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Electricity and Magnetism

Sample Final Examination – Winter 2021
Duration: 2 Hours

Instructors: XXXXXXXX

NAME (PRINT) ___________________________

STUDENT No. ___________________________

INSTRUCTOR ___________________________

This exam is made up of two sections: Section A, consisting of 15 multiple choice questions worth 1 mark each and
Section B, consisting of long answer problems worth a total of 50 marks. Some problems in Section B consist of several
parts. This exam is worth 30% of your course grade.

This exam is provided as a sample exam in winter 2021.
1. You will find a list of equations and constants on the last page of this exam booklet. THE EQUATION PAGE MAY
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2. The problems in Section

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Multiple Section B
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
[15] [4] [9] [7] [9] [8] [2] [7] [4]

Physics NYB Sample Final Exam: Winter 2021 Page 2 of 16

Section A: Multiple Choice

1. The semi-circular loop has positive charge +Q uniformly distributed over the left half and an equal
amount of negative charge –Q uniformly distributed over the right half. Which arrow indicates the
direction of the electric field at point P, which is at the exact centre of the semi-circle?

2. An electron is released from rest at point B, where the potential is 0 V. The electron:

- 100 V 0V + 100 V
a) moves toward A with an increasing speed
b) moves toward A with a steady speed
c) remains at rest A B C
d) moves toward C with a steady speed
e) moves toward C with an increasing speed

3. Consider the following diagram showing equipotential lines. At which point is the electric field the
-7.0 V -8.0 V -9.0 V
a) A
b) B -10.0 V
c) C
d) D -11.0 V
e) Cannot be determined. C

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4. Two light bulbs, A and B, are connected in series with a battery. Light bulb A is brighter than light
bulb B. Which circuit component has the largest current?

a) A has the largest current

b) B has the largest current
c) The battery has the largest current
d) The current is the same everywhere
e) Not enough information to tell Light A Light B
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5. Two charged blocks of mass m sit at rest on an insulating surface. The blocks don’t touch each other
and they are unable to slide due to friction. One block has a charge +3Q while the other has a charge
–Q. Which diagram best represents the Free Body Diagrams of the two blocks? (All force vectors are
drawn to scale, FE = Coulomb’s electro-static force; Ff is force due to friction, FN is the Normal Force)

(a) FN FN

+3Q -Q

mg mg
(b) FN FN

+3Q -Q

mg mg

+3Q -Q

mg mg
(d) FN FN

+3Q -Q

mg mg


+3Q -Q

mg mg
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6. A negatively charged rod is brought near to, but not touching, an uncharged metal sphere which is
insulated from the ground (A). A switch connecting the sphere to the ground is closed (B), and then
opened (C). Then the rod is removed.

Which of the following resulted?

a) Negative charges flowed from the ground into the sphere, leaving the sphere negatively charged.
b) Negative charges flowed from the sphere into the ground, leaving the sphere positively charged.
c) Positive charges flowed from the sphere into the ground, leaving the sphere negatively charged.
d) Positive charges flowed from the ground into the sphere, leaving the sphere positively charged.
e) The sphere remained neutral throughout.

7. You apply a potential difference V to a wire, causing a current to flow through it. Next, the wire is cut
in half. The same potential difference V is applied to it. Compare the current in the shortened wire
with the current flowing through the original wire.

a) Inew = 4 Ioriginal
b) Inew = 2 Ioriginal Ioriginal
c) Inew = Ioriginal V
d) Inew = ½ Ioriginal
e) Inew = ¼ Ioriginal

8. For the capacitor shown, the potential difference Vab between

points a and b is:

a) 8V
b) 8sin30o V
c) 8tan30o V
d) 8cos30o V
e) 8 / sin 30o V
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9. A magnetic field exerts a force on a charged particle:

a) always
b) never
c) if the particle is moving across the magnetic field lines
d) if the particle is moving along the magnetic field lines
e) if the particle is at rest

10. Rank in order, from largest to smallest, the currents I1 to I3.

a) I1 > I2 > I 3
b) I2 > I3 > I 1
c) I3 > I1 > I 2
d) I1 > I3 > I 2
e) I2 > I1 > I 3

11. A capacitor, initially uncharged, is connected in series with a battery, a

switch, and a resistor. At time t = 0 the switch is closed. Which of the
following curves best represents the current flowing through the resistor
as a function of time?
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12. A uniform magnetic field is directed into the page. A charged particle,
moving in the plane of the page, follows a clockwise spiral of
decreasing radius as shown. A reasonable explanation is:

a) the charge is positive and the B field is increasing

b) the charge is negative and the B field is decreasing
c) the charge is positive and the B field is decreasing
d) the charge is negative and the B field is increasing
e) the particle is neutral and slowing down

13. An electron is travelling toward the bottom of the page. At

the instant shown, it experiences a magnetic force to the left. e
What is the direction of the magnetic field? -
a) left
b) toward the top of the page v
c) toward the bottom of the page
d) into the page
e) out of the page

14. The figure shows two very long parallel current carrying wires. The wire on the right carries three
times more current than the wire on the left. The diagrams show end views on the wires and the
resultant force vectors due to current flow in each wire. Which diagram best represents the magnetic
force on each wire?

I 3I

I 3I

I 3I

I 3I

I 3I e)
I 3I
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15. A thin circular, conducting loop, in the plane of the page, is placed in a uniform magnetic field pointing
perpendicularly out of the page, as shown. As the radius r of the loop decreases, which answer best
describes something that happens to the loop (other than it simply gets smaller)?

a) Nothing.
b) A clockwise current is established in the loop.
c) A counter-clockwise current is established in the loop.
d) There is a net torque exerted on the loop causing it to rotate counter-clockwise.
e) There is a net force exerted on the loop to the right.
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Section B: Problems

1. Three identical metallic spheres are held in the

positions shown in the diagram. Sphere one is
at the origin and sphere two is on the x-axis at x
= 6.0 cm. Both have the same charge: q1 = q2
= 4.80 C. Sphere three is at position (3.0, 4.0)
cm and has a charge of q3 = -1.20 C.

What is the total force exerted on q2 by the other

two charges? Express your answer in unit vector
notation ( 𝑖̂, 𝑗̂, 𝑘̂ ). [4]
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2. A Helium nucleus has two protons which are separated by a space of 1.00 × 10-15 meters.
(It also has two neutrons, but for the purposes of this question, you may ignore the neutrons.)

a) Sketch the electric field (at least eight lines) in and around this nucleus. [2]

1.00 x 10-15 m

b) Calculate the electric potential at the centre of the nucleus. [3]

c) If these two protons were suddenly allowed to break free and move away from each other, what is
their maximum velocity once they get “far away” from one another (assuming they start at rest) ?
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3. You have two parallel conducting plates which are 20.0 cm long and ΔV = 64.0 V
separated by a distance of 10.0 cm, as shown. The potential difference
between the plates is 64.0 V. At the instant shown, an electron is 6.80
cm from the left plate moving with a speed of v = 4.50  106 m/s towards
the left plate. The electron is speeding up.

(a) What is the speed of the electron just as it hits the left plate? [4] 20.0 cm

6.80 cm

10.0 cm

(b) If the potential of the left plate is 20.0 V, what is the potential of the right plate? [1]

ΔV = 64.0 V

(c) A different electron, moving with the same initial speed, enters the space
between the two plates 6.80 cm from the left plate. The trajectory of the
electron is shown, and it just misses the edge of the left plate as it exits the
field. How much kinetic energy did that second electron gain as it passed
through the field? (Note: You don’t need any other information to solve this
question.) [2]

6.80 cm

10.0 cm
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4. Consider the following circuit which contains two ideal

batteries, one with an EMF of 7.00 V and the other 3.00
V. They are connected to a collection of resistors, as
shown, and two ammeters. The reading on ammeter A1 is
0.500 A.

a) What is the resistance of the unknown resistor R?


b) What is the reading on the second ammeter A2? [3]

c) What is the direction of the current in the 12.0  resistor? [1]

O Left to right
O Right to left

d) At what rate is the energy dissipated by one of the 8.00  resistors? [2]
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5. In the circuit shown the capacitors are allowed to be fully charged using the power supply V.

a) Determine the equivalent capacitance of the system. [3]

b) If the charge on C1 is Q1 = 50.0 µC, determine the charge on capacitor #4 (C4). [5]
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6. A capacitor is composed of two flat sheets of copper, between which there is a glass dielectric. The
capacitor is connected to a battery at all times. If the gap between the two copper plates does not change,
explain what happens to the energy stored on the capacitor as the glass dielectric is removed. (Be brief,
about two sentences / about 25 words) [2]

7. The figure below shows a long straight wire carrying 2.00 A of current in the direction shown. Point C
is 1.40 m below the wire.

(a) What is the direction of the magnetic field at point C? _________________________ [1]

( )
An electron has a velocity of v = 4.20iˆ + 6.40 ˆj × 10 m/s at the instant it is at point C.

(b) On the diagram, sketch vectors which indicate the velocity of the electron and the magnetic force on it
at the instant it is at point C. [2]

(c) Find the force acting on the electron at point C. Leave your answer in iˆ, ˆj, kˆ notation. [4]
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8. You have both a solenoid and a coil, each generating their own magnetic field. Further, both the
solenoid and the coil are concentric (they have the same centers). Here are some data that might be

Solenoid Coil
Overall Length: 25 cm Diameter: 20 cm
Diameter: 5.0 cm Number of turns: 42
Number of turns: 300 Resistance: 1.5 Ω
Current: 1.2 A Power supply connected to coil: 9.0 V

The current in the solenoid flows clockwise while the current in the coil flows counterclockwise, as



Front View Side View

Calculate the net magnetic field at point H (the center of the solenoid and coil). [4]
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Multiple choice questions
1. b. 4. d. 7. b. 10. a. 13. d.
2. e. 5. a. 8. a. 11. c. 14. a.
3. d 6. b. 9. c. 12. d. 15. c.

Problem 1 a) 𝐹⃗𝑛𝑒𝑡 2 = (45.2𝑖̂ + 16.6𝑗̂)𝑁 Problem 6.
The capacitance decreases, but the voltage
Problem 2 across the capacitor stays the same.
Therefore, the energy on the capacitor

Problem 7.
a) out of the page

b) 5.76106V
c) 1.17 107m/s
Problem 3
c) 𝐹⃗𝐵 = (−2.93𝑖̂ + 1.92𝑗̂) × 10−19 𝑁
a) v=5.96106m/s
b) -44V
Problem 8
c) -U=K=6.9610-18J
𝐵⃗⃗𝑠𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑛𝑜𝑖𝑑 = −1.809 𝑘̂ 𝑚𝑇 (⨂)
Problem 4 𝐵⃗⃗𝑐𝑜𝑖𝑙 = 1.583 𝑘̂ 𝑚𝑇 (⊙)
a) R=9.00  𝐵⃗⃗𝑛𝑒𝑡 = −0.227 𝑘̂ 𝑚𝑇 (⨂)
b) 0.250 A
c) Right to left
d) 0.125W

Problem 5
a) 6.29 F
b) 35.0 C

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