Bulihan Integrated Senior High School Bulihan, Rosario, Batangas

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Bulihan Integrated Senior High school

Bulihan, Rosario, Batangas

Concept Paper
Presented to:

John Paolo P. Alcosaba
Lhaica V. Almarez
Charisse Joyce P. Ramirez
Alyssa M. Virtucio

Family Violence is when someone uses abusive behaviour to control and/or harm
a member of their family, or someone with whom they have an intimate relationship.
Family violence includes many different forms of physical and emotional abuse, as well
as neglect carried out by family members or intimate partners. It may include a single
act of violence, or a number of acts that form a pattern of abuse. Family violence can
have serious and sometimes fatal consequences for victims and for those who see or
hear the violence. It is not only physical violence but it could also be in terms of
emotional and other aspects that could experience humiliation and abuse. Most of the
time, this case tends to arise when problems between parents occurs. There are cases
of family violence that sometimes results to annulment of parents because the abuse
experienced of either spouse or husband. If there is a case of family violence, it is
necessary to undergo proper process in the court of justice in order to reveal and prove
the real cause of the violence occurred in the family. However, it is unethical to create
violent actions that can harm the members of the family especially children.
Family Violence is administered actually or in a threatening manner by an
individual of their family. The violence could be toward an individual of the family or
their property, which results in fear or their safety. Family and domestic violence is
likewise known as family violence or partner violence, which is repetition of abusive
behavior in an affectionate or devoted relationships that time involves one individual
being in a position of power over the other, and results in fear. Family and domestic
violence is any violent, threatening, coercive or controlling behaviour that occurs in
current of past family, domestic or intimate relationships. This include not only physical
injury but direct or indirect threats, sexual assault, emotional and psychological
torment, economic control, damage to property, social isolation and any behaviour
which causes a person to live in fear.
Family violence is not just physical violence. A person can be the victim of one or
more forms of violence of abuse including Physical abuse, Sexual abuse, Emotional
abuse and Financial abuse. First, is the physical abuse is the intentional use of force
against a person without that person’s consent. It can cause physical pain or injury that
may last a long time. Another form of family violence is sexual abuse, sexual abuse of
an adult can include sexual touching or sexual activity without consent, continued
sexual contact when asked to stop and forcing someone to commit unsafe or
humiliating sexual acts. All sexual contact with anyone without consent is a crime.
Emotional abuse is a form of family violence and it is used words or action to control,
frighten or isolate someone or take away their self- respect. Emotional abuse is
sometimes called psychological abuse. Last form of family violence is financial abuse it
is uses money or property to control or exploit someone else. It can involve the taking
someone’s money or property without permission, withholding or limiting money to
control someone. There are types of family violence including intimate partner violence,
child abuse and neglect, and forced marriage. Intimate partner violence is violence or
abuse that happens. Not all intimate partner violence is the same. In some cases, one
person may want power and complete control over their partner and will use different
ways including physical violence. Child abuse includes physical, sexual and emotional
abuse. It also includes neglect, and any violence that children see or hear in their
families. Forced marriage happens when one or both people do not consent to the
marriage. Forced marriage is not the same as arranged marriage, where people consent
to the marriage.
In overall the family violence is defined as a pattern of abusive behaviors by one
family member against another. It composed of different forms of violence including
physical, sexual, emotional or psychological and financial abuse as well. However, it is
not right to violently treat any member of the family because it is against the law. Any
act that can cause damage to one’s feelings, body orb emotions is a case of violence.
Nonetheless, family should respect each other and show love all the time to prevent
misunderstanding that could sometimes cause violence between each other. To avoid
this, parents should properly discuss every problem in peaceful process because at the
end of the day, family is the most important priority among others.
Any actions executed by one member of the family to intentionally hurt either
psychological and physical aspect of another member is a part of family violence. It also
includes threatening, abuse, and disrespecting one’s personality that could sometimes
result to violence. All the aspects of the human person can be violated by any of the
family member and it includes emotional, sexual, financial and most of the time in
terms of physical. It is against the law to hurt and abuse any member of the family.
This case corresponds to punishments by the law and justice. On the other hand,
parents should understand each other and resolve problems as soon as possible to
prevent violence in the family. Parents should protect, care and respect their children
because they are under of their welfare. Thus, family violence is a case need to
understand by every member of the family in order to avoid it. The only key in the
prevention of this case is the proper way of discussing problems by the parents and
especially the word “respect”.

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