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Talojongon, Tigaon, Camarines Sur, Philippines
College of Education
Activity Sheet No.8

Name: DE CASTR, AR-JAY B Course & Section: BSED-SCIENCE 3M Date:

SAQ #1. Do you think that people should use social media in exercising their freedom of speech? (10%)
ASAQ: Everyone has the right in expressing their own opinion. Exercising freedom of speech is legal and
can be orally or written. It can come to any form of platform: paper, recording and even internet sites like
Social Media. Freedom of expression is good as long as you know and you can take responsible to your
actions. We can say whatever we want but, if someone sue you because of your statements, one must be
responsible to face it. Freedom of speech is not your free ticket nor immunity to laws. Every word has its
own weight and you must consider it before you express it.

SAQ #2. What should be the limits of freedom of speech in social media? (10%)

ASAQ: There is no limit in freedom of speech in social media. You can say whatever you want as long as
no one is offended. The law dictates the limitation but the law is just a written document as long as no
one use it against you. For example, you can say whatever you want about yourself because no one sue
oneself. You can invent a story as long you are not describing someone else. As long as there is no
complainant, the law will not be used against you.

SAQ #3. Should we hold people accountable for misuse or abuse of social media in exercising their
freedom of speech? Why or why not (10%)
ASAQ: The proper authority like police and lawyers will be the one to decide if someone is accountable
for their misuse or abuse of social media. We cannot be the one to judge if it violated a law. You can say
that it hurt you but if the law says that it is not illegal, then the feeling you had is not enough to judge
someone’s character. The social media is a blank wall. You can write whatever you want but the law is the
one who say if what you write is worth to be there. You can troll in social media however you want but as
long as the law do not dictates that it is wrong, it remains their opinion and no opinion is wrong.
Anything written is either true or false. Only the law dictates what is wrong and right.


Watch the full documentary Science, Technology, and Information on the Modern Battlefield on
Youtube ( Then, choose a partner and write a 300-
500 word essay based on the question” How does the Information Revolution affect local and global
peace and security?” Cite specific examples to support your answer. (70%)
The Information Revolution affect local and global peace and security


The documentory you will see here along with the other documentaries on this site rclote to important
times and people in history, historic ploces, archaeology, science, conspiracy theories. and eduoation. The
topics covercd in these video documentaries vary interestingly and cover just about everything including
ancient history. Maya, Rome, Greece, the New World, Egypt. Plonct carth, the solor system, the univcrsc,
modern physics, television, orchoeology, science, technology. Nature, plants animals. wildlife,
environmental concerns and issues, globa, worming, natural disasters, World wars, combot, bottles,
militory arnd cormbat technology, current affairs and events, educotion, biographies, news and current
events. Iluminati. Arco 51, crime, mofia, serial killcrs, paranormal, supernoturdl, cults, government cover-
ups, the law and legol matters, corruption. mortial orts, spoce. aliens. ufos, conspiracy thcorics, Annunoki,
Nibiru, Nephilim, satanic rituals, religion, stronge phenormenon, origins of Mankind, monsters, mobsters,
time trovel, and many other educational and controversiol topics. The information revolution is a time of
development that could have a profound impact on people's lives. Computer technology is at the heart of
this transformation, and continued improvements in that technology appear to guarantee that this
revolution will have an impact on people's lives. Computers are one-of-a-kind machines that aid in the
expansion of brain power. Computerized robots have already begun to supplant blue-collar workers; they
may eventually supplant white-collar ones as well. Computers are simply devices that execute sets of
instructions known as computer programs, or software, which are developed by computer programmers.
Computers have a lot of advantages, but they also have a lot of drawbacks. They might be able to assist.
The information revolution has been accused of exacerbating societal inequalities such as racial, class,
and gender disparities, as well as creating a new digital divide in which those with the skills and
opportunities to effectively use information technology reap the benefits while others are left behind. By
making information freely available to all people and nations, the "information revolution" may have
brought peace and security at both local and global levels. Regrettably, the commodification of
information has limited access to those who can afford it, particularly to the most crucial and critical
information required to create cooperative security arrangements. However, it has been suggested that
the true issue in achieving peace and security is wisdom—knowing what to do with the data provided
and how to understand it. It has increased the importance of information for countries and businesses, as
well as the ability to more easily analyze potential hazards and make smarter decisions. People can be
informative from an early age as life grows more resourceful with plenty of information (knowledgeable,
they know something, but not in depth). Shopping, food and beverages for meals, travel, study, and
language translation are just a few examples of how life can be made easier. You are on the cutting edge
of making a solid salary if you are well-equipped with tech-skills, such as computer-related schooling.
Technology can help us in our daily lives. But let's not just abuse what it can do because anything too
much is harmful. Self -discipline is needed, it is up to us how we use it correctly.

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