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Dual-Task Methodology:
Applications in Studies of
Cognitive and Motor Performance
in Adults and Children
Hsiang-Ju Huang, BS, PT and Vicki Stemmons Mercer, PhD, PT
Division of Physical Therapy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC

Purpose: The purpose of this article is to review the literature related to the application of dual-task method-
ology in adults and children, particularly in the areas of gait and postural stability. Summary of Key Points: The
interaction between cognitive factors and motor performance recently has received considerable attention in
physical therapy research. Researchers often use dual-task methodology to investigate the attentional de-
mands of motor tasks or the effects of concurrent tasks on motor performance. The attentional demands of a
task and the interference effects of concurrent tasks are influenced by a number of factors, including the
performer’s age, level of skill, and the nature of the tasks involved. Even highly practiced activities, such as
walking and postural control, are attention-demanding, especially in individuals with impairments.
Conclusions: An understanding of how attentional demands and other cognitive factors influence motor
performance may be helpful to physical therapists in structuring intervention activities and in identifying
children who have particular difficulty under dual-task conditions. By modifying both cognitive and motor task
demands, therapists can tailor their interventions to provide appropriate challenges for children at different
skill levels. (Pediatr Phys Ther 2001;13:133–140) Key words: child, adult, attention, motor skills, psychomotor

INTRODUCTION background noise, obstacles, and distracting visual and au-

Researchers suggest that improved performance of ditory stimuli.5 In addition, children may encounter situa-
language, social, and behavioral skills in clinical settings tions in their everyday lives in which they must perform
does not necessarily transfer to performance during daily cognitive and motor tasks simultaneously. Because motor
activities in other settings.1–3 This lack of generalization performance is the result of an interaction among cogni-
also may hold true for the types of motor skills that are the tive, perceptual, mechanical, and neurologic mechanisms,7
focus of physical therapy intervention.4 – 6 A child with ce- the role of cognitive factors should be considered in phys-
rebral palsy (CP) may walk successfully in the clinical set- ical therapy assessment and intervention.5– 8 Cognitive fac-
ting, for example, but have difficulty walking at school or tors that may be important for motor performance include
on the playground. Differences in the cognitive and per- arousal, attention, memory, motivation, and judgement.9
ceptual demands of different settings may contribute to the In this article, the role of attention as it relates to motor
lack of carryover. Most environments are characterized by performance is considered.
An important research paradigm for the study of at-
tentional processes is the dual-task paradigm.10,11 In dual-
task paradigms, individuals are asked to perform two tasks
0898-5669/01/1303-0133 simultaneously. Dual-task paradigms typically are used for
Pediatric Physical Therapy
Copyright © 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
two different purposes.10 One is to investigate the atten-
tional demands of a motor task and the other is to examine
Address correspondence to: Dr. Vicki Stemmons Mercer, Division of the effects of concurrent cognitive or motor tasks on motor
Physical Therapy, Department of Allied Health Sciences, CB# 7135, Med- performance. The latter is sometimes referred to as a di-
ical School Wing E, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, NC
27599-7135. Email:
vided attention or “time-sharing” paradigm. Researchers
have used both types of dual-task methodology to examine

Pediatric Physical Therapy Dual-Task Methodology 133

the influence of attention on gait and balance among vari- primary task B requires a larger proportion of the process-
ous age groups, subject populations, and types of concur- ing capacity than primary task A. Consequently, secondary
rent tasks.12–23 task performance should be worse when the secondary task
Most dual-task studies of children have been focused is paired with task B than with task A.
on developmental differences in specific cognitive When the dual-task paradigm is used to assess atten-
skills.24 –28 Although the development of cognitive pro- tional demands, individuals usually are instructed to main-
cesses is of interest to physical therapists, research related tain a given level of performance on the primary task under
to the effects of concurrent cognitive or motor tasks on dual-task conditions. Provided that primary task perfor-
motor performance may be of even greater relevance. Re- mance is maintained at baseline level under dual-task con-
sults of studies using the divided attention paradigm pro- ditions, any change in the performance of the secondary
vide insight into the changes in performance that may be task relative to baseline is taken as an indicator of the at-
expected when children are required to do two things at tentional demands of the primary task. When the demands
once. Increased understanding of the effects of divided at- of the concurrent tasks exceed the available processing
tention on motor performance may assist physical thera- capacity, deterioration in performance of one or both tasks
pists in incorporating attentional factors into their exami- is expected.10
nation and intervention techniques. Researchers have raised several concerns related to
This review of literature begins with an overview of the use of this paradigm.10,26 One is the potential for sub-
dual-task methodology, including background informa- jects to sacrifice primary task performance to execute the
tion on its use in research with adults. This overview is secondary task. In this case, the attention demand of the
followed by a description of the application of dual-task primary task cannot be estimated. Although researchers
methodology in pediatrics, focusing on effects of concur- attempt to minimize this problem by instructing subjects
rent cognitive tasks on children’s motor performance. Fi- to focus on the primary task, subjects may switch attention
nally, clinical implications and suggestions for future stud- between tasks or use other strategies that may not be easily
ies are discussed. identified or assessed.
DUAL-TASK METHODOLOGY Another concern relates to the assumption of a fixed
or limited central processing capacity. Some authors have
Attentional Demands of Specific Tasks argued that the capacity for attention can change with
As noted above, dual-task methodology can be used in changes in task requirements,29 whereas others have sug-
research to assess the attentional demands of a specific gested that central processing depends on multiple re-
motor task, termed the primary task. This primary task is sources rather than on a single resource.30 Different inde-
the main focus of this type of study. The assumptions of pendent resource pools have been postulated as a function
this paradigm are that central processing capacity is limited of different modalities of stimulus input and different re-
and that the capacity must be divided between the two sponse modes.26 According to multiple resource theories,
concurrent tasks in various ways, depending on the strat- dual-task costs should occur only to the extent that two
egy the subject chooses. Performance of the primary task is tasks tap into the same resources.26,30
assumed to require some proportion of the limited process- Kahneman29 noted that, for certain combinations of
ing capacity. The more demanding the primary task, the tasks, interference may be purely structural in nature.
greater the proportion of the performer’s limited process- Structural interference is considered to arise whenever
ing capacity that must be allocated to maintain an accept- concurrent tasks compete for identical input or output
able level of performance. Secondary task performance is pathways. For example, structural interference would be
considered a direct reflection of the absolute quantity of likely to occur if subjects were asked to produce reaction-
residual processing capacity.10 In Figure 1, for example, time responses to visual stimuli while simultaneously us-
ing a visual target to decrease their postural sway in stand-
ing. In the absence of any apparent structural effects,
interference may be attributed to capacity effects. Capacity
interference is thought to reflect a true overload of central
processing capacity.
Researchers have used the dual-task paradigm to
study the attentional demands of maintaining an upright
posture. Lajoie et al16 examined the attentional demands of
sitting, standing, and walking in young adults between the
ages of 20 and 30 years. Subjects performed four tasks: 1) a
baseline or control sitting condition, 2) standing upright
with a broad base of support, 3) standing upright with a
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the attentional demands of
narrow base of support, and 4) walking at the subject’s
two different primary tasks, A and B. Less residual processing preferred speed. The secondary task was an auditory reac-
capacity is available during the performance of task B. tion-time task that required a verbal response and thus was

134 Huang and Stemmons Mercer Pediatric Physical Therapy

unlikely to produce structural interference with the pos- the findings to patient populations. Another limitation was
tural tasks. The researchers measured changes in reaction that a 6.1-meter line was taped to the floor and subjects
times under the dual-task conditions as indicators of the were instructed to either place one foot on each side of the
attentional demands of the standing and walking tasks. line or place the right foot on the line while proceeding
Results of the Lajoie et al16 experiment are illustrated along the walkway. These instructions may well have al-
in Figure 2. Reaction times were shorter for the sitting task tered the subjects’ natural gait patterns and the attentional
than for the standing and walking tasks, and reaction times demands of the walking tasks.
for both standing tasks were shorter than for the walking Bardy and Laurent31 reported that differences in the
task. Reaction times also were shorter during double-sup- size of a visual target affected the cognitive processing de-
port than during single-support phases of walking. No dif- mands of walking in adults. Walking toward a small target
ferences were found between reaction times during stand- resulted in a larger increase in reaction time on the second-
ing with a broad base of support and standing with a ary task than walking toward a large target. In addition, the
narrow base of support. reaction times increased sooner for the smaller target. In-
Lajoie et al16 interpreted their results as indicating that terpretation of these results is complicated by the finding
attentional demands increase as the balance requirements that the primary (walking) task performance was altered by
of a task increase. Although they provided evidence that the addition of the secondary task. Subjects began deceler-
the addition of the probe reaction-time task did not affect ating earlier when approaching the small target under du-
the gait pattern of their subjects, they had no baseline (sin- al-task as compared with single-task conditions. Conse-
gle-task) measurements of performance on the standing quently, we cannot conclude with certainty that the larger
tasks. Consequently, we cannot assume that performance and earlier increases in reaction time when walking toward
of these postural tasks was unchanged from baseline and the small target represented greater attentional demands
that the differences in reaction times under dual-task con- for this task compared with walking toward a large target.
ditions were truly indicative of differences in the atten- In general, studies of the attentional demands of var-
tional demands of the tasks. ious motor tasks have been limited because of small sample
Wright and Kemp22 and Bardy and Laurent31 studied sizes (n ⫽ 6, 10, and 11 for Lajoie et al,16 Wright and
the attentional demands of walking under various environ- Kemp,22 and Bardy and Laurent,31 respectively) and by the
mental conditions in adults. In both studies, the research- assumption of a single, fixed attentional capacity. In the
ers instructed the subjects to give priority to the walking final analysis, knowledge of the attentional demands of
task. Wright and Kemp22 compared the attentional de- particular tasks may not be as important to physical thera-
mands of walking with a standard walker and a rolling pists as information about patterns of interference between
walker. Subjects performed a secondary reaction-time task different tasks and the strategies that subjects use under
that included an auditory stimulus and a vocal response. dual-task conditions. The divided attention or time-shar-
The reaction time data indicated that walking with a stan- ing paradigm described below is used to examine these
dard walker was more attention-demanding than walking interference effects.
with a rolling walker or walking without an assistive de-
vice. One limitation of this study was that the subjects were
young- to middle-aged adults with no apparent physical or Effects of Divided Attention on Motor
cognitive dysfunction, thus preventing generalization of Performance
When dual-task methodology is used to investigate
the effects of divided attention, subjects typically are in-
structed to give equal priority to primary and secondary
task performance. Several researchers have chosen pos-
tural control tasks as primary tasks.18,32–34 Maylor and
Wing18 investigated the interference between five different
cognitive secondary tasks and postural stability in older
and younger adults. The five cognitive tasks were selected
according to the involvement of a working memory com-
ponent: random digit generation, Brooks’ spatial memory
task,35 backward digit recall, silent counting, and counting
backward by threes. Age differences in postural stability
were significantly increased under dual-task compared
with single-task conditions for Brooks’ spatial memory task
and backward digit recall. Both of these tasks theoretically
involve use of the visuospatial sketchpad, described by
Fig. 2. Diagrammatic representation of the results of the study by Baddeley36 as a component of working memory responsible
Lajoie et al.16 RTsit ⫽ auditory reaction time during sitting; RTwb ⫽
auditory reaction time during standing with a wide base of sup- for structuring and manipulating visuospatial images.
port; RTnb ⫽ auditory reaction time during standing with a narrow Maylor and Wing18 concluded that age differences in pos-
base of support; RTwalk ⫽ auditory reaction time during walking. tural stability are increased only when the visuospatial

Pediatric Physical Therapy Dual-Task Methodology 135

sketchpad is used, not simply when overall attentional de- ing. In the modified Stroop test, subjects were presented
mands increase. with color names printed in different colors of ink. The
Along similar lines, Shumway-Cook and Wollacott33 color of the ink was always inconsistent with the color
and Shumway-Cook et al34 investigated the effects of cog- name (eg, the word “red” was printed in blue ink). Subjects
nitive tasks on postural stability in young vs older adults. were instructed to ignore the color name and verbally re-
In the study by Shumway-Cook and Woollacott,33 subjects port the color of the ink. Subjects with amputation were
performed a choice reaction-time task while maintaining tested before and after their participation in a rehabilitation
quiet standing under six different sensory conditions that program. Although body sway did not change significantly
manipulated the availability of accurate visual and somato- after rehabilitation when measured under single-task con-
sensory cues. The reaction-time task required subjects to ditions, significant changes were observed under dual-task
verbally identify an auditory tone as being “high” or “low.” conditions. The interference effects of the Stroop test on
Addition of the reaction-time task did not affect postural postural control were lower after rehabilitation in subjects
stability in any of the sensory conditions in young adults, with amputation, although their body sway remained
but resulted in decreased stability when both visual and greater than that of control group subjects.
somatosensory cues were removed in older adults with no The finding by Geurts et al32 that only the dual-task
known balance impairments. Older adults with a history of performance improved during the rehabilitation process
imbalance and falls exhibited decreased postural stability suggests that imposition of secondary cognitive tasks may
with the addition of the reaction-time task in all six sensory be one method of detecting changes in primary task per-
conditions. Although the researchers concluded that there formance that would otherwise go unnoticed. This sugges-
is an age-related increase in attentional demands for pos- tion is consistent with the work by Shumway-Cook and
tural control with a decrease in available sensory informa- colleagues33,34 with older adults with a history of imbalance
tion, this interpretation is open to debate. The results also and falls, who demonstrated much greater deficits under
could be interpreted as simply reflecting an age-related dual-task than single-task conditions. Geurts et al32 stated
difference in the pattern of interference of the specific re- that the interference effects in their study might have arisen
action time and postural tasks investigated in the study. from general competition for limited resources or from
Shumway-Cook et al34 used a language processing more specific interference related to the visual processing
task and a visual spatial orientation task to produce demands of performing the Stroop test and the standing
changes in attention during performance of standing tasks task simultaneously. They speculated that the subjects
on firm vs compliant surfaces. The three groups studied with lower limb amputation might have decreased their
were young adults, older adults without a history of falls, dependency on visual information during the rehabilita-
and older adults with a history of falls. Performance decre- tion process, thereby reducing interference in visual pro-
ments were found in the postural stability measures rather cessing pathways under dual-task conditions.
than the cognitive measures for all three groups. The addi- Research on the effects of divided attention on gait is
tion of either cognitive task to the single-task standing more limited than that on the effects of divided attention
condition produced a significant difference in stability on postural stability in standing. Ebersbach et al13 investi-
among the three groups, with the older adults with a his- gated the influence of different concurrent tasks on gait in
tory of falls exhibiting the most instability and the young 10 healthy subjects between the ages of 25 and 42 years.
adults the least. Concurrent tasks included a cognitive task (digit span for-
Contrary to the expectations of the researchers and ward), a buttoning task, a finger-tapping task, and a task in
the results of Maylor and Wing,18 interference effects in the which digit span was combined with buttoning. Subjects
study by Shumway-Cook et al34 were larger for the lan- were instructed to concentrate on the concurrent task
guage-processing task than the visual spatial orientation rather than on gait performance under dual-task condi-
task. The researchers suggested that one explanation for tions. Interference effects were observed for digit span for-
the discrepant findings was that their language-processing ward, the only concurrent task for which changes between
task was a sentence completion task that was presented single- and dual-task conditions were quantified. Gait per-
visually, and therefore may have placed some demands on formance was assessed for changes in stride time and dou-
visual processing pathways. Another explanation is that ble-support time. Stride time differed between single- and
the language-processing task may have been more difficult dual-task conditions for the finger-tapping task only, a
than the spatial orientation task, creating a greater cogni- finding that the researchers attributed to structural inter-
tive load. Evidence from other studies32,37 supports the ex- ference at the subcortical level for competing rhythmic
istence of interference effects resulting from competition output. This explanation makes sense in that the require-
for visual processing pathways when visual and postural ments for producing fast finger tapping (frequency of five
tasks are combined. Hz or higher) were likely to “pace” or entrain the walking
Geurts et al32 investigated the level of automaticity of performance and produce a decrease in stride time. Dou-
postural control ability in individuals with lower limb am- ble-support time differed between single- and dual-task
putation and an age-matched control group. Their primary conditions only in the situation in which digit span was
interest was in the effects of a concurrent cognitive task, combined with buttoning.
the modified Stroop test,38,39 on postural stability in stand- Interpretation of the results of the study by Ebersbach

136 Huang and Stemmons Mercer Pediatric Physical Therapy

et al13 is complicated by several methodological issues. In- many of these studies, older children exhibited both superior
structions to the subjects were not consistent with those performance on the primary task and less secondary task in-
recommended for divided attention paradigms.10 In addi- terference than younger children.40,41 The age differences in
tion, changes in concurrent task performance were mea- secondary task interference presumably would have been
sured for the digit span task only, and this task was not even larger if the researchers had attempted to equate primary
administered consistently under single- and dual-task con- task performance across age. In studies in which performance
ditions. Under dual-task conditions, subjects were re- on the primary task of interest was equal across age groups,
quired to listen to and retain the digits while walking, but the amount of interference in secondary task performance
were not required to repeat the digits until after completion produced by the primary task declined with age.25,42 The
of each walking pass. However, a delay between presenta- smaller decrement in secondary task performance under du-
tion of the digits and request for digit recall was not present al-task conditions in older compared to younger children may
under single-task conditions. These methodological issues be because of greater cognitive resources or more efficient
make interpretation of the findings related to changes in allocation of these resources in older children. Children also
double-support time particularly problematic. Because the improve in their ability to use cognitive strategies as they get
authors did not report changes in double-support time rel- older, employing strategies spontaneously and with increas-
ative to overall changes in gait speed, their suggestion that ing effectiveness.24,25,40,42
the increase in double-support time was related to the at-
tentional demands of balance control during gait seems Effects of Divided Attention on Motor
unjustified. With the addition of two concurrent tasks, the Performance
attentional demands were probably quite high, but these Most studies of the effects of attention on motor skill
may not have been specifically related to balance control. performance in children have used some version of the
In summary, dual-task methodology is often used to divided attention or time-sharing paradigm. Researchers
examine the role of cognition in motor performance from have focused on developmental changes in the ability to
two perspectives. One is to assess the attentional demands simultaneously perform various cognitive and motor tasks.
of motor skills; the other is to investigate the effects of In some studies, such as studies of verbal-manual time
divided attention on motor skills. Some aspects of even sharing, both concurrent tasks have involved a motor com-
highly practiced tasks such as postural control and gait ponent. For example, children have been asked to recite
require attention. Interference effects differ for different tongue twisters or animal names while concurrently per-
concurrent cognitive or motor tasks, with interference forming manual skills such as finger tapping.43– 45 In other
likely to occur whenever concurrent tasks compete for the studies, researchers have used cognitive tasks in combina-
same resources. Imposition of concurrent cognitive or mo- tion with more complex motor skills.19,21
tor tasks may be one method of detecting changes in bal- Studies of verbal-manual time sharing in children
ance or gait performance that would otherwise go have consistently revealed asymmetric interference ef-
unnoticed. fects.43– 46 Speaking produces greater interference with
right-hand finger tapping than with left-hand finger tap-
APPLICATION OF DUAL-TASK METHODOLOGY IN ping in right-handed children. The degree of asymmetry
CHILDREN remains constant across the age range of three to 12 years.44
These findings support the “functional distance” principle
Attentional Demands of Specific Tasks of cerebral organization described by Kinsbourne and
The application of dual-task methodology in children Hicks.47 This principle states that the amount of interfer-
frequently has involved investigation of the attentional de- ence between two incongruous activities varies inversely
mands of various cognitive tasks. Researchers have focused with the functional distance between their respective cere-
on age differences in mental resource demands of cognitive bral control centers. Because speech production is lateral-
skills such as memorization, rehearsal, and reasoning abil- ized to the left hemisphere in right-handers, the functional
ity.24 –28 These studies are important to physical therapists distance model predicts greater interference with motor
in understanding how age-related differences in cognitive performance of the right hand. According to Kinsbourne
abilities may influence a child’s motor performance or a and colleagues,47,48 the effects should be more pronounced
child’s ability to combine cognitive and motor tasks. As in children compared to adults and in younger children
with the research on attentional demands in adults, this compared to older children because of restricted cerebral
research is based on the assumption of a limited processing space earlier in development. Results of recent investiga-
capacity. The magnitude of decline in secondary task per- tions with adult subjects have failed to fully support the
formance from single- to dual-task conditions is presumed predictions of the functional distance model, however.49,50
to index the resource demands of the primary cognitive Instead, these studies have revealed a large number of vari-
task. ables, such as hand differences in single-task performance,
Several researchers investigated the mental demands of that may confound the effects of cerebral organization on
cognitive skills by examining the amount of interference in dual-task performance.
finger-tapping or reaction-time performance produced by pri- As with the studies of developmental changes in cog-
mary cognitive tasks in school-aged children.24,25,28,40 – 42 In nition, research on motor skill performance suggests that

Pediatric Physical Therapy Dual-Task Methodology 137

older children exhibit less interference under dual-task may not be susceptible to interference effects in typically
conditions than younger children.43,44,49 Presumably, the developing children. Interestingly, Whitall21 did not find
motor tasks become more automated and under more sub- any evidence that the singing rhythm entrained the gallop
conscious control with increasing age or practice.11,19 to a new phasing pattern. She concluded that either no
Smith and Chamberlin19 examined the effect of concurrent entrainment took place or that the rhythmic pattern of
tasks on soccer performance for subjects with different lev- galloping was dominant, so that the singing entrained to
els of expertise. Fourteen 11- to 19-year-old soccer players the galloping. The finding that singing slowed when paired
were categorized as novice, intermediate, or expert players. with galloping supported the latter possibility.
The primary task was rapid running of a slalom course and In addition to investigating developmental changes in
the secondary tasks were dribbling a soccer ball and geo- time-sharing performance in typically developing children,
metric shape identification. The novice group showed dis- researchers have used dual task methodology to examine
proportionate decreases in running speed compared to the the automaticity of balance skills in children with dyslex-
other two groups when both secondary tasks were per- ia.14,23 The primary interest in these studies was whether
formed in combination with the primary running task. children with dyslexia were significantly impaired in bal-
Within each group, the addition of each secondary task ance skills under dual-task compared with single-task con-
resulted in slowing of primary task performance. The au- ditions. If balance skills were unaffected by performance of
thors concluded that the addition of cognitively demand- concurrent tasks, then the skills would be considered au-
ing secondary tasks had a disturbing effect on primary task tomatic. Fawcett and Nicolson14 selected two primary task
performance across all levels of expertise, but the ampli- conditions, standing on a balance beam with one foot and
tude of the effect decreased as the level of expertise in- with both feet. Two groups of subjects with dyslexia (mean
creased. This result supports the idea that motor task per- age of 11 and 15 years) and age-matched children with
formance may become more automated with increased typical development participated in the study. Perfor-
practice and experience. mance of the primary balance task was examined with and
Whitall21 investigated developmental differences in without concurrent secondary tasks of counting or per-
the effects of concurrent cognitive tasks on two locomotor
forming a choice reaction time task. The secondary tasks
skills, running and galloping. Forty children (three to 10
were “calibrated” to ensure a comparable level of perfor-
years of age) and adults (18 to 34 years of age) completed
mance for the subjects with dyslexia and the comparison
the study. Two verbal secondary tasks, singing and letter-
group at baseline (ie, under single-task conditions). The
memorization, were used. The results indicated that coor-
results showed that children with dyslexia were signifi-
dination variables, such as temporal phasing (step time
cantly impaired in both balance and secondary task perfor-
divided by stride time) and amplitude phasing (step length
mance under the dual-task condition compared with the
divided by stride length), were unaffected by the addition
single-task condition, while typically developing children
of a cognitive task regardless of the subject’s age. With
showed no significant changes in either balance or second-
regard to control variables such as speed, step time, and
step length, subjects in all age groups tended to decrease ary task performance from single- to dual-task conditions.
their step-lengths when attempting to execute two tasks The researchers concluded that complex skills, such as
simultaneously. The amount of interference in perfor- balance, are not automatized in children with dyslexia.
mance of the control variables was age-related and task- Similar results were reported by Yap and van der
related. The letter-memorization task caused greater ef- Leij.23 In this study, 14 subjects with dyslexia (mean age of
fects on locomotor skills than singing, and the effect was 10 years) and age-matched comparison group subjects
greater in running than galloping for the younger age were asked to balance on one foot as the primary task and
group. to perform an auditory-choice reaction time task as the
Although characterizing her study as “time-sharing” secondary task. Children were instructed to give priority to
in the title and employing time-sharing methodology, the secondary task. In the single-task condition, balance
Whitall21 interpreted her results in terms of the attentional performance of the children with dyslexia was not signifi-
demands of coordination and control variables in the two cantly different from that of children in the comparison
locomotor skills. She suggested that the interlimb coordi- group. However, children with dyslexia showed more bal-
nation variables were operating at an automatized level, ance errors, including minor foot movement or wobble, in
with the phasing pattern in place at a very early age (ap- the dual-task condition than the single task condition,
proximately three years). She noted that even the more while children in the comparison group did not.
complicated, less practiced, asymmetrical phasing pattern Findings in the studies by Smith and Chamberlin,19
of galloping was unaffected by the imposition of the sec- Whitall,21 Fawcett and Nicolson,14 and Yap and van der
ondary tasks. In contrast to the expectations derived from Leij23 all were interpreted in terms of the automation of
other studies, this result implies that only certain locomo- motor performance. Automation is a decrease with practice
tor performance variables, such as gait speed, step length, or development in the quantity of resources needed to at-
and step time, become more automated and thus less atten- tain a given level of performance.51 According to Wickens
tion-demanding with additional practice. The basic phase and Benel,51 automation is a characteristic of the specific
relationships that distinguish different locomotor skills task as performed by the learner, and is distinct from more

138 Huang and Stemmons Mercer Pediatric Physical Therapy

general time-sharing skills. Time-sharing skills are capabil- child’s motor skills improve, concurrent tasks of increasing
ities or strategies that may affect dual-task performance, difficulty can be systematically imposed.
such as attention switching, resource allocation, and infor- Results of dual-task studies support the important
mation sampling.51 Changes in these time-sharing skills, role of cognitive processing in motor performance and may
rather than in the level of automation of primary task per- raise physical therapists’ awareness of the influence of cog-
formance, may at least partially account for the effects ob- nitive factors on motor control in clinical assessment and
served in the studies described above. intervention. Although this review has been limited to at-
In summary, studies of motor performance in chil- tentional factors, other aspects of cognitive processing play
dren, like those in adults, indicate interference effects with an important role as well. Additional research is needed
the imposition of secondary tasks. Older children show about the motor performance effects of different concur-
less interference than younger children, possibly because rent tasks in children who are developing typically and in
of increased automation of motor performance or im- children with disabilities.
proved time-sharing skills with maturation, practice, and
experience. Certain aspects of motor skills may be more
affected by secondary tasks than others. Temporal-distance REFERENCES
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