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S [s] vs SH [∫] vs ZH [Ʒ]

Wahyu Adri Wirawati, MA.
S [s]
SH [∫]
What sound do
I make? S [s] vs SH [∫]
See / She
What sound do
She sees the
I make?
sea on the sea
What sound do
I make? Suit / Shoot
What sound do
I make? Sock / Shock
What sound do
I make? Sign / Shine
What sound do
I make? Mess / Mesh
What sound do
I make? Sore / Shore
What sound do
I make? Sip / Ship
What sound do
I make? Fist / Fished
What sound do
I make? Gas / Gash
What sound do
I make?
Gust / Gushed
What sound do
I make? Seep / Sheep
 shop  wash
 she  wish
 shirt  fish
 ship  dish
 shot  eyelashes
[∫]  shy  mushroom
 Shut  toothbrush
 share  punish
 shout  ashame
 shift  Washington
 push
There are a few words with the ch spelling that are
pronounced with the SH sound. (Most of the time, the ch
spelling is pronounced as the CH sound: chip, chat, rich.)

[∫]  chef
 machine
 moustache
 The SH sound is also sometimes found in these suffixes:

-tion / -sion, -cial / -tial, -itious

 solution
 addition
[∫]  direction
 passion
 special
 nutritious
 cautious
 Here are a few more words with the SH sound:

 pressure
 precious
[∫]  sure
 ocean
 sugar
 tissue
SH [∫]

ZH [Ʒ]

SHOP [∫op]
Try to pronunce WISH [wı∫]
ASIA [eı Ʒә]
Repeat with me
Repeat with me
[spԐ∫ әl]
Repeat with me
Repeat with me
Repeat with me
Repeat with me
 garage  division
 beige  version
 massage  measure
 sabotage  treasure

ZH [Ʒ]  Asia  exposure

 Persia  casual
 Caucasion  visual
 conclusion  usual
 collision  genre
 decision  television
 garage  division
 beige  version
 massage  measure
 sabotage  treasure

ZH [Ʒ]  Asia  exposure

 Persia  casual
 Caucasion  visual
 conclusion  usual
 collision  genre
 decision  television
 The voiceless SH sounds are in blue. Use only air to
make these sounds.
Now say these
sentences out  The voiced ZH sounds are in green. Use air and your
loud: voice to make these buzzing sounds.
1) She showed Shelly her shirt.

2) I wish she would not shout at us in English.

Now say these
3) The chef cooks fish in Washington.
sentences out
loud: 4) Sure, you can shave his moustache.

5) Be cautious when you swim in the ocean.

6) Measure the beige door on the garage.

7) I usually watch television at night.

8) It was my decision to fly to Asia to seek the

Now say these treasure.
sentences out
loud: 9) The treasure is on the fishing ship in the
ocean near Asia.

10) To finish the problem, she will measure

and use addition and division.
Successful Chef

Chicago has some of the best chefs in the United States. Sharon was one of
those chefs. Sharon was the head chef at "Flash", a very expensive restaurant.

Like many people, she liked to shop, wash her car, and sip lemonade in the
shade, but unlike many people, she was an accomplished chef. She had been
a chef for over 15 years. Growing up, she loved to cook. She experimented
with different combinations of ingredients to see how they would taste.

Many people thought this was childish, but even as a young girl, Sharon made
food dishes that astonished her friends and family. Her biggest secret was that
she only used fresh ingredients. When it came to quality, Sharon never took
She hand selected every ingredient and paid special attention to how they
smelled in the store before she bought them. She was always cautious to avoid
discounted ingredients because she knew they wouldn't taste right.

Another one of her secrets was that she had excellent communication and
cooperation with her staff. She was only one person, and she needed people
who would listen and follow her directions. Sharon loved what she did. She
was an amazing chef.

Even though she loved working at "Flash" she wanted to open her own
restaurant some day. She looked forward to the day that she would own her
own restaurant.
 Day at the Zoo

 Our teacher, Ms. Child, is teaching us about the ostrich. We went to the
zoo to see an ostrich. We also saw a cheetah.

 There was a farm animal area where we saw a chicken. I bought a key
chain at the zoo, ate my lunch on a bench, and shared some of it with a
chipmunk. It was fun to watch all of the animals.

 Our class let out a cheer when we saw the ostrich run. It was fast. I
wanted to feed the ostrich some chocolate, but the zookeeper said not to.

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