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Faradella Agnesia Divani 1

M. Ali Ghufron 2
Moh. Fuadul Matin 3
English Education Department
Faculty of Language and Art Education



Writing is generally recognized as a difficult task for almost of EFL students. Indonesian students learn English
as a foreign language (EFL), therefore, they have the difficulties in EFL writing text. It is not only in creating
and organizing the ideas, but, they should also translating the ideas from Indonesian language to English.
Analyzing students’ text is very important, because it can help the English teacher know the students’
difficulties in writing and also help the English teacher solve the students’ problem in writing. The purposes of
this study were to find out the students’ difficulties and the causes of the students’ difficulties in writing EFL
descriptive text. By using qualitative research, the researchers got the data from documentation, questionnaire
and interview. The findings describe about the students’ difficulties and the causes of difficulties in writing
descriptive text. In content, it could be explain that the average students’ score is 15,4 or 47,4% from all
students. In organization, the average score is 15,3 or 46,8% from all students. In vocabulary, the average score
is 12,5 or 31,2% from all students. In grammar, the average score is 13,8 or 38% from all students. And the last
in mechanic, the average score is 5,7 or 6,5% from all students. Or it can be said that the students still had the
ability in the content, organization and mechanic aspects. From the analysis which had been done by the
researcher, it can be concluded that the students had difficulties in grammar and vocabulary (linguistic
difficulty). And the causes of the students’ difficulties were they are lack of interest in learning and practice.
Beside that, they are lack of knowledge about grammar, vocabulary in the EFL text.

Keywords: EFL writing, descriptive text, students’ difficulty.

Writing is generally recognized as a putting ideas down on paper to transform
difficult task for almost of EFL students. thought into words and give them structure
In addition, Levin (1993) explains this and coherent organization.
phenomenon might occure because ESL There are many factors influencing
and EFL students, who consider writing is writing to be a good one such as
difficult, do not know what and how to grammatical, vocabularies, punctuation,
write, feel lack of vocabulary, fear of and spelling knowledge which must be
criticism, and want to avoid emotional integrated to be a text. In writing we have
confusion when they are facing a topic and to produce words, phrase, sentences, and
blank paper. paragraph at the same time. It is a way of
Writing becomes the most difficult learning. None of us can write much of
skills when it is learned by the foreign interest without first thinking, probing,
language learners. According to Brown observing, asking question, experimenting,
(2001) stated that writing is thinking and reading (Alawi, 2011: 8).
process, because writing is a process of
Boardman as cited by Nikmah (2011) Grammar difficulties will influence certain
also says that to create a good writing, a patterns of how words are put together to
writer has to pay attention in all form the correct sentences. It will make the
components of writing, for example, the ideas can develop well. Fourth, the
topic sentences, supporting sentences, students are lack of vocabulary and they
coherence, cohesion, unity, and also have difficulties in developing their
completeness of the paragraph. ideas related to the topic. Some students
are still in doubt with choosing the correct
Oshima and Hogue (2007: 15-18), words while composing descriptive text.
says that there are four steps in writing Lack of vocabulary make the students
process. There are pre-writing, organizing, confused in developing the ideas. In this
writing, and polishing. case the students have to choose correct
words that they need. The last difficulty is
One of the texts that have to be learnt
mechanic. It is related with spelling,
in the first year students of Senior High
punctuation, and capitalization.
School is descriptive text. Anderson and
Byrne (1988) classify the difficulties
Kathy (1998) stated that descriptive text is
in EFL writing into three types. First is
a piece of text that describes living things
linguistic difficulty, it is the difficulty in
or non-living things. Its purpose is to
using appropriate grammar and
describe to audience the characteristics of
vocabulary. Second is psychology
people, things, animal and places.
difficulty, it is the difficulty in developing
The students are required to understand or exploring the idea. And the last is
the component of descriptive text genre, cognitive difficulty. It is the difficulty in
those are: generic structure and language organization and mechanical aspects such
feature. The generic structures of this as punctuation, capitalization, spelling and
genre are identification (mention the paragraphing.
special participant) and description Westwood (2001) divides the basic
(mention the part, quality, and characters causes of students’ difficulties in writing
of the subject being described). And for are from the students’ background, they
the language features of this genre, usually are: lack of interest, lack of practice, and
uses simple present tense, adjective, noun learners’ prior knowledge.
phrase and adverbial phrase. Analyzing students’ EFL writing text
There are some difficulties that is one alternative way that can be used to
students face during writing the descriptive find out the students’ knowledge in
text. First, the problem in developing the English. Analyzing students’ text is very
ideas. It means that students cannot state important, because it can help the English
the ideas clearly into the text because they teacher know about students’ difficulties in
are lack of information related to the topic. writing and also help the English teacher
Second, the problem in organizing the to solve the students’ problem in writing.
ideas to write a descriptive text. A There are some previous studies
paragraph need more than a unified point; related to the topic about students’
it needs a reasonable organization or difficulties in writing descriptive text.
sequence. The students have to organize Nurhayati (2016) tries to find out the
their ideas into good paragraph or text. It students’ difficulties in writing descriptive
means that the students have to make their text. The technique that used to collect the
writing readable. To write a descriptive data was from document, questionnaire,
text, the students can organize their ideas and interview. From the data analysis has
by identifying the topic and give the been done by the researcher, the eight-
descriptions about the topic. Third, the grade students of SMPN 1 Cangkuang
students find difficulties in grammar. have difficulties in grammar and
vocabulary. And in the content, The tenth-grade students of MA
organization, and mechanical aspects Salafiyah As-Syafi’iyah also have the
students still had the ability. difficulties in writing. It can be seen from
The next previous study that has been teacher’s interview that students’ have
done by Nikmah (2016). This study has difficulties in developing the idea and
the purpose to to analyze the students’ translating the words from Indonesian to
descriptive text at MTsN Bandung in the English because their vocabulary still less.
academic year of 2015/2016. This study They also have difficulties in composing
used descriptive quantitative method. The the correct sentences because they have
result of the study showed that the mean limited knowledge about grammar.
score of the students’ mean score in From the explanation above, the
writing descriptive text is 44 and researcher decided to conduct the study
categorized as poor. In developing ideas related with the students’ difficulties in
and mechanical aspects, the students score writing descriptive text. This study is
can be categorized as average. Then, in conducted by using a case study at the
organization the students’ score can be tenth-grade students in MA Salafiyah As-
categorized as good. But, in the vocabulary Syafi’iyah in the academic year of
and grammar the students’ score can be 2017/2018. And the title of this study is
categorized as poor. “An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in
The third study has been done by EFL Writing Text (A Case Study in
Hanafi (2017). The aim of this study was Writing Descriptive Text at the Tenth-
to find out eleventh graders’ difficulties Grade Students of MA Salafiyah As-
Syafi’iyah in the Academic Year of
and mastery of descriptive text and the
2017/2018)”. Based on the background of
cause. The results of the study was the
the study above, this study has two
students find all constraint in all point of
statements of the problem as follows: (1)
scoring. The highest percentage is 83% of
What are the difficulties of the tenth-grade
students constraint in grammar. The
students of MA Salafiyah As-Syafi’iyah
second percentage are 80% of students
Simoreojo Kanor in the academic year of
have constraint in vocabulary and 80% of
2017/2018 in writing descriptive text? (2)
students have constraint in mechanic. The
What are the causes of the students’
third percentage is 70% of students have
difficulties in writing descriptive text?
constraint in content, and the last
The objectives of the study are to find
percentage is 67% of students have
out the difficulties of the tenth-grade
constraint in organizing. Whereas, the
students of MA Salafiyah As-Syafi’iyah
factor causing the students’difficulties was Simorejo Kanor in writing descriptive text
from their background. Many students’ had and to find out the causes of the students’
diffficulties in writing descriptive text.
difficulties because they were lack of
motivate and interest in learning.
Based on some previous studies
The method of this study is qualitative
above, research about students’ difficulties
method by using a case study as the
in EFL writing text is important to do.
research design. Emilia (2005) explains
Because it can help the English teacher
that a case study is the in-depth
and the students in problem solving.
investigation of an individual, group, or
However, the research about students’
institution, while in education, case studies
difficulties in EFL writing text is still less.
were typically conducted to determine the
So, the researcher decided to do the
background, environments, and
research related with the students’
characteristics of students with problem.
difficulties in EFL writing text especially
This study uses documentation to know
in descriptive text.
the students’ difficulties in writing A. Students’ Difficulties in Writing
descriptive text. The documentation is the Descriptive Text
form of the students’ written text. Beside
using documentation, the researcher also To know more about the students’
uses questionnaire and interview to know difficulties, the researcher was presented
the causes of the students’ difficulties in the result of the students’ scores and
writing descriptive text. difficulties in the following table.
The setting of this study is MA
Table 4.1
Salafiyah As-Syafi’iyah Simorejo Kanor.
The Data from Students’ Writing Text
It is located in Simorejo village, Kanor. Aspect Standard Scoring
The researcher choosed the tenth-grade
students’ as the subject. But, the researcher Content 20- 16- 11-8 7-5 4-0
only chooses class X-A because according 17 12
to the English teacher many students in Respondents 7 9 4 - -
this class had low ability in writing. This Organization 20- 16- 11-8 7-5 4-0
class consists of 20 students; 5 males and 17 12
15 females. Respondents 11 5 4 - -
Vocabulary 20- 16- 11-8 7-5 4-0

In the earlier chapter, the researcher Respondents 2 5 10 3 -

had mentioned about the objectives of the
Grammar 30- 23- 17-10 7-5 4-0
study. The objectives of the study are to 24 18
find out the students’difficulties and the
causes of students’ difficulties in writing Respondents - 4 12 4 -
descriptive text. Mechanic 10- 7-5 4-2 1-0 -
To find out the students’ difficulties in Respondents 2 10 8 - -
writing descriptive text, the researcher
choose the students’ descriptive text to Based on the table above, it could
collect and analyze the data as document be conclude that the most common
analysis based on the rubric from Tribble difficulties faced by students are grammar
(1996). The types of difficulties that were and vocabulary. Whereas, in the content,
implemented in analyzing the data are organization and mechanical aspects
content, organization, vocabulary, students was good enough to develop their
language use (grammar), and mechanics. written.
The content analysis was based on the
ability to think creatively and develop a. Grammar
thoughts. The organization analysis was
One of the biggest difficulties that
based on the ability to write in appropriate
faced by students was grammar.
manner. The vocabulary analysis was
Whereas, grammar was a main
based on the ability to use of word/idiom.
components of any language in the
The language use or grammar was based
world, especially in English. From this
on the ability to write with appropriate
study, the researcher took 20 students
structure. The mechanics analysis was
as the data. But, there was no student
based on the ability to use punctuation,
who have the highest score in this
capitalization, and spelling correctly.
aspect. There were only 4 students who
got score from 23-18 (good to average)
because they did some mistakes in
using grammar. Then, there were 12
students who got score from 17-10 little variety of ideas or arguments in
(fair to poor) because they did frequent their written text. It can be said that
mistakes in using grammar. And there some of the students still had abilities
were 4 students who got score from 9- in developing the ideas clearly with
6 (very poor) because most of their much information. And the average
written text was error. And the average score from the students’ work in this
score from students’ work in this aspect is 15,4 or 47,4% from all
aspect is 13,8 or 38% from all students. students.

b. Vocabulary d. Organization
The second difficulty faced by In the organization aspect, the
students in writing descriptive text was researcher did not found many
vocabulary. It can be seen from the mistakes from the students’ text. There
table score from the students’ text that were 11 students who had 20-17 score
most of students just got score 11-8 (excellent to very good) because they
(fair to poor) for their vocabulary could express the ideas fluently and be
aspect because they still had limited organized with logical sequence and
vocabulary and did some mistakes in the main idea is clear. Moreover, there
choosing the words. There were just 2 were 4 students got score 16-12 (good
students who had score 20-17 to average) because in their written text
(excellent to very good) because they the organization is not fluent, but the
had many vocabularies and could state main idea is clear. And there were 4
appropriate words in their written text. students got score 11-8 (fair to poor)
Moreover, there were 4 students who because the idea is not clear and
had score 16-12 (good to average) difficult to follow. And the last just 2
because their vocabulary is adequate students who got score 7-5 (very poor)
and they did few mistakes in choosing because the idea is very not clear and
the words. And there were 3 students very difficult to follow by the reader. It
who had score 7-5 (very poor) because can be said that most of the students
they could not choose the correct did not have difficulty in the
words and limited vocabulary in organization aspect. And the average
writing descriptive text. And the score from the students’ work in this
average score from students’ work in aspect is 15,3 or 46,8% from all
this aspect is 12,5 or 31,2% from all students.
e. Mechanic
c. Content
In the mechanic aspect, just 2
In the content aspect, the students students who had the highest score; 10-
did not have difficulties like in 8 (excellent to very good). Because
grammar and vocabulary. There were 7 they could demonstrate spelling,
students got the highest score; 20-17 punctuation and capitalization very
(excellent to very good) because they well. Moreover, 10 students were got
could develop the ideas clearly and score 7-5 (good to average) because
relevant to the topic. There were 9 they did some mistakes in spelling,
students in 16-12 score (good to punctuation and capitalization. And the
average) because they could state some last were 8 students in score 4-2 (fair to
variety of ideas or arguments in their poor) because they did many mistakes
written text. And 4 students in 11-8 in using punctuation, capitalization and
score (fair to poor) because they had did misspelling words. So, it could be
conclude that the students still had and it also make them got difficulties in
abilities in the mechanic aspect. And writing descriptive text.
the average score from the students’
work in this aspect is 5,7 or 6,5% from From the students’ and teacher’s
all students. answer, it can be seen that the cause of the
students’ difficulties in writing descriptive
To know the causes of the students’ text is most of the students lack of study
difficulties in writing descriptive text, the and exercise to write or they feel so lazy to
researcher distributed the questionnaire to learn English because some students
all of students in class X-A and conducted dislike this lesson or it can be said that
the interview to 4 students and the English they are lack of interest in learning
teacher. English. Moreover in writing descriptive
text. Beside that, the students are lack of
B. The Causes of Students’ Difficulties vocabulary and grammar and it make them
in Writing Descriptive Text in writing text be difficult. And some
students still do not know the generic
After the researcher distributed the
structure and language features of
questionnaire to the students, the next step
descriptive text.
is analyzed the result of questionnaire by
used percentage technique. Based on the From the data that has got by the
result of questionnaire, it can be seen that researcher, the most cause of the students’
almost of the students had many problems difficulties is they are lack of study or
from themselves that cause of their practice. It can be said that they are lack of
difficulties in writing descriptive text. interest in learning English include writing
There were 15 (75%) students said that the English text. And they have the
they are lack of interest in learning English difficulties in composing the sentences
text especially writing descriptive text into English well because they still do not
material. Then, there were 16 (80%) know about grammar. Moreover, they
students said that they are lack of practice cannot develop the ideas and translate into
in writing descriptive text. Moreover, there English because they are lack of
were 10 students (50%) said that they are vocabulary. And sometimes they still don
lack of knowledge about descriptive text. not know about the generic structures and
Then, there were 14 students (70%) still language features of the text.
don’t know about the language features of
descriptive text clearly. And the last was Based on the result of document
15 (75%) students still lack of knowledge analysis, it can be concluded that the
about grammar and English vocabulary. students’ difficulties in writing just in the
Linguistic difficulty. Byrne (1988) said
The result of questionnaire can be that linguistic difficulty is the difficulty in
showed that most of students got the using correct grammar and vocabulary.
difficulties in writing descriptive text The writers face this problem because they
because almost of the students were lack are not mastering the grammar and
of interest in learning English and practice vocabulary. And it make them did many
to write the English text. It will be affect to mistakes in writing text because they
their ability in writing. Moreover, most of choose inappropriate grammar and
the students also lack of vocabulary and vocabulary to their writing text. As
grammar. Whereas, both of them are the (Alfaki, 2015: 45) said that writing in the
basic points in learning English language. foreign language using appropriate words
On the other hand, they were lack of and grammar are the problem for the
knowledge about descriptive text clearly students.
According to the questionnaire and aspect or it can be classified as the
interview, most of students got the Linguistic difficulty. Because based on
difficulties because of they were lack of the data analysis many students got the
interest in learning and practice to write minimum score in the grammar aspect
descriptive text because they thought that and vocabulary aspect. It can be seen
writing is the difficult lesson. And it will from their average score is 13,8 or 38%
be affect to their writing ability become from all students in grammar and 12,5
less. As (Hanafi, 2017: 57) said that the or 31,2% from all students in
most dominant cause of the students’ vocabulary.
difficulty is they are lack of interest in
learning writing and it make the students Different from the three aspects
think that learning writing is boring. such as content, organization and
mechanical aspect. Its not too much
The next cause of the difficultiy was trouble faced by the students. The
students lack of practice in writing average score in the content aspect is
descriptive text. Whereas, to make a good 15,4 or 47,4% from all students and the
writing the students must take a lot of average score in the organization
practice. Most of the students lack of aspect is 15,3 or 46,8% from all
practice in writing text and it make them students. And the last in the
got difficulties in writing. It is supported mechanical aspect the average score is
by Hedge (1988: 11), he said that his own 5,7 or 6,5% from all students. So, it
experience tells him that in order to could be conclude that the students still
become a good writer, a student needs to had ability in each of three aspects or it
write a lot. Because of that, if students can be said that the students did not
want to be more quality in writing they difficulties in Psychology and
should take a lot of practice in writing. Cognitive difficulty.
The third cause was learner’s prior
knowledge. Most of the students still lack Beside that, the writer found the
of knowledge about English. They were causes of the students’ difficulties in
lack of vocabulary and grammar and it writing descriptive text from
make them got difficulties in writing. They questionnaire and interview. Most of
could not composed the sentence well and the students had difficulties in writing
developed the ideas clearly in writing descriptive text because they were lack
descriptive text. The different structure of interest in learning English because
between Indonesian and English make they think that English is the difficult
students got confused when they wanted to lesson to be learned include grammar,
transfer their ideas into written form. vocabulary and the English text
According to Jacobvits in Mashullah material. And it make them lack of
(2015: 21), he believed that the students’ knowledge and ability in EFL writing
prior knowledge influences the students’ text.
ability in learning a foreign language.
B. Suggestion
Students who had a lot of knowledge will
be easier to learn the new lesson. So that, The researcher found that there
learning vocabulary and grammar is were some difficulties that faced by
important because both of them are basic the students in writing the English
to make good writing. text. Therefore, the researcher wants
CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION to give some suggestions.
A. Conclusion
The difficulties that faced by the The teachers should be increase
students was grammar and vocabulary and improve their students’
knowledge about writing composition Cipete Jakarta). Skripsi. UIN
especially in EFL writing text. Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
Teacher should be creative to create a
simple way to teach English grammar Anderson, M. and Kathy. (1998). Text
more comprehensively in order the Types in English 1. South Yarra:
students could understand to write Mac Millan Education Australia.
easily. Then, The teacher should give pp. 48-49.
more exercise in English writing text
Brown, Douglas. H. (2001). Teaching by
for enrich students’ vocabulary, in
Principle: an Interactive Approach
teaching learning process to solve
to Language Pendagogy Second
students’ problems. And the teacher
Edition. New York: Addison
should find new method to teach the
Wesley Longman, Inc.
students, in order not to make them
feel confused and bored when they are Byrne, D. (1988). Teaching Writing Skills.
in the class. London: Longman Press.
The students should be learning Emilia, E. (2005). A Critical Genre Based
more about grammar and vocabulary. Approach to Context in Indonesia.
The students should do more practice Thesis. University of Melbourne.
in writing text in English, for enrich
their vocabulary. The students should
be having motivation from teachers
and other students to practice their Hanafi, M. (2017). An Analysis of Eleventh
ability in various aspect of English Graders’ Difficulties in Writing
skills. Descriptive Text at MA Ni’matul
Aziz Jelapat 1 Barito Kuala
For the other researcher, it is hoped Academic Year 2017/2018. Thesis.
that the future researchers can conduct Antasari State University
further research is similar topic with Banjarmasin.
this research, so that the English Hedge, T. (1998). Writing. Oxford: Oxford
teacher can take benefit from the University Press.
result in this study. Moreover, other
researcher could help the teacher to Levine, M. 1993. Developmental Variation
create a new teaching techniques in Learning an Disorders. Educators
order to students enjoy learning Publishing Service.
process and they could improve their
skills. Mashullah. (2015). An Analysis Students’
Difficulties in Understanding Text
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