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Unit 11 Grammar 2

France is a country famous for its food.

He's just cooked paella, which he first ate when he was in Valencia.

It's the laptop that I like the best.

She's the person who I most admire.

It's my new work laptop, which I bought in London last week.

Unit 11 Vocabulary 3

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 A small mechanical or technological tool or device is called a...

a. brainwave.
b. gimmick.
c. gadget.

2 A sudden excellent idea is called a...

a. commercial success.
b. drawback.
c. brainwave.

3 If you fail or experience a disadvantage, you suffer a...

a. drawback.
b. breakthrough.
c. brainwave.

4 Something that is intended to draw attention, but isn't very useful, is a...
a. gadget.
b. gimmick.
c. brainwave.

5 A discovery or solution to a problem is a...

a. breakthrough.
b. brainwave.
c. commercial success.
Unit 11 Vocabulary 2

Read the sentences. Select True or False.

1 I'm very interested in alternatival therapies.

True False

2 He likes taking a new and untraditional approach.

True False

3 It was a truly inspirational speech.

True False

4 What an unoriginal idea!

True False

5 I don't agree at all. What you're saying is completely unlogical.

True False
Unit 11 Vocabulary 4

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1 This is a truly cutting-……edge…….. design.

2 We've got a touch-……sensitive…….. lamp in our bedroom.

3 She loves her high-……………….. gadgets.

4 I like this laptop because it's so light………………..

5 These days, most people carry at least one hand ……………. device with them.
Unit 11 Vocabulary 1

Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1 If you have a ………………. , you suddenly have a very good idea.

2 The new design was a great ………………. success. It made millions of pounds.

3 If your new design fails, then you have suffered a ………………….

4 He's what people call an early ………………. He loves having the latest high-tech gadgets.

5 I've had a …………………. ! I've found the solution to the problem I had!
Unit 11 Reading 1

Paragraph 1 Portable technology allows people to bring work home.

Paragraph 2 The pleasure of virtual communication can become addictive.

Paragraph 3 Virtual communication discourages considered decisions.

Paragraph 4 Information overload may improve cognitive skills.

Paragraph 5 Virtual communication worsens real-world communication skills.

Are communication gadgets good for us?

The enormous growth of portable technology over the past three years has sparked fears that
people are becoming either addicted or overwhelmed by gadgets and their applications. One
interesting consequence of this phenomenon has been an apparent erosion of the dividing line
between private life and work. With a handheld device, you can keep in touch with colleagues
and clients 24 hours a day and finish off your messages and reports at any time and in any
place - even while simultaneously having dinner with your family or in front of the TV!

There is no doubt that it is possible to work more efficiently with 24-hour access to your
contacts and information, but experts believe that people's ability to follow processes to make
good decisions is becoming seriously impaired. Email facilitates spontaneous communication
that occurs in real time. Some experts are suggesting that this discourages people from
thinking issues through and from considering different possible outcomes and consequences.
Messages and information can seem to fly in from all directions and people inevitably attempt
to deal with them as quickly as possible. As a result, it can become very difficult to focus
exclusively on a single matter that may require quality attention. Experts suggest that multi-
tasking is not a natural skill and that people need time for considered consultation if they are
to deal with complex activities effectively.

Another argument levelled against technology and communication aids such as texting and
emails is that they reduce a person's ability to have more important face-to-face
conversations. For example, some studies show that today's technology-literate children are
developing increasingly poor speaking skills such as the interpretation of facial gestures. Even
more seriously, some children experience problems bonding with others, preferring a more
abstract social life online. Other studies suggest that children are becoming less capable at
deep processing of long and complex texts, with reduced concentration spans compared to
previous generations.

A growing concern about information and technology overload was highlighted at the LIFT 07
technology conference in Geneva. Conference participants recognised that there was a high
price to be paid for 'always-on' communication, where the line between work and play has
become blurred. Other evidence presented at the conference, however, suggested that it is
actually beneficial to be bombarded with information from all directions. For example, some
studies have shown that information overload enhances cognitive ability.

Addiction to portable gadgets is becoming a reality for some people. Scientific studies have
shown that a small amount of dopamine is released in the body each time one receives a text
or email, creating a sense of satisfaction and pleasure. Nevertheless, it can have all the
negative effects of any addiction. If you find yourself using your portable gadgets at meal
times, in the cinema or in bed, then it's possible you're addicted. As with any other addiction, if
it consumes more of your time and energy than you spend with friends or family, it is likely a
problem. While our communication gadgets bring us enormous benefits, each one of us has to
take responsibility for stopping them taking over our lives.
Unit 11 Listening 1

1 According to Caz, CKW4 will potentially outsell Lady Gaga and any Hollywood blockbuster
this year.

True False

2 Each version of the game features different characters.

True False

3 The latest version of the game is set in Asia if you are playing in multi-player mode.

True False

4 The quality of the graphics in CKW4 is almost like 'photorealism,' according to Caz.

True False

5 There are extra missions and locations available for players playing in multi-player mode.

True False
Unit 11 Grammar 4

Read the sentences. Select Correct or Incorrect.

1 The gadget was such a gimmick.

True False

2 I have such few ideas at the moment.

True False

3 She's such an inspiring manager.

True False

4 He's never made so errors before.

True False

5 There's so little time to finish my project.

True False
Unit 11 Grammar 1

Read the sentences. Select Correct or Incorrect.

1 It's a handheld device, has a cutting-edge design.

Correct Incorrect

2 Last night, I saw Martha, who used to be my daughter's guitar teacher.

Correct Incorrect

3 He had a brainwave who was critically important to the future success of the business.

Correct Incorrect

4 It's a car that has all the latest technology.

Correct Incorrect

5 It's the breakthrough everyone's been waiting for.

Correct Incorrect
Unit 11 Grammar 3

Complete the sentences with so or such.

1 It's ……………………. a wonderful breakthrough!

2 I have ………………. much work to finish before I go on holiday.

3 Have you ever seen …………………….. a beautiful sunset?

4 She speaks …………………… quickly, it can be hard to understand her sometimes!

5 There are …………………. few flowering plants here in winter.

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