Final Book Challenge Report

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This final report is submitted in response to the book challenge for the novel Gender Queer: A

Memoir which is part of the Canutillo High School library collection.

Stated reason for the challenge: This book is “pervasively vulgar” and not “educationally suitable”
to be in our district’s libraries (EF-LEGAL). Goes against EF LOCAL objectives and selection criteria.
Obj.#1: this book has nothing to do with our TEKS. Sel.Crit:1 has nothing to do with the state/district’s
general educational goals, objectives, or improvement plans. #3 Are not appropriate for any age/subject
area K-12. #5 Are we trying to “motivate” them to be sexually promiscuous?! #6 Not remotely
appropriate for instructional programs, reading levels or understanding of students K-12. Lastly as EF
Local states, professional staff members may request instructional resources in accordance with district
policy regulations but the “ultimate authority” for approval lies with the Board. Therefore, who
requested and approved this book?!


October 26, 2021 Book challenge submitted at the regular board meeting.

October 27, 2021 Meeting held with CHS principal to gather reconsideration
committee members.

October 28-29, 2021 Reconsideration committee members assembled.

November 2, 2021 Purchase order created to procure books for committee members.

November 16, 2021 Books delivered to central office.

November 17-19, 2021 Books distributed to committee members.  Members were
allowed two weeks to read.

November 20 - 28, 2021 Thanksgiving break

December 7, 2021 The reconsideration committee voted and rendered a decision 8:1
to keep the book in the CHS library collection.

December 8, 2021 Letter sent to complainant via email and registered mail notifying
them of decision and the appeal process.

The reconsideration committee members were chosen by the Canutillo High School principal. It
included teachers, parents, librarians, and district instructional staff. Two members dropped out:
one citing concern about the negative publicity surrounding the book and the other gave no
Response from Selection Committee: Via secret ballot, the reconsideration committee voted
8:1 to keep the book in the Canutillo High School library collection.

The 9 respondents gave the following reasons for their decision, in summary:

Committee Member 1: Narrates one person’s factual gender identity. Describes life instances similar
personalities may encounter. Character is real and others may develop understanding and empathy.
Additional (scientific) resources are referenced. Book is graphic and explicit at times but is meant for
mature and specific audiences. Promotes acceptance and humanity. Multiple positive reviews.

Committee Member 2: The book addresses many educational topics to include gender roles, puberty,
menstruation, cancer, crushes, GLBT pronouns, Queer-Straight Alliance, relationships, friends, family,
romance, deodorant, masturbation, self-identity, coping, sex education, anatomy, birth control, STDs,
communication, binders, consent, dating, gynecology, pap smear, testosterone, non-binary, misogyny,

Committee Member 3: Due to the maturity of the content, the book should only be at the high school
level. The memoir provides information that can guide our LGBTQ students to gain confidence being
themselves, therefore making them happy, productive individuals. Banning the graphic novel would
invalidate the mission statement. We would exclude a group of our students therefore denying their rights.

Committee Member 4: This book is not pornography! The book is a biography about finding one’s true
nature and role she plays in her daily life. Growing up there are not a set of rules to follow. You have to
find your own path and decide what works for you. In no way does this book encourage any bad behavior
and it does not have any sexual content that would be considered obscene.

Committee Member 5: “Pervasively vulgar” refers to vulgarity throughout the entire book and this is not
so. The act of expurgation denies access to the complete work and the entire spectrum of ideas that the
work is intended to express. This is censorship.

Committee Member 6: Supports SEL (social-emotional learning) – appropriate material and reading
level – does not promote promiscuous behavior – definitely educational – supports a safe place.

Committee Member 7: Book is educationally suitable and relevant for a high school population. This
novel, when read in its entirety shows the story of grappling with puberty, gender roles, gender identity,
female reproductive issues and coming of age into a sense of self. The story is not pornographic – there is
a sexual encounter which then leads the protagonist to be celibate – aligned with Texas’ ideals of
abstinence before marriage. It would be a disservice to our students to remove this book.

Committee Member 8: Is this book pervasively vulgar or lack educational suitability? Answer:
Pervasively vulgar. No comments written on rubric. For EF (Local) Objectives questions 1, 2, 4, and 5
answered No and for question 3 answered Yes. For EF (Local) Selection Criteria questions 1, 2, 3, and 6
answered No and for questions 4 and 5 answered Yes.
Committee Member 9: Books on sexual identity are very limited and this is the only book on the subject.
For a small segment of the students this may be valuable and for the average student it can provide
perspective and understanding. I noticed only 5 pages of the 239 pages that contained a word or image
that was mature which is not “pervasively vulgar”.
Since notified of the outcome, the complainant has NOT appealed the decision via the district grievance

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