Brand Image

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Brand image:
The term "luxury" refers to a certain way of life and reputation (Pio et al., 2021) for these
reasons, companies spend a lot of money to establish a powerful brand name, a memorable logo,
and a clear and good image of their customers. Businesses all over the world strive to create and
strengthen their brand image through different techniques which includes offering quality
products, affordable or low prices, giving different incentives etc.

Brand image refer to a customer's feelings and thoughts on a product (Lane, 1991). It can also be
described as a distinctive set of activities that aids the brand in producing the perception in the
minds of the customers. It is the customer’s attitude and behavior towards the brand that shows
the standing of the brand in the minds of the customers (Bian & Moutinho, 2011). It can be either
positive, resulting in a large number of customers, strong customer relationship and loyalty or
maybe negative which is detrimental in terms of customer retention and repeat purchases. So the
businesses spend a significant amount of money on advertising in order to maintain their brand
image because it is one of the most important tools to shape customer perception and changing
their buying patterns.

Literature review:
"Brand Image" has been a key concept in customer behavior research since the 1950s (Ayesha,
2015). The brand image is a mirror image of the company's personality (Aaker, 1996).
Consumers place a high value on brands and associate their status with various brands. They
have distinct opinions on brands and expect higher quality from them. If a brand meets
consumer's need over time, the customer becomes loyal to the brand and develops a long-term
relationship with it. (Ayesha, 2015) suggests that brand image has a positive and significant
impact on customer purchasing behavior. The study included two independent variables (Brand
Image and Consumer Awareness), one mediating variable (Consumer Perception), and one
dependent variable (Consumer Purchasing Behavior). The sample size for this study was 155
people, and the target audience included both men and women. The data's reliability was
determined using Chronbach's alpha value. With the use of SPSS software, descriptive statistics
and inferential statistics (regression, correlation, and independent sample t-test) were applied.
After computing the variables, the independent sample T-test was used for the comparative
investigation. Alternative Hypothesis is supported by empirical evidence thus proving the
significant impact of brand image on consumer buying behavior.

(Išoraitė, 2018) examines a brand's image, as well as brand value assessment methodologies,
brand value, and benefits. A brand is a word or phrase that identifies and distinguishes things that
belong to one person from those that belong to another. A brand is one of the marketing and
advertising factors. The producer or trader profits greatly from a high-quality brand. A brand
name can be made up of both a name and a symbol. The article examines a number of brand
value evaluation models, including the capital market-oriented brand value model, Aaker's brand
value model, and the Inter-brand Brand Assessment Methodology, all of which aid in the
evaluation of brand value and utility.

Another study was conducted to look at the impact of brand image on consumer purchase
behavior, (Ahmed, 2021) suggested brand image as one of the most important variables in
engaging with customers and influencing their purchasing decisions. Because it plays such an
important part in marketing activities, the concept of brand image attracts a lot of attention from
practitioners. The notion of brand image and customers purchasing behaviors were examined in
this study, and extant studies about brand image impacts on customers from the perspective of
customer equity were reviewed based on the theory and model of brand image. This study also
discovered a link between brand image and brand equity, as well as a link between brand image
and customer buying behavior. In order to quantify the findings and discuss them, this study
design used an inductive technique. Furthermore, the research technique was discussed. In this
study, the survey approach was employed to collect secondary and primary data. Both qualitative
data analysis and quantitative data collection were employed. The findings and discussion were
about the impact of brand image on consumer purchase behavior in Lidl, Sweden. Brand image
factors and how they aid the company influence customer purchasing behavior were discussed.
In addition, the study examined the impact of Lidl's brand image on its customers, as well as the
various campaigns, promotional, and marketing strategies employed by Lidl to strengthen their
brand image. The company's tendency has been to focus on product innovation with
environmentally friendly items in order to retain sustainability.
Ahmed, M. (2021). An analysis of the Impact of Brand Image on Consumer Purchase Behavior:
The case of Lidl, Sweden.

Ayesha, H. R. (2015). Impact of brand image on consumer buying behaviour in clothing sector; a
coparative study between male and females of central punjab (lahore and southern multan,
hafizabad. Kuwait Chapter of Arabian Journal of Business and Management Review, 4(9),

Bian, X., & Moutinho, L. (2011). The role of brand image, product involvement, and knowledge
in explaining consumer purchase behaviour of counterfeits: Direct and indirect effects.
European Journal of Marketing, 45(1), 191–216.

D. A. Aaker, “Building Strong Brands,” Free Press, New York, 1996.

Išoraitė, M. (2018). Brand Image Theoretical Aspects. Integrated Journal of Business and
Economics, 2(1), 116.

Lane, K. (1991). Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity.

Working Papers (Faculty) -- Stanford Graduate School of Business, 46p.

Pio, L., Cavaliere, L., Effendy, F., Indonesia, U. P., Rajest, S., & Rajan, R. (2021). The impact of
brand counterfeiting on consumer buying behaviour in the fashion sector. Turkish Journal
of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, October, 19831–19847.

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