Students' Feedback About The Learning Outcomes

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1. What is the most important knowledge were you able to generate from taking
Strategic Business Analysis? Please explain.

The most important knowledge that I was able to learn from Strategic
Business Analysis is the marketing, management, and technical aspect of
starting a manufacturing business.

2. Did the subject meet your expected learning outcomes? Why/why not?

Yes, the subject met my expected learning outcomes. The reason is

because I have learned what I should do in order to start the operations of a
manufacturing company.

3. Were the contents/scope of the subject relevant to your objective? (e.g. to

become CIA, CPA, ACCA etc.) Why/why not?

Yes, the subject is relevant to my objective of becoming a Certified Public

Accountant because the subjects teach me about an occupation I can apply to
when I get my license.

4. Did the subject develop your competencies?

a) Persuasive Communication - Yes

b) Critical Thinking - Yes
c) Problem Solving - Yes
d) Intellectual Curiosity - Yes
e) Responsible Digital Citizenship - Yes
f) Professionalism - Yes

Why/why not?

Yes, the subject developed all the competencies because students are given
individual and group assessments that develop these competencies.

5. Did the subject encourage the students’ active involvement in learning? Why/why

Yes, the subject encourages the students to have an active involvement in

learning because it gives assessments that challenge the students to answer and
actively take part of the challenge.

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