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Direction: How many different kinds of line can you identify in this painting?

Do you think the

combination of different lines expresses a feeling of peace and calm or energy and excitement?
Painting: Vincent van Gogh, The Starry Night

I can identify 4 kinds of lines in this painting such as vertical line, horizontal line,
curved line, and diagonal line. I think that the combination of lines used in this expressionism art
expresses a feeling of peace and calmness because the way that Gogh painted the sky makes me
feel the ambiance of the cold air at night and the calmness of the quiet night. Seeing the moon
and the stars shining in the dark gives me the energy and the excitement to watch the stars and
the moon at night until I fall asleep.
Direction: Point to and name geometric shapes in this painting. What organic shapes are used in
this work? Do you think using both geometric and organic shapes in a single work adds interest
to a work? Why or why not?
Painting: Pablo Picasso's “Guernica”

I pointed some of the geometric shapes with red arrows which are cubes, squares, and triangles
while I pointed organic shapes with blue arrows which are the bull, the horse, the bird, the lightbulb, the
flower in the vase, and the human faces. I think that using both geometric and organic shapes in a single
work adds interest to the work because the viewers will wonder how and wonder why the art looks like
that, many viewers will also try to understand what the artists feels and think when he/she was making
his/her art. Using both geometric and organic shapes also helps the artist into expressing his/her
feelings freely like in this art, Picasso shows the sadness from the tragedies of war and the suffering it
brings to the innocent civilians.

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