Standardize D Requirement: Policy Analysis Paper, SW Pps 1

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Standardized Requirement: Policy Analysis Paper, SWPPS 1

Semester Date

Instructor Student Name

Scoring : 1 = not evident, 2 = does not meet expectations, 3 = meets expectations, 4 = exceeds

Competency Scor Benchmark Comments





SWPPS 1  Social Welfare Policy Analysis Paper

This is a departmental Standardized Requirement: This will be placed in a transparent folder Aand will
be submitted on June 5, 2021.
You are to locate a piece of State/Federal social welfare legislation. This legislation may be current or
recently passed. You will write a policy analysis of this legislation. Your legislation must address some
aspect of social welfare, preferably related to poverty and the delivery of social services to rural
populations.  It must be directly related to empowering populations-at-risk.
APA form, 8 to 10 pages (not including references). Shorter papers will lose points based on length.
You must write clear, organized paragraphs using good grammar.  Poorly written papers will be
returned for revision and points will be deducted.
You must use a minimum of 8 references. It should be from the scholarly journals in any related field or
government documents. Include a reference list at the end of the paper in APA form.
Outline of the paper (use the format below): Papers who did not follow the guided format will lose 10%
of the grade.
Description and History of the Legislation

Include a brief, but thorough description of the legislation in your own words (you may attach the text to
the back of the paper as an index). If you are zeroing in on part of a piece of larger legislation describe
your subsection of the bill.   Include: Who is sponsoring the bill? What is the history of the bill?  Note
carefully any historical changes that have been made to the bill.   Where is the bill in the legislative
process?  If it is an old bill, you may talk about its history.  
Description of the Problem, Population and Context

In this section you must include a brief analysis of the problems and changing contexts that the policy is
designed to address. Contexts may include scientific and technological advances, societal and
economic trends, and issues related to specific locales, especially the rural environment. This section
must include a description of the problem and an analysis of the population affected by the policy.
(2.1.9 B) End this section with: how and to what extent does (will) your bill help the identified
Values discussion

How does the bill reflect or not reflect social work values? Be specific.

Political Analysis and feasibility

Who, in the private sector, will win and who will lose - in terms of money, power or other factors - if the
bill is enacted (or not enacted) into law. Who are the people or groups advocating for the bill?  Against
it?  This should relate directly to our class discussions of economics and power. You may even want to
look at such things as campaign contributions to key legislators. Be sure to include an analysis of
likelihood that the bill will be passed.


In this section you are to create an advocacy strategy to promote passage of the bill. Strategies may
include coalition building, letter writing and other methods for influencing legislators. Your strategy
should include, but is not limited to, affected clients, colleagues and other social workers.


 If the requirements of the bill involve funding or other monetary aspects, where will the required
revenues come from?  Is there a related bill or a fiscal note that addresses funding?  Will changes in
existing agencies or other institutions be required?  What will be involved in translating the bill into the
real world change?


 Summarize your findings.

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