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Kebron Moges

Part III: Skittles Project

Math 1040-353


B. I would say the shape of the graph is pretty symmetric, since the median is roughly at the box’s
center and whiskers are almost the same length. I can see that it slightly skews to the left but
not much, so I believe its more symmetric than anything else.
The median/center (best measure for left skewed) is 58.5 while the mean (best
measure of center for symmetric data) is 58.125. The standard deviation (best measure for
variability for symmetric data) is 2.3278 and the IQR (best for left skewed) is 3.5.
C. There are zero outliers.
lower fence: q1-1.5IQR = 56.5-1.5(3.5)= 51.25 (my minimum= 54 which is greater than 51.25)
upper fence: q3+1.5IQR = 60+1.5(3.5)= 65.25 (my maximum=62 which is less than 65.25)
Because everything stayed in the range/fences ( 1.5(3.5)=5.25|-----------------|1.5(3.5)=5.25 ),
There are no outliers.
D. Mean(~x)=58.125 s=2.3278
Yes, it’s a random sample since the packaging of skittles isn’t transparent and we randomly
selected a bag from the store.
Independent observation? n<=0.05N 1395<=0.05N 27900<=N Yes, independent
Normal population or n>=30, n=1395 Yes, since 1395>=30
Steps E and G should be valid
E. We are 95% confident that this interval (57.1421,59.1079) captures the true value of the
number of skittles per bag.
F. Ho: μ= 58
Ha: μ=/58 p value=0.7948 alpha=0.05 0.7948>0.05
Kebron Moges
Part III: Skittles Project
Math 1040-353

P value is greater than alpha, so we fail to reject. There is insufficient evidence to support the
claim that the mean is not 58.

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