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Study Guide

Test 1

You will be responsible to know the definitions of the following terms:

A way of learning about the natural world through observations and logical reasoning; leads to a body of
knowledge 1. Science
2. Observing The process of using one more of your senses to gather information
3. Qualitative Observation An observation the deals with character that are not expressed in number
4. Quantitative Observation An observation that deals with a number or amount
5. Inferring The process of making an inference an interpre
6. Predicting say or estimate that (a specified thing) will happen in the future or will be a consequence of something.
7. Chemistry the complex emotional or psychological interaction between two people.
8. Physics the physical properties and phenomena of something.
the diverse ways in9.which
Scientific Inquiry
scientists study the natural world and propose explanations based on the evidence derived from their work.
10. Hypothesis
a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.
11. Variable not consistent or having a fixed pattern; liable to change.
12. Manipulated Variable Variables that cause something to change
13. Responding Variable “responds” to changes you make in an experiment.
14. Controlled Experiment
an experiment in which all the variable factors in an experimental group and a comparison control group are kept the same except
15. Data facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.
16. Communicatingthe imparting or exchanging of information or news.
17. Scientific LawIn general, a scientific law is the description of an observed phenomenon.
18. Scientific Theory
a carefully thought-out explanation for observations of the natural world that has been constructed using the scientific method.
19. Technology
the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry.
20. Brainstorming group discussion to produce ideas or solve problems.
21. Engineera person who designs, builds, or maintains engines, machines, or public works.
22. Constraint a limitation or restriction.
23. Trade-off a balance achieved between two desirable but incompatible features; a compromise.
24. Prototype
a first, typical or preliminary model of something, especially a machine, from which other forms are developed or copied.
25. Troubleshooting solve serious problems for a company or other organization.
26. System a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network.

The vocabulary portion of the test will be matching. It will be exactly the same format as the
vocabulary quizzes you have already taken!
The following is a list of things that you should know how to do, or questions that you should be
able to answer.

1. Explain the difference between qualitative observations and quantitative observations.

2. Be able to identify observations as either quantitative or qualitative. ( Here are a few examples)

a. You observe that the leaves are changing color.

b. You measure your height and find it to be 67 inches

c. You notice that there are a lot of empty seats in class.

3. List, in order, the six steps of the scientific method. (scientific inquiry)

a. Purpose/Question. Ask a question.

b. Research. Conduct background research.

c. Hypothesis. Propose a hypothesis. ...

d. Experiment. Design and perform an experiment to test your hypothesis. ...

Data/Analysis. Record observations and analyze the meaning of the data.

f. Conclusion
A manipulated variable is the independent variable in an experiment. It's called “manipulated” because it's the one you can change. ... The
4. Explain the difference between a manipulated variable and a responding variable.
responding variable or variables is what happens as a result of the experiment (i.e. it's the output variable)
Testing only one variable at a time lets you analyze the results of your experiment to see how much a single change affected the result. If
5. Why does a good experiment test only one variable at a time?
you're testing two variables at a time, you won't be able to tell which variable was responsible for the result.
6. What is the difference between a scientific theory and a scientific law?
Scientific laws and theories have different jobs to do. A scientific law predicts the results of certain initial conditions. ... In contrast, a theory
tries to provide the most logical explanation about why things happen as they do.

7. If you could design a piece of technology to do anything, what would your piece of technology
do and why?
Smartphones are arguably the most useful piece of technology available today because of what they can do. Apps on the smartphone can help
complete everyday tasks and even be used to complete chores from the comfort of one's own home.Whether it's practical (like washing
machines, tumble dryers, refrigerators, cars, flooring materials, windows, or door handles) or for leisure (like televisions, Blu-ray players,
games consoles, reclining chairs, or toys), all these things are examples of technology.
8. What piece of technology has had the greatest impact on your life? Explain how.
Technology also has impacted the environment, people and the society as a whole. Technology has improved Communication,
Transportation, Education & Learning process, Health-Care and many other infrastructure business areas.Technology, which brings together
tools to promote development, use and information exchange, has as its main objective of making tasks easier and the solving of many
problems of mankind. ... The development of new technologies helps to save lives; it improves work and makes the world better.Made nearly
two million years ago, stone tools such as this are the first known technological invention. This chopping tool and others like it are the oldest
objects in the British Museum. It comes from an early human campsite in the bottom layer of deposits in Olduvai Gorge,
Tanzania.Technology brings skills, knowledge, process, technique, and tools together for solving problems of human beings, making their
life secure and easier. Why technology is important today is because technology is driving the world and making the world better.Jan 10, 2021.
Birth control also became widespread during the 20th century. ... Electron microscopes were very powerful by the late 1970s and genetic
theory and knowledge were expanding, leading to developments in genetic engineering.

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