Second PUC Mid-Term Examination, Decemb r-2014: (4cqho6 l1/.1 Subject: English

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SecondPUC Mid-Term Examination,Decemb€r-2014
[4Cqho6 l1/.1
Max' Marks: 100
Tirne: 3-15I{ours/
a) Follow the prescribccllimit while answeringthe questions-
b) Write the corrcctquestionnumbcras it appcarson the question
c) One mark questionsattenrptecl more than oncc will be awardedzero.
and at one place'
d) Answcr to qucstionnurnbcrs24 (a-j) and 25 ( i-w) shouldbe in sequence
e) Iror rnultiplechoicequestionschoosethe correctanswerand rewrite
[. Answcr thc following i1 a word, pfirase or a sentcnceeach-
l) W5at clocsJulietteachthe torch accorcling to RomeoandJuliet?
2) From which gamblinggamedid specialrevenuccomein Monaco?
3) WSeredo soulsof chilclrendwell, accordingto the poetin "On Children"?
4) In which book cliclVanadanaShivadcscribeaboutthc failurc to undcrstand
5) By which namewas LauraLlorcnteknown in the localityof Valencia?
"wltcn you areold"?
6) Ig contrastto lnany what did onc lnan love in the womanin
j) Which was the changethat took placein the owncr of the plantationafterthe arrivalof
g) In which was thc foot irnprisonedaccordingto the poct in "To the foot from its child"?
9) What is thc taskof poct accordingto J.L' Borges?
If You arenot hereon
l0) On wSatclocsthe tenclersun shineleanaccordingto the poetFleaven
l l) What docs the principle of Equity mean according to Rabindranath
12) T[e villa in which LauraLlorentelived is called
(a) Valenciab)Maricelac) Sevilled)Madrid

paragraph of
II. Answer apy cigSt of the following (choosing - at lcast two from poctry) in a
l3) How cloesShakespeare love o[ RomcoanclJulict for eachother?
off or to keephim
14) Monacois a countrywhcretheyclonot grudgeexpenseto cut a man'shead
in prisonfor li[c" .explainthis.
possessive natureof
l5) How cloesKahlil Gibranin his poem"on chilclren"throw light on
parentsrowardstheir childrenis different ? What are his suggestionsto them?
15) What is chipko? who initiatedthis movement?How diclotherwomen
the samebenchin
17) llow did Dona LauraanclDon Gonzalobecomcintimateafteroccupying
the Park?
one man for the woman
l g) How doesthe poct in "Wlrcn you areolcl"try to provethat thc love of
is differentfrom that of others?
as on himselfl
19) How dictTammannaavenge(takerevenge)on Basavaiahanrlas well
realisethat it
20) How did the child's foot which is nor o*or" that it is foot in thc beginning
is ceasedto be a foot at the end?
2l) How did BorgesdefinePoetry?
"Heaven,If you are not
22) How doesthe poetbring the infinite heaveninto a reality on earthin
on Earth?

III. Ansu'cr the following in about 200 words 1x6=6

23) "lttdia's besticlcasltavccontcwhcremanwas in cornntunionwith trcesanclrivcrs and lakes.
awayfrom thc crowds". Explainthis rvithrefcrence to VanadanaShiva.
Justifytlrctitle of the play "A SunnyMorning".
J.L.Borgcssaid"Books will nevcrdisappcar "Explain.

24) Itead the follolving passagcand ansu'cr thc qucstionsct on it- 10xl=10
Abdul Kalarnwasbornon l5th Octobcrl93l at RameshwarArn in Dhanshkodi, Tamil Nadu
'to a workingclass
TarnilMuslirnfamily .IIe rcceivedhis degrcein aeronautical engineering frorn
thc MadrasInstituteof Teclrnologyin 1958.After graduation hejoined India'sDcfcnceRescarch
and DcvclopmcntOrganisatiortto r,vorkoll a hovercraftprojcct.In L962,Kalam movcd to thc
IrrdianSpaccRcsearchorganisation, whcrehis tcarnsuccessfully launchcdscveralsatellites. He
madc a significantcontributionas ProjcctDircctorto developIndia's first incligcnous Satellite
LaunchVechicleSLV-IlI which successfully placcdthe Rohini spacesatclliteinto earthorbit in
J u l y1 9 8 0 .
In 1982,Kalamrcl.urnccl to DRDO as Dircctor,focusing on indigcnousguiclccl missilcs.Hc
wasrcsponsible for lhc developrncnt andopcral.ionalisationof theAgni andPRITHVI nrissiles.This
carncdhim thc sobriquct"lndia's tttissile-rnan".llc also hclpcdin the forrnulation6f healthcarc
proclucts usingtechnologydcvclopcdto missiles.
Kalarnhastheuniqucdistinctionof lravingreccivccl honorarycloctoratcs frornat lcastthirty
univcrsitics, asalsoIncliit'slltrcchighestcivilianhonours.thcPadmaBhuslran in 198l, thePaclma
Vibushanin 1990and thc BharatItatnain 1997.I{c hasrccentlyrcfiuscdan honorarycloctorate
from a universitystatinghc is satisficdwitlr thc oncs he has carnedwith his lrarclrvork ancl
Ilis book India 2020 stronglyadvocatcs an actionplan to dcvelopIndia into a knowledge
supcrpowcrand into a devclopcdnationby thc year 2020.Kalamis creditedwith the view that
India oughtto takea morc asserative stancein intcrnational relationshe apparentlyregardshis
work on India's nuclearweaponsprogramas a way to asscrtIndia's place place as a future
Kalamhaswrittcnscveralinspirations books,mostnotablyhis autobiography Wingsof Fire
aimedat motivatingIndianyouth,Anothcrof hisbooksGuidingSouls:Dialogues on thePurposeof
life rcvcalshis spiritualsicle.It hasbcenreportedthatthereis considcrable clernandin SouthKorea
for translatedversionsof booksaul.horcd by hirn.
a) WherewasAbdul Kalam born?
b) From wheredid he reccivchis dcgrcein acronautical
c) did hc join aftergraduation?
Which organisation
d) Which aretwo missilestltat aredevclopedand opcratcdby Kalam?
e) Why wasAbdul KalamcalledIndia'smissile-man?
l) IIow is Abdul Kalam uniquein reccivinghonorarydoctoratcs?
g) Menl.ionIndia'sthreehighcstcivilianhonoursrcccivedby Dr Abdul Kalarn.
h) What doesthe book India 2020advocate?

i) of Abdul Kalantis
Thc autobiography
jt Which book revealshis spiritualside?

25) Rcad thc following lincs and answcr thc questionssct on it. lx4=4
I passedalongthe watcrs'cdgebclow the ltuntidtrees.
My spiritrockcdin thc cvcninglight,thc rusltcsroundttty knccs
My spiritrockcdin slccpandsighes;andsawtltc tnoorlowlpcacc
i) Whercdid thc poct pass?
ii) In which light clidhis spiritrock?
iii) What wasseenaroundhis krrccs?iv) What did he sec?

26) Complcte the following b1'filling thc blanks using the right fornr ol'thc vcrb given in
brackcts. lx1=4
The quarrel bctu'ccnTanrntAnnaartd Basavaialt ( h a s + s u c k i)n a l l t h e i r
supporters.Tamnrarlna (bc+aclvise) by his supportcrsaboutthe variousllleansof gel.ting
backhis lancl.IIc - (Prepare)to buy all thelancltlratbelongcdto Basavaiah.

27) Report the following conservation 5xl =5

Don Gonazlo:Thcrearc solllebcautifulpoemsin thisbook.Here.Twentyyearspass.IIe
DonaLaura:You cattttotirnaginehorv it affcctsnreto secyou readingwith all thoseglasses.
Don Gonzalocanyou rcadwithoutany?
DonaLawa : Ccrtainly.

23) Fill in the blanks by choosingthe apporopriatccxprcssiongivcn in the bracket 3x1=3

On theday of elcctionMarcusrvas ashc wouldwin thc
lhe sametime he didn't wattt a single bo vote attclthus (tltrow away, itr
high spirit, To be in a soup)

29) Fill in the blanks with the right linkcr 5xl =5

Tammannaboughtlour more acresand Basavaiahfollowcd j1.--- -lt lookcdlike a
healthycompetition. graduallyit becamea rivalary .Tammannahad two
lrunclred couldnot tolcratethis.j
acrcsmore.Basavaiah he senthis,people,asking him to
scll two hundredacres. refusccl(liut,tobcgi*with, horilevcr,t6, tiitl)

30) Rcad the following passageand make notcs b3'dralving & tilling the boxcsgivcn bclorv
CHANDRASEKARAVENKATARAMAN wasbornat trichinopolyin southern Indiaon Novembcr
& physicssothatfrom thefirsthe wasimmersed
7th 1888.His fatherwasa lecturcrin mathcmatics
in academicatmospherc.
FIeentcreclPrcsidcrlcyCollcge,maclrasin 1902& in 1904passedhis B.A exanrination, and
wirrningthe first placc& golclntcclalin physics,In 1907he gaincd,his M.A degrec,obtainingthe

His earliestrcsearches
highcstdistinctions. in optics& acoustics, to
tltc tr,vofieldsof investigations
his cntirc carecr-werecarriedout whilc ltc was a studcttt.
which he hascleclicatecl
C V Ramanwas born at


5l Entered

lin 19021


2l 6l


I{is fatherwas lecturerin

lin 19071

His earlicstresearches


31) Write a lcttcr of application in responseto the following advcrtisementlvhich appearcd

in vijaya karnataka dated 2Sth Octobcr 2014' 5x1=5
IndianIlstitue of Science& Technologyinvitesapplicatiotr from qualifiedindividualsfor
Qualiticationmasterdegrecin Physics/ ChcmistryiMaths.Apply
the post of junior scientists.
within tendaysto theDirector,IndianInstitueof Scicnce& Technology,Malleashwaranl, Bangalore

32) lVhat do the undcrlined words in thc following extract refcr to? 1x6=6
Borges'smotherwas an extraorclinary person.FIespeaksof her kindnesstowardshim. He
feelsguilty for not havingbeena happyman in orderto havegivcn her a deservedhappiness. It is
truc of all chilclrcnthat when thcir mothersdie thcy fcel that they havetakenthem grantcd.
l) he- 2) her,
3) him-- 4) thcir
5) they 6) thep-
33) Re-arrange the jumblcd scgmentsto form mcaningful scrttcnccs Lx4=4
1) language/is /an/internatiotral/english/
2) traffic/avoid/to/follow/rules/accident
3) about/is/for/uslpoems and songs/the/composed/forest/
4) basavaiah/from/came/chennarayapatna/

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