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Chapter 三- 乏,﹛

2o1 Basic Linear Algebra

As W.! incrcas~ our ability to handle larger analysis problems, so does the complexity
increase in solving the equations generated. With only a few unknowns. simple substitution
can be used to solve s1multancous equations. However, as the number of unknowns gels
large, we need more systematic methods for representing, generating, and solv 』ng the
equations. This is where matr' x methods hecome useful.
Matrix methods are a sJbset of linear algebra. Linear algebra ηovers a wide range
of topics well outside the scope of this book. It _is strongly recommended that r.nyone
intcref.lccl in goinr; beyond the level of this ~10ok take a linear algebra cou『se. We explain
all tl1e matrix procedures required to unde『stan i the methods used within this book, but
we do not discuss the accuracy or s!ability of the methods or o:her such topics.
The tech niques developed in this bou'.< are matrix based. Therefore, matrix notation
will be used i:l many of the equations. T: ~ese equations will be manipulated using standard
linear algebra techniques. We first need to discuss the definition of a matrix. A matrix is
a collcclicn of numbers organized into rows •md columns. A matrix has a size that is
defined hy its number of rows and coh』:nns. f•or exampic, in the matrix
J rows

τ 1. 1,.

A =[~ ~] 2 c. ’," ,,,.,. s
“行 .it. I 行多'/:£t"

the size 。心伽atrix A is 山 rec rows by two column~﹒ in common language this is stated as
“ ~ nntrix A is 3 by 2.'' The number of rows is given Qr卦, ahe.n the 也丘坐r of 也包盟lS·
Any term in the matrix is referred to by its row and coiumn position. The row position
is always given first [i.e., A(2, 2) = I .OJ. The diagonai of a ma~nx is defined as all terms
where the row number and the column number are the same [i 丸, A(l, I) and A(2, 2)}.

Matrices car, be added. Additio has the requirement that the matrices being added
mus/ be the same size. The result of adding two matrices is a matrix of the same size.
The values con:;ist of the sum of the corresponding terms of the two matrices to be added.
As nn exam1 抖, given
~ - γ。 ω三
9.2 ~
-2.. l . I Z - 伽月 5 (2.2)
6.5 I _
- "S )( '2.

the eqliation

A + ll = C (2.3)

gives the result






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