Test of The Lamendin Aging Method On Two Historic Skeletal Samples

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Test of the Lamendin Aging Method on Two Historic

Skeletal Samples
Mary S. Megyesi,1* Douglas H. Ubelaker,2 and Norman J. Sauer1
Department of Anthropology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48910
Department of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20560

KEY WORDS Spitalfields; St. Bride’s; age estimation; root translucency

ABSTRACT The Lamendin aging method involves ment attachment), and root translucency (root apex to
the quantification of root translucency and the attach- maximum level of root translucency) on the labial sur-
ment position of the periodontal membrane. It was de- face of single-rooted teeth. Our results indicate that
veloped using recent medical-examiner specimens, and postmortem factors affect the applicability of the Lamen-
was tested on modern skeletal samples such as the Terry din technique to archaeological and historical samples.
Collection (Lamendin et al. [1992] J. Forensic Sci. In particular, root translucency disappears with time, or
37:1373–1379; Prince and Ubelaker [2002] J. Forensic is obscured by unknown postmortem taphonomic effects
Sci. 47:107–116). The method may be one of the most related to the length of interment or postmortem en-
useful for estimating age after the mid-30s. The current vironment. Thirty-five percent of our sample showed
study is an evaluation of the Lamendin criteria on two no root translucency, indicating that caution is required
historic skeletal samples from Britain. Both the Christ’s when applying this method to archaeological or his-
Church Spitalfields and St. Bride’s Church collections re- torical remains. The mean error of age estimates for Spi-
present documented skeletal samples that were interred talfields and St. Bride’s was higher than in the original
in the 18th and 19th centuries. In total, 1,188 teeth from study of Lamendin et al. ([1992] J. Forensic Sci. 37:
220 adult individuals were examined from these two col- 1373–1379), and higher than in the test by Prince and
lections. The Lamendin method requires measuring total Ubelaker ([2002] J. Forensic Sci. 47:107–116) of the
root length (cementoenamel junction to apex), gingival Lamendin method on the Terry Collection. Am J Phys
regression (cementoenamel junction to periodontal liga- Anthropol 131:363–367, 2006. V 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Dental root translucency, periodontal regression, and ment of root height, taken on the labial surface from the
other traits such as secondary dentin and root resorption cementoenamel junction to the root apex. A sample of
have been the focus of many adult age-estimation techni- 306 extracted teeth from 208 individuals of known age,
ques for some time (Gustafson, 1950; Bang and Ramm, sex, and French ancestry was used in the original study
1970; Acsadi and Nemeskeri, 1970; Maples, 1978; of Lamendin et al. (1992) to create a multiple regression
Lorentsen and Solheim, 1989; Solheim, 1989). Lamendin equation to estimate age:
et al. (1992) proposed a technique that uses two traits,
root translucency and periodontal regression, in single- Age ¼ ð0:18 PÞ þ ð0:42 TÞ þ 25:53
rooted teeth to estimate age in adults. Root translucency
generally appears after age 20, and is due to the deposit where P ¼ periodontosis height * 100/(root height), and
of hydroxyapatite crystals within the dentin tubuli T ¼ translucency height * 100/(root height).
(Sengupta et al., 1998). Age estimates based on root Recently, the Lamendin technique of dental aging was
translucency are generally effective in adults over age applied to the Terry Collection (Prince and Ubelaker,
30, which is an advantage over many skeletal aging 2002), but tests of its applicability on ancient or historic
techniques that lose accuracy in adults past age 30 remains have not been conducted in depth. This study
(Soomer et al., 2003; Baccino et al., 1999). Root translu- examines the applicability of the Lamendin dental aging
cency is best observed when the tooth is backlit when traits to two historic samples. It is not known how root
placed on a light box. Root translucency generally pro- translucency and the periodontal ligament attachment
gresses from the root apex toward the cementoenamel site are affected over time or by the conditions of inter-
junction, and is measured on the labial surface of the ment. The purpose of this study was to examine the
tooth root from the apex to the maximum height of the traits used in the Lamendin dental aging method on a
translucency (Lamendin et al., 1992).
Periodontosis, or gingival regression, is ‘‘Due to the
degeneration of the soft tissues surrounding the tooth, it *Correspondence to: Mary S. Megyesi, Department of Anthropol-
progresses from the neck to the apex of the root (and) ogy, 354 Baker Hall, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
appears as a smooth and yellowish area below the 48910. E-mail: megyesim@msu.edu
enamel and darker than it but clearer than the rest of
the root’’ (Lamendin et al., 1992, p. 1374). It is measured Received 23 August 2005; accepted 6 February 2006.
on the labial surface from the cementoenamel junction to
the line of attachment of the soft tissues. DOI 10.1002/ajpa.20446
In addition to the measurement of these traits, the Published online 14 April 2006 in Wiley InterScience
Lamendin method of dental aging requires a measure- (www.interscience.wiley.com).

C 2006
TABLE 1. Tooth frequencies by type for Spitalfields TABLE 2. Tooth frequencies for each condition score
(n ¼ 951) and St. Bride’s (n ¼ 237)1
Tooth type Number present score ¼ 1 Condition
Condition (poor score ¼ 2
Incisors, maxillary 155 (S) score ¼ 0 condition, (poor condition,
35 (B) (good degraded, hypercementosis/
Incisors, mandibular 277 (S) Sample condition) eroded, etc.) stains)
68 (B)
Canines, maxillary 104 (S) Spitalfields N ¼ 746 (78%) N ¼ 118 (13%) N ¼ 87 (9%)
15 (B) St. Bride’s N ¼ 176 (74%) N ¼ 4 (1%) N ¼ 57 (24%)
Canines, mandibular 128 (S)
31 (B)
Premolars, maxillary 85 (S) tested here. All measurements were imported directly
23 (B) into preformatted Microsoft Excel spreadsheets from the
Premolars, mandibular 202 (S) calipers via an input cable. After the analysis was com-
65 (B)
pleted, a list with the age and sex for each burial num-
S, Spitalfields; B, St. Bride’s. ber was provided to the authors for each collection.
The condition of each tooth at time of analysis was
scored qualitatively into one of three categories: 0, good
historic sample, and compare the results to previously condition, tooth enamel and root intact, and smooth with
published tests of this method. no cracks, chips, or degradation; 1, poor condition, tooth
and/or root chipped, eroded, cracked, degraded, or flak-
ing; or 2, poor condition, hypercementosis, stains, or ac-
MATERIALS AND METHODS cretions (glue) present or adhering to root surface. If the
The skeletal material from Christ Church (Spitalfields, tooth displayed both hypercementosis and was degraded,
London) and St. Bride’s (Fleet Street, London) repre- it was scored as a 1. The purpose of this score was to
sents the remains of middle-class Londoners interred in qualitatively assess the condition of the teeth in order to
the 18th and 19th centuries (Adams and Reeve, 1987; evaluate if dental aging traits were affected by the con-
Molleson and Cox, 1993; Scheuer and Bowman, 1995). dition of the teeth.
The samples from both Spitalfields and St. Bride’s used Maintaining consistency with the methodology of
in the present study had metal plates associated Lamendin et al. (1992) and similar studies (Drusini
with each coffin, inscribed with name, age-at-death, and et al., 1991; Sengupta et al., 1998; Prince and Ubelaker,
date of death. In total, 176 individuals and 951 teeth 2002), this study estimated age with Lamendin’s regres-
from Spitalfields, and 44 individuals and 237 teeth from sion equation for each tooth, even if there were multiple
St. Bride’s, were sampled for this analysis. The analyses teeth from the same individual. Since the goal of this pa-
of the Spitalfields and St. Bride’s samples were kept per is to broadly test a dental aging method on a popula-
separate for this study, so that differences between sam- tion removed in time and space from previous tests, we
ples could be noted. The Spitalfields sample consisted of feel that it is important to adhere to the methodologies
87 females and 89 males, aged 26–91 years, with a mean previously published. Introducing a different methodol-
age of 55.4 years and a standard deviation of 15 years. ogy here would make it extremely difficult to compare
The St. Bride’s sample consisted of 24 females and 20 our results to other studies. Although multiple teeth from
males, aged 27–79 years, with a mean age of 48.5 years the same mouth may not show independence, the Spital-
and a standard deviation of 16.4 years. The distribution fields and St. Bride’ samples are wholly independent from
and frequency of tooth type for both samples are pre- the comparison populations, so that any differences
sented in Table 1. Mandibular teeth were more common should not be significantly affected. Any biases in this
in both samples, making up approximately 64% (n ¼ method should cancel each other out and not significantly
607) of the teeth in Spitalfields, and 70% (n ¼ 164) of affect a broad comparison of the Lamendin aging method
the teeth in St. Bride’s. between our historical sample and modern samples.
Individuals were chosen for this analysis if they: 1)
were over age 25 at time of death, and 2) had at least RESULTS
one single-rooted (incisor, canine, or premolar) tooth
available for analysis. Age and sex were not known by Table 2 shows the number and percentage of teeth in
any of the authors during the analysis. The burial num- each sample that fell into each condition category. The
ber of each individual was recorded, all teeth available percentage of teeth in good condition is roughly the same
for analysis were identified and sided, and then all mea- in the Spitalfields and St. Bride’s samples (78% and
surements for each tooth were taken. All available inci- 74%, respectively), but the St. Bride’s sample had pro-
sors, canines, and premolars were measured for root portionally more teeth with hypercementosis and stains,
height and periodontosis height under a desk lamp, and and the Spitalfields sample had proportionally more
then the tooth was placed on a light box to measure root teeth that were degraded, cracked, or eroded.
translucency. A sliding digital caliper was used to take Applying Lamendin’s technique to the Spitalfields
measurements in millimeters from the labial surface of sample produced a mean error of 15.4 years, with a
the tooth. Measurements were taken by two observers standard deviation of 11.4 years and a standard mean
(M.S.M. and N.J.S.) who worked closely together, often error of 0.37. For the St. Bride’s sample, there was a
collaborating on difficult specimens and discussing cases mean error of 16.7 years, with a standard deviation of
with D.H.U. as work progressed. Interobserver error for 12.5 years and a standard mean error of 0.82. Table 3
this method was published elsewhere (Lamendin et al., is a summary of the mean errors for Spitalfields and
1992; Baccino et al., 1999; Willems et al., 2002) and, due St. Bride’s, grouped by age cohort. Table 3 indicates that
to the collaborative nature of data collection, was not this technique is most accurate with the 25–49-year age

American Journal of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa

TABLE 3. Comparison of mean error for age cohorts in Spitalfields and St. Bride’s
Age interval (years) 25–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 70–79 80–89 90–99 Total
Number of teeth 96 (S) 137 (S) 133 (S) 241 (S) 220 (S) 109 (S) 10 (S) 5 (S) 951 (S)
41 (B) 51 (B) 12 (B) 27 (B) 82 (B) 24 (B) 237 (B)
Mean error (years), Spitalfields 10.9 7.7 9.9 13.3 20.7 27.0 34.2 46.8 15.4
Mean error (years), St. Bride’s 9.3 10.5 12.2 20.3 18.4 35.0 16.7
S, Spitalfields; B, St. Bride’s.

TABLE 4. ANOVA of root translucency, depending on TABLE 6. Mean errors grouped by tooth condition for
tooth condition Spitalfields and St. Bride’s1
Sum of Mean Good condition Poor condition
squares df square F P-value Tooth condition (score ¼ 0) (score ¼ 1 or 2)
Spitalfields Number of teeth 746 (S) 205 (S)
Groups 136,224.4 1 136,224.4 176 (B) 61 (B)
Error 500,752.6 949 527.6 258.2 0.001 Mean errors (years), 14.7 18.4
Total 636,977.0 950 Spitalfields2
St. Bride’s Mean errors (years), 14.0 24.4
Groups 27,749.7 1 27,749.7 St. Bride’s2
Error 136,910.9 235 582.6 47.6 0.001 1
Total 164,660.6 236 S, Spitalfields; B, St. Bride’s.
Difference between means is significant at p ¼ 0.001.

TABLE 5. ANOVA of periodontosis regression, depending TABLE 7. Mean errors grouped by translucency for
on tooth condition Spitalfields and St. Bride’s1
Sum of Mean Translucency
squares df square F P-value present Translucency ¼ 0
Spitalfields Number of teeth 614 (S) 337 (S)
Groups 891.8 1 891.8 152 (B) 85 (B)
Error 170,327.7 949 179.5 5.0 0.026 Mean errors (years), 13.1 19.7
Total 171,219.5 950 Spitalfields2
St. Bride’s Mean errors (years), 14.4 21.0
Groups 12.8 1 12.8 St. Bride’s2
Error 35,310.1 235 150.3 0.1 0.770
Total 35,322.9 236 1
S, Spitalfields; B, St. Bride’s.
Difference between means is significant at p ¼ 0.001.

groups. The lowest mean error is 7.7 years for the Spi- both samples have a mean error of around 14 years, while
talfields age cohort of 30–39 years. For ages over 49 those in poor condition have a mean error of 18.4 years for
years in both samples, the mean errors are much higher, Spitalfields, and 24.4 years for St. Bride’s. A t-test for
with the highest mean error of 46.8 years for the Spital- equality of means indicates that the difference between
fields age cohort of age 90–99 years. the mean errors of teeth in good condition vs. those in poor
In order to assess whether the condition of teeth was condition is significant at the 0.001 level for both the
affecting root translucency and periodontosis, the condi- Spitalfields and St. Bride’s samples.
tion scores of 1 and 2 were pooled to create a larger sam- Approximately 35% of the teeth in both samples had
ple size and to compare teeth judged to be in good condi- no root translucency (n ¼ 337 teeth with no translucency
tion against those judged to be in poor condition. An for Spitalfields; n ¼ 85 teeth with no translucency for
analysis of variance (ANOVA) was run to determine if St. Bride’s). It may be that the lack of root translucency
the difference in T (percent of tooth root that is translu- represents younger individuals, for whom less or no
cent) and P (percent of tooth root uncovered by gingival translucency would be expected. However, when we com-
tissue) was significant between teeth in good condition pared the mean errors between teeth with no translu-
and teeth in poor condition. Table 4 shows the results of cency to those with translucency, the mean errors were
the ANOVA for translucency in both samples, and Table 5 significantly greater in the teeth where translucency
shows the results of the ANOVA for periodontosis in equaled zero (P < 0.001). Table 7 shows the mean error
both samples. The ANOVA results indicate that both of the age estimate, based on whether root transparency
root translucency and periodontosis vary significantly is present for both samples.
(P < 0.05) between teeth in good condition vs. those in bad Since the presence of root translucency and the condi-
condition in the Spitalfields sample, but in the St. Bride’s tion of teeth seem to have the most effect on the mean
sample, only root translucency was significant. error of age estimates, it seems likely that the lowest
Since the traits used in the Lamendin method are mean error rates should be obtained with the exclusion
affected by the condition of teeth, it follows that the error of all teeth in poor condition and those teeth exhibiting
of age estimation should also be affected by the condition no root translucency. Table 8 shows the mean error of
of teeth. Therefore, the effect of tooth condition on the age estimates when only teeth in good condition with
error of age estimation was examined. Table 6 shows the translucency present are used in the calculation. The
mean error of age estimation for teeth in good condition mean error rates are nearly identical to Table 7, which
vs. those in poor condition. Teeth in good condition for measures mean error based only on translucency.

American Journal of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa

TABLE 8. Mean error for teeth only in good condition fields and 10.6 years for St. Bride’s. This indicates that
and translucency present despite the postmortem effects on translucency, this
Mean error method does have potential in adult age-estimation of
archaeological or historical material. Examining the ef-
Spitalfields (n ¼ 592) 13.2 fect of different postmortem environments on root trans-
St. Bride’s (n ¼ 136) 13.3 lucency would be a needed step before age estimates
using root translucency were used on undocumented
archaeological or historical material.
DISCUSSION Table 5 indicates that the periodontosis regression in
The percentage of teeth with no translucency seemed the St. Bride’s sample does not vary significantly be-
high (35%), since there is no mention of teeth without tween teeth in good condition and teeth in poor condi-
translucency in Lamendin et al. (1992) or Prince and tion. Most of the teeth in poor condition in the St. Bride’s
Ubelaker (2002). The presence or absence of root trans- sample only exhibited hypercementosis or stains, while
lucency seemed to have the most effect on the mean most teeth in poor condition in Spitalfields were cracked
errors of age estimates, especially considering that those and eroded. The periodontal ligament attachment area
for teeth with translucency present were nearly identical was easier to determine on the smooth roots of the
when teeth in both good and poor condition were used, St. Bride’s sample, despite the hypercementosis or stains,
compared to those where only teeth in good condition than on the degraded roots of teeth in poor condition in
were used, as shown in Tables 7 and 8. the Spitalfields sample. We observed that on teeth where
Previous studies suggested that root translucency may the root surface was smooth, the periodontal ligament
be affected by the postmortem interval and the condition attachment could be distinguished as a darkened, some-
of the remains. Vlcek and Mrklas (1975) cautioned that what curved line on the root surface that was distinct
root transparency and periodontosis could not be eval- from the rest of the root surface.
uated in archeological specimens. In a study of 250 teeth
from the 8th and 10th centuries, Marcsik et al. (1992) CONCLUSIONS
found that approximately 36% of the sample lacked
translucency, a percentage nearly identical to the Spital- The Lamendin method, as applied to the historic Spi-
fields and St. Bride’s samples evaluated here. In teeth talfields and St. Bride’s samples, had a higher mean
where transparency was present, age estimates using error (15.4 years for Spitalfields, and 16.7 years for
sectioned teeth were found to be slightly higher than St. Bride’s) when compared to the original study of
skeletal age estimates, but Marcsik et al. (1992) con- Lamendin et al. (1992) (mean error, 10 years) and com-
cluded that dental root transparency does have value in pared to Lamendin’s method applied to the Terry Collec-
age estimations of archaeological material. Lucy et al. tion by Prince and Ubelaker (2002) (mean error, 8.2
(1995) noted changes to the internal microstructure that years). The lowest mean error for a particular age group
obliterated transparent dentin of sectioned tooth roots occurred in the youngest cohorts, aged 25–49 years in
from a mediaeval cemetery. Sengupta et al. (1999) de- both the Spitalfields and St. Bride’s samples, compared
scribed a ‘‘chalky’’ appearance to the dentin of some sec- to the lowest mean error for ages 30–69 years in the
tioned teeth when viewed under a light microscope in a original study of Lamendin et al. (1992) and that of
sample of 61 mandibular canines from Spitalfields, and Prince and Ubelaker (2002). This indicates that the
reported very poor correlations between root translu- Lamendin method is not working as well for older indi-
cency and age. The ‘‘chalky’’ dentin appeared to invade viduals in this sample. The lowest mean error for all
previously translucent dentin, but it is unclear how or ages in the Spitalfields sample occurred when teeth only
why it forms. The high percentage of teeth found with- exhibiting translucency were used (mean error, 13.1
out translucency in our study, employing a much larger years), and the lowest mean error for all ages in the
sample from Spitalfields, suggests that we observed the St. Bride’s sample occurred when teeth only in good con-
same phenomenon. However, since we observed only dition exhibiting translucency were used (mean error,
intact teeth without the aid of a light microscope, we did 13.3 years).
not detect ‘‘chalkiness,’’ but only noted the lack of trans- The high mean error rates for this sample are prob-
lucency. Mandojana et al. (2001) found differences in root ably the result of several factors. One of these is overall
translucency length between freshly extracted teeth and tooth condition, which was identified here as having a
teeth from skeletal remains with a postmortem interval significant effect on the traits used in the Lamendin
between 21–37 years. In a study on remains that had method (root translucency and periodontal regression)
been underwater on a sunken ship for over 300 years, and also on the age estimates. Root translucency in par-
Kvaal and During (1999) concluded that root translu- ticular seems to be affected in the Spitalfields and
cency had been affected by the postmortem environment. St. Bride’s samples, but the factor or factors that contrib-
These studies, along with the results of our current ute to this phenomenon are not well-understood and do
study, strongly suggest that root translucency is sensi- not seem to affect all teeth uniformly. The periodontal
tive to both the antiquity of remains and the postmortem ligament attachment seems most affected by the exter-
environment. However, the processes or factors that nal condition of the tooth root.
affect translucency are currently unknown and not uni-
form, as many teeth in both the Spitalfields and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
St. Bride’s samples do retain translucency, and as evi-
denced by Drusini et al. (1991), wherein root transpar- The authors thank Louise Scheuer for assistance with
ency age estimates worked as well on a sample that had the St. Bride’s collection, and Robert Kruszynski and
been buried for approximately 100 years as in a clini- Louise Humphrey for help with the Spitalfields collec-
cally extracted sample. The mean errors for younger age tion, at the Natural History Museum, London. Stephen
cohorts, aged 25–49 years, averaged 9.5 years for Spital- Nawrocki contributed to beneficial discussions about this

American Journal of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa

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American Journal of Physical Anthropology—DOI 10.1002/ajpa

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