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Letting workers go -- whether you're laying off a single worker or conducting a large layoff -- is one of the toughest

tasks managers face. And because of the emotional stakes involved, it's also one of the tasks most likely to land a
company in legal trouble. To ease the pain and avoid the courtroom, consider the decision carefully.

Laying off an employee is different from firing an employee. "Firing" means letting a worker go for any reason,
whereas a "layoff" refers to an employment termination based on economics, usually involving more than one worker.
(For information on firing, see Nolo's article Firing Employees FAQ.)

If layoffs are under consideration at your company, you need to make two decisions:

 Is it in your company's best interest to do a layoff?

 Who should your company lay off?

Though making the decision to let someone go is rarely easy, this article can help you feel confident you've made the
best of a bad situation. (If you've already considered the below factors and feel a layoff is right for your business, read
Nolo's article  How to Conduct a Layoff.)

Deciding to Do a Layoff

Companies that consider layoffs are usually trying to cut costs in order to dig the company out of a hole or make it
more profitable. But keep in mind that layoffs can be costly in other ways. For example, the company may have to
pay severance packages, remaining workers' productivity and morale may decline, and the company might even
be faced with a lawsuit, depending on how the layoff is conducted.

Given the risks, companies should carefully consider whether they really need to conduct layoffs and whether they
can do so legally.

Consider Alternatives to Layoffs

In some cases, less painful alternatives can do the trick. These might include:

 a freeze on hiring, promotions, or pay raises

 a freeze on filling positions left vacant when employees leave voluntarily
 cutting other costs
 pay cuts
 asking employees to take time off or reduce their hours
 reducing authorized overtime, or
 providing voluntary termination incentives to allow employees to decide whether to quit in exchange for a
package of benefits.

Even if implementing these strategies won't eliminate the need for layoffs, by considering and perhaps implementing
some of these alternatives before laying workers off, fewer workers will question whether the layoff was truly

Avoid Legal Problems

If you've considered the alternatives and a layoff is still your best option, make sure you are on solid legal ground
before you do anything. In order to avoid legal trouble, do the following:

Have a legitimate business reason. Your company should have valid, business-related reasons for the layoff.
Otherwise, you invite lawsuits from disgruntled employees.  A decrease in sales, loss of a credit line, or overstaffing
are legitimate reasons for a layoff; trying to get rid of older workers or punishing union supporters are not.

Check written personnel policies. Some companies lay down their own specific rules as to when, and how, the
company may conduct a layoff. Know the rules and follow them.

Review actual policies and past practices. Even if your company doesn't have written policies regarding layoffs, it
may have established a company policy by actions or statements. For example, if a company has always paid
severance to workers it laid off in the past, it may have to do so now.

Check employment contracts. If a worker has an employment contract with the company, check it carefully to make
sure you can lay off the worker for economic reasons. The contract also might require severance.

Review collective bargaining agreements. If the workplace is unionized, check the collective bargaining agreement
for any limits or rules on laying off workers.

  Consider offering severance or other termination benefits. Even if the company is not required to offer
severance or other termination benefits, consider doing so anyway. It's a good way to show laid off employees,
retained employees, and the general public, that the company values the workers' contributions and is concerned for
their welfare.  

Deciding Who to Lay Off

Once your company has decided that layoffs are necessary, it's time to figure out who gets the axe. If the company is
getting rid of an entire department or outsourcing particular work tasks, the answer will be obvious.

However, if you need to make cuts across the board or reduce staff in some areas, you will have tough decisions to
make. Following the steps outlined below can help you make the best layoff decisions for your business:

1. Decide what the company will need going forward. Before deciding whom to cut, the company will have to think
about its future direction. Is the company shrinking in some areas and expanding in others? Is the corporate focus
shifting? What are the essential positions that must be kept for this plan to succeed?

2. Figure out which departments or positions will be cut. Now that you know your company's goals, you will be
able to figure out which areas need to be scaled back. For example, if the company is cutting back on direct sales to
focus more attention on research and development, the sales department can be safely targeted for cuts. At this
point, you should focus on jobs and positions, not on individual workers.
3. Establish the criteria for layoff decisions. Once you have a sense of what skills the company will need going
forward, you can decide how to select workers for layoff. The safest course, legally, is to use objective criteria like
seniority, productivity, or sales numbers. If you will consider subjective qualities like quality of work, willingness to
learn new tasks, or communication skills, make sure everyone applies these criteria consistently.

4. Make a list. After the criteria are set, apply them to the workers in the targeted departments to come up with an
initial layoff list. Some companies rate how well each worker meets the layoff criteria, then weed out those with the
lowest scores.

5. Check it twice. Once the initial list is finished, look it over for potential problems. Make sure your layoff plan
doesn't discriminate (or appear to discriminate) for an illegal reason such as race, age, or gender. For example, if you
lay off the workers on your list, will the company be getting rid of a disproportionate number of women or minority
workers? Normally, where you first identify job slots that you can eliminate and then cut the people occupying those
slots, you'll have little to worry about, because you'll end up laying off people of different ages, genders, race, and so
on. But if after making your list, you find that most people on it are, say, women over 40, rethink your plan or talk to
an employment lawyer. (You can find an attorney in the Employment & Labor Relations area of Nolo's Lawyer

6. Keep enough people to do the work. It's essential that you do a reality check and make sure the workers who
are left will be able to do the work that remains. Workers you don't lay off will quickly begin searching for new jobs if
they are asked to do twice as much work.

To learn more about conducting layoffs, get the The Manager's Legal Handbook, by Lisa Guerin and Amy DelPo
(Nolo). This handy guide covers hiring, firing, and everything in between.

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