Cover Letter

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DECEMBER 15, 2021

Jacob Jaton
45562 224th St
Nunda, SD 57050

Steering Committee for Senior Endeavor

102 School Street
Rutland, SD 57057

Dear Members of the Steering Committee:

My name is, Jacob Calvin Jaton, I live near Nunda ,SD on my families farm where I’ve
helped my family farm since I was 5 years old. I’ve Attended Rutland School since Kindergarten,
Activities involved in during time at Rutland are the One Act Play, All School Play, Band,
Publications, FFA, served as an FFA officer, Football, Basketball and Track. I’ve been interested
in electrical a lot since I was 5 because there was many instances that I needed to wire something
and didn’t know how.

Previous knowledge and experience I’ve had in this field of work is just wiring up pastures
with electric fence, and holding tools for my dad wiring stuff.

When I was thinking on what is should do for my Senior Endeavor, I was thinking that I
wanted to learn how to wire stuff, because I had so many instances where I need to wire things
and there will be times in my future when I will need to do it as well so I decided I want to intern
with some electrician locally. So I decided to call Josh Olson at Olson electric, he answered and I
told him about the project and he asked a few questions, then I answered them and he said yes he
will be glad to mentor me in the summer. How my research paper ties in with this is my research
paper is about all the different forms of electricity and how we use it in our everyday life.

The purpose of this letter is to inform you about me ad all of the knowledge and experience
I learned over the process of my senior endeavor. My interest I was I wanted to learn how to wire
stuff, because I had so many instances where I need to wire things and there will be times in my
future when I will need to do it as well so I decided I want to intern with some electrician locally.
My research paper ties in with this is my research paper is about all the different forms of
electricity and how we use it in our everyday life.


Jacob Jaton

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