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ENERGY EXPLORATION & EXPLOITATION · Volume 24 · Number 4+5 · 2006 pp. 285–296 285

Electricity Generation Using Water Lifting Force

Temel Ozturk1,* and Ayhan Demirbas2

Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey;
Selcuk University, Konya, Turkey

This study has exhibited the advantage of electricity generation using water lifting
force and explained how it is effectively used. Water is a renewable energy source
which can be used in electricity generation by using its lifting force (buoyant force).
It is important that an electricity generating apparatus using gravity and buoyancy
can curtail costs of power generation and prevent environmental pollution and
prevent destruction of an ecosystem. The hydraulic ram is an attractive solution for
electricity generation where a large gravity flow exists. The wave conversion plant
using buoyancy chambers is another solution for electricity generation using water
lifting force. There are a good many reasons that water lifting force will be used in
future at many ranges for electricity generation.

Keywords: Renewable energy, electricity, water, lifting force

Hydropower provides unique benefits, rarely found in other sources of energy. These
benefits can be attributed to the electricity itself, or to side-benefits, often associated
with reservoir development. Principles of sustainable development of particular
relevance to energy provision include: improving the well-being of entire populations,
ensuring that development is people-centered, participatory and equitable; integrating
environmental concerns into decision-making processes; and taking into account the
full range of costs and benefits of development (WCD, 2000).
Investment costs for small hydropower (SHP) plants vary according to site-specific
and local characteristics. The most important system and cost elements are: (1) civil
engineering, (2) equipment, and (3) turbine. The electrical generator represents less
than 5% of the total cost of a power plant and the efficiency of generators for new
plants is already close to 100%. Yet standardization of generator equipment for small
hydropower could further reduce installation and maintenance costs.

* Corresponding author. Dr.Temel Ozturk, 2 Nolu Besirli M. Ali Naci Peker C. Kose Ap. No:18, Kat: 1,
61100 Trabzon, Turkey. E-mail address:
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286 Electricity Generation Using Water Lifting Force

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 1. Main types of water turbines (a) Francis turbine, (b) Kaplan turbine,
(c) Pelton turbine. Source: Philippidis and Smith, 1995

Despite the recent debates, few would disclaim that the net environmental benefits
of hydropower are far superior to fossil-based generation. Hydroelectricity is produced
for an average of 0.85 cents per kWh. In comparison with hydropower, thermal plants
take less time to design, obtain approval, build and recover investment.
The remaining economically exploitable potential is about 5400 TWh/yr. An
investment of at least USD$ 1 500 billion would be necessary to realize such a program.
The mean level of hydropower plants capacity in the range of 50 MW to 100 MW,
some 20,000 plants would need to be built. In order to implement a plant construction
program of this magnitude, a great deal of work (technical, financial and political)
would need to be accomplished by all the investments involved, particularly in Asia,
South America and Africa (WEC, 2001).


A water power plant is in general a highly effective energy conversion system. There is
no pollution of the environment, but objections are raised relative to the flooding of
valuable real estate and scenic areas. Whether a particular hydroelectric installation is
economically competitive with a fossil fuel power plant will depend upon a number of
factors, in particular, fuel and construction costs (Kaygusuz, 1999; Demirbas, 2001). As
far as non-fossil energy is concerned, hydropower and nuclear power resources are the
principal assets, due to their high production potential and their economic efficiency.
There are two types of turbines: Reaction turbines and impulse turbines. Figure 1
shows main types of water turbines using in hydropower applications. In reaction turbines,
such as Francis and Kaplan turbines, water pressure applies force onto the face of the
runner blades, which decreases as it proceeds through the turbine. Francis turbines are
generally used in a head range of 5 to 250 meters and can be designed with either a
vertical or horizontal shaft. Kaplan turbines are axial-flow reaction turbines, generally
used for low-heads.
In impulse turbines water pressure is converted into kinetic energy in the form of a
high-speed jet that strikes buckets mounted on the periphery of the runner. The most
common impulse type is the Pelton turbine. It is generally used in installations with a head
of fifty to several hundred meters. By adjusting the flow through the nozzle, a Pelton
turbine can operate at high efficiency over wide range of head and flow conditions.
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Typically, larger turbines have higher efficiencies. For example, efficiency is usually
above 90% for turbines producing several hundred kW or more, whereas the efficiency
of a micro-hydropower turbine of 10 KW is likely to be in the order of 60% to 80%
(OECD/IEA, 2003).
Two main types of generators are used in the small hydropower industry: Synchronous
and asynchronous generators. Both generator types are very well known throughout
the industry and have been steadily improved to meet the needs and demands of the
hydropower sector.
The efficiency of small hydropower depends mainly on the performance of the
turbine. Today, generators commonly have efficiency rates of 98-99%. As a general
rule, larger and newer plants have higher efficiencies of up to 90%. Efficiency can be
as low as 60% for old and smaller plants (OECD/IEA, 2003). Hydropower is the most
efficient way to generate electricity. Modern hydro turbines can convert as much as
90% of the available energy into electricity. The best fossil fuel plants are only about
50% efficient.


In addition to the downward force of gravity, an object inside water experiences a
force directed straight up, opposite to the direction of gravity. This force is due to the
difference in pressure above and below the object. The pressure is different because
there is more mass above the bottom than above the top of the object.
Water pushes up from the bottom more than it pushes down from the top. This net
force is called water lifting force or buoyant force of water. Namely, when an object is
placed in water, the water exerts an upward push on it. Therefore, a measure of water
lifting force can be obtained by measuring the force needed to pull floating objects
under water. The water lifting force is exerted on all objects in water, regardless of
whether they sink or float. An object will float if the water lifting force on it is equal
to or greater than the downward force of gravity. An object will sink if the upward
water lifting force on it is less than the downward force of gravity. For example, the
buoyant force on a huge oil tanker can be very great-great enough to hold many tons
of the ship and its cargo above the surface of the water.
Hydraulic ram (hydram) pumps are water lifting or water pumping devices that are
powered by filling water. The hydram pumps have been used for over two centuries in
many parts of the world. It is a useful device that can pump water uphill from a flowing
source of water above the source with no power requirement except the force of gravity.
The diagram in Figure 2 shows all the main components of a hydram pump system. The
hydram pumps have a cyclic pumping action that produces their characteristic beat
during operation. As shown Figure 2, the delivery pipe can be of any material that can
withstand the water pressure. The size of the delivery pipe line can be estimated by
using Table 1 (I4AT, 2005).


An excellent work on history of the hydram pump was completed by Krol in 1947. The
powerful effect of stopping a flow of water has long been known, occasionally
resulting in burst pipes and broken taps; this is caused by the effect often called water
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288 Electricity Generation Using Water Lifting Force


Delivery Relief valve

pipe Air vessel

Water head


Supply Waste
head water
pipe Waste valve
Valve box

Figure 2. Components of a hydram pump. Source: Life Water, 2005

Table 1. Sizing the delivery pipe

Delivery pipe size(mm) Flow (liter min−1)

30 6–36
40 37–60
50 61–90
80 91–234
100 235–360
Source: I4AT, 2005.

hammer. It was this effect that caused the tap at the end of a long pipe delivering water
to a basement around 1770 to keep failing. In an attempt to remedy the situation, John
Whitehurst fitted an air vessel, after a time that also failed; he realized that the pressure
causing the air vessel to fail could be used constructively to pump water to a higher
level (Krol, 1947). In 1772, he built the first hydraulic ram apparatus for use by a
brewery to deliver water to the top floor; a child was employed to continually open and
close the tap/valve and in 1775 drew attention to the device in a communication to the
Royal Society (Krol, 1947; Maratos, 2002).
In 1776 Montgolfier invented a device with an automatic valve; following this a large
number of automatic hydram pumps were designed and used worldwide. The ram pump
is in use today and some made over 100 years ago are still working (Maratos, 2002).


Hydram pump works by using the energy of a large amount of water lifting a small
height to lift a small amount of that water to a much greater height and is powered by
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the potential energy of the supply. Hydram pumps are currently of interest because
they make use of a renewable energy resource and are environmentally friendly. Ram
pumps are particularly appropriate for use in the developing world as their construction
is basic and robust (Young, 1996). Since being superseded by pumps using fossil fuel
energy nearly a century ago, they are now coming back into favor in many parts of the
developing world (Young, 1995). Wherever a fall of water can be obtained, the hydram
pump can be used as a comparatively cheap, simple and reliable means of raising water
to considerable heights. The main and unique advantage of hydram pumps is that with
a continuous flow of water, a hydram pump operates automatically and continuously
with no other external energy source such as electricity or hydrocarbon fuel. Automatic,
continuous operation requires no supervision or human input. It uses a renewable
energy source hence ensures low running cost (Tessema, 2000).
Lifting water from the source to a higher location can be carried out usually through
a number of potential water-lifting options, depending on the particular site conditions.
One means for lifting water is the hydram pump. The hydram is a self-actuating pump
operated by the same principle of a water hammer. This extremely simple and durable
machine has two moving parts, one is a valve (typically a poppet type that ‘pops up
and down’), and whilst the other is a flat piece of rubber which acts as a one way valve
(Maratos, 2002). If correctly installed and properly maintained, it is a dependable and
useful device that can lift water to a great height without the use of any other source of
energy or fuel other than water itself. Maintenance was extremely simple, and there
was almost no cost to keep the hydram working. The hydram can be used for lifting
water from a source lying at a lower elevation to a point of use located at a higher
elevation for domestic use, drinking, cooking and washing, and irrigation of small areas,
gardens, and orchards (Demirbas, 2006). Hydram pumps are relatively economical to
purchase and install. If properly installed, they will give many trouble-free years of
service with no pumping costs.
Energy that is stored in the gravitational field is called gravitational potential
energy, or potential energy due to gravity. At the top water has more gravitational
potential energy than when is at the bottom, because the water at the top is further from
the center of the Earth than at the bottom. So, if the water is allowed to fall from the
top to the bottom, (that is, the Earth’s gravitational force does work on the water
moving it), then the energy stored as potential energy at the top becomes transformed
into the kinetic energy of this water and we can use it to do work. Potential energy,
therefore, is the energy associated with different positions in the force field. Potential
energy is a representation of the position of a system in a field of force. If the object is
being lifted at constant velocity, then it is not accelerating, and the net force on it is
zero. When something is lifted at a constant velocity the force equals the weight of the
object. So, the work done lifting an object is equal to its mass times the acceleration
due to gravity times the height of the lift. As the object falls it travels faster and faster,
and thus, picks up more and more kinetic energy. This increase in kinetic energy during
the fall is due to the drop in gravitational potential energy during the fall. The
gravitational potential energy becomes the kinetic energy of the falling object. The
water above receives energy as it falls down the short waterfall. This energy was stored
as potential energy in the gravitational field of the earth and came out of storage as the
water dropped. This energy, which came out of the gravitational field, ended up being
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290 Electricity Generation Using Water Lifting Force

expressed as the kinetic energy of the water (Demirbas, 2006). Kinetic energy is
converted into electricity energy by generators.
However, the facilities for the thermoelectric power generation and the nuclear
power generation have complex structures, cost a great amount in generating the
electricity due to a large amount of power consumption, and affect an ecosystem. The
hydroelectric power generation is unable to generate sufficient electricity because of
limited water sources. Also, the power generation capacity using wind or solar energy
is considerably influenced by change of weather. Hydroelectric power causes
disturbances in ecosystems from dams and large land use and is criticized because it
does change the environment by affecting natural habitats. It is important an electricity
generating apparatus using gravity and buoyancy can curtail costs of power generation
and prevent environmental pollution and prevent destruction of an ecosystem.
For these reasons, the hydraulic ram is an attractive solution for electricity generation
where a large gravity flow exists. It is necessary to investigate the theoretical feasibility
of using hydram pump (typically used for pumping relatively small quantities of river
water to a higher level) for this purpose. A major question is whether the hydram pump
can pump the large quantities of water required for electricity generation.
As described above in detail, the electricity generating apparatus of the present
invention easily generates the electricity by using the gravity and the buoyancy applied to
the buoyant bodies as energy sources for driving the generator. Also, since the structure
of the apparatus is simple, it is convenient to install, operate and manage the apparatus. In
addition, since the apparatus generates the electricity by using the nonpolluting energy
sources, it contributes to the protection of environment.


A preferred method of obtaining electrical energy from the motion of waves is the
direct conversion of wave movement to electrical power using electrical linear
generators. In this arrangement, the reciprocating motion of one or more floats is used
to cause relative movement between the stator and armature of such a generator. The
direct generation of power is thereby realized without the need for any form of
intermediary mechanism, as would be necessary for example when using rotary
electrical generators.
Apparatus for converting the motion of sea wave energy to electrical energy
includes one or more float driven linear generators, in which the inertial mass of the
float and any linkage means to the linear generator is minimized. In order to generate
electrical power consistently upon both the upstroke and down stroke of the float, the
moving part of the generator is so sized that its gravitational weight acting upon the
float, together with that of the float itself and any intermediate linkage means, is
substantially equal to half the total buoyancy of the float (Kelly, 2001).
An example of a subsidiary function affecting the performance of many designs of
wave conversion plant using buoyancy chambers is the expenditure of wave energy
necessary to accelerate the mass itself of the buoyancy chamber and any associated
apparatus not directly concerned with the conversion of power. For example, in the
case of buoyant hinged raft type constructions, which are used to generate power by
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employing the motion of buoyant chambers to drive hydraulic pistons, the mass of the
raft buoyancy chambers themselves is considerable. As a result of this, the up thrust
resulting from their buoyancy must be expended both in accelerating them in order to
keep up with the speed of ascendancy of the wave acting upon them, and for driving
the hydraulic piston.
The linear generators experience substantially consistent upwards and downwards
thrust during the passing of a wave, and thus consistent generation of power during
both of these phases is achieved. In addition, because the mass of the floats and any
intermediate linkage mechanism is kept to a minimum, no energy is lost in accelerating
any parasitic weight, other than the necessary mass of the moving components of the
linear generators themselves, which might otherwise impede the following by the
floats of the wave motion.
All of the available force arising from the presence of the float moving upon the
waves, and thus the captured energy, is expended solely in the movement alone of the
generators for doing useful work.
According to Figure 3, wave energy to electrical energy conversion apparatus is
depicted immersed in the sea. The apparatus comprises a float driven linear generator,
the stator of which comprises a fixed rod 1, which houses a sequence of permanent
magnets. The rod is embedded, at its lowest extremity, in a concrete block, 2. The
block itself is anchored to the sea bed-shown generally at 3-to avoid drifting. The
armature of the generator 4 comprises a cylindrical housing in which is embedded a
series of coils. Coaxially surrounding the armature, and affixed thereto, is an annular
flotation chamber 5. The float is made of a construction, which is as light as possible.
This is in order to ensure that its weight is negligible in comparison with that of the
armature of the generator, and therefore that the wave energy present is expended
usefully on generating electrical power rather than accelerating any undue mass of the
float itself, and/or restricting the assembly from following the wave motion. Located
at the upper and lower surfaces of the armature are bearing blocks 6 and 7, for guiding
the armature coaxially up and down the stator. Annular paddles, 8, are also affixed to
the flotation chamber. The paddles are contoured in order to offer as much resistance
as possible to vertical movements of the sea water. The size and/or length of the
armature of the linear generator, and thus its weight, is so selected that its weight,
combined with that of the float, is such as to counteract by half the total up thrust
afforded by the volume of water that would be displaced by the float were the float to
be submerged.
The action of the apparatus is as follows. As a wave arrives, the natural buoyancy
of the flotation chamber causes the whole assembly to rise. The pressure of the rising
water acting against the paddles 8 assists this. Thus relative motion arises between the
armature and stator of the linear generator and alternating current is generated within
the coils of the generator, the amplitude and frequency of which depend upon the vigor
of the wave motion. The current is conducted to a shore station by a suitably armored
and flexible cable, 9. Once the wave has reached its zenith, and begins to fall, the
weight of the assembly causes the same also to fall. Power again is generated as the
armature traverses the stator. Because the up thrust experienced by the generator is
substantially the same as the weight of the assembly, electricity is generated reasonably
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292 Electricity Generation Using Water Lifting Force

6 4

9 3

Figure 3. Sea wave to electrical energy conversion plant. Source: Kelly, 2001

consistently both upon the rise and fall phases of the wave. There is some natural phase
lag between the ascending of the assembly relative to the waves, and its fall, due to the
natural damping effect of the electromotive force generated.
In a feature of the invention, in order to enhance the captivation of wave energy, the
flotation chambers are equipped with one or more paddles immersed in the sea, the
planar axes of the paddles being arranged to be substantially parallel to the sea surface,
the arrangement being such that the float and paddles act in combination to force
movement of the armature of the generator relative to its stator, the float by means of
its buoyancy, and the paddle, or paddles, by means of their resistance to the motion of
the seawater. Furthermore, the planar surfaces of the paddle against which the rising
and falling water presses, may be so contoured as to provide as much resistance as
possible to the motion of the water, and therefore to receive the greatest counter thrust
(Wipo, 2005; Kelly, 2001).


The greenhouse gas limitation and reduction objectives that were agreed in Kyoto in
December 1997 have critical implications for energy markets, given that CO2 is the
single most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas and that fossil fuel combustion is
the most important source of man-made CO2 emissions (Ellis and Treanton, 1998).
Using fossil fuel to generate electricity is not inapplicability because of CO2, SO2, and
NOx etc. emission, nonrenewable and its cost.
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Table 2. Global renewable energy resources

Approx. annual
Resource Capacity (MW) output (TWh/year)
Modern biomass 35000 185
Wind 20000 50
Geothermal 8200 44
Small hydro 3000 15
Solar photovoltaic 1200 1
Solar thermal 350 0.2
Source: UNDP, 2000.

Electricity generation from biomass is not competitive with other fossil-based

plants due to its high capital cost. Although there are some types of agricultural wastes
that can be utilized for energy purposes, their supplies are quite low and may not
be feasible for electricity generation (Santisirisomboon et al., 2001). As electricity
generation from biomass leads to partly significant emissions of SO2, NOx and particles,
for the sake of simplicity biomass here gets a credit only for a reduction of CO2
emissions (Krewitt and Nitsch, 2003).
Modern wind generators for electricity generation have some drawbacks. First, they
are regarded as being aesthetically objectionable and noise sources. Second, they may
be killers for animals such as bird. Third, a successful case of wind power generation
depends on the steady and abundant source of wind, not on seasons (Tsai and Chou,
The disadvantages of hydropower plants are habitat destruction (1), flooding
thousands of acres including areas of historical significance (2), relocation of residents
and area structures (cemeteries, historical structures, etc.) (3), changing ecological
complexion of the original area (4), decrease in dissolved oxygen levels (5), blockage
of upstream and downstream movement of fish that live in the river (6), altering the
natural flow of the source body of water (7), loss of water downstream (8), improperly
maintained dams could contribute to flooding (9), number of sites is limited (10),
sediment build up behind the dam possible containing organic pesticides, heavy metal
particulates (11).
Environmental pollution and greenhouse gas emissions are becoming significant
environmental issues in the world. Known renewable energy reserves of the world
are presented in Table 2. Table 3 shows the energy production and consumption
in the world. It is hoped that the low cost, environmentally friendly, free from
any sources water lifting force for electricity generation will play an important
role in the electricity generation and contribute much to the coming electricity
generation economy.

This study has exhibited the advantage of electricity generation using water lifting
force and how it is effectively used. It is anticipated that the low cost, environmentally
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294 Electricity Generation Using Water Lifting Force

Table 3. Energy Production and Consumption in the World (1998)

Production Percent of total

Resources (exajoule) production (%) Total consumption
Oil 152.0 40.0 73.60 million barrels/day
Natural gas 85.5 22.5 82.20 tcf/year
Coal 88.6 23.3 5.01 billion tons/year
Nuclear 24.5 6.5 2.30 trillion kWh/year
Hydroelectric 26.6 7.0 2.60 trillion kWh/year
Biomass 2.5 0.7 196.00 billion kWh/year
Source: Tewfik, 2004.

friendly water lifting force for electricity generation will play an important role in the
electricity generation and contribute much to the coming electricity generation economy.
Hence there are a good many reasons that water lifting force will be used future at
many ranges for electricity generation.
An important factor concerning the generation of electricity from any source is
the efficiency of energy conversion. This is particularly important in the case of
capturing renewable energy from water lifting force. Because of the high cost of
installing the power conversion plant, the operator must be absolutely certain that the
commercial returns will be adequate. An electricity generating apparatus using gravity
and buoyancy can curtail costs of power generation and prevent environmental
pollution and prevent destruction of an ecosystem. In this way the companies can
reduce their costs. This method will gradually become competitive with traditional
methods. It has almost no environmental impact and only limited maintenance is
required. Therefore among the different forms of renewable energy (wind, geothermal,
solar etc.), generation from water lifting force must be expected to make the largest

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