Dimensionless Numbers & Flow Patterns

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Agitation and Mixing

Dimensionless Numbers
To aid in the effective design of impellers, several dimensionless numbers have
been introduced. The first of the dimensionless numbers we will define is the
impeller Reynolds number, Re, which is used to characterize the flow in the
tank as either laminar, turbulent, or in the transition region. The impeller
Reynolds number can be derived from the Reynolds number for flow in pipes,

Re = (duρ)/µ


d is the inside diameter of the pipe

u is the fluid velocity
ρ is the fluid density
μ is the fluid viscosity

The impeller Reynolds number, Rei can be obtained by substituting in the

impeller diameter, Da, for the pipe diameter and the angular velocity of the
impeller, nDa, for the fluid velocity to yield:

Rei = (nDa2ρ)/µ


n is the rotational speed of the impeller

Da is the impeller diameter

Another dimensionless quantity commonly used to characterize impellers is the

Power number, Po. It has been shown through experimental data that the power
consumption of an impeller, P, is proportional to the cube of the rotational
speed of the impeller, the fifth power of the impeller diameter, and the density
of the fluid. Therefore, the following relationship holds:

P = (Po) n3Da5ρ

Solving for Po yields the following expression for the Power number:

Po = P/(n3Da5ρ)

Two other dimensionless numbers that are encountered are the Froude number,
Fr, and the pumping number or flow number, NQ. The Froude number is defined
Fr = (n2Da) /g

where g is the gravitational acceleration.

The Froude number is useful in studying vortex motion during scale up. The
pumping number or flow number is defined as:

NQ = q/(nDa3)

and can be used to find the pumping rate of the impeller, q.

Flow Patterns
While mixing liquids, it is necessary to avoid solid body rotation and a large
central surface vortex. When solid body rotation occurs, the fluid rotates as if it
were a single solid mass and results in no appreciable amount of mixing. A
central surface vortex results from the centrifugal force of the fluid being
thrown outward by the impeller. If the vortex reaches the impeller air
entrainment may result.

Figure 1: Solid body rotation and the central surface vortex.

These undesirable situations can be avoided by putting baffles on the tank walls
or by placing the impeller in an angular off-center position. Baffles are vertical
plates (typically about 10% of the tank diameter) that stick out radially from the
tank wall and cause an increased amount of top to bottom circulation. For
situations where a solid is suspended in a liquid, a gap may be left between the
baffle and the wall to prevent any solid particles from being trapped. The
following diagrams show the flow patterns for axial flow impellers with baffles,
radial flow impellers with baffles, and for an angular impeller in an off-center

Figure 2: Flow pattern for an axial flow turbine with tank baffles.

Figure 3: Flow pattern for a radial flow turbine with tank baffles.

Figure 4: Flow pattern for propellers in an angular and off-centered position.

1. A flat-blade turbine impeller is installed in a vertical 1.8-m diameter tank
which is filled with 48% sodium hydroxide solution to a depth of 1.8 m. The
turbine is 60 cm in diameter and is positioned 60 cm from the bottom of the
tank. The turbine is operated at 90 rpm. The tank is fitted with four baffles, each
having a width of 18 cm. Calculate the power consumption for the baffled

Data: Density of 48% sodium hydroxide = 1450 kg/m3 and viscosity of the
solution = 10 cP. The value of power number (Po) may be approximated from
the following table of Re versus Po.

Re 30000 50000 70000 80000

Po 5.5 5.8 5.9 6.0

2. The agitation system mentioned in Problem 1 is unbaffled. If all the operating

conditions and tank dimensions remain the same, what will be the power
consumption? Comment on the result. (Data: The value of constants a and b are
1 and 40, respectively.).

3. The agitation system of Problem 1 is to be used to mix a rubber-latex

compound having a viscosity of 120 Pa.s and a density of 1120 kg/m3. What
power will be required?

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