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Choose the right answer!

Text for number 1-3
Good afternoon. May I introduce myself? My name is Rafael Romero. Just call me Rafa. I was born in
Mexico, but my parents moved to the USA when I was young, so I'm American. I speak both English and
Spanish. I come to Indonesia to learn about the culture because I like dancing traditional dances. I dream
to be a professional dancer one day. I live in Bantul, a small town southward Yogyakarta. I'm glad to
know you all and hope that I can get help from you especially in speaking Indonesian. Thank you.
1. Which of the following statements is not true according to the text?
a. Rafa was born in Mexico
b. Rafa can speak both English and Spanish
c. Bantul is a small town in the southeast of Yogyakarta
d. Rafa is an American
e. Rafa comes to Indonesia to learn about the culture.
Jawaban : C

2. What does Rafa want to be?

a. He wants to be a singer
b. He wants to be an Indonesian
c. He wants to move to Bantul
d. He wants to speak Indonesian
e. He wants to be a dancer
Jawaban : E

3. What does Rafa expect from his friends?

a. He expects that he can live in Bantul
b. He expects to be a dancer
c. He expects that he can get help from them
d. He expects to move to USA
e. He expects that he can speak English
Jawaban: C

4. Ana : ….
Billy : I am from Surabaya
a. What is your name?
b. Who is your brother?
c. Where are you from?
d. What is your father’s name?
e. What is your hobby?
Jawaban : C

5. She .... her cat every day.

a. to feed
b. feeds
c. feed
d. feeding
e. feeded
Jawaban: B

Text for number 6-8

Ricky : Hello Matt, how are you doing?
Matt : I'm very well, thanks. What about you?
Ricky : Pretty good. By the way, I heard from Jim that you won the English competition last week.
Matt : Yes, I did.
Ricky : That was awesome. You are great.
Matt : Thank you.

6. Who won the English competition?

a. Matt
b. Ricky
c. Friend
d. Matt and Ricky
e. Jim
Jawaban : A

7. When did Matt win the English competition?

a. Yesterday
b. Tomorrow
c. Last week
d. Last month
e. Last year
Jawaban : C

8. From whom Ricky heard that Matt won the competition?

a. Friend
b. Matt
c. Neighbour
d. Jim
e. Ricky
Jawaban : D

9. Maria : Mom, finally I won the music contest.

Mother : .....
a. It's usual thing
b. You must be better next time
c. Keep on spirit
d. Good luck
e. Congratulations, I'm proud of you.
Jawaban : E

Dialogue for number 10-12

Sam : What are you going to do this weekend?
Emma : I am not sure. What about you?
Sam : I am going to drive to the beach.
Emma : That sounds good.
Sam : Would you like to join me?
Emma : Sure, Iwould love to go with you. What time will you go?
Sam : It’s around 8.00 on Saturday morning.
Emma : OK

10. Where is Sam going to go this weekend?

a. Drive to beach
b. Camping in the mountain
c. Watching concert
d. Cycling in the park
e. Walking in the park
Jawaban: A

11. Will Emma join Sam to the beach?

a. No, she will not
b. Yes, she does
c. No, she does not
d. No, she did not
e. Yes, she will
Jawaban: E

12. When will they go?

a. On Sunday
b. On Monday
c. On Saturday
d. Yesterday
e. Tomorrow
Jawaban: C

13. Father - watch - my - are - I - TV - going - and - to.

The correct arrangement is.....
a. My father are going to watch TV and I
b. My father and I are going to watch TV
c. Are going to watch TV my father and I
d. I watch TV and my father are going to
e. My TV are going to watch father and I
Jawaban: B

Text for number 14-16

I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina. It is a very big province with huge population. Buenos Aires has many
buildings which are very tall and big and some very luxurious. Also it has many stores. You can find
whatever you want in Buenos Aires. There is a very beautiful beach which is a little far from the city.
14. What is being described in the text?
a. Argentina
b. Capital city
c. Beach
d. America
e. Buenos Aires
Jawaban: E

15. Is the beach near the city?

a. Yes, it is
b. No, it is not
c. Yes, it does
d. No it does not
e. Yes, it was
Jawaban: B

16. Which of the following statements is not true according to the text?
a. Buenos Aires has few buildings.
b. There is a beautiful beach in Buenos Aires.
c. Buenos Aires has huge population.
d. Buenos Aires is big province.
e. You can find whatever you want in Buenos Aires.
Jawaban: A

Text for number 17-20

17. What is the announcement about?

a. Drama performance
b. Drama candidates
c. Drama audition
d. Drama participation
e. Drama registration
Jawaban : C

18. Where should the participants go for registration?

a. At school
b. The committee’s office
c. Cast audition hall
d. The stage
e. The hall
Jawaban : B

19. These information are included in the announcement, except…

a. The place Mega –Mega Drama will be staged
b. The audition time of Mega-Mega Drama
c. The requirement of cast
d. The day of audition
e. The price to register in the audition
Jawaban : E

20. When will the audition be held?

a. Monday, December 4th
b. Sunday, December 10th
c. At 2 p.m.
d. At 9 a.m.
e In the morning
Jawaban: B
Answer the question correctly!
21. Make an introduction about yourself!
Jawaban : sesuai dengan identitas masing-masing siswa
22. Complete this Curriculum Vitae based on the text!
Hello, my name is Diana Rahmawati. I was born on January, 17th 2006 so I am fifteen years old. I live
at Parikesit street no 10. I am a vocational high shool students. I study at SMK Nusa Bangsa. I am in
the tenth grade. I like dancing very much, especially traditional dance.

Curriculum Vitae
Full Name :…
Date of birth :…
Address :…
Hobby :…

Jawaban :
Curriculum Vitae
Full Name : Diana Rahmawati
Date of birth : January, 17th 2006
Address : Parikesit Street No 10
Hobby : Dancing

Dialogue for number 23 and 24

Complete the dialogue correctly!
Billy : How about your mathematic examination yesterday?
Tom : I got 100 on it.
Billy : (23) …….......You did a very good job.
Tom : Thank you.
Billy: (24) …………….

Jawaban :
23. Congratulation
24. You are welcome

25. Change the following sentence into negative form!

They are going to play piano next week.
Jawaban : They are not going to play piano next week.

26. Arrange these jumbled words into good sentence!

tell – would – to – I – You – my – like – plan
Jawaban : I would like to tell you my plan

27. Describe the physical appearance of the picture below! (at least four sentences)
He is tall.
He has Brown skin.
He is bald.
He is muscular

28. Write Rafa's personality according to this explanation.

Rafa is a student of vocational high school. He is in the tenth grade. He is a good boy. When he has
food, he always shares his food / snack to his classmates
Jawaban : Rafa is generous
Text for number 29 and 30!

29. Based on the announcement above, who should join the class meeting?
Jawaban : All students of SMK 1 Pemda Ponorogo
30. When will the classmeeting be held?
Jawaban :December 20th 2021 to December 25th 2021

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