraday found out how to cause an

electrical current. He discovered that when a magnet spins inside a coil of copper wire, a tiny

electrical current flows through the wire, creating an electrical charge.

Another person that gets some credit for the creation of electricity is Benjamin Franklin;

everyone knows electricity is natural exists in our everyday life, it did not have to be created, but

it did have to be discovered, understood, and harnessed by many people.

Energy has changed since first introduced. Electricity is one of the many greatest inventions

in the world because it opened up many new things for people, like even a whole new world.

Since it was first invented, many inventions were made from electricity used to help create

inventions. It adds many things to the world, Take light for an example; it does not just add light

to the world; it is part of the solution to most modern problems. More than half the electricity

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generated is done using fossil fuels, it is transferred from coal to fuel oil. Changing it from coal

to fuel oil increases our carbon footprint, and increases the emission of greenhouse gases.

Now electricity is mainly generated by steam turbines. Steam turbines in turn are fueled by,

fossil fuels, nuclear, biomass, geothermal, and solar thermal energy. The future of electricity is

going to decrease our need for gas, oil, and natural gas, to fuel vehicles, heaters, and other

machinery. Instead the demand for electricity will increase. Our energy comes from mainly fossil

fuels, that have nuclear power and renewable sources. These sources mostly come from our local

star, the Sun. Electricity falls into its own category because it's an energy carrier and not a

primary source.

Energy is transferred four different ways mechanically by the action of a force, electrically

by an electrical current, radiation by light waves or sound waves, and heating by conduction,

convection, or radiation. Thermal energy transfers happen through conduction, “the process by

which heat or electricity is directly transmitted through a substance when there is a difference of

temperature or of electrical potential between adjoining regions, without movement of the

material.” Convection is “the movement caused within a fluid by the tendency of hotter and

therefore less dense material to rise, and colder, denser material to sink under the influence of

gravity, which consequently results in transfer of heat.” Radiation is “the emission of energy as

electromagnetic waves or as moving subatomic particles, especially high-energy particles which

cause ionization.”

There are six different forms of energy: chemical energy, electrical, mechanical, thermal,

and nuclear. Chemical energy is an energy stored in the bonds of chemical compounds and

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Chemical energy which is also stored in the different bonds that connect atoms with other atoms

and molecules with other molecules, because chemical energy is stored, in a form of potential

energy. Electrical energy is defined as the power an atom's charged particles has to cause an

action or move an object and electrical energy is the power of an atom's charged particles have

to cause an action and move an object or thing. The movement of electrons from one atom to

many others is what results in electrical energy. Every time you plug a toaster or cellphone

charger into a wall outlet, electrical energy is powering many devices. The third form of energy,

radiant energy, is transferred by electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic waves and

gravitational radiation energy is radiant energy. Radiant energy is change in configuration of

electrons. It can travel through any kind of substance including air, liquid, glass, and space.

Matter is not necessary for transmission of radiant energy. Even in a vacuum environment,

radiant energy can move. Mechanical energy is that possessed by an object due to its motion or

due to its mechanical energy is the potential energy and kinetic energy present in the components

of a mechanical system. It is the energy associated with the motion and position of an object. The

law of conservation of energy states that in an isolated system that is only subject to conservative

forces, like the gravitational force, the mechanical energy is constant. . Thermal energy contained

within a system that is responsible for its temperature, thermal energy is to the total motion

energy of particles in a substance. Object that has atoms that move quickly, greater kinetic

energy and a greater temperature hence, it of course has a greater thermal energy.. The final

form of energy is nuclear energy, Nuclear energy is energy in the nucleus of an atom and atoms

are little particles that make up every object in the whole wide universe. There is lots and lots of

energy in the bonds that hold atoms together. Nuclear energy can also be used to make electricity.

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But first the energy must be released from atoms. It can be released from atoms in two ways

nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. Nuclear fusion, energy is released when atoms are combined

or fused together to form a larger atom. This is how the sun produces energy. In nuclear fission,

atoms are split apart to form smaller atoms, releasing energy. Nuclear power plants use nuclear

fission to produce electricity.

Electricity reaches a substation which where the voltage is lowered so it can be sent onto

smaller power lines. It travels through lines and distribute to your neighborhood. The steps it

goes by, Electricity is made at a generating station by huge generators. Generating stations can

use wind, coal, natural gas, or water. These current are sent through transformers to increase the

voltage to push the power long distances. The electrical charge goes through high-voltage

transmission lines that stretch across the country. It reaches a substation, where the voltage is

lowered so it can be sent on smaller power lines. It travels through distribution lines to your

neighborhood. Smaller transformers reduce the voltage again to make the power safe to use in

our homes. These smaller transformers may be mounted on the poles, or sitting on the ground It

connects to your house and passes through a meter that measures how much your family uses for

electricity.The electricity goes to the service panel in your basement or garage, where breakers or

fuses protect the wires inside your house from being overloaded. The electricity travels through

wires inside the walls to the outlets and switches all over your house.

Everywhere in todays society, the use of electricity is prevalent. Without all of the

inventors of electricity, the world would not be nearly as advanced as it currently is. Having all

of the background knowledge and experience with electricity gives today’s researchers proper

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evidence of what. That the different forms of energy and ways it is transferred is key to our

modern society.

We have reached a point, when electricity is used for all purposes. Without it, many

things will be impossible. Electricity is a source of energy. It is produced by a battery or a coil of

wires or could be by a dynamo machine. It is produced in a thermal station and also in hydro-


There are various ways of electricity. The most important of all is an electric fan and

electric light. These two things have improved our living and also efficiency of our work. Our

houses, roads, offices and shops are lighted. It is difficult, sometimes impossible to work in an

office where there is no lights and fans.

Students read better in a room which is properly furnished with lights and fans. Fans are

not a needed thing. It is needed to help with heat during summer. Electricity is needed to operate

fan in summer and an electric heater in winter. In cold winter, electric heaters warm our rooms


Electricity is a way of communication. Telegraph and telegram devices use electricity. It is

easy to send messages to distant places. Phones are able to be used due to electricity. Due to

electricity, the world has become a familiar place for all because they use the internet through

electricity to research different places. Fax-machines are one of the latest developments. In

todays society communication is possible due to electricity. Electricity has enabled us to conquer

time and space.

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After the invention of electricity there has been improvement to railways. Previously, the

railway trains such as steam engines. Recently electric trains are used in all countries. Electricity

is a vital use in industries and factories, without electricity no factory can run. Now days,

everything is done by electricity. We use mixers to make different foods, refrigerators, washing

machines and other home appliances at our home. But without electricity these things can not

function. Radio and television are gifts each and everyday of electricity. Theaters are also

impossible without it to run.

The most important thing of electricity is in the field of medical science. X-Ray,

Scanning, Ultra Sonographer Test, E.C.G., Endoscopy, etc. are the developed devices in the

medical field and surgery. This is possible due to electricity only. Lunacy and mental disorder

can be cured through electric shocks to the patients. Computer functions only when it is supplied

with electricity.

In the numerous ways we use electricity, it is right to say that the current age is the age of


We are very dependent on electricity. Our life becomes boring and slow when the

electricity supply shuts off however small the duration is. Nowadays, everything has become

electronic. We have electronic ways to mail, electric tram, electric train, electric bulb, electric

fan, electroplating, electric stove, etc, makes our life a lot easier when we use electricity. The

more ways we use electricity we have become of all these things, the harder it gets to live life

without it.

Electricity has completely changed the way farming has been carried out nowadays. As

opposed to the way farming has been in earlier days, now the entire process has become

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mechanized. Electricity has made it easier to distribute the river water to canals and and be able

to use irrigation in barren and dry lands. Some of the examples of the ways we use electricity are

the “Bhakra Dam” located in Punjab, the “Hirakund Dam” located in Orissa, the “Damodar

Valley” located in West Bengal, etc. Besides irrigation, cultivation of crops has also been greatly

benefitted by electricity. Combining and chopping of crops has become efficient because of

electricity. Now days tube wells also operate with electricity that has made it both energy and

time efficient.

Electricity has helped people a lot in many ways like fast communication. Wireless ways

to talk to people can be used with electricity. With the help of phones, computers and such with

instant talk and text has become a lot simpler and easier. Electricly driven machines like our

washing machines, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, heaters, coolers, AC’s, has made our daily

lives and chores hassle free and uncomplicated. We can’t just think life without any of these, they

are an essential part of our everyday lives. Without electricity, there is no fun in celebrations and


Electricity is defined as a form of power that modern age people have a tough time

surviving without. It powers almost all the appliances that are used on a daily basis. It powers

our air-conditioners, washing machines that helps in accomplishing our daily tasks such as our

jobs, the entertainment devices, the various communication channels and the different ways of

transportion. Due to the significance of electricity, there is seen an urgent requirement to value

this useful form of electricity and the ways to produce it as a renewable sources.

As electricity removed darkness from the streets and roads and homes to modern society.

If we don’t care about its use, then it will get wasted. Our life will again slip back to old

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primitive days when there was no electricity. So, it is important to understand its importance and

make wise use of it. Electricity has brought a revolution in our sciences, leprosy, cancer, and

various other fatal ailments can now be easily cured using painless treatment method of exposing

to electricity. One of them being X-rays. Modern detection and cure of various ailments are now


Electricity is a need for our industries to grow. It plays a big role in development of

industries. Whether it is small scale or large scales, industries of all sizes mostly dependent on


Electricity is carried out in performing technical and engineering activities. Whether it is

performing welding or developing certain materials, it requires electrical energy to perform these

certain things.

Electricity has made a major impact in various spheres of human life that includes

communication, medicine, surgery and transport.

In this technological advanced electricity dependent generation, a person enjoys several

communication facilities that runs on electricity, in addition to this, communication with close

ones who are located several miles away need this kind of energy.

Many companies and businesses use electricity for computers, printing machines, fax machines

and workstations.The construction of bog structures like grills for windows and gates also

requires electrical energy to make these, electrical power has impacted the entire food industry in

several ways. It has become easier and quicker now to make food items with the help of power-

driven machines such as oven, induction cooker, heaters etc.Electricity assists in advanced

designing as well as manufacture of tools that reduce wastage and also increase accuracy in the

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entire manufacturing industry.Due to technological innovation, it has given rise to the

development of different vehicles that run on electricity. Such machines are highly efficient and

don’t emit poisonous gases to the entire environment.Electricity is needed to power computers to

perform online work that most school work is on now. This assists people in generation of

income.Electricity makes it easier to acquire knowledge at the comfort of your home. A student

can undergo distance learning programs like what we did when covid came out , with the help of

computers for study and research activities. Electricity also provides us great sources of

entertainment in the form of radio, cinema, television, etc.

In conclusion since energy’s conception, energy has impacted the world we live in. From

Benjamin Franklins wild lightening experiment to our modern-day wind farms or the massive oil

reservoirs to modern synthetic mixtures energy has evolved and become ingrained in everyday

life. Energy is not just used to turn your lights on in your house, and let you have an advantage

while cooking, and all of your everyday things. Do you use energy in your day to day life?

Electricity made its appearance in 1821 when Michael Faraday found out how to cause an

electrical current. How energy has changed since it was first introduced Electricity is one of the

many greatest inventions in the world because it opened up a bunch of new things for people like

even a whole new world. Now electricity is mainly generated by steam turbines. Energy is

transferred 4 different ways mechanically by the action of a force, electrically by an electrical

current, radiation by light waves or sound waves, and heating by conduction, convection, or

radiation. There are six different forms of energy: chemical, electrical, mechanical, thermal,

and nuclear. As you can see, everywhere you go in todays society, you see the use of

electricity everywhere. Without all of the inventors of electricity, the world wouldn’t be nearly as

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advanced as it currently is. Having all of the background knowledge and experience with

electricity gives todays researchers proper evidence. All of the different forms of energy and

ways it is transferred is the key element to electricity.

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What is energy? A guide to understanding energy. Tara Energy. (2021,

August 6). Retrieved November 18, 2021, from

Helped me get a better undemanding of energy

Zhivov, Alexander M., et al. “Defining, Measuring and Assigning
Resilience Requirements to Electric and Thermal Energy Systems.” ASHRAE
Transactions, vol. 127, no. 1, Jan. 2021, pp. 673–692. EBSCOhost,
Helped me understand thermal energy systems.

Sobron, Iker, et al. “Energy Detection Technique for Adaptive Spectrum

Sensing.” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 63, no. 3, Mar. 2015,
pp. 617–627. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1109/TCOMM.2015.2394436.
Helps me understand more about energy detection.

Baes, Fred. “” Energy Physics Society,

publicinformation/ate/faqs/ whatisradiation.html.
Helps me understand the physics of energy.

The National Academies Presents: What you need to know about

energy. How We Use Energy -. (n.d.). Retrieved November 18, 2021,

This helps me understand the in debt parts of energy

Climate interpreter. Why Is Energy Important? | Climate Interpreter. (n.d.).

Retrieved November 18, 2021, from

This cite helps me understand the importance of energy.

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