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Year of Study 2021/2022

Unit Number / Title ENGR5038 Work Based Project

Unit Tutor David Campion

Assignment Title / No Final Report Presentation
Assignment IV By / Date Rebecca Wood
Date of Issue 21/9/21
Hand-In Date 22/4/22

LO  Learning Outcomes Covered in This Assignment  Task No 

1   Identify those tasks or operations that require the depth of research and
investigation that justify selection to be run as a project and, through
negotiation, agree suitable specifications and procedure
2   Show that they have grasped the need to implement the project within agreed
procedures and to specification

3 Self-manage and evaluate their work

4 Undertake and critically analyse literature surveys for project using online
and paper-based resources
5 Describe the purpose and rational for each section of an engineering report
based on a generalised template but tailored to meet the professional
requirements of the company in which the project is being undertaken so that
they are able to produce a project report, including details of project

I confirm the following by the act of submitting the work appended to this cover sheet:
1. To the best of my knowledge, my work does not contain plagiarised material. I have read
and understood the following sources that explain cheating and plagiarism:
a. the Oxford Brookes University website at, and
b. the Programme Handbook
2. I have kept an electronic record of my submitted work for my own records
3. I have adhered to the word count specified in the assessment brief and the actual word
count of my submitted work is:

0000 words

Using the ‘detailed grading information’ – Give your estimated grade:


00 %
Assignment Brief
Assignment Title / No ENGR5038 A4FRP
Word count 5000 words +/-10%


Your completed assignment should be produced in 14-point Arial font (bold) for titles,  12
point Arial for text.  Text should be justified and line spacing should be 1.5.  As displayed
on this page. A Presentation must be produced on Teams, you will be stop on 15 minutes.
Please also ensure that all tasks are sub headed and that all pages are numbered and
named. On the front cover of the assignment, please state the number of words used.  By
using Microsoft Word correctly, a contents page can be created simply, that can be
updated at the end with headings and subheadings.  
The source of any work that is not your own must be appropriately referenced and
included in a Reference List / Bibliography (see notes on Plagiarism and
References on eStudy).  
Your work is to be submitted via eStudy before 23:59 on the due date, failure to submit will
result in your work being failed if this time limit is exceeded. 
You must keep an electronic and a paper copy of this assessment for your own records
Project Report

As each project topic is individually chosen, there are likely to be differences in the
balance between individual sections, however the guidelines given below should be
adhered to wherever possible.

Title Page A title page template, which you must use, will be supplied.

Abstract/Summary A brief summary (400 words maximum) of what your project set
out to do, the methods employed and the conclusions reached,
more guidance will be given in class.

Acknowledgements Optional section giving opportunity to thanks individuals who have

provided support to you during your project.

Contents A single page of contents listing the main chapters within your

Aims and Purpose of A brief explanation of the purpose of the research. State the aims
the study and objectives. Provide background that sets the project in the
organisational context. 

Review of Literature
Brief evidence of reading about the topic, which identifies the
major issues and debates about the topic and areas that have
been addressed to date.

Method and research This section explains how your project was investigated using
techniques primary research and why particular methods and techniques
were used. Describe the procedure, size of sample, method of
selection and statistical analysis.

Statement of results This is the heart of the report and will consist of text and tables or
figures. The way the results are presented is very important. 
Discussion and Each individual section of your scope should be investigated,
Analysis discussed and analysed in detail, using appropriate background
reading and quotes to highlight and reinforce your ideas.
Headings and subheadings should be used throughout to
structure your project.

Evaluation Evaluation technique: appraisal of the feasibility/effectiveness of

the project solution and a critical analysis against the project
specification and planned procedures, use of graphs, statistics,
Gantt charts, sequencing, scheduling, critical path methods,
networking, application of PERT, using computer software
packages where appropriate.

Conclusions and
This draws together everything that your project has delivered.  It
acts as a summary for the project, and again should use the
appropriate subheadings used for the discussion and analysis

References and References should be provided for all books and other sources
Bibliography that you have referred to in your report. A bibliography should also
be provided for background reading.

Appendices Full details of items referred to in your report. e.g.

 Questionnaires
 Log Books
 Correspondence
 Meeting minutes 
 Observation / Workshop notes
 Interview Schedules
 Documents from organisation
Marking Scheme
Report  – (50%)
0-40 – No evidence of planning in a coherent manner.  Lack of Gantt chart or any visual planning
guide.  Vague description of the project with no real conclusive end point product.  Minimal
evidence of design process, material selection, manufacturing processes, budget and cost analysis.
No visual data communication (tables and charts) This report does not use technical vocabulary
and relies on descriptive discussion heavily rather than informative data driven detail. To gain the
higher percentage of this band there needs to be some evidence of justification for the project.
Research evident but not beyond lecture notes.  Sections of the report that are expected are
missing.  High number of grammar and spelling mistakes with poor layout. No referencing.
40-50 – Some planning is evident and details of the end point.  Some justification of the project
and little reading evident on the subject beyond lecture notes. This report does not use technical
vocabulary and relies on descriptive discussion heavily rather than informative data driven detail.
Minimal evidence of design process, material selection, manufacturing processes, budget and cost
analysis.   Evaluation has been made on progress but not for the future of the project’s likely
outcomes, negating problems that have/could occur.  Few visual data communication (tables and
charts) with little referencing within the text. Analysis is weak with little more than stating what
the visual communication shows.  Evaluation of project is poor, lacking self-critical/balanced
thought. Grammar and spelling mistakes with some attempt at presentation. Some referencing
but not correct.
50-60 – Planning is evident and details of the end point.  Justification of the project is detailed with
aims met. Evidence of reading and critical analysis of the literature.  Technical vocabulary used
with visual communication offering a range of types (graphs, tables, diagrams) and referenced
within the text.  Some evidence of design process, material selection, manufacturing processes,
budget and cost analysis.  Analysis of the data collected/procedures/results is weak but evident. 
Evaluation has been made on the project with critical self-critical thought but is poor. Some
grammar and spelling mistakes with reasonable presentation order.  Some referencing but not
60-70 – Planning is detailed and clearly thought out.  Justification of the project aims with some
evidence of research into current similar products on the market to show research.  Evidence of
reading beyond the lecture notes where evaluation of the reading has been made. A range of
visual communication methods put to good use and referenced within text.  Evidence of design
process, material selection, manufacturing processes, budget and cost analysis.  Good analysis of
data collected/calculated/results.   Evaluation of the project is critical and balanced and looks to
how the project would move forward.  Potential problems have been evaluated and some
precautions have been put in place to avoid. Technical vocabulary used but some grammar and
spelling mistakes with a presentable report that is easy to follow.  Referencing is correct.
70-80 – Planning is detailed and clearly thought out.  Critical analysis of current products on the
market to show research and justification of project.  Evidence of critical reading of some
literature.  Clear and detailed evidence of design process, material selection, manufacturing
processes, budget and cost analysis.  Good analysis of data collected/calculated/results with a
good range of visual communication methods put to good use and referenced within text.  Critical
evaluation of the project progress and how it would move forward.  Potential problems have been
evaluated and some precautions have been put in place to avoid. Few grammar and spelling
mistakes with a presentable report that is easy to follow. Referencing is correct.  Good use of
80+ Planning is very detailed and clearly thought out. Clear and detailed evidence of design
process, material selection, manufacturing processes, budget and cost analysis. Critical analysis of
current products on the market to show research and justification of project.  Evidence of critical
analysis of a wide range of reading.  In-depth analysis of results collected and calculated, with a
good range of visual communication methods put to good use and referenced within text. Critical
evaluation of the project, methods that were used to complete the project and how it could
progress forward.  Potential problems have been evaluated and precautions have been put in
place to avoid. No grammar and spelling mistakes with a presentable report that is easy to follow.
Referencing is correct.  Good use of appendices.

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