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Neurobiology of Speech Production: A Motor
Control Perspective
Pascale Tremblay1,2, Isabelle Deschamps1,2 and Vincent L. Gracco3,4,5
Centre de Recherche de l’Institut Universitaire en Santé Mentale de Québec, Québec City, QC, Canada; 2Département
de Réadaptation, Faculté de Médecine, Université Laval, Québec City, QC, Canada; 3Centre for Research on Brain,
Language and Music, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada; 4School of Communication Sciences and Disorders,
McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada; 5Haskins Laboratories, New Haven, CT, USA

59.1 INTRODUCTION interfaces seamlessly with speech motor processes that

generate the sequence of sounds specified in the plan.
Speech is one of the most distinguishing human One approach to associate these broad psycholin-
traits. It represents a model neural system for studying guistic processes with their neural substrates comes
a range of human characteristics from sensorimotor from studies using speech errors. Speech errors can
control to cognition. It uses a complex control system provide valuable insights regarding the linguistic
optimized for sequential output and is used for both principles that are involved in the production of
self-expressive and interactive communication. The speech because these errors are generally consistent
production of speech reflects a complex and dynamic with language-specific phonological rules (Goldrick &
process dependent on the interaction among multiple Daland, 2009). Based on speech error analyses, some
cortical and subcortical regions for the fine control of researchers have postulated that the units of speech
more than 100 muscles located in the oral cavity, neck, planning are individual phonological features
and abdomen (see Figure 59.1 for an overview). In the (Mowrey & MacKay, 1990), whereas others propose
following, we identify the set of processes involved in that these units are bigger [e.g., phonemes (Roelofs,
speech production as well as their neural substrate. 1997, 1999; Stemberger, 1982), syllables (Levelt, 1999),
or words]. Recently, Peeva and colleagues (2010) used
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and a
repetition suppression (RS) paradigm (Grill-Spector,
59.2 NEUROBIOLOGY OF SPEECH Henson, & Martin, 2006; Grill-Spector & Malach,
MOTOR CONTROL 2001) to study speech representations. Capitalizing on
the RS phenomenon in which the repetition of a
59.2.1 Speech Representations stimulus leads to reduced neural activity (Henson &
Rugg, 2003), the authors varied the repetition rate of
From a linguistic perspective, a number of potential
phonemes, syllables, and pseudowords expecting that
candidate constructs may be represented in the neural
areas sensitive to the processing of a specific type of
processes associated with the production of speech.
phonological unit would show specific RS effects.
One view in the psycholinguistic literature is that gram-
Sensitivity to phonemic information was found in the
matical encoding, or the creation of lexical items within
supplementary motor area (SMA), the left palladium
a syntactic frame, and phonological encoding, including
(in the basal ganglia or BG), the left posterior super-
the specification of prosodic structure, are the two fun-
ior temporal gyrus (STG), and the left superior
damental processes that create the phonetic plan
posterior lateral cerebellum. Sensitivity to syllable
(Garrett, 1993; Levelt, 1992, 1993). The phonetic plan

Neurobiology of Language. DOI: 741 © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

FIGURE 59.1 Simplified illustra-

Cerebral DLPFC tion of the motor speech system
cortex including main cortical components
Parietal lobe and their connectivity, subcortical
somatosensory areas pre- loops (cortico-striatal-thalamic loops
STG SMA and cortico-cerebellar-thalamic loops),
as well as peripheral components
(cranial and spinal nerve innervations
vPMC vM1 SMA CMA to speech-related structures in the
face, oral cavity, neck, and abdomen).


Basal Cerebellum

Cranial nerves

muscles of the VII VII
face, tongue, Cranial nerve nuclei
XII XII in the pons and
soft palate, larynx, IX,X IX,X
and abdomen medulla oblongata

Toward muscles
of respiration
in the abdomen Spinal cord
and thorax

level information was found in the ventral premotor is computed online depending on the context (Levelt,
cortex (vPMC), which was also sensitive to phonemic Roelofs, & Meyer, 1999), whereas for others the phono-
information. Finally, sensitivity to supra-syllabic logical code is presyllabified (Dell, 1988). Regardless of
information was found in the right superior posterior the theoretical perspective, phonological encoding
lateral cerebellum. These results suggest that is associated with the process of speech motor
multiple levels of representations, including phone- preparation, which involves the activation and transla-
mic and syllabic, are involved in the production of tion of phonological representations into multiple
speech sounds. domain-general mechanisms, including response
selection, response sequencing, and movement initia-
tion. These important mechanisms, often referred to
59.2.2 Speech Motor Planning and as “supra-motor functions” or “motor cognition”
Programming (Freund, Jeannerod, Hallett, & Leiguarda, 2005), are
not specific to speech production but instead are part
During speech production, phonological encoding is of the planning of all voluntary actions. Speech pro-
the retrieval of the phonological code that consists of duction builds on common action control mechanisms
segmental (phonemes, syllables) and suprasegmental consistent with the notion that the speech system is an
information (such as stress). This information is used overlaid functional system that “[. . .] gets what service it
to build a representation of the syllabified word form. can out of organs and functions, nervous and muscular,
The syllabified word form provides the framework for that have come into being and are maintained for very dif-
the planning of a motor act. Although models of ferent ends than its own” (Sapir, 1921).
speech production converge on the notion that the out-
put of phonological encoding is a phonological word
in which metrical, syllabic, and segmental properties Response Selection
are fully specified, models of speech production differ Response selection in spoken language production is
with regard to whether the retrieval of the phonologi- the process by which a set of lexical units forming a mes-
cal code is presyllabified. For some, the syllabification sage is transformed into motor programs, that is, stored

motor routines. Several neuroimaging studies have into movement sequences as the action syntax problem
examined the process of selecting nonspeech motor (Lashley, 1951). The manifestation of action syntax can
responses (such as finger and hand movements) and be seen in a multitude of behaviors ranging from human
revealed activation in the presupplementary motor area thought (Marsden, 1984) to grooming behavior in rats
(pre-SMA) (Brodmann’s medial area 6) in which the (Aldridge, Berridge, & Rosen, 2004). For speech, action
increase in activation is commensurate with demands on sequences can be organized around multiple compo-
response selection. For instance, activation in pre-SMA is nents (phonemes, syllables, words, phrases, etc.); with-
enhanced when participants are free to choose a motor out appropriate timing, in terms of either initiating the
response from among several alternatives compared action or sequencing the action units, communication
with when they are required to execute a specific, stimu- would be difficult. fMRI studies have shown that motor
lus-driven, motor response (Deiber, Ibanez, Sadato, & sequencing is implemented in a network of regions orga-
Hallett, 1996; Lau, Rogers, & Passingham, 2006; Weeks, nized around nonprimary motor areas (SMA-proper,
Honda, Catalan, & Hallett, 2001). Consistent with the PM), the cerebellum, and the BG (Bengtsson, Ehrsson,
nonspeech literature, several fMRI studies have shown Forssberg, & Ullen, 2005; Gerloff, Corwell, Chen, Hallett,
that manipulating response selection during single word & Cohen, 1997; Macar et al., 2002). Repetitive TMS of the
production modulates distributed brain networks SMA-proper results in sequential timing disruptions in a
including the pre-SMA, but also the adjacent cingulate complex finger movement task (Gerloff et al., 1997);
motor area (CMA) and the vPMC (Crosson et al., 2001; SMA-proper activation accompanies tasks requiring the
Nagel, Schumacher, Goebel, & D’Esposito, 2008; processing of temporal patterns (Macar et al., 2002).
Tremblay & Gracco, 2006; Tremblay & Small, 2011). Using fMRI, Bohland and Guenther (2006) showed a
Importantly, the pre-SMA is involved in selecting single bilateral network including the SMA, the anterior insula,
words (Alario, Chainay, Lehericy, & Cohen, 2006; and the superior cerebellum that was more strongly
Tremblay & Gracco, 2006) but also noncommunicative recruited for the production of complex sequences of syl-
oral motor gestures (Braun, Guillemin, Hosey, & Varga, lables (ka-ru-ti) compared with the production of sim-
2001; Tremblay & Gracco, 2010), revealing a domain- pler sequences, which consisted of repeating the same
general selection mechanism. Moreover, transcranial sound three times (ta-ta-ta), consistent with the non-
magnetic stimulation (TMS) to the pre-SMA leads to speech literature. Although there remains a number of
impaired voluntary selection of actions, including words issues regarding the implementation of selection and
and noncommunicative oral motor gestures (Tremblay sequencing mechanisms for speech, the available empiri-
& Gracco, 2009), supporting the notion of a domain- cal evidence, though limited, suggests that speech pro-
general selection process. Taken together, these results duction relies on common action control mechanisms
suggest that the pre-SMA plays a central role in selecting centered on the pre-SMA, SMA, and vPMC.
motor responses for speech production. The pre-SMA
has a connectivity pattern that is ideal for linking higher- Motor Programming
level cognitive (including linguistic) and motor processes, Preparing speech production also involves fine-tuning
a sine qua non for the implementation of response selec- of the planned motor routines, including adjustments of
tion, with important projections from the prefrontal cor- velocity, muscle tone, movement range, and direction.
tex, particularly the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex or Motor programming is necessary because even though a
DLPFC (Lu, Preston, & Strick, 1994; Luppino, Matelli, closed set of syllables is available in each language and
Camarda, & Rizzolatti, 1993), and connections with sev- probably stored as a set of motor routines, syllables and
eral nonprimary motor areas, such as the SMA-proper words are never produced identically, they are co-
and the PMC (Luppino & Rizzolatti, 2000), for controlling articulated and modulated as a function of the linguistic,
motor output. Recent fMRI evidence suggests a role for environmental, emotional, and social contexts. Motor pro-
the caudate nucleus in response selection for speech pro- gramming is usually believed to involve both online
duction (Argyropoulos, Tremblay, & Small, 2013), consis- feedback-based and feedforward control systems.
tent with evidence on the anatomical connectivity of the According to Van der Merwe (2009), regions involved in
caudate, which connects with the prefrontal as well as programming include the cerebellum, SMA-proper, M1,
the SMA/pre-SMA (Di Martino et al., 2008; Lehericy and the BG, but experimental evidence is lacking. The
et al., 2004), suggesting that response selection is imple- issue of feedback-based motor control is discussed in
mented through cortico-striatal connections between the Section 59.3.
pre-SMA and the caudate nucleus. Movement Initiation Response Sequencing The initiation and termination of an action is funda-
In his classic article on serial order, Lashley described mental to all voluntary motor behaviors. For speech
the problem of organizing component parts of an action production, starting and stopping speech movements


is associated with a diverse range of communicative triggers. In humans, TMS to the left PMC results in a
actions such as turn-taking, producing a list of words, response delay and a disruption in the early stage of
and the insertion of pauses for emphasis. The SMA- reaching and grasping (before movement execution),
proper has been previously identified as contributing suggesting a role in the onset of movement (Schluter,
to speech timing (Brendel et al., 2010; Gracco, 1997) Rushworth, Passingham, & Mills, 1998). Importantly,
and, more generally, has been associated with the contrast of self-initiated and externally triggered
sequence timing as well as the perception of time. movements reveals activation in the pre-SMA (Deiber
Recently, using functional connectivity analysis, and et al., 1996; Jenkins, Jahanshahi, Jueptner, Passingham,
evaluating the temporal dynamics of the BOLD & Brooks, 2000; Tsujimoto, Ogawa, Tsukada, Kakiuchi,
signal, two separately organized networks for speech & Sasaki, 1998), suggesting a role for this region in the
production have been proposed (Brendel et al., 2010; generation of an internal trigger to move, which sup-
Riecker et al., 2005) with the SMA and the insula iden- ports a role for the SMA/pre-SMA in the timing and
tified as network components contributing to motor initiation of actions. Another potentially important
timing. For example, TMS to the SMA results in region for the timing of actions and the generation of a
sequential timing disruptions (Gerloff et al., 1997), movement trigger is the BG. In patients with
varying rate of stimulus presentation during reading Parkinson’s disease (PD), a disorder of BG, there is a
results in modulation of SMA-proper activity (Price, clear decline in the ability to initiate movements at will
Moore, Humphreys, Frackowiak, & Friston, 1996), and without a concomitant reduction or slowing of exter-
SMA activity accompanies tasks requiring the proces- nally triggered actions (Cunnington, Iansek, &
sing of temporal patterns (Bengtsson et al., 2005; Bradshaw, 1999; Freeman, Cody, & Schady, 1993;
Macar et al., 2002). Similarly, damage to the insula Praamstra, Stegeman, Cools, Meyer, & Horstink, 1998).
results in speech initiation impairments (Shuren, 1993) Other BG dysfunctions lead to difficulty starting, stop-
and apraxia of speech (Dronkers, 1996), a disorder of ping, or sustaining movements including speech
temporal sequencing, although there is controversy (Speedie, Wertman, Ta’ir, & Heilman, 1993), as well as
surrounding the role of insula in motor sequencing abnormal rate, regularity, and temporal ordering of
(Hillis et al., 2004). One possibility is that the SMA- speech movements (Ludlow, Connor, & Bassich, 1987;
proper and insula may be working to coordinate and Skodda, 2011; Skodda & Schlegel, 2008; Volkmann,
time sequential actions, possibly through priming and Hefter, Lange, & Freund, 1992), demonstrating the
then triggering motor cortex output. Speech and oral importance of BG for the timing of speech actions.
movements are localized around the central sulcus of
the insula in an area that does not have direct projec-
tions onto lower motor neurons but does connect to 59.3 SPEECH MOVEMENT EXECUTION
frontal regions, including the DLPFC as well as the
SMA and the sensorimotor portions of the striatum The final output for speech comes mainly from the
(Augustine, 1996). The DLPFC on the right hemisphere ventral part of the primary motor cortex (vM1), which
is known to modulate lower level systems (Shallice, contains the neurons controlling the vocal tract
2004) and activity in the right DLPFC may be contrib- (Penfield & Boldrey, 1937). It has been estimated that
uting to speech timing and/or temporal processing of approximately 100 striated and visceral muscles, dis-
action sequences (Coull, Frackowiak, & Frith, 1998; tributed across the abdomen, neck, larynx, pharynx,
Vallesi, Shallice, & Walsh, 2007). It appears that the and oral cavity, are involved in the production of
insula and SMA-proper form an integrated network speech, reflecting the immense complexity of this func-
component, operating in concert with peripheral feed- tional system, which, in mature speakers, may produce
back systems, to time sequential speech motor output. as many as 14 phonemes per second (i.e., between six
When there is a need for explicit timing control, pre- and nine syllables per second) (Kent, 2000).
frontal cortex participation is recruited. The pyramidal system, which includes the corticosp-
Another way to study movement initiation is to inal and corticobulbar tracts, is one of the most important
compare the manner in which movements are trig- efferent pathways for the control of voluntary
gered, whether externally by sensory events or at will. muscle contractions. It connects neurons in the cortex
Movements initiated by external stimuli produce reli- (upper motor neurons, UMN) to alpha (lower) motor
able activity in SMA-proper (Lee, Chang, & Roh, 1999; neurons (LMN) located in the brainstem and spinal cord.
Thickbroom et al., 2000; Wiese et al., 2004) as well as LMN innervate the muscle fibers located in the face,
in the left dorsal PMC (Krams, Rushworth, Deiber, neck, and abdomen. M1 is the cortical area that contains
Frackowiak, & Passingham, 1998; Lepage et al., 1999; the largest number of pyramidal fibers (Kuypers, 1973;
Weeks et al., 2001), suggesting that these areas are Murray & Coulter, 1981; Ralston & Ralston, 1985), partic-
involved in initiating actions based on external sensory ularly the giant Betz cells located in cortical layer V.

However, anatomical studies have shown that M1 is It has been suggested that vocalizations are controlled
connected through long and short association fibers to through two distinct cortical-subcortical pathways, one
multiple nonprimary motor areas, including the SMA involving a circuit formed by the CMA, the periaqueduc-
(Dum & Strick, 1991, 1996; Muakkassa & Strick, 1979) the tal gray matter (PAG), and the reticular formation for the
CMA located just beneath the SMA on the dorsal and control of innate vocal patterns (e.g., crying, laughing,
ventral banks of the cingulate sulcus (Dum & Strick, and moaning), and another connecting M1 to the phona-
1991; Muakkassa & Strick, 1979) and the dorsal and ven- tory motoneurons through the reticular formation for the
tral PMC (Barbas & Pandya, 1987; Dum & Strick, 1991; control of patterned speech and singing (Hsieh,
He, Dum, & Strick, 1993). Importantly, these nonprimary Petrosyan, Goncalves, Hickok, & Saberi, 2011; Jurgens,
motor areas contain a high density of corticospinal and 2002). This second circuit involves the cortico-striatal
corticobulbar neurons, directly projecting to the spinal motor loop. Thus, M1 is connected not only to multiple
cord through the pyramidal tract (for a review of the nonprimary motor areas in the frontal lobe but also to
connectivity of nonprimary motor areas, see Picard & the BG and cerebellum through the thalamus, and also
Strick, 1996, 2001), and thus each has the potential to to the reticular formation in the brainstem, controlling
influence the generation and control of movement inde- multiple aspects of speech production including respira-
pendently of M1 (Dum & Strick, 1991). Electrical stimula- tion, vocalization, and articulation.
tion of the SMA (Fried et al., 1991; Morris, Dinner,
Luders, Wyllie, & Kramer, 1988; Penfield & Welch, 1951;
Talairach & Bancaud, 1966) and CMA (von Cramon & 59.4 FEEDBACK PROCESSING AND
Jurgens, 1983) induce vocalization and speech arrests in SENSORY-MOTOR INTEGRATION
humans, suggesting a role in the control of phonation
and articulation for these regions. Early in the developmental process, the functional
The corticospinal tracts innervate motor nuclei connection between speech perception and speech pro-
located in the spinal cord, whereas corticobulbar fibers duction is established and the ability to modify this cou-
innervate motor nuclei located in the brainstem. pling reflects the neural plasticity that continues
Because the motor nuclei involved in the control of res- throughout the life span. The resultant sensorimotor
piration (mainly expiration), phonation, and articula- learning is the substrate on which developmental stages
tion are located in the pons, down to the lumbar of speech and language develop, and one in which sen-
portion of the spinal cord, the production of speech sory feedback plays a crucial role (Mowrer, 1952).
depends on the integrity of both the corticospinal tract, Somatosensory information from the lips and jaw have
for the innervations of the muscles of respiration in the real-time access to modulate the spatial (Abbs & Gracco,
abdomen, neck, and shoulder, and the corticobulbar 1983; Abbs, Gracco, & Cole, 1984; Gracco & Abbs, 1985;
tract, for the sensorimotor innervations of laryngeal Shaiman & Gracco, 2002) and temporal aspects of speech
and supralaryngeal muscles (for reviews, see Jurgens, sequences (Gracco & Abbs, 1989; Saltzman, Lofqvist,
2002, 2009) through six pairs of cranial nerves (CN V: Kay, Kinsella-Shaw, & Rubin, 1998). Similar kinds of
trigeminal; CN VII: facial; CN IX: glossopharyngeal; results are obtained from unanticipated alteration of
CN X: vagus; CN XI: accessory; CN XII: hypoglossal). auditory feedback for pitch (Burnett, Freedland, Larson,
All cortical axons (originating from M1, SMA, CMA, & Hain, 1998; Jones & Munhall, 2000) and formants
and PMC) forming the corticobulbar and corticospinal (Purcell & Munhall, 2006a, 2006b). The overarching con-
tracts converge into the internal capsule, located clusion is that sensory and motor systems for speech are
between the thalamus and BG, with fibers originating in a constant state of interaction and integration and,
from ventral areas located rostrally to those originating most importantly, the sensorimotor integration forms
from more dorsal areas (Beevor & Horsley, 1890; the basis for successful and efficient speech production
Dejerine, 1901). Most pyramidal fibers cross from one (Gracco, 1991).
side to the other before entering the spinal cord at the From a control perspective, speech production can
level of the medulla oblongata (i.e., the pyramidal be conceptualized as representing a hybrid control
decussation); corticobulbar fibers cross at the level of scheme consisting of feedforward and feedback-like
the brainstem, although there are substantial bilateral neural processes (Abbs et al., 1984; Guenther, Ghosh, &
innervations of the CN motor nuclei. The exceptions Tourville, 2006; Hickok, 2012; Houde & Nagarajan,
include contralateral innervations of ventral cell 2011; Tourville, Reilly, & Guenther, 2008). Feedforward
groups of the motor nucleus of the facial nerve (CN control is used to compute, before movement onset, the
VII), which supply muscles of the lower quadrants of necessary motor commands that will achieve generally
the face (e.g., the orbicularis oris muscle), and the a desired movement goal given the system’s current
hypoglossal nucleus (CN XII), which supplies the state. That is, the feedforward controller assembles a
intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue. basic motor plan prior to movement onset and sends


the commands to the appropriate musculature for exe- putamen. Recently, using resting state functional con-
cution. In contrast, feedback processes are used to nectivity in humans, the dorsal portion of the putamen
adjust and correct motor commands that are planned or has been shown to connect with regions of the temporal
executed by the feedforward controller. However, if cortex (Di Martino et al., 2008). As such, reafference
such adjustments would depend solely on afferent may be an important source of information to assist in
input signals, there would be an unavoidable delay that both the spatial and timing adjustments for the
may be too long for movements as fast as those dynamic modulation of speech motor output as well as
involved in many skilled actions, including speech pro- signaling successful achievement of speech motor goals
duction. Feedback control processes can also be used to (Gracco & Abbs, 1989).
predict the sensory consequences of movements by mak- For the cerebellum, bilateral posterior lobe activation
ing use of a copy of the prepared motor commands in the vicinity of hemisphere lobule VI (Schmahmann
(efference copy or corollary discharge) (Sperry, 1950; et al., 1999) has been consistently reported during
Von Holst & Mittelstaedt, 1973). As such, information speech production (Ackermann, Mathiak, & Riecker,
from somatosensory and auditory systems contributes 2007; Riecker et al., 2002; Wise et al., 1999), most likely
in multiple ways. First, as part of the feedforward pro- reflecting cortico-ponto-cerebellar projections from and
cess, the sensory systems provide information about to M1 (Kelly & Strick, 2003), possibly as part of an effer-
the initial conditions such that the motor commands for ence copy signal. A second area of activation on the
a desired outcome can be successfully achieved given inferior portion of the cerebellar hemisphere lobule
the state of the vocal tract. Second, as part of the predic- VIIIA has been associated with auditory (Tourville
tive process, they interact with the control signals to et al., 2008) and somatosensory (Golfinopoulos et al.,
estimate the consequences of the planned action. 2011) perturbations, as well as with rhythmic orofacial
Finally, as part of the feedback process, they modulate, movements (Corfield et al., 1999) and sequencing non-
in real time, adjustments to the motor commands based meaningful syllables (Bohland & Guenther, 2006;
on re-afferent input during movement execution as Riecker, Kassubek, Groschel, Grodd, & Ackermann,
well as signaling the achievement of the desired action. 2006). The posterior lobe of the cerebellum receives sen-
The neural substrate associated with the sensorimo- sory input from the trigeminal nerve (which provides
tor aspects of speech production involves a mostly sensorimotor innervations of the muscles of mastica-
bilateral network of brain regions, including vM1 and tion) as well as the auditory system (Huerta,
sensory areas (somatosensory cortex, STG), nonprimary Frankfurter, & Harting, 1983; Ikeda & Matsushita, 1992;
motor areas (vPMC, SMA-proper, CMA, and the insu- Pastor et al., 2002), and this area of the cerebellum may
la), and subcortical regions associated with sensorimo- be implicated in multisensory rather than motor proces-
tor control (putamen, cerebellum, thalamus) sing (Stoodley & Schmahmann, 2009; Thickbroom,
(Ackermann & Riecker, 2004; Argyropoulos et al., 2013; Byrnes, & Mastaglia, 2003). Hence, sensory information
Grabski, Tremblay, Gracco, Girin, & Sato, 2013; Riecker from the dynamics of speech articulation has access to
et al., 2004, 2005; Riecker, Wildgruber, Dogil, Grodd, & multiple brain regions through cortico-cortico, cortico-
Ackermann, 2002; Tremblay, Deschamps, & Gracco, striatal, and cortico-cerebellar control loops.
2013; Tremblay & Gracco, 2006, 2009; Wise, Greene,
Büchel, & Scott, 1999), areas that are known to receive
afferent input from auditory and somatosensory areas. 59.5 CONCLUSION
For example, in the macaque, the vPMC receives projec-
tion from sensory areas, including associative somato- In this chapter, we have shown that the neural sys-
sensory area SII (Matelli, Camarda, Glickstein, & tem that controls speech production is immensely
Rizzolatti, 1986) and the posterior STG (Chavis & complex at all levels of the nervous system, involving
Pandya, 1976; Schmahmann et al., 2007), whereas the multiple sensorimotor regions for motor planning and
SMA-proper receives important projection from the execution including M1, PMC, SMA, pre-SMA, CMA,
superior parietal lobule (area PEci, in the cingulate sul- the insula, and the supratemporal and inferior parietal
cus), which contains a complete somatosensory map of cortices. Loops of internal control involving the BG,
the body (Pandya & Seltzer, 1982) as well as from areas thalamus, and cerebellum are also involved in several
SII and SI (Luppino et al., 1993; McGuire, Bates, & aspects of speech movement preparation, including
Goldman-Rakic, 1991a, 1991b). Projections to the puta- sequencing and temporal ordering. All these regions
men have been reported from regions within the supra- work in concert to assemble complex, temporally
temporal plane and the STG (Yeterian & Pandya, 1998). ordered, and co-articulated sequences of speech move-
The rostral and medial parts of STG project to rostro- ments; motor commands are sent through corticospinal
ventral and caudoventral portions of the putamen, and corticobulbar tracts involving seven cranial nerves,
whereas the caudal portion of STG projects to caudal multiple spinal nerves, and more than 100 striatal and

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