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Master of Arts (Leadership & Management)

July – September 2021

Course Outline: ESILM 700 – Social Research Methods

Instructor: Dr. J.S.T. Abbosey

Learning about the research process is an essential component of academic training.
This course explores best practices and approaches in social research methods. It will
help empower students with the knowledge and skills to decide on appropriate
methods and techniques for a particular research problem. Learners will also gain
knowledge in ethical issues in research.

To equip learners with qualitative and quantitative research skills to enable them
design, conduct, analyse, and compile a report on a social research project.

Course Content
The course takes a practical approach to discuss these issues and more:
▪ Fundamental issues in social research.
▪ Research ethics.
▪ Quantitative research considerations.
▪ Quantitative sampling and data analysis.
▪ Qualitative research considerations.
▪ Participant observation and interviewing.
▪ Writing a research report.

Mode of Delivery
Learning will be facilitated through lectures, student-led seminars, tutorials, and class
discussions. The eCampus platform of Salt Institute will be the main channel for
interactions and a good learning experience.

A schedule of sessions is indicated below. Students are expected to read the main
textbook and recommended texts to assimilate the content. Then they can provide
well-informed input to the discussions.

Required Text
1. Bryman, A., & Bell, E.A. (2019). Social Research Methods. Oxford University
Press Canada.
2. Key differences between APA 6 & 7. Download from
Required Resources
A good and reliable Internet connectivity is essential. Please arrange to use a good
connection for the Zoom meetings, with audio and video features enabled.

Recommended Texts
1. Yegidis, B.L., Weinbach, R.W., Myers, L.L. (2017). Research Methods for Social
Workers (8th Edition). Merrill Social Work and Human Services.
2. Russell, B. H. (2012). Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative
Approaches. SAGE Publications.
3. Neuman, L.W. (2017). Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative
Approaches. London: Pearson.
4. Babbie, E.R. (2018). The Basics of Social Research 7th Edition. Massachusetts:
Cengage Learning
5. Leedy, P.D. & Ormrod, J. (2015). Practical research: Planning and design (11th
Global Edition). Pearson.

Schedule for Discussions

Week Theme Discussion Topic and Reading

1 Fundamental Bryman & Bell (2019), Chapters 1, 2, & 3.
July 26 issues in social
research eCampus Discussion Question 1:
Why are social research skills so important in
academic work?
2 Quantitative Bryman & Bell (2019), Chapters 4 & 5.
Aug. 2 research:
Interviews and eCampus Discussion Question 2:
Questionnaires What factors influence the choice of survey

Written Application Question A:

What ethical considerations are critical in research
3 Nature and Bryman & Bell (2019), Chapters 6 & 7.
Aug. 9 importance of
Quantitative eCampus Discussion Question 3:
Sampling: Discuss some sampling methods relevant to you.
4 Interviewing and Bryman & Bell (2019), Chapters 8 & 9.
Aug. data analysis in
16 qualitative eCampus Discussion Question 4:
research Discuss some differences between structured and
qualitative interviews.
Written Application Question B:
If you were to interview President Akufo-Addo for
your research, which approach would you adopt?
5 Ethnography and Bryman & Bell (2019), Chapters 10 & 11.
Aug. participant
23 observation: eCampus Discussion Question 5:
Data collection in Discuss some dangers associated with covert role in
qualitative ethnography.
6 Content Analysis Bryman & Bell (2019), Chapters 12 & 13.
Aug. and Qualitative
30 Data Analysis eCampus Discussion Question 6:
Why is qualitative data analysis not ‘straightforward’?

Written Application Question C:

Discuss two strategies for qualitative data analysis.
7 Writing up Social Bryman & Bell (2019), Chapters 14 & 15.
Sep. 6 Research: Some
practical eCampus Discussion Question 7:
examples. What is ‘multi-strategy research’?
8 Time Bryman & Bell (2019), Chapter 16
Sep. 13 Management and
Composing eCampus Discussion Question 8:
Research Give a concise summary of lessons and skills learned
Questions in this course.

Written Application Question D:

Discuss how you would conduct analysis of your data
from interviewing President Akufo-Addo.

Sep. 16: End of course quiz.

Guide for Submissions

Weekly eCampus discussions: Main post will be 300 words maximum.
Provide one Classmate response of 100 words maximum. Classmate response should
be substantive, not just ‘I agree,’ or ‘That is good.’
Written applications: 600 words minimum, 900 words maximum.

Virtual Lectures
Every Friday from 7.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m. GMT, using the Zoom Meeting App.

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