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Supply chain partners, both upstream and downstream of the value chain, are collaborators. Fitbit
Wellness must rigorously assess the supply chain in order to conduct the analysis, taking into
account a variety of criteria like as

 bargaining power
 value addition of suppliers (explore collaboration opportunities)
 agility of the supply chain
 revenue sharing within the value chain
 strengths and weakness of possible collaborators
 control on vertical integration

Based on the risk exposure factors determined by the collaborators, Because Fitbit Wellness has
international operations, marketing managers should focus on risk exposure to foreign hazards as
well as manufacturing and delivery risks.

 IP Risks – Fitbit Wellness may be vulnerable to patent, copyright, and other intellectual
property theft if it operates in international markets. After assessing these risks, all
marketing and diversification decisions should be made.
 Managing delivery and services in times of uncertainty – Most global organizations such as
Fitbit Wellness are diversifying rapidly to reduce delivery and supply chain risks. Fitbit
Wellness should also focus on it.
 Flexibility of supply chain and international risks –The decision of adapting to local
preferences is the foundation for the rest of the decisions, from production to marketing.
Opportunities to localise production and other processes in order to lessen the risk of a
company's entire supply chain failing in the worldwide market.
 Position and bargaining power in the value chain – If the collaborators have strong
bargaining power then Fitbit Wellness will not able to sustain higher margins even with
higher marketing expenditure.
 Number of suppliers and abilities of the suppliers – If there are too many suppliers then it
will become expensive for Fitbit Wellness to manage them but if the number of suppliers is
too few then it will expose the company to supply chain disruption risks.
 Understand the behaviours, relationships, choices, purpose and context of collaborators to
make the right decision

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