Final Group Project Report 2

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Group 7- Social Media, Admissions-
Prospective Students and Families

Teylor Chisholm, Breanna Islam,

Evelyn Perez, Annie Zheng
Opportunity Current Digital
Marketing Capabilities
Academy Prep Center of Tampa’s current website is mobile friendly, as
well as user-friendly and easy to navigate. The website gives a clear
idea of the Academy Prep Center of Tampa's mission as well as their
values. All pages on the website are informative, and the website’s
layout is organized into categories, making it easier for users to find
information they are looking for. Each page gives detailed information
on the subject matter. Upon entering the website, a donate button is
visible, as well as the school’s logo and photos of students, and icons
with direct links to their social media pages. All pages load quickly on
both mobile and desktop devices. There is currently no app available
for Academy Prep Center of Tampa

Current social media Performance

Instagram page has 789 followers and includes frequent posts that are
posted at least 5 times per week and provide descriptions of student
activities as well as student's stories. There are numerous photos and story
highlights shown to display the different opportunities that are offered.
Instagram has a 6.44% engagement rate which is higher than the industry
standard of 1.22%.

Facebook on desktop and mobile features frequent posts about students

and school events that are posted consistently, with weekly posts. Also,
Academy Prep Center of Tampa has a total of 869 followers and 795 total
likes which is higher compared to the other social media accounts.
Facebook appears to be Academy Prep Center of Tampa's strongest

The Twitter profile has 422 followers. Twitter has an inconsistent amount
of posting due to only making a total of 4 posts this year. Also, 7 months
went by between recent postings. The last two posts were on March 21st,
2021, and October 13th, 2021. The majority of Academy Prep Center of
Tampa’s activity consists of retweets and likes. Has a low engagement rate
on posts due to receiving a low amount of likes and retweets that range
between 0 and 9, with 9 being the highest.
Google analytics
Have approximately 348 organic new users which is the main first
user medium. The average engagement time for organic users is 1m
44 secs and is below the industry standard of 2-3 minutes. The
smallest percentage of views came from referrals with an average
engagement time of 1m 48 secs. The average engagement per
session is 1m 15 secs, which is below average. As for demographics,
users are from different countries such as: United States, Ireland,
Sweden, China, Philippines, Bahamas, and India. The countries with the
higher analytics have a high English-speaking population. Overall,
there is a total of 573 users that have visited the website.

Linda Roberts is a 35-year-old single mother of 11-
year-old Sarah. Linda makes $35,000 yearly. Sarah
is getting ready to move on to middle school, and
Linda is looking for a safe school with high success
and graduation rates. Linda wants to send Sarah to
a private school, but as a single parent she cannot
afford the tuition.

Customer Journey
Linda brings up her current struggle to her friend Maria during work, and
Maria tells her about Academy Prep Center of Tampa, which is where her son
David goes to school for free through an income-based scholarship. Linda
goes home after work and decides to do some more research on the
Academy Prep Center of Tampa and browses their website. She visits their
“About Us” page to get a better idea of the school’s values, and the
requirements for admission. She finds Academy Prep Center of Tampa’s
mandatory study hall requirement and enrichment activities to be especially
helpful, as she knows Sarah will be in a safe environment on days she has to
work late. After reading their “Letter to a Prospective Parent”, Linda believes
Sarah will be in good hands at the Academy Prep Center of Tampa, and
begins filling out an application for Sarah.
COMPETITOR web presence
Tampa Preparatory School’s website is both desktop and mobile friendly. The
website is easy to navigate, as well informative and organized. The website
features a “Meet Our Students” page with photos of real students and short
descriptions about them.
Tampa Preparatory school has an active social media presence on Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter. All social media content is consistent across
platforms, using the same graphics, photos, and messaging.
Tampa Preparatory School’s Facebook page features posts and images
relating to school events and honoring their students. The bio of this page
gives a general description of the school’s purpose. Their Facebook page has
3,155 likes and 3,443 followers. Tampa Preparatory School makes frequent
Facebook posts, with a minimum of five per week.
Tampa Preparatory School’s Instagram page includes photos of students
engaging in school activities. The bio of their Instagram page contains
inspirational wording, but does not have any details about the school, however
there is a direct link to the school’s website. The page has a total of 2,423
followers with daily posts, averaging at a 5.57% engagement rate, which is
significantly higher than the industry standard of 1.22%.
Tampa Preparatory School’s Twitter profile includes the same content as their
Facebook and Instagram pages, highlighting students and school events. The
page has 1,574 followers, and averages less than 10 likes per tweet. Tweets
are posted multiple times (between 3 and five) per week. As for
advertisements Tampa Preparatory School currently has no ads.

SMART objectives
The long-term goals include increasing engagement by 10% on
social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter
within 4 months. Also increasing the email conversion rate, to
expand student admissions gradually by 5% each year. The plan is
to show consumers that through the school, we can nurture
students into having a successful future. By using social media
platforms to show how Tampa academy prep inspires and
empowers need-based scholarship students to become future
community leaders.
In order to increase engagement on Instagram and Facebook, Academy Prep Center of
Tampa should increase post frequency. A set schedule for posting, such as every
Tuesday at 5pm would be beneficial to boost engagement as well. This is an ideal time to
post as their target audience, parents and potential students are off work and school,
and are more likely to be active on Social Media. This will allow Academy Prep Center of
Tampa to appear as a consistent brand and will generate more engagement per post, as
well as new followers and admissions. Posts will heavily involve storytelling, specifically
about students who have graduated from Academy Prep Center and gone on to college,
as this will create connections to parents since they will be able to see the possibilities
for their own children. All posts on Facebook will include a link to the Academy Prep
Center of Tampa, so users are able to learn more about the brand if necessary, which will
generate more website views and engagements.

To target the specific audience of parents, Academy Prep Center of Tampa will use
Facebooks Ads manager to only show advertisements to people who would be
interested in having a child attend the school. The ads could be pushed to adults in the
Tampa area between the ages of 30-45. Using A/B testing, Academy Prep Center would
be able to use two different ads to show to their target audience and choose which ad
has more click rates. Testing out several types of Facebooks ads such as images, videos,
carousel, instant experience, etc. Could help pinpoint which type of ad is most useful so
they could specifically focus on those. These ads would consist of ways to pull in
customers by appealing to the success rate of the school and other positive attributes.
Academy Prep Center of Tampa should come off as a school that is welcoming to
everyone and is family and friend oriented. To build the connection with families, they
will preview the experience of the school through events, emails, and social media.

Another strategy would be promoting the Academy in a low-income neighborhood to

achieve increased engagement on the website. This could be done through creating
Google ads, so that Academy Prep Center of Tampa is advertised when someone in the
Tampa area googles topics related to local middle schools, as well as private middle
schools. This action could also increase student admissions as well as engagement
between parents and the school, due to people being shown Academy Prep Center as
one of the first options upon searching. Low-income families would be drawn in to the
website, as well as the opportunity to give their children a private education at no cost
to them.
Academy Prep Center of Tampa's goal is to increase
engagement on social media. In order for this to be
achieved, a variety of social media posts will be
created for each platform. Each post is specifically
directed towards prospective students and families.
They highlight enrollment and the different
opportunities Academy Prep Center of Tampa has to
offer. These posts will be posted every Tuesday at
5:00 pm.
Facebook post #1

Facebook post #2

Facebook post #3
Twitter post #1

Twitter post #2

Twitter post #3
instagram post #1

instagram post #2
instagram post #3

Infographic hashtags

Home. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Collaborate & Create Amazing Graphic Design for Free -

Canva. (n.d.). Retrieved from
5 multiple choice questions
1. What's the smart objectives time frame?
A. 1 month
B. 9 months
C. 2 weeks
D. 4 months

2. What are the long-term goals of Academy Prep Center of Tampa?

A. Increase Admission
B. Increase engagement
C. Increase email conversion rate
D. All of the above

3. Academy Prep Center of Tampa has active social media platforms to

engage with students and parents.
A. True
B. False

4. What is the engagement rate on Instagram?

A. 7.81%
B. 5.12 %
C. 6.44%
D. 3.8 %

5. How did Linda found out about Academy Prep Center of Tampa?
A. Advertisement on TV
B. Social media
C. Through her friends
D. Flyers

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