Listening STR - Description & Location

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Description and Location

Listening Activity No. 8
You are going to listen to a conversation. As you listen, tick the right letter according to the

Listening Activity No. 9

Look at the diagram below and listen to the directions. As you listen, follow the directions
and then write the appropriate number beside the name of each place.

the university library ..................
the supermarket ..................
the hotel ..................
the best bookshop .................
the Lloyds Bank ..................

Listening Activity No. 10

Look carefully at the street plan below, follow the sets of directions and then answer the
questions at the end of each set of directions.

1. What’s the building on your left? ..................

2. What’s the building on your right? ..................
3. What’s the building on your right? .................

Listening Activity No. 11

Look at the map of Maple Town. You will hear five separate sets of directions to particular
places on the map. As you listen, follow the directions carefully and write the letter beside
the name of the place. Find the station at the bottom left first. Listen carefully to the

1. the bookshop ..................

2. the coffee bar .................
3. the chemist’s ..................
4. the hotel ..................
5. the art museum .................

Listening Activity No. 12

Look at the map below. You will hear six separate set, of directions to a certan place on the
street plan. As you listen, follow the directions carefully, then write the appropriate letters
beside the names of the place below. The first one starts at the car park.

1. the post office ..................

2. the bank ..................
3. the Windsor Hotel .................
4. the Chinese restaurant .................
5. the newsagent’s ..................
6. the grocer’s ..................

Listening Activity No. 13
You are going to listen to a conversation between Janet and her friend. Janet is telling her
friend about her holiday. As you listen, write down brief notes in the boxes below about her

Day What she did









Listening Activity No. 14

Task 1
You will hear a dialogue between two students. One of them is describing a route on the
map. Draw a line to show the route taken. If the student went in¬side any of that place
named on the map, mark that place with a cross (X).

Task 2
Listen to the conversation again and list the places the student went to, and then write the
reasons the student went to these places.
Place Reason
Example West Building to register





Listening Activity No. 15

You are going to listen to a talk about children’s safety at home. Look at the table below.
Listen to the talk and fill in the missing information in the correct column.

What can you do:

1. You can help keep them safe by planning..................and making the right..................
2. You can.................. medicines and make it more difficult for children to .................or grab
hot things.
3. You should turn................. away from the front of the cooker.
4. You’d better..................all fires and heaters.
5. You should use.................on stairs and teach them how to go..................the stairs.

Listening Activity No. 16
Look at the picture on the sheet in front of you. This is Kevin’s bed-sitting room. He is
describing his room to his friend. As you listen, draw in the furni¬ture in the right places in
the picture, using a square or a circle to mark in the furniture as described. Just a quick
sketch will do.

Listening Activity No. 17

Sally bought a new house a few days ago in a small village. She is phoning her friend
Richard and inviting him for dinner at the weekend. Sally is giving directions to get to her
house. Look at the map. As you listen, take notes and mark Sally’s house with a cross (X).

Listening Activity No. 18
Read the timetable below and study it by yourself for a few minutes. Find out what the
following symbols and letters mean.
You are going to listen to five conversations between a new information officer and
passengers. Look at the timetable and check whether the information officer provides
correct information or not by writing T for true and F for false be-side each number.
Conversation 1..................
Conversation 2..................
Conversation 3..................
Conversation 4..................
Conversation 5..................


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