DARKSHIP - Cthulhu Dark Hack For Mothers

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MN stanly By Gavriel Quiroga & Rodrigo Vego. DARKS __ SEO eC e STU TTlTs Welcome to DARKSHIP a Cthulhu Dark hack for the Mothership RPG. You will need three dé dice; including one of a different color which will be called the Stress die. Weapons Range TAs re [Cr Bim TE ri Sr 100c. COT re Short 6 paca A ri Short 1 (Firearms 10) —500cr. MACs eT 100cr A) (CO cy DT a | Bc nea ty Medium Long 1 (Firearms 10) — 2,000cr reste Cg ey CC 2,000c. Grenade Ey AT OS) At 7 Sy aI rca UI Cl) PP RS Ley Long 1 (Firearms 6) = 5,000cr. Suits Effect Cost Hazard Suit PCC UIUC LL aa Be Vacuum Suit OCCUR URC Ces a Ac SSE a OCC RL Ra) 2,000c. COE Ca CUA ORL TLL Cc BAU Special Tools Required for a variety of specialist tasks. ~ BASIC GAMEPLAY Am CLC SOUT RCO © ‘Add another dé if you are using one of your skills (ce) ‘Add the Stress Die (d6) if you want to push yourself to the limit. €) (3 TSS Ce TES RMR SOROS Uk ae task in which you ARE skilled at, you may suffer a MISHAP. Regardless of failure or success, A MISHAP involves an additional problem presented by the Warden. DIFFICULTY CATEGORIES FOR TASKS OAC ICM ATA ICOM UTC RORO IC Ta Ir a EMULE CuSO RCs ORO a Pera eum ing Sere CM Ng PA MCR CE Sarah wants to hack the ship's cargo hold she knows contains a non-specified chemical of interest. She has the Informatics skill so she gets to adds a d6 to her regular dice roll. She also decides she wants to push herself to the limit so she also adds her Stress Die (her current Stress is 2) That's a total of 3 dice. Her Warden states the difficulty for this task is Hard ( 5+ ). She rolls results of 1, 1 and her Stress die shows a 5. She is successful on her hacking but also increases her stress (as she rolled her stress Die over 2) and a MISHAP (the 1,1). UCU a RR ost NCCU ECMO RAC CMC CLL CCU OCHS A MCMC ROTC Camu ET Cs She'll have that fixed later, right now there's a cargo hold to check! STRESS AND PANIC Your Stress Level will begin at 0. Whenever the Stress Die shows a result higher than your Stress Level increase it by one point. Panic Checks require a single d6 roll. If the result is equal or below your Stress Level you get a grip of yourself and keep control of the situation while regulating your breathing pattern. If your Stress is 0, rise it fo 1. If the result is below your Stress Level OC SKU Ome acces cm Table for Panic Effects: RIUM eC RIN AOR UR om RCs 2. Hyperventilation. Increased difficulty for all tasks. Lasts the rest of the scene. 3. Scream. Increase Stress Level by one. Nearby crew members make a Panic Check. nh Crippling Fear. The character is incapacitated for the rest of the scene. ~ 50% chance of gaining a new phobia. Recurring nightmares for 1d6 days. Psychotic. Attack the nearest crew member, if there is none attack the environment. * Lasts a scene. 50% chance of acquiring a nervous twitch. CRMC OUI em co ORDS LER CC You may reduce Stress by... CLAY » INDULGING IN VICES (increases difficulty levels for tasks for 1d6hrs) PANG LRTCTM SIU SSAC LUE a pass 0 Um Each attempt may only be realized once a day and requires rolling a d6. If the result is equal or lower than your Stress Level you reduce it by 1. Sarah heads to the cargo bay area to check the contents of the non-specified chemical. She is surprised to find a label stating WARNING: NUCLEAR WASTES... The Warden asks her to make a Panic Check. Her Stress Level is 3. She rolls a d6 and obtains a 2. The Warden checks the Table for Panic Effects and states that she RMU Re ROM LCR NICSE MUR Ce the scene. She decides to retire into the ship's galley and try to get something to Ca REO ACS PAD GaSe POC ROR MOC Se (Re COMBAT Combat is performed like any task by rolling the appropriate number of dice. Usually using a combat skill fitting the attacker's weapon description. The difficulty is determined by target's size and battlefield context: Pe CAC rosa CUM LLOL Se ASC ROHR RNC LLU » A distant, tiny, or concealed target is Very Hard Difficulty ACTINIC CU RUE 8 SSE TA eros eR OL Se EUMUn ON ct NON CTT TWA OO RL PMO R OM RC n Tce » Characters with two wounds are wounded. Increase difficulties for all physical tasks. » Characters with three wounds are incapacitated and will die at the end of the scene unless they are stabilized successfully by a medical expert. Armor grants extra Wound Levels (damage) to be marked out before other wounds. Should the need arise to break up combat into turns, crew members (and most NPCs) have 2 significant actions per turn. Moving, attacking, reloading or activating a device. Just as she starts to relax, Sarah hears something in the hallways. Something else was hiding in that nuclear vault. A malformed figure crawls into view, sluggish and exposed it would be a Medium Difficulty target as Sarah reaches for her Handgun, but she is inebriated and rolls at an increased difficulty. She rolls Firearms and gets a 4 and 6 on the Difficult task, succeeding in Wounding the mutant, without even pushing herself. Or RTURUOR MR MRSC LU Cy AUS Co a STS ACR URSA UE asm as AU RCS ORO LCL tasks related to different skills to make use of the ship's own capabilities. The capabilities of a ship are determined mainly by the ship's size and function: Shuttle, Hull: mm Capocity: Crew of 6 for one week. Cargo Holds: 1 cl Cr (Light Weapon: H. Machinery) Heavy Machine Gun Battle (ent ett a Pec sane en Frigate. Huls: i Capacity: Crew of 12 for one month. Cargo Holds: 3. in Rigging Gun & Laser Cutter Workshop aus Ce er (Mechanical Repair / Engineering) Pr eure irre tg aul (Medium Weapons: Gunnery) (Informatis/ Fel Tactics) Gera Long Range Scanners CNA Ne ACU ay ys COL) (Medicine / Biology / Chemistry / Cryogenics) Cruiser. Hulls: Mt mm EEE Copacity: Crew of 24 for one year. Cargo Holds: 6 uence Factorium Active Defense System a ere ee ci eye) | (ata yA Super Computer Cre ae) ee) eS Sci OCU LUCA SC ay Ona ce TE GT Cu od NCE (Sensors / Astronomy / Theology) (Medicine / Biology / Chemistry) (Hyperspace / Cryogenics) Some skills come in handy on any ship. Piloting for making complex maneuvers, Mechanical Repair to make a quick fix or Astrogation to find the way. Furthermore all ships have bare-bones computers (informatics), Communications (Sensors), and Engines (Engineering) RRR RCRA MTC OR OUMLR cm Although Heavy character-carried weapons can damage individual ship components, ships can only be seriously damaged by other ships (or sources on their own scale) and this damage is ERAN COA CT Roa Osa ccc BL KSSH? A= — (a (mens reo re Field Tactics Infiltration) Ey Archeology Tose oT 2 Fekonaherdilebte oyu alge TD) 2 Ped oLeak Ohman ; OTC hs your choice ES First Aid Kit) Picklocking Took YP) Motion Sensor CMD OM eM TTD) ark your Wounds. DAKSHE ee Ss 2 Fick des end it ny (emer id ob) Rony din )( Teo) tang) ni ee IC Freorns SC Gumery YC Command YC plosives) aD a” D a” D> aD oo > TD GT) Tee TD LD | GT GGT) Tineke ico a) Hi you Sess. roll ps ask re Pees ey Standard Battle Dress) OD a CT, kyu hoe of Spc fErcLo Ficlocking Too’ I) Motion Sensor EO Bisa SG yterdede YC) Reining To ag ke aOR LLC CLC MCU CU Cnn nc NTC BLA We also hope this collaboration to be the first of many, with a second already on it’s way. Stay tuned for STARSHIP: A 70s voyage of adventure & exploration into the fathomless vacuum of deep space! And if you liked it, check out some more of our material below! NLC CN MCU Um IU M AC OAC ITM UL. TM ULC Co See SSMS RIOR SMTA M UNCON ae) www.deviantart.com/rodrigo-vega/gallery (Cas re NASR IS Mothership is a creation of Sean McCoy. Copyright by Tuesday Knight Games er mm] Se cece) a een Scroggie Dring QR _Rrwiso JK Wacoal epi Melee Combat) C Heavy Machinery Plating Sips Field Tocs Tey egy Mark your Wounds. Psychology Archeology Biology Linguistics) Informatics) ( Sensors) (Hyperspace) O00 OO0000 ark yout Sess. (CSophonilogy —)CCyberneis )(_Asrogation ) (Cryogenics) | gg Tp (engi SG teed SC Resin te) ENE eT Vehicular Driving ‘Mechanical Repair Hale Comba Ais Ping Sis Tid Tecis Y(_itvaion —) | Fiewrs )CGunnery “YC Command“) Explosives) Tey Mark your Wounds... i Psychology Archeology Biology C _ Linguistics) Informatics) ( Sensors) Hyperspace 000- OOO0000 ark yout Stss.. IC Sophontology ) (Cybernetics) (__Astrogation ) Cryogenics) Lc > Q Standard Battle Dress, ‘4 Bui your Loout Two Light Weapons: L-She Neon Venn Cienee 5 First Aid Kit YO Picklocking Tools YP) Motion Sensor | py tesa SS eked SC RestrngTe)

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