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A Thesis
Presented to the
Faculty of Social Work
MMG College of General Santos City Inc.
General Santos City


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Social Work



September 2020

Content Page

Title Page

Table of Content



Introduction 1

Statement of the Problem 2

Hypothesis 3

Scope and Delimitation of the Study 4

Definition of Terms 5

Significance of the Study 6

Theoretical Frame Work 7

Conceptual Frame Work 8

Chapter 1


The main economic issues to be addressed and how to mitigate the

financial crisis are in the international economy and around the world. It also

solves the issue of poor sectors in society receiving a minimum wage which is

adequate to sustain their everyday needs. 9 out of 14 basic sectors listed in R.A

8425 or the Social Reform and Poverty Alleviation Act using the income and

sector data from the combined family income and expenditure survey, according

to the survey (2015) conducted by the Philippines Statistic Authority.

The economic status of family has also role in sending their children to

school since the student has to pay tuition fees and spend other school

expenses. It is presumed therefore by the researcher to have an effect on the

academic performance of the students.

According to the international council of nurses (2004) poverty is human

condition away of life that affect all interaction” (p.5) for decade policy maker

educator and concern citizen across the world have joined forces to address this

complex and pervasive problem that seems to be elephant in the room. Most

people see the elephant and admit that it is difficult to ignore such an all
-encompassing issue, but the steps taken only slightly combat the obvious truth

that continues to go unaddressed: lower socioeconomic status tends to

negatively affect academic success.

As COVID-19 and its economic fallout spread in the poorest parts of the

world, more people have become poor and food insecure. Although some

context-specific estimates of the impacts of these shocks on poverty and food

insecurity are available. COVID-19 poses a serious threat to global food security

through various transmission mechanisms (Laborde, Martin, Swinnen, &

Vos, 2020). From what is currently known, the worst of these threats is the global

economic recession causing many to lose income and leaving many vulnerable

people unable to afford the food they need.

In the Philippines, poverty is an issue that many Filipino faces .They can

hardly feed themselves and their family .Many of the children are not sent to

school because of lack of finances for their school fee.

As of 2015, 22million Filipinos are still living in the depths of poverty. That

equates to one-fifth of the population. Poverty presents itself in a vicious cycle

affecting mainly the uneducated population who tend to live in large family units.
The Filipino government is actively trying to spend up its poverty reduction

plan. Their long-term goal is to be able to provide more economics prospects,

which in turn would help many of their citizens earn a higher and more stable

income. A report by the World Bank shows how this economics growth helped

decline the rate of poverty. Poverty of the Philippines dropped by 26.6% in 2015

to 21.6% in 2020.

In spite of this initiative, students who suffer from financial difficulties are

also likely to have academic problems. It is based on this principle that the

researcher is inspired to conduct a study on the potential impact of economic

status on their academic performance among BSSW students in MMG.


Statement of the Problem

This study was conducted to determine if there is a significant relationship

between the economic status and academic performance of Bachelor of science in

social work Students enrolled in Medical Mission Group Year 2021-2022.

Specially, it sought to provide answers to the following questions.

1 .What are the effect of economic status during this pandemic to

1.1 financial stability

1.2 Occupation

2. What are their academic performance of respondents in terms of

2.1 time management

2.2 Academic participation

3. Is there a significant relationship between student’s economic status and their

academic performance?

4. Based on the result of the study ,what are the possible recommendation

Null hypothesis

There is no significant relationship between the economic status and the

academic performance of the respondent

Scope and Delimitation


This study was conducted at Medical Mission Group Colleges. The

respondents were the 27 third year student of Bachelor of Science in Social Work

enrolled during A.Y.2021-2022. This study focused only in determining if there’s

a significant relationship between the economic status and academic

performance of the chosen respondents.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of the study, the following terms are defined


Economic status- is the social standing or class of an individual or group

Academic performance –This refers to General Point Average grade of

Bachelor of Science in Social Work Third year students in second sem. A.Y.


Significance of the Study


The results of this study are beneficial to the following.

The School Administrator- This could serve as source of data about

their students’ economic status. Thus they could adjust their school fees so as to

suit the level of their students or create programs that would cater students who

are not financially well-off but very deserving students.

To The Students- this study could inspire them to pursue their studies

and be determined to work for their goals. They would also be guided on how to

manage their studies despite of scarcity in finances.

To the CHED -this study was able to conduct to give those clear evidence

regarding the economic status of the Filipinos. With this, they would have their

basis on how on to provide effective education to the youth in the society despite

the problem in poverty.

Future researchers-This study would serve as a references if they wish

to conduct further researches about this topic.

To the researcher-this study is to know what is economic status of my

colleague and how we overcome it beside of pandemic .

To the parents-this study inspired to them for they know what are

performance of their children in school


To the CEMCDO - pushing for economic growth is a serious herculean

task that has to be properly address especially in pour family

To the DOLE- as implementing arm in the field of labor and employment

hope your mandate will perform well for better future of local worker

To the PESO - information dissemination is important to poor family to

access better opportunity

Theoretical Framework

There are many components to study when determining the actual causes

of academic performance. Rumberger and palardy (2005) conclude that the

overall socioeconomic status of the school had as much effect on academic

performance as individual students SES. A socio-psychological analytical

framework will be adopted to illuminate the relation between socioeconomic

status and academic achievement. The framework puts the emphasis to

incorporate micro familial factors into macro factor of the tracking system.

Initially, children of the poor families always lack major prerequisite: diminution of

cognitive stimulating resources.


Hence, they are very likely to be assigned to the class of low caliber. The

diminution of cognitive stimulating resources originates from stress coping

strategy of the parents, parental expectation and parenting.

As students advance to upper grade, a triad nexus of expectation among

parents, students and teachers help perpetuate the vicious cycle among students

of poor families. Students with low socioeconomic status bear entire brunt of the

tracking system in a way that they get poor academic result and high school

dropout rate.
Conceptual Framework
Figure 1 has shown the conceptual framework of the study.the effect

economic status during pandemic were the independent variable.the concept

of classification of every family of student who enrolled an medical mission

group identified thru their average yearly income and if it is financially stable

and what kind of occupation that they support their studies

Independent Variable Dependent variable

Effect of economic
status during pandemic
Academic performance
of 3rd yr social work
. financial stability student
.time management

. occupation .academic performance

The dependent variable of the study is the academic performance involves

factors such as intellectual level ,personality, motivation ,skills ,interest, study

habit ,self esteem,or the teacher -student relationship of the student and how

to manage their time in spite of hard time and situation



This chapter examines the theories and pertinent research findings

related to effect of economic status during pandemic towards academic

performance to third year social work students of MMG College of General

Santos City during pandemic.

Related Studies

Historical Perspective of Socioeconomic Status

As is so often the case, society’s most vulnerable citizens frequently

bear the brunt of situations well beyond their locus of control. Although this

fact regularly went unrecognized in this country (as in nearly all others),

children suffered most from living in poverty (Crooks, 2018).

Although the 2001 passage of NCLB legislation again sparked interest

in the achievement gap experienced by low-income students across the

country, the legislation was simply the latest in a series of efforts to focus

public attention and legislative policy on socioeconomic status. Through the

years, American policy toward poverty swung on the pendulum of public

opinion (Lewit et al., 2017).

In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the predominant approach to

childhood poverty was for citizens and lawmakers to protect children from the

negative impact of slothful parents who exhibited no work ethic. Policies such

as foster care, orphanages, and strict supervision of families who received

federal financial assistance, dominated the arena of public opinion regarding

those who lived in the lower socioeconomic bracket (Lewit et al., 2017).

Financial Status and Academic Performance

The financial status or the social economic status is most commonly

determine by combining parent’s educational level, occupational status and

the income level (Jeynes, 2016). In most of the studies done on academic

performance of students, it is not surprising that financial status is one of the

major factor studied while predicting academic performance. It is believe that

low financial status negatively affects academic achievement because lesser

financial status prevents access to vital resources and creates additional

stress at home (Eamon 2015).

Graetz (2018) carried out a study on economic status in education

research and policy found that social economic background remains one of

the major sources of educational inequality and adds that one’s educational

success depends very strongly on the financial status of the parents.

Socio -economic Status and Academic Achievement

Hamid (2016) examined the relationships between secondary school

students’ family socioeconomic characteristics and their academic

achievement in English in a rural sub-district in Bangladesh. The results

revealed that the rural students had low levels of academic achievement in

English and within this overall low level of achievement, there were patterned

relationships between the students’ family income and parental education and

their academic achievement in English. Students who had higher levels of

parental education and family income were more likely to obtain higher scores

on the proficiency test as well as higher grades in English in the Secondary

School Certificate examination

Shamim (2011) in his study compared learners’ socio-economic status with

their English language scores in the most recent public examination. He found

that learners in the higher income bracket consistently outperformed learners

in the lower income bracket. He suggested that the positive correlation of high

family income with students’ higher levels of proficiency in English may be

attributed to their earlier education in private English medium schools

compared to students in the lower income bracket

Socio economic status of parents do not only affect the academic

performance, but also makes it possible for children from low background to

compete well their counterparts from high socio economic background under

the same academic environment (Rothestein, 2016). Education is a tool of

development. It widens minds, recognizes good and bad, makes us to

segregate well from terrible and uses out environment to the best of our

capacity for the improvement of a person and in addition the group (Sabzwari,


Rich source of literature is available which highlights the impact of

socio economic status on academic performance like Suleman et al., (2018)

who found that children with strong socioeconomic status show better

academic performance in comparison to those with poor socioeconomic

status, they showed poor and unsatisfactory academic performance.

Saifi (2018) investigated the effect of socioeconomic status on student’s

performance. Results revealed that parental education and occupation and

facilities at home affect the student’s achievement. Eamon (2016) revealed

that students whose parental socioeconomic status is low do not show

effective performance in school. Findings also showed that the academic

achievement of students is negatively correlated with the low parental

socioeconomic status level as it prevents the individual in gaining access to

sources and resources of learning

Alken and Barbarin (2018) noted that, the school system in low social

economic status communities are often under resource and have negatively

affected student’s academic progress. Families from low social economic

status communities are less likely to have the financial resource or time

available to provide children with academic support.

Home background according to program international studies

assessment (PISA) (2000) influence academic and educational success of

student. Status reinforces the activities and functioning of the teacher and

students. The quality of parents and home background of student goes a long

way to predict the academic performances of student. Child from poor home

may suffer because there may be no money to pay school fees, purchase

book, uniforms, and other schools materials, such child may play truant, thus

his performance in school may be adversely affected.

The economic effects of the COVID-19 can be broadly categorized into

supply and demand effects. Supply effects result from the loss of working
hours, and the decline in aggregate demand results from the decline in

income due to unemployment associated with lock downs. 

Maliszewska et al. (2020) claimed that the pandemic affects the

economy through the following channels: (1) the direct effect of a reduction in

employment; (2) the increase in international transaction costs; (3) the sharp

decline in travel, and (4) the decline in demand for services requiring proximity

between people. First, reduction in employment leads to lower demand for

capital, thereby resulting in output loss. Second, the rising costs of imports

and exports for goods and services result in trade reduction and productivity

loss. Third, the sharp decline in international tourism generates less revenue,

thereby leading to production loss. Finally, the decline in demand by

households, who purchase fewer services than before, considerably

decreases the consumption of goods and services. In addition, the contraction

in foreign direct investment, real effects of financial shocks, and falling oil

prices widen the economic costs associated with the COVID-19The COVID-

19 pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented decline in global activity.

The intensifying pandemic in developed and emerging economies led

to stringent lockdowns and large disruptions in economic activity at an

extraordinary speed and scale (Baldwin and di Mauro, 2020, Gopinath, 2020)

The consumption of goods and services witnessed a marked decline

due to steep income loss and weak consumer confidence. Similarly, the

consumers were reluctant to consume certain goods and services due to the

fear of the COVID contagion (Eichenbaum et al., 2020).

the global GDP declined by more than 4.9% in the second quarter of 2020 due

to economic disruption. The decline in trade in goods and services was likely higher

than that during the 2007–08 global financial crisis (IMF, 2020)

Firms were required to cut back the investment due to a precipitous

decline in demand, supply interruptions, and uncertain future earnings. The

world lost nearly 300 million full-time jobs in the second quarter of 2020 from

130 full-time job losses in the first quarter of 2020 (IMF, 2020)

. The decline in aggregate demand resulted in lower inflation and fuel

prices (IMF, 2020). The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) estimated

a 25% decline in global travel in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The emerging economies experienced significant capital outflows

owing to the pandemic, thereby reducing investment and causing production

loss (BIS, 2019).

During the COVID-19 period, Russia–Saudi Arabia oil war reduced the

value of oil prices from $ 31.05 per barrel on March 8, 2020, to $ 19.23 per

barrel on April 30, 2020. Similarly, stock markets worldwide started crashing

from February 25th. For instance, Wall Street witnessed a large single-day

drop in the stock price in the second week of March 2020 due to a lack of

investor confidence after the US’s travel ban declaration and unchanged

interest rate by the European central bank. Conclusively, the ongoing

pandemic has adversely affected the global economy; these consequences

may be more severe in the future considering the increasing fatalities.

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the researcher design, research locale,

respondents of the study and sampling procedure, research instrument and

data gathering procedure and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

The researcher used a descriptive –correlation research method. It is

used because the purpose of this study was to determine if there is a

significant relationship between effects on economics status of BSSW is

student and their academic performance. According to (Calmorin - Paler


Research Locale

This study was conducted at Medical Mission Group College Located in the

in the heart of General Santos City. It envisions quality and holistic education

by giving quality and relevant education to students.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study were the third year BS Social Work

Students enrolled in Medical Mission Group Colleges during Academic Year

2020-2021.They were chosen as the respondents of this study.

Research Instrument

The researcher formulated a survey questionnaire as an instrument

used in determining the economic status of the respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher used a tool to measure and obtained the needed data

for the study. Upon finding an instrument to use, she then asked her adviser

to verify and approve the instrument if it is truly appropriate for the study.

Then after the approval, she sent a letter of request to the program

Director of BSSW to conduct a study. When it was approved, the researcher

determined the names of Third year Social Work students as they were

requested to answer the survey questionnaire. When they was determined,

the questionnaire was distributed among them and were retrieved

immediately after they answer.

Statistical Treatment

For the analysis of the data gathered, the following statistical tools

were used:

1. For Sub- problem number 1. Frequency count was used to determine

the economic status of the respondents.

2. For Sub- problem number 2. Weighted Average mean was used to

determine the Academic Performance of the Students.


Rothestein, R. (2016). Class and schools using social economic and

educational reforms to close the white and black achievement gap. Economic

Policy Institute, U.S.A.

Sabzwari G., R. (2017). A Study on the Effects of Parental Socioeconomic

Status on the Disciplined Behavior of their Adolescent Children Studying in

Secondary Classes, Islamabad: Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Allama Iqbal

Open University.

Saifi, S., & Mehmood, T. (2018). Effects of socio-economic status on student’s

achievement. International Journal of Social Sciences & Education, 1, 2:119-


Suleman, Q., Aslam, H., D, Shakir, M., Akhtar, S., Hussain, I., & Akhtar, Z.

(2018). Effects of Family Structure on the Academic Performance of Students

at Elementary Level in District Karak, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (Pakistan).

Journal of Sociological Research, 3, 2

Eamon, M., K. (2016). Social demographic, school, neighborhood and

parenting influences on academic achievement of Latino young adolescents.

Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 34(2), 163-175.

Hamid, M. O. (2016). Socio-economic characteristics and English language

achievement in Rural Bangladesh. Bangladesh e-Journal of Sociology, 8 (2),


Crooks, D. L. (2018). American children at risk: Poverty and its consequences

for children’s health, growth, and school achievement. Yearbook of Physical

Anthropology, 38(S21), 57-86.

Lewit, E. M., Terman, D. L., & Behrman, R. E. (2017). Children and poverty:

Analysis and recommendations. The Future of Children, 7(2), 4-24. Retrieved

December 11, 2007, from

Alkens and Barbarin (2018): Socio-Economic differences in Reading

Trajectory, The Contribution of Family, Neighbourhood and Schools Context.

Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol 100 pg 235-251.

Maliszewska M., Mattoo A., Van Der Mensbrugghe D. World Bank Research

Working Paper (9211) 2020. The potential impact of COVID-19 on GDP and


Baldwin, R., di Mauro, B.W., 2020. Mitigating the COVID economic crisis: Act

fast and do whatever it takes. VoxEU. org eBook

Gopinath G. IMFBlog–Insights & Analysis on Economics & Finance. 2020.

The great lockdown: Worst economic downturn since the Great


IMF J. A crisis like no other, an uncertain recovery. World Econ. Outlook

Update. 2020 Eichenbaum M.S., Rebelo S., Trabandt M. National Bureau of

Economic Research Working Paper (26882) 2020. The macroeconomics of


2019. Monetary policy frameworks in EMES: inflation targeting, the exchange

rate and financial stability. Chapter II, Annual Economic Report June

Questionnaire for effects of Economic status during pandemic towards
Academic performance to third year Social Work students of MMG College of
General Santos, City



1. Always

2. Often

3. Sometimes

4. Rarely

5. Never

Check the option suitable for your situation.


Attendance 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Exam 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Quiz 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Recitation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Assignment 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Project 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Communication to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

subject teacher



1. 30, 001 ABOVE

2. 20,001 to 30, 000

3. 10, 001 to 20, 000

4. 5, 001 to 10, 000

5. 5, 000 BELOW

Check the option suitable for your situation.


Father _Affected _Not Affected _Temporary _ Permanent 1, 2 , 3, 4 , 5
Mother _Affected _Not Affected _Temporary _ Permanent 1, 2 , 3, 4 , 5
Brother _Affected _Not Affected _Temporary _ Permanent 1, 2 , 3, 4 , 5
Sister _Affected _Not Affected _Temporary _ Permanent 1, 2 , 3, 4 , 5
Student _Affected _Not Affected _Temporary _ Permanent 1, 2 , 3, 4 , 5

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