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Sch Interdisciplinary Studies


2021-22 Academic Year

Program Year Semester
IS-Pre-Health Sciences Pathway Certificates and Diplomas 1 1
IS-Pre-Health Sciences Pathway Certificates and Diplomas (Online) 1 1
IS-Pre-Health Sciences Pathway to Advanced Diplomas and Degrees 1 1
JES-Emergency Services Fundamentals 1 1

Course Code: CHEM 1701 Course Equiv. Code(s): N/A

Course Hours: 56 Course GPA Weighting: 4
Prerequisite: N/A
Corequisite: N/A
Laptop Course: Yes No X
Delivery Mode(s): In class X Online Hybrid X Correspondence
Authorized by (Dean or Director): Stephanie Ball Date: July 2021

Prepared by
First Name Last Name Email
Laura Labine

Durham College Course Outline - CHEM 1701 - 2021-2022 Page 1 of 16

Course Description:
This course is designed to provide students with a comprehensive introduction to inorganic chemistry and its
applications to the Health Sciences. Students will be expected to solve problems systematically using appropriate
chemical terminology and mathematical skills.

Subject Eligibility for Prior Learning Assessment & Recognition

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) is a process a student can use to gain college credit(s) for
learning and skills acquired through previous life and work experiences. Candidates who successfully meet the
course learning outcomes of a specific course may be granted credit based on the successful assessment of their
prior learning. The type of assessment method (s) used will be determined by subject matter experts. Grades
received for the PLAR challenge will be included in the calculation of a student’s grade point average.

The PLAR application process is outlined in Full-time and part-time students must
adhere to all deadline dates. Please email: for details.
PLAR Eligibility

Yes X No

PLAR Assessment (if eligible):

X Exam
X Portfolio
X Other

Proof of chemical lab experience & successful completion of a comprehensive test.

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Course Learning Outcomes
Course Learning Outcomes contribute to the achievement of Program Learning Outcomes for courses that lead to a
credential (e.g. diploma). A complete list of Vocational/Program Learning Outcomes and Essential Employability
Skill Outcomes are located in each Program Guide.
Course Specific Learning Outcomes (CLO) Essential Employability Skill Outcomes (ESSO)

Student receiving a credit for this course will have This course will contribute to the achievement of
reliably demonstrated their ability to: the following Essential Employability Skills:

CLO1 Perform calculations involving quantitative EES 1. Communicate clearly, concisely and
measurements using appropriate units, round correctly in the written, spoken, and visual form that
answers according to the significant digit rules fulfills the purpose and meets the needs of the
and perform metric system conversions. audience.

CLO2 Use the conceptual framework of modern X EES 2. Respond to written, spoken, or visual
atomic theory to describe the characteristics messages in a manner that ensures effective
and properties of various types of matter communication.
(elements, compounds) and mixtures
(heterogeneous, homogeneous), chemical X EES 3. Execute mathematical operations accurately.
properties of bond types (ionic, covalent) and
atomic structures of elements and isotopes. X EES 4. Apply a systematic approach to solve
CLO3 Apply the rules of IUPAC nomenclature to name
and give formulas for ions (monatomic, X EES 5. Use a variety of thinking skills to anticipate
multivalent, polyatomic) and compounds (ionic, and solve problems.
EES 6. Locate, select, organize, and document
CLO4 Identify the characteristics of a variety of information using appropriate technology and
chemical reactions and changes, including the information systems.
formation of ions and oxidation-reduction
X EES 7. Analyze, evaluate, and apply relevant
information from a variety of sources.
CLO5 Apply the gas laws to relate the properties of
pressure, volume and temperature of gases.
EES 8. Show respect for the diverse opinions,
values, belief systems, and contribution of others.
CLO6 Prepare for and conduct laboratory experiments
to investigate scientific questions using
appropriate techniques. X EES 9. Interact with others in groups or teams in
ways that contribute to effective working
relationships and the achievement of goals.
CLO7 Examine the relationships between chemistry
and the health of the human body.
X EES 10. Manage the use of time and other
resources to complete projects.

EES 11. Take responsibility for one's own actions,

decisions, and consequences.

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Evaluation Criteria:
The Course Learning Outcomes and Essential Employability Skills Outcomes are evaluated by the following evaluation

Evaluation Description Course Learning Outcomes EESOs Weighting


Written in week 7, covers
weeks 1-6 content.


Written in week 14, covers
weeks 8-13 content.


6 pre-labs @ 2% each


6 labs @ 5% each EES5, EES7, EES9,

Best 4 of 5 quizzes @ 4.5%


Required for entry into the lab

Total 100%


- Students arriving more than 20 minutes late for a test will not be allowed to write the test.
- There are no rewrites or rescheduling of missed tests. See "MAKEUP/MISSED ASSESSMENTS" below for
information on the cumulative makeup test.
- Students must be prepared to write all tests at the scheduled time and place. Students are responsible for
accessing this information via DC Connect as it is announced throughout the term.
- On test days, students are responsible for providing their own writing implements (pens, pencils, erasers etc.)
and scientific calculator. These materials will not be provided by the instructor and may not be shared between
students during testing.
- For test 1 only, students may bring a 1-page, 8.5" x 11", double sided, hand written/self-generated study tool.
Details and specifics are provided by your instructor in DC Connect.
- Test 2 is a closed book test.

- Online testing (contingency planning): In the event tests are administered through an online platform due to a
campus closure, students completing online tests must do so independently without external support or
assistance. Test submissions must be the student's own, original work. Students in violation of Durham
College's Academic Integrity policy (ACAD-101) are subject to receiving an Academic Integrity alert and a zero
on a test. In such a case, a student is not eligible to complete the cumulative makeup test (see
- Mastery quizzes are scheduled by each instructor throughout the semester.
- 2 mastery quizzes will be used for mid-term grade calculation.
- Mastery quizzes are completed online through DC Connect.
- There are no rewrites or rescheduling of missed mastery quizzes. See "MAKEUP ASSESSMENTS" below for
information on the mastery quiz "drop" policy.
- Students must be prepared to write all mastery quizzes during the scheduled time. Students are responsible for
accessing this information via DC Connect as it is announced throughout the term.
- Mastery quizzes must be completed independently by each student, without external support or assistance.
Quiz submissions must be the student's own, original work. Students in violation of Durham College's Academic
Integrity policy (ACAD-101) are subject to receiving an Academic Integrity alert and a grade of zero on the

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associated mastery quiz.
- Students must complete an online safety module and successfully pass the online safety quiz before they are
allowed to complete labs.
- Students who do not complete this requirement cannot complete labs and will receive a mark of zero for the
missed lab(s).
- For safety reasons students should inform their instructor of any special health conditions or if they are required
to wear medical devices.
- Pre-labs are completed in DC Connect and are available for 72 hours closing at 11:59 PM the night before a
scheduled lab.
- If a student does not complete a pre-lab they will receive a grade of zero but can still complete the associated
- Missed pre-labs cannot be made-up or rescheduled. A grade of zero is assigned for all missed pre-labs.
- Information is provided in DC Connect to detail the sequence and content of the labs. When required by the
instructor, students are required to bring the lab manual with them to the lab. If in such a situation a student
does not have their lab manual they cannot complete the lab and will receive a grade of zero.
- Students must work cooperatively, respectfully, and safely in the lab.
- Cell phones, headphones and earbuds are not permitted in the lab. Should a student not adhere to the lab
safety policies and procedures, the instructor may issue a Student Academic Alert for Behavior/Conduct.
Penalties will be commensurate with the nature of the offence.
- When completing labs students are required to wear a lab coat, safety glasses, closed toe shoes and socks
that cover the ankles. It is the students responsibility to purchase a lab coat and lab safety glasses which are
available in the Durham College bookstore (see Required Text(s) and Supplies below for details). Other personal
protective equipment may be required at the discretion of the instructor. If an instructor feels a student is not
properly dressed for the lab, the student may be asked to leave and a grade of zero will be assigned for the lab.
- Labs must be completed within the time allotted in the lab. At the end of the lab period, students submit a
hardcopy of their completed lab for grading. Students with an Access Plan time accommodation can discuss
with their instructor the application of extra time in the lab.
- For safety reasons, a student that is more than 15 minutes late to the lab is not allowed to complete the lab.
No make-up labs will be scheduled. See "MAKEUP/MISSED ASSESSMENTS" below for details.
- The sequence of labs is indicated in the Learning Plan below however the sequence may change in
consideration of holidays and campus closures.

Online labs (contingency planning)

- In the event of a campus closure, students will complete labs at home using household materials and online
resources. If a student does not have access to the materials indicated in the online lab, it is the student's
responsibility to connect with their instructor in a timely manner to discuss alternatives in advance of the lab
submission deadline.
- Online labs are due by the date and time indicated by the instructor. Late labs will not be accepted just as late
submissions are not accepted in the on-campus lab environment.
- In the event labs are completed online, pre-labs are not completed. The weight for each pre-lab will be
redistributed to the lab submission.
- Student's may complete the makeup lab at the end of the semester to replace the grade of one missed lab
(whether in-person or online). See "MAKEUP/MISSED ASSESSMENTS" below for details.
- Missed lab: If for any reason a student is absent for a lab (either an in-person lab or online lab), a mark of zero
will be assigned. Students may complete a makeup lab at the end of term to replace the grade of zero on one
missed lab. This policy applies to one missed lab only. The missed lab policy does not apply if a student
completed a lab and received a low grade which they would like to improve. The missed lab policy does not
apply if a student received a zero on a lab due to an Academic Integrity violation. The date and structure of the
makeup lab will be provided by the instructor.

- Missed test: If for any reason a student is absent for a test (either an in-person test or online test), a mark of
zero will be assigned. Students may complete a cumulative makeup test at the end of term to replace the grade
of zero on one missed test. The cumulative makeup test covers all course content and the test grade will
replace one missed test grade. This policy applies to one missed test only. The missed test policy does not
apply if a student wrote a test and received a low grade which they would like to improve. The missed test
policy does not apply if a student received a zero on a test due to an Academic Integrity violation.

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- Missed mastery quiz: If for any reason a student does not complete a mastery quiz, a mark of zero will be
assigned. At the end of the semester, DC Connect will be set to "drop" each student's lowest mastery quiz
grade from their overall grade calculation.
- While students may work together in pairs or small groups to complete assessments, including lab reports,
each student must submit their own original work.
- Sharing of short answer, calculation based or other elements of a lab is considered a violation of the Academic
Integrity policy.
- An interim grade will be calculated to assess student's academic progress.
- The interim grade will be based on the results of the best 2 mastery quizzes (2 x 4.5% = 9%), 3 pre-labs (3 x
2% = 6%), 3 lab reports (3 x 5% = 15%) and test 1 (20%).
- No assessment may be redone to raise a student's mark.
- Extra assignments or other supplemental or makeup work will not be created for students to increase their
grades during or after the course is complete.
- Missed assessments will receive a grade of zero.
- It is in all student's best interest to complete all assessments, by their due date, to the best of their ability.
- Computer malfunctions or technical issues are not accepted as excuses for late or missing course
- It is the student's responsibility to resolve any technical issues prior to the stated evaluation deadline. Visit the
IT Service Desk Portal or call the Service Desk at 905-721- 3333 should technical difficulties arise.

Required Text(s) and Supplies:

1. A scientific calculator
- any make or model of scientific calculator will work if you already own one
- if you need to purchase a scientific calculator, a suggested make and model is the Casio FX-300MS Plus
Scientific Calculator or Casio FX-991MS PLUS Scientific Calculator

2. For on-campus labs, students are required to purchase the following which are available at the Campus
Bookstore or other online suppliers:
- lab safety glasses (must be worn even if you wear glasses)
- lab coat (with long sleeves and about knee-length)

Contingency planning: Should labs be delivered online, a materials list will be provided to students. If a student
is unable to acquire certain materials, it is the student's responsibility to communicate this with their instructor
to discuss possible alternatives. This must be done at least 72 hours before the lab deadline.

3. Technology requirement:
- access to a laptop or desktop computer for accessing course material and completing online assessments
- a scanner or smartphone for electronic submission of documents
- a webcam and microphone for video conferencing
- Microsoft Office or similar software for accessing and submitting course material (available as a free
download for students)
- all course work submitted online must be PC compatible (i.e. .DOC, .PDF)

Recommended Resources (purchase is optional):


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Policies and Expectations for the Learning Environment:
General Policies and Expectations:

General College policies related to General policies related to

+ Acceptable Use of Information Technology + attendance

+ Academic Policies + absence related to tests or assignment due

+ Academic Honesty + excused absences

+ Student Code of Conduct + writing tests and assignments

+ Students’ Rights and Responsibilities + classroom management can be found in the

can be found on-line at Program Guide (full time programs only) in MyCampus

Course Specific Policies and Expectations:

ATTENDANCE: Regular attendance is expected and is necessary for successful completion of this course. If a
student is absent from class, it is their responsibility to learn what was missed prior to the next class and to obtain any
documents that were distributed. Online students are expected to check DC Connect and their DC student email
account on a daily basis as part of their attendance and for course engagement.

SUPPLEMENTAL/MAKEUP WORK: No assessment may be redone to raise a student's mark. Extra assignments or
other supplemental or makeup work will not be created for students to increase their grades during or after the course
is complete. Missed assessments will receive a grade of zero.

DC CONNECT: All students must check DC Connect regularly to keep up-to-date with course material. DC Mail is
used for e-mail communication and must also be checked regularly so students remain informed of important course
and campus updates.

ELECTRONIC DEVICES: It is expected that all electronic devices not being used as direct learning tools be turned
off in the learning environment. If a student has an accommodation that requires use of an electronic device, they
should speak with their instructor about how the instructor can facilitate the use of the device in the classroom. Further
information on policies and procedures surrounding the use of electronics and recording of learning activities can be
found in Durham College policy ACAD-128.1.

ACADEMIC ASSISTANCE: Additional help is available from the instructor by appointment. In addition, students
requiring assistance throughout the course may also wish to investigate the services offered by the Student Academic
Learning Services (SALS) in Room SSB204 for peer tutoring, subject specific assistance, improving study skills, etc.
or online at
sals. Furthermore, accommodations may be provided by The Access and Support Centre (ASC) in Room SW116 in
the Gordon Willey building or online at

ORIGINAL WORK: All material submitted (text, image, digital, etc.) must be original or correctly cited. Plagiarism is a
form of stealing. Student work may be checked for integrity and authenticity using TurnItIn. Plagiarism includes, but is
not limited to, failure to indicate the ideas, data, graphic elements, or language of another, without specific and proper
acknowledgement. Students who plagiarize or cheat in any way will be cited and face disciplinary actions, according
to Durham College's Academic Integrity Policy (ACAD-101). Please make note that plagiarism includes taking the
work of another student (or work downloaded from the internet) and submitting it as your own, even if you alter it.
Giving your work to another student to submit, even if the other student alters it is also plagiarism. If you are unclear
on what constitutes 'reference material' please discuss it with your instructor. In cases where group work is performed,
it is expected students will submit their own original work unless otherwise indicated by their instructor. Also see the
Durham College Standard Definitions document available here:

LEARNING PLAN: The learning plan is the same for all delivery methods however the method of delivery may differ
(i.e. in-class vs online).

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General Course Outline Notes:
1. Students should use the course outline as a learning tool to guide their achievement of the learning
outcomes for this course. Specific questions should be directed to their individual professor.
2. The college considers the electronic communication methods (i.e. DC Mail or DC Connect) as the primary
channel of communication. Students should check the sources regularly for current course information.
3. Professors are responsible for following this outline and facilitating the learning as detailed in this outline.

4. Course outlines should be retained for future needs (i.e. university credits, transfer of credits etc.)

5. A full description of the Academic Appeals Process can be found at .
6. Faculty are committed to ensuring accessible learning for all students. Students who would like
assistance with academic access and accommodations in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights
Code should register with the Access and Support Centre (ASC). ASC is located in room SW116,
Oshawa Campus and in room 180 at the Whitby Campus. Contact ASC at 905-721-3123 for more
7. Durham College is committed to the fundamental values of preserving academic integrity. Durham College
and faculty members reserve the right to use electronic means to detect and help prevent plagiarism.
Students agree that by taking this course all assignments could be subject to submission either by
themselves or by the faculty member for a review of textual similarity to Further information
about Turnitin can be found on the Web site.

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Learning Plan
The Learning Plan is a planning guideline. Actual delivery of content may vary with circumstances.

Students will be notified in writing of changes that involve the addition or deletion of learning outcomes or
evaluations, prior to changes being implemented, as specified in the Course Outline Policy and Procedure at
Durham College.

Wk. Hours: 4 Delivery: Lab

1 Intended Learning Objectives

- welcome and course outline
- how to be a successful online learner & DC Connect navigation
- lab policies and lab safety module


1.1 Describe matter in terms of the accepted scientific model

1.2 Explain differences between physical and chemical properties and changes
1.3 Describe the characteristics of different states of matter (solid, liquid, gas)
1.4 Distinguish between the properties of mixtures (homogeneous, heterogeneous) and pure substances
(elements, compounds)

Intended Learning Activities

In-person learning: small group activities, lecture, lab activities and guided practice
Online learning: content and activities available in DC Connect

Resources and References

Readings and supplemental material provided in DC Connect

Evaluation Weighting
Best 4 of 5 quizzes @ 4.5% each
Required for entry into the lab

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Wk. Hours: 4 Delivery: Lab

2 Intended Learning Objectives


1.5 List the base units, symbols and prefixes of the metric system and perform metric system unit
1.6 Express numbers in scientific notation and convert numbers between standard notation and scientific
1.7 Distinguish between measured and calculated values
1.8 Identify the number of significant digits in a given value or measurement
1.9 Apply the significant digit rules when performing calculations and rounding final answers
1.10 Given the density formula, perform calculations that relate density, mass and volume
1.11 Consider the reasonableness of a numerical answer when determining if a solution is correct or incorrect

Intended Learning Activities

In-person learning: small group activities, lecture, lab activities and guided practice
Online learning: content and activities available in DC Connect

Resources and References

Readings and supplemental material provided in DC Connect


Wk. Hours: 4 Delivery: Lab

3 Intended Learning Objectives


2.1 Locate element symbols and element names on the periodic table and apply group and period designation
to elements
2.2 Classify elements as representative element, transition element, inner-transition element, noble gas,
metal, metalloid or non-metal
2.3 Compare the characteristics of metals and non-metals
2.4 Describe the structure of an atom and state the mass, location, relative size and charge of subatomic
particles (protons, neutrons and electrons)
2.5 Understand and describe the concept of isotopes
2.6 Use the concepts of atomic number and mass number to determine the number of subatomic particles in
2.7 Represent the atomic structure of isotopes using isotope notation

Intended Learning Activities

In-person learning: small group activities, lecture, lab activities and guided practice
Online learning: content and activities available in DC Connect

Resources and References

Readings and supplemental material provided in DC Connect

Evaluation Weighting
Quiz: PRE-LABS 7%
6 pre-labs @ 2% each
Lab Activity: LAB REPORTS
6 lab reports @ 5% each

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Wk. Hours: 4 Delivery: Lab

4 Intended Learning Objectives


2.8 Recognize the meaning of "percent abundance" of an isotope

2.9 Recognize the relationship between percent abundance of isotopes and average atomic mass
2.10 Given the average atomic mass formula, use isotope percent abundances and masses to calculate the
average atomic mass for an element
2.11 State applications of isotopes in healthcare

Intended Learning Activities

In-person learning: small group activities, lecture, lab activities and guided practice
Online learning: content and activities available in DC Connect

Resources and References

Readings and supplemental material provided in DC Connect

Evaluation Weighting
Quiz: PRE-LABS 7%
6 pre-labs @ 2% each
Lab Activity: LAB REPORTS
6 lab reports @ 5% each

Wk. Hours: 4 Delivery: Lab

5 Intended Learning Objectives


2.12 Define valence electron and determine the number of valence electrons for representative elements
2.13 Draw Lewis dot structures for atoms of representative elements
2.14 Recognize periodic trends of elements (i.e. ionization energy, atomic radius) and use the trends to predict
selected properties of the elements

Intended Learning Activities

In-person learning: small group activities, lecture, lab activities and guided practice
Online learning: content and activities available in DC Connect

Resources and References

Readings and supplemental material provided in DC Connect

Evaluation Weighting
Quiz: PRE-LABS 7%
6 pre-labs @ 2% each
Lab Activity: LAB REPORTS
6 lab reports @ 5% each

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Wk. Hours: 4 Delivery: Lab

6 Intended Learning Objectives


3.1 Define ion, anion and cation and relate these terms to the gain or loss of electrons in an atom
3.2 Describe the octet rule and its application to ions and ion formation
3.3 Use the octet rule to predict the ionic charge for any representative element
3.4 Use the periodic table to predict the ionic charge of any representative element
3.5 Differentiate between monatomic, multivalent and polyatomic ions
3.6 Apply IUPAC rules to name monatomic, multivalent and polyatomic ions

Intended Learning Activities

In-person learning: small group activities, lecture, lab activities and guided practice
Online learning: content and activities available in DC Connect

Resources and References

Readings and supplemental material provided in DC Connect


Wk. Hours: 4 Delivery: Lab

7 Intended Learning Objectives

Write test 1 (covers content from weeks 1-6)

Intended Learning Activities

Independent and small group review

Resources and References

Readings and supplemental material provided in DC Connect

Evaluation Weighting
Test: TEST 1 20%
Written in week 7, covers weeks 1-6 content.

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Wk. Hours: 4 Delivery: Lab

8 Intended Learning Objectives


4.1 Predict whether a bond is ionic or covalent

4.2 Describe the properties and formation of ionic bonds and covalent bonds
4.3 State the electronegativity trends on the periodic table and relate this to electronegativity values
4.4 Use electronegativity values of elements to classify covalent bonds as polar or non-polar
4.5 Apply delta notation to a polar covalent bond
4.6 Distinguish between inter- and intra-molecular forces and explain the contribution of molecular polarity to
these forces
4.7 Recognize the contribution of intermolecular forces to the structure of biomolecules (i.e. DNA double helix,
protein folding)
4.8 Recognize subscripts in a chemical formula as the quantity of atoms present
4.9 Draw Lewis structures for covalent compounds
4.10 Use VSEPR theory to predict the shapes of molecules
4.11 Identify the seven naturally occurring diatomic elements

Intended Learning Activities

In-person learning: small group activities, lecture, lab activities and guided practice
Online learning: content and activities available in DC Connect

Resources and References

Readings and supplemental material provided in DC Connect


Wk. Hours: 4 Delivery: Lab

9 Intended Learning Objectives


5.1 Apply the IUPAC system of nomenclature to write formulas for and name covalent compounds
5.2 Apply the IUPAC system of nomenclature to write formulas for and name ionic compounds with
monatomic, multivalent and polyatomic ions

Intended Learning Activities

In-person learning: small group activities, lecture, lab activities and guided practice
Online learning: content and activities available in DC Connect

Resources and References

Readings and supplemental material provided in DC Connect


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Wk. Hours: 4 Delivery: Lab

10 Intended Learning Objectives


6.1 Identify the reactants and products in reaction equations

6.2 Differentiate between the terms exothermic and endothermic
6.3 Write reaction equations for exothermic and endothermic reactions
6.4 Balance reaction equations
6.5 Write balanced chemical reaction equations from word equations and vice versa

Intended Learning Activities

In-person learning: small group activities, lecture, lab activities and guided practice
Online learning: content and activities available in DC Connect

Resources and References

Readings and supplemental material provided in DC Connect

Evaluation Weighting
Quiz: PRE-LABS 7%
6 pre-labs @ 2% each
Lab Activity: LAB REPORTS
6 lab reports @ 5% each

Wk. Hours: 4 Delivery: Lab

11 Intended Learning Objectives


6.6 Classify reactions as combination, decomposition, single replacement or double replacement

6.7 Define the terms oxidation and reduction
6.8 Assign oxidation numbers to elements in chemical formulas
6.9 Classify reactions as redox or non-redox

Intended Learning Activities

In-person learning: small group activities, lecture, lab activities and guided practice
Online learning: content and activities available in DC Connect

Resources and References

Readings and supplemental material provided in DC Connect

Evaluation Weighting
Quiz: PRE-LABS 7%
6 pre-labs @ 2% each
Lab Activity: LAB REPORTS
6 lab reports @ 5% each

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Wk. Hours: 4 Delivery: Lab

12 Intended Learning Objectives


7.1 Given the density formula, perform calculations based on the property of gas density
7.2 Given the required conversion factor, perform unit analysis to convert between pressure units in kPa,
mmHg and atm
7.3 Given the required formula, perform calculations to convert between temperature units of degrees Celcius
and Kelvin

Intended Learning Activities

In-person learning: small group activities, lecture, lab activities and guided practice
Online learning: content and activities available in DC Connect

Resources and References

Readings and supplemental material provided in DC Connect


Wk. Hours: 4 Delivery: Lab

13 Intended Learning Objectives

UNIT 7: GAS LAWS (cont'd)

7.4 Explain the direct and indirect/inverse relationships between pressure, volume and temperature of gases
7.5 Given their respective formulas, perform calculations based on Boyle's law, Charles's law and Gay-
Lussac's law
7.6 State applications of gas law chemistry in the human body

Intended Learning Activities

In-person learning: small group activities, lecture, lab activities and guided practice
Online learning: content and activities available in DC Connect

Resources and References

Readings and supplemental material provided in DC Connect

Evaluation Weighting
Quiz: PRE-LABS 7%
6 pre-labs @ 2% each
Lab Activity: LAB REPORTS
6 lab reports @ 5% each

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Wk. Hours: 4 Delivery: Lab

14 Intended Learning Objectives

- Write test 2 (covers content in weeks 8-13)
- If needed, complete the makeup lab and/or the cumulative makeup test

Intended Learning Activities

Independent and small group review

Resources and References

Readings and supplemental material provided in DC Connect

Evaluation Weighting
Test: TEST 2 20%
Written in week 14, covers weeks 8-13 content.

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