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T C « S C R I P P S T R E A S U R E C O A S T N E W S PA P E R S « Friday, May 6, 2011 « 9A




Obama shows Everchanging

his cool, hard, policies have
tough side us paralyzed
WASHINGTON — Barack When people in Wash-
Obama is not the man ington start creating fancy
many Americans thought new phrases, instead of
he was. This sudden real- using plain English, you
ization has transformed know they are doing some-
American politics. thing they don’t want us to
The sheer audacity of understand.
the successful operation It was an act of war
against Osama bin Laden when we started bombing
has forced Obama’s friends Libya. But the administra-
and foes alike to reassess tion chose to call it “kinet-
what they make of a chief ic military action.” When
executive who defies easy the Federal Reserve Sys-
categorization and reveals tem started creating hun-
less about himself than dreds of billions of dollars
politicians are typically out of thin air, they called
drawn to do. it “quantitative easing” of
Obama is hard to under- the money supply.
stand because he is many When that didn’t work,
things and not just one they created more money
thing. He has now proved and called it “quantitative
that he can be bold at an easing 2” or “QE2,” instead
operational level, even as
he remains cautious at a
philosophical level. His
proclivity to gather facts
and weigh alternatives
Bad news for Arab dictators: of saying: “We are going to
print more dollars — and
hope it works this time.”
But there is already plenty
of money sitting around idle
does not lead automati-
cally, in the venerable
phrase, to the paralysis of
analysis. It can also end in
Bin Laden, scapegoat, is dead in banks and businesses.
The policies of this ad-
ministration make it risky
to lend money, with Wash-
daring action tempered by
prudence — for example,
■ Assad, Gadhafi and the rest have no more excuses; ington politicians coming
up with one reason after
making sure that addition-
al helicopters were avail-
West must support Middle East efforts at democracy another why borrowers
shouldn’t have to pay it
able to our Navy SEALs. back when it is due, or
The president’s rhetoric Here is the big news! ing against Islamic radi- killed in al-Qaida bomb- perhaps not pay it all back
has often emphasized car- Osama bin Laden is cap- calism. ings in Iraq, Afghanistan at all. That’s called “loan
ing, compassion and com- tured, dead and buried in Bin Laden’s al-Qaida or Pakistan. The threat for modification” or various
munity, the language one the sea “according to the has been always a cause all humanity is not Islam other fancy names for
expects from a moderately Islamic traditions.” for their existence: Re- or any other religion; it is welching on debts. Is it sur-
liberal politician. Yet as As a well-educated Mus- ASLI member Gadhafi or Saleh any kind of radicalism, and prising that lenders have
one of his close aides told lim I never heard of such SOZBILIR warning the protesters and radical movements such become reluctant to lend?
me long ago, there is inside a tradition. For thousands the world, “If we leave the as al-Qaida flourish and Private businesses have
a very cool, tough, even of years Muslims are ex- CORRESPONDENT power, al-Qaida will get nourish themselves in un- amassed record amounts
hard man. Obama is not pected to be buried in it.” To some extent they are democratic environments. of cash, which they could
reluctant to use American 24 hours following their However, in the long right, but they always used This symbolic mes- use to hire more people
military power. death, but after a special term, positive consequenc- this excuse for oppression. sage I mentioned above — if this administration
The fact that Obama is funeral prayer on land, not es of this big event may be With the capture of bin may transform into real were not generating vast
not a moralist has led to to the sea. One defense of seen in the Middle East. Laden, the dictators lost consequences if the inter- amounts of uncertainty
many of the frustrations the sea burial — the poten- Bin Laden’s capture can- most of their legitimate national community does about what the costs are
vented about him over tial for a grave to become not be reviewed indepen- basis. The Arab Spring not change its “Democracy going to be for ObamaCare,
the last 27 months. Liber- a symbolic attraction point dently from what is hap- will flourish more freely; Bon Pour L’Orient” under- among other unpredictable
als don’t get why it takes for radicals — is also non- pening in the Arab world. we probably will see a new standing toward the Mus- employer costs, from a gov-
him so long to get around sense, since the Wahhabi After U.S. intervention in scapegoat in a new family lim world. Muslims de- ernment heedless or hos-
to taking on the political school of Islam, of which Iraq, all recent uprisings photo. serve the same democratic tile toward business.
right over the fundamental bin Laden was a follower, demanding democracy The world, of course, is standards as the Western As a result, it is often
purposes of government strongly forbids grave and freedom — called not a safer place as Presi- World. They are trying to cheaper or less risky for
and the requirements of markers and tomb visits. “Arab Spring” — are about dent Barack Obama said build their democracies employers to work the exist-
social justice. Advocates In Wahhabi terms, God to sweep old-fashioned in a very naïve way. Al- with bloody struggles on ing employees overtime, or
of democracy and human is only the agency to pray dictators from the region. Qaida has very organized the Arab streets, and west- to hire temporary workers,
rights ask why he was so for, and building tombs For the last epoch, bin factions everywhere from erners should demand the who are not eligible for em-
slow to invoke the word for regular prayer visits is Laden was one of the char- Yemen to Turkey and its same kind of democracy in ployee benefits. But lack of
“democracy” as a touch- interpreted as competing acters — as the scapegoat leader’s death will not stop Egypt, Libya or Syria that money is not the problem.
stone of his foreign policy, with the “oneness of God.” — in the family photo with them at all. What is impor- flourishes in the West. All this constant experi-
and why he was so guard- If bin Laden were bur- Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, tant in this incident is the If not, it will also pay mentation by the govern-
ed in his initial response to ied according to Wahhabi Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak, symbolic message given to the price. As the Bible says ment makes it more risky
the Arab Spring. tradition, he would have Libya’s Moammar Gadhafi, the world: Finally, the evil (Luke 6:31): “Treat others for investors to invest
Supporters of a muscular a simple grave, located Tunisia’s Zine el Abidine man pays for what he has the same way you want to or employers to employ,
and interventionist Ameri- where only God and U.S. ben Ali, Syria’s Bashar done. be treated.” when neither of them
can foreign policy suspect officials know. Maybe they Assad and Yemen’s Ali As President Obama knows when the govern-
him of believing that the de- wanted God to be the only Abdullah Saleh. stressed in his speech af- Asli Sozbilir is a Turkish journal- ment’s rules of the game
cline of the United States is witness about his current Now, as they are disap- ter the capture; “Bin Laden ist who specializes in minority are going to change again.
unavoidable and of seeing address, but whatever the pearing one by one from was not a Muslim leader; issues and diplomacy. She is Whatever the merits or
himself primarily as a stew- reason is, there will re- the photo, this loss is he was a mass murderer spending three weeks visiting demerits of particular
ard whose task is to manage main questions until pho- another sign of the ending of Muslims.” He is right. Scripps Treasure Coast News- government policies, the
our steady loss of influence. tos of bin Laden’s body are of the last epoch; an epoch At least every week hun- papers through an International uncertainty that such ever-
It is this last claim that released. of secular dictators fight- dreds of people were Center for Journalists program. changing policies generate
took such a profound blow can paralyze an economy
when Obama approved today, just as it did back in
the operation against bin
Laden and chose the riski-
est option involving a face-
Private-prisons lobbyists count more than reality the days of FDR.
The idea that the federal
government has to step in
to-face confrontation with Seven years ago, a prison queasiness about the private by the Florida Center for whenever there is a down-
American commandos — riot exploded in Palm Beach prison industry. Fiscal and Economic Policy turn in the economy is an
on the orders of the presi- County that ought to give Despite bothersome warned, “It is very difficult to economic dogma that ig-
dent of the United States. pause in 2011 to legislators de- problems with overbilling, ensure that a private prison nores much of the history
Obama’s conceptual termined to outsource South corruption, failures of state is in fact seven percent less of the United States.
complexity means that he Florida’s state prisons to pri- FRED oversight (not to mention costly to operate than a com- During the first hundred
rejects the idea that there vate, for-profit corporations. GRIMM rioting girls) that Florida parable public prison. This years of the United States,
are just two alternatives: It took 30 Palm Beach has encountered after ced- is partly due to the fact that there was no Federal Re-
the United States as the County sheriff’s deputies MIAMI HERALD ing seven state prisons and finding a truly comparable serve. During the first one
world’s sole superpower, in riot gear to restore order. 10 percent of its 102,000-in- public prison is a complex hundred and fifty years,
or an America slinking The riotous inmates were not “pent-up levels of energy mate population to private and ultimately impossible the federal government
off into weakness and ir- hardened criminals simmer- and frustration in the girls, contractors, both chambers goal given the diversity of the did not engage in massive
relevance. Binary choices ing in a maximum-security increased violence and defi- of the Legislature were ready inmate population and the intervention when the
are not for him. hellhole but residents of the ance by the girls, resulting in to go even further. The plan nature of the facilities (e.g., economy turned down.
Instead, he sees a world Florida Institute for Girls — more take-downs, potential percolating through the size, age, and architecture) No economic downturn
in which new powers — juvenile offenders reacting to physical and sexual abuse of House would privatize six used to incarcerate them.” in all those years ever lasted
China most obviously, but the 2004-version of this cost- the girls by the staff.” Among more prisons and reception Of course, our legislators as long as the Great Depres-
also India and, someday, cutting plunge into privatiza- other unseemly incidents centers in Broward and Mi- know that they don’t know. sion of the 1930s, when both
Brazil — inevitably rise to tion. chronicled by the grand jury, ami-Dade counties. A more Sen. J.D. Alexander, the Sen- the Federal Reserve and the
challenge American domi- Three months earlier, a employees of the contractor, radical plan in the Senate ate champion of privatiza- administrations of Hoover
nance. The United States’ prescient Palm Beach Coun- Premier Behavioral Solu- would privatize all the De- tion, admitted as much when and of FDR intervened.
task is not to prevent the ty Grand Jury report had tions, had broken the arms of partment of Corrections op- he said that by privatizing an The myth that has
ineluctable emergence of warned the profit-minded two girls during “take-down erations, including 14 more entire region “we could more come down to us says
other strong nations. Its private contractor running operations.” prisons, in the 18 counties definitely answer the ques- that the government had
imperative is to remain an the juvenile prison had cut Privatization wasn’t look- south of Orlando, affecting tion of whether there is cost to intervene when there
enormously powerful force back so much on staff that ing like such a swell idea. the jobs of 4,600 DOC em- savings.” was mass unemployment
fully capable of shaping the it led to a “domino effect.” But the Legislature weighed ployees. They don’t know. So in the 1930s. But the hard
globe’s new arrangements, The report cited “increased the scenario of rioting girls Both plans are based on they’ll use South Florida, data show that there was
defending its interests and number of lockdowns, can- against the roiling mob of an assumption that privatiza- with a legislative delegation no mass unemployment
values, and prospering in cellations of physical and out- private prison lobbyists in the tion will save taxpayers mon- happy to sacrifice a few thou- until after the federal gov-
an ever more competitive door activities, cancellation Capitol hallways. The Her- ey. Maybe so, but nobody sand jobs to political expedi- ernment intervened. Yet,
environment. of educational classes, can- ald’s Scott Hiaasen reported has convincing evidence. ency, as a laboratory. once having intervened, it
And anyone who doubted cellation of various therapy recently that the Florida Re- The state requires the use The inmates driven to was politically impossible
our willingness to project sessions, cancellations of publican Party has received of a private contractor must riot at the Florida Institute to stop and let the econ-
our might as we see fit will volunteer programs, cancel- $1.5 million from the state’s “result in a cost savings to the for Girls would not be the omy recover on its own.
have second thoughts after lations of special activities.” two largest corrections con- state of at least seven percent last guinea pigs in the state’s That was the fundamental
the events in Abbottabad. So many staff reductions tractors and their affiliates over the public provision of a privatization experiment. problem then and now.
and so many cancellations, since 2001. A million and a similar facility.” the report charged, led to half bucks can quell a lot of A report issued last year

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