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==> SIUP is an operational permit for a company or entity that carries out business activities in the trade
sector, namely in the form of buying and selling goods/services.

==> SIUP for trade in services includes the provision of services and leasing. Meanwhile, SIUP for trade in
goods only includes buying and selling activities of goods that do not require processing or production.

==> Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia No. 46/2009, SIUP is
required for every business with a net worth of more than Rp. 50 million (excluding land and buildings
for business premises). However, a business with a net worth of less than Rp 50 million can apply for a
SIUP if the business actor wishes, for example in order to fulfill the requirements to obtain a bank loan
or wish to participate in an auction/tender for the procurement of certain goods/services.


1. Fill out the application form/blank.

2. Photocopy of Business Place Permit (SITU)

3. Photocopy of Disturbance Permit (HO)

4. Data on equipment, production capacity, capital and labor/blank Filling for Trading Business Permit

5. Stamp of IDR 6,000.00 for 2 pieces

For additional business sub-sectors, by filling in the form for adding sub-fields

For Limited Partnership (CV) business subjects, there are 3 additional requirements:

1. Photocopy of Deed of Establishment

2. Photocopy of Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP)

3. Initial Balance

For a Limited Liability Company (PT)/Cooperative business subject, there are 4 additional requirements:
1. Decree of the Minister of Law (especially for PT)

2. Decree of the Minister of Cooperatives (especially for cooperatives)

3. Deed data

4. Photocopy of KTP of Commissioners and Directors


Validity period

While the business is running; renewed every 5 years

Licensing Subject

SIUP can be submitted by all types of business actors - either individuals or entities that are not legal
entities (such as CV/Firma), or legal entities (such as PT or Cooperatives) - during their trading business.
Vital Records

==> To find out the appropriate SIUP scale to be submitted, SMEs can calculate the net worth of their
business (excluding land and business buildings) with the following formula:

==>Total Value of Business Assets – Total Accounts Payable – Value of business assets in the form of
land and buildings.

==>If the business actor does not own land and building assets due to renting office space, then the
formula for the net worth of his business is:

Total Value of Operating Assets – Total Accounts Payable.

==>In the SIUP document, business actors are required to enter a business field based on the Indonesian
Standard Classification of Business Fields or KBLI (4 or 5 digits). This KBLI must be in accordance with the
business fields listed in the Deed of Establishment of the Company and Company Registration
Certificate. For example, if the Deed of Establishment says Information System Consulting Services
Business Field, the business field listed in the SIUP must be a detail of the Business Field - for example
Information Security Consulting Activities (KBLI number 62021). The KBLI book (BPS, 2015).

==>It is better if the KBLI is determined not only based on core competencies and the uniqueness of the
services that SMEs want to build but also pay attention to potential opportunities in order to fill the
needs of customers/prospective customers.

==>If SMEs sell goods produced by themselves, an Industrial Business License (IUI) will be required as an
operational permit for processing/production business activities. If the product being processed is a
food product, SMEs will also need to apply for a distribution permit before marketing their products
legally. The Marketing Permit that is managed can be in the form of SPP-IRT or Certification from BPOM

==>If SMEs use their own trademarks, then trademark registration for legal protection of trademark
ownership should also be carried out at the Directorate General of Intellectual Property (HKI), the
Indonesian Ministry of Law and Human Rights.

==>If a business actor conducts a trading business in the form of modern store management, a Modern
Store Business License (IUTM) will be required.
==>If requested by the SIUP issuing official, the SIUP owner is obliged to submit a report on the
implementation of his business activities based on a form that can be obtained


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