Paparan Investment Law - TRIMS (15 Des 2021)

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Trade-Related Investment

Measures Agreement
(TRIMS Agreement)

Royhan Nevy Wahab, S.H., LL.M.

Investment Law
Program Studi International Business Law, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya
Jakarta, 15 Desember 2021
Guiding Questions

1. Mengapa TRIMS penting dalam perdagangan internasional?

2. Apa manfaat TRIMS bagi Indonesia?

3. Upaya apa yang dapat dilakukan Indonesia terkait TRIMS?

TRIMS (dalam MTAs)
“Marrakesh Agreement”
Multilateral Trade Agreements

Annex 1A:
Trade in Goods

Annex 1B:
Trade in Services

Annex 1C:
Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual
Property Rights

Annex 2:
Dispute Settlement Understanding

Annex 3:
Trade Policy Review Mechanism

Investasi dalam Perdagangan Internasional

Uruguay Round

Punta del Este:

"Following an examination of the
operation of GATT Articles
related to the trade restrictive
and trade distorting effects of
investment measures,
negotiations should elaborate, as
appropriate, further provisions
that may be necessary to avoid
such adverse effects on trade."
Sistematika-1 (Ketentuan dasar)

“include the progressive liberalization of world trade The coverage of the Agreement is defined in Article 1,
and to facilitate investment across international which states that the Agreement applies to investment
Limitation of measures related to trade in goods only. Thus, the
frontiers so as to increase the economic growth”
Objective Coverage to Trade TRIMs Agreement does not apply to services.
in Goods

The disciplines of the TRIMs Agreement focus on The TRIMs

No Generic The term "trade-related investment measures"
discriminatory treatment of imported and exported Agreement and
Definition of What ("TRIMs") is not defined in the Agreement. However,
products and do not govern the issue of entry and Regulation of
is a "TRIM" the Agreement contains in an annex an Illustrative List
treatment of foreign investment. Foreign Investment
of measures that are inconsistent with GATT Article
III:4 or Article XI:1 of GATT 1994.

Sistematika-2 (Kewajiban)

•Article 2.1 of the TRIMs Agreement requires Members not to apply any TRIM that is inconsistent with the provisions of Article
Basic Substantive Obligations: III (national treatment of imported products) or Article XI (prohibition of quantitative restrictions on imports or exports) of
Article 2 and the Illustrative List GATT 1994. An Illustrative List annexed to the TRIMs Agreement lists measures that are inconsistent with paragraph 4 of
Article III and paragraph 1 of Article XI.

•The Illustrative List covers both TRIMs which are mandatory or enforceable under domestic law or under administrative
Mandatory and Non-mandatory Measures rulings and TRIMs compliance with which is necessary to obtain an advantage.

•TRIMs identified in paragraph 1 of the Illustrative List as being inconsistent with Article III:4 concern the purchase or use
Distinction between Paragraphs 1 and 2 of the of products by an enterprise, while the TRIMs listed in paragraph 2 as inconsistent with Article XI:1 of GATT 1994 concern
Illustrative List the importation or exportation of products by an enterprise.

TRIMs which are inconsistent with the •require the purchase or use by an enterprise of products of domestic origin or domestic source (local content
national treatment obligation of Article III:4 of requirements), covers trade-balancing TRIMs which limit the purchase or use of imported products by an enterprise to an
GATT 1994 amount related to the volume or value of local products that it exports.

TRIMs which are inconsistent with the •covers measures which limit the importation by an enterprise of products used in its local production in general terms or
prohibition on imposition of quantitative to an amount related to the volume or value of local production exported by the enterprise.
restrictions of Article XI:1 of GATT 1994 5
Sistematika-3 (Norma penting lainnya)

•General Exceptions (Article 3)

•Developing Countries (Article 4)

•Notification to CTG (Article 5.1)

Notification and Transitional
Arrangements •Transitional period (Article 5.2) - Extension (Article 5.3) - Standstill
(Article 5.4)

Transparency •Notification to the Secretariat (Article 6)

Committee on TRIMS •Examine operation & implementation (Article 7)

Dispute Settlement •Dispute settlement procedure (Article 8)

Indonesia dan TRIMS

Kepentingan Tindak lanjut

❖ Meningkatnya investasi (FDI) ❖ Sinergi aturan dan kebijakan nasional

❖ Penguatan industri nasional ❖ Sosialisasi pemahaman
❖ Transfer teknologi ❖ Aktif dalam Komite TRIMS
❖ Penciptaan lapangan kerja ❖ Peningkatan kualitas regulasi
❖ Jaminan impor bahan baku (raw material)

Mobil Nasional
(PT. Timor Putra Nasional)
1. Pengurangan/pembebasan bea masuk atas spare part mobil berdasarkan TKDN;
2. Pengurangan/pembebasan PPNBM kepada ATPM;

1. Uni Eropa (DS54);
2. Jepang (DS55 - DS64);
3. Amerika Serikat (DS59)

Putusan (1998)
1. Art. 2.1 TRIMS (local content requirement);
2. Art. III.2 GATT (NT);
3. Art. I:1 GATT (MFN);
4. Art. 5(c) ASCM (serious prejudice).


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