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Fundamentals of Engineering Review

Fluid Mechanics (Prof. Hayley Shen) Spring 2010

 Fluid Properties
 Fluid Statics
 Fluid Dynamics
 Dimensional Analysis
 Applications

Fluid Properties (Table)

Specific weight, specific gravity
Viscosity (absolute or dynamics, kinematic)
Bulk modulus
Speed of sound
Surface tension
Vapor pressure

Fluid Statics
Pressure vs. elevation
Force over submerged plane and curved surfaces

Fluid Dynamics
Continuity equation
Linear momentum equation
Angular momentum equation
Energy equation
Bernoulli equation

Dimensional Analysis
Buckingham Pi Theorem
Common dimensionless parameters
Dynamic similitude

Pipe flow-
Reynolds number, Laminar and Turbulent flows, Entrance length, Darcy-Weisbach
equation, Moody chart, hydraulic radius, pump and turbine head.
Open channel flow-
Chezy-Manning equation
EGL (Energy Grade Line) and HGL (Hydraulic Grade Line)

Fluid Properties (Table)

Specific weight, specific gravity
Viscosity (absolute or dynamic, kinematic)
Bulk modulus
Speed of sound
Surface tension
Vapor pressure

 fluid  fluid
 SG  
 
H 2O @ 4 o C H 2O @ 4 o C
u F
   
z A
dp Ev
 Ev   c
d /  
2 2 cos
 pi  p o  pi h
R po R

Find the terminal velocity of the object.

Fluid Statics
Pressure vs. elevation
Force over submerged plane and curved surfaces

p p p
   0, x, y : horinzontal axes   , z: vertical axis
x y z
 When used in manometers, the above says that you  h when you go up from some
point and  h when you go down. Inclined manometers are used to amplify the
menisci difference and increase accuracy.
p abs  p gage  p atm Absolute pressures are often indicated as psia, and gage pressure
as psig.
 For plane surfaces, use
FR  y c sin A for the total pressure force, where
c: centroid of the submerged surface; yc: the distance between the centroid and the top
of the fluid  along the orientation of the surface A; A is the
submerged area;  is the angle of incline of surface A. This force
is not applied at the centroid. It is below the centroid. The point
of application is along the incline of surface at a distance y R
below the surface
y R  y c  xc
yc A
For curved surface, separate the pressure force into horizontal and vertical part. The
horizontal part becomes plane surface and the vertical force becomes weight.

Fh  FR  F2 on the vertical projection, Fv  weight of fluid above  W  F1

 Fbuoyancy   fluid  submerged . If an object is submerged in several different fluids, must
calculate the buoyancy in each of them, then add together. When using buoyancy in
problems, FBD is often needed.

Find the tension in the cable if the system is
neutrally buoyant.

Fluid Dynamics
Continuity equation
Linear momentum equation
Angular momentum equation (Moment of momentum equation)
Energy equation
Bernoulli equation

 
t CV CS  nˆdA  0
Continuity equation :  d    V

steady state : ( Av)in  ( Av) out or m in  m out incompressible : Qin  Qout

    
Linear momentum equation :  Vd   VV  nˆ dA   F s
t CV CS
  
steady state : M  M  F out where M  m v
in total i i

      
t CV
Moment - of - momentum equation : r  Vd   r  VV  nˆ dA   0
    
steady state :  (r  v m )out   (r  v m )in   o ( total )
Steady state energy equation with one inlet and one outlet :
p v2 p v2
(u~    gz )out m  (u~    gz )in m  Q net in  W shaft in
 2  2
~ v2 ~ v2 ~ p
(h   gz )out m  (h   gz )in m  Q net in  W shaft in , h  u~   enthalpy
2 2 
p v2
H out  H in  hL  hs , H    z , hL  0 always.
 2g
Wshaft  m ghs  Qhs
Bernoulli equation : 
 z  constant along a streamline
 2g
Bernoulli equation is a conservation of energy equation. It is never 100% applicable.
p v2
EGL: line connecting   z (total head line)
 2g
HGL: line connecting  z (piezometric head line)

Example (Venturi meter)
Which is true?
1. the pressure at B is increased
2. the velocity at B is decreased
3. the potential energy at C is decreased
4. the flow energy at B is decreased
5. the kinetic energy at B is reduced

Example (Stationary vane)

Fx  Q (v1 cos 1  v2 cos  2 ) Fy  Q (v1 sin 1  v2 sin  2 )

v1  v2 if horizontal, and if not since
the elevation change is small so the two velocities are about the same.

Exampe (Pitot-static tube)

p p p v2
h1  , h2  s  
   2g
v  2 g (h2  h1 )

Dimensional Analysis
Buckingham Pi Theorem
Common dimensionless parameters
Dynamic similitude
 B1  f ( B2 , B3 ,.....Bn )   1  F ( 2 ,  3 ,.... n r )
r= 2 if there are two fundamental dimensions in B1 …. Bn ;
r= 3 if there are three fundamental dimensions in B1 …. Bn .
To find the non-dimensional  ’s:
1. Choose 2 (or 3, depending on how many fundamental dimensions are in the
problem) repeating variables, say Ba , Bb .
2. Use the repeating variables to form  1  B1 ( Ba ) i ( Bb ) j .
3. Force the powers of M, L, T in B1 ( Ba ) i ( Bb ) j to be zero and solve for the two (or
three) unknown powers i, j .
4. Repeat for  2 .... n r .
 Common dimensionless parameters: Reynolds number, Froude number, Weber number,

 Dynamics similitude (for laboratory modeling purpose): if  1 ,  2 ,  3 ,.... n  r are
parameters in prototype, and  1m ,  2 m ,  m3 ,.... ( n r ) m in the model case, when
 1   1m ,  2   2m , ,.... nr   ( nr ) m then we have dynamic similitude between the two.
This is what we must do in scaling models. We make  2 m .... ( n r ) m be equal to
 2 .... nr one by one respectively, so that the resulting  1m   1 and may be used to
extract the prototype information we need.

Combine torque, discharge, blade size in length, density of fluid in a dimensionless
mL2 L3 m
   a Q b D c  d  ( 2 ) a ( ) b Lc ( 3 ) d  m a  d L2 a 3bc 3d T 2 a b

a  d  0 c  a 2 1 a D
2a  3b  c  3d  0  d   a    (Q D ) , a is arbitrary,  
 2a  b  0 b  2a Q 2

If a flow rate of 0.2m 3 / s is measured over a 9 to1 scale model of a weir, what flow rate
can be expected on the prototype?
Flow over a weir is an openchannel flow. Use Froude number for modeling.
vm v 2p vp lp Q p v p l 2p
   3   243
lm g l p g vm lm Qm v m l m 2

If the model force is at 1000N, what will be the force on the prototype?
 F    F ( v 2 l 2 ) p
   F   p   3 2 9 2  729
 v 2 l 2   v 2 l 2  Fm ( v l ) m
2 2
 m  p

Example on EGL and HGL


Pipe flow-
Reynolds number, Laminar and Turbulent flows, Entrance length, Darcy-Weisbach
equation, Moody chart, hydraulic radius, pump and turbine head.
Open channel flow-
Chezy-Manning equation

Re  
 
Re  2100 Laminar, Re  4000 Turbulent, entrance length : le / D  0.06 Re (laminar) le / D  4.4 Re ( turbulent)
1/ 6

l v2 64
Darcy - Weisbach pipe friction equation : hL  f , f  (laminar) in general f from Moody chart.
D 2g Re
Minor loss equation : hL  K L , K L  loss coefficient

The steady state energy equation for pipeflow is

hin  hout  hl  pipe  hl  min or
There are three types of questions: solve for head loess or power requirement
(straightforward), solve for discharge, solve for pipe diameter. The latter two requires
iteration. Must assume a solution, solve for an updated solution, iterate until no more
change can be obtained.
Rh2 / 3 S 01 / 2 flow cross - section
 v ( SI units), Q  vA where Rh 
n wetted perimeter
The Froude number Fr  determines the type of flow. When it is less than 1 the flow
is subcritical and greater than 1 correspond to supercritical case.

Find the energy required, in kW, by the 85% efficient
pump if Q  0.02m 3 / s and the minor loss
coefficient at the pipe entrance is 1.
Q vD 
v   7.07m / s  Re   4.2  10 5   0.0043  f  0.03
A  D
Q  v 22 p 2 v 2
p l v2 v2 
W P     z  ( 1
 1
 z )  f  c   44kW
  2g  2
2g 
D 2g 2g 
  0.85, v1  v2  0, p1  p 2  0

A sample final exam


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