Grammar - 4 - Apr 21 - Fighters

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Massy ~~) 9 Fighters for rights rast continuous Work in pairs. Answer these questions. a) Was it raining yesterday morning? b) Were you reading a magazine at midday yesterday? ' ©) Were you chatting online at 7 pm? ‘Work in pairs. Choose three times, eg 9 am, 1 pm and 6 pm. Guess what your partner was doing at each of these times. Have three guesses for each time and keep the score like thi ‘At9am _...were you having breakfast? (correct ~ 3 points; wrong ~ no points) sa were you travelling to school/college? (correct ~ 2 points; wrong ~ no points) were you talking on your mobile? (correct - 1 point; wrong - no points) Read these facts about Mahatma Gandhi. Complete the gaps with the correct verbs in the past continuous form. break cry fast read stand studg visit walk work When Gandhi was born in 1869, the British ruled India. When he went to London to study law at the age of 18, they still ruled India. When Gandhi (a) was. studying. in London, he lived very cheaply. He walked everywhere and ate no meat. Gandhi (B) census in South Africa as a lawyer when the First World War started in 1914. He and his family returned to India in 1915, Gandhi became a political leader. He ‘taught people about non-violent protest. Violence in 1924 between Hindus and Muslims stopped because Gandhi (€) ....nsnounnnn « Will not eat until there is peace between you," he said. Then the British rulers put a tax on salt. Gandhi marched to the sea and ‘took a handful of salt. He (d) .. Gandhi came to Britain for three months in 1931. While he (e) 1 he stayed vw the law but he was not being violent. in ordinary British homes. He didn’t want to stay in expensive hotels. One day, 16 years later, Gandhi (f) toa prayer meeting. A man pulled a gun from his shirt and shot him three times. All night, people (g) outside his house. Some people (h) ....... Some people (i) ....r.nnneueeu- holy Books. It was only two years after India had finally won independence from Britain. it was 30 January 1948. Gandhi was 79. Work in pairs. Each of you writes three questions about Gandhi using the past continuous. Cover the information about Gandhi. Ask each other your questions. Examples: Where was Gandhi living in 1888? Was he breaking the law when took a handful of salt? 27 9. Fighters for rights Past continuous ORT @® Answer these questions. 1a) What were you doing at 9 am today? bb) Where were you living in December last year? ©) What were you wearing yesterday? @ Read about Rosa Parks and answer the questions. Montgomery Bus Boycott Rosa Parks worked in a department store in Montgomery, Alabama, USA. She always took the bus home. She was sitting on the bus one day in December 1955 when a white man asked for her seat. It was a ‘Whites Only’ seat. The ‘black’ seats were at the back. After a long day at work, she was tired. She refused. The police arrested her. Martin Luther King Jr. heard about her case. ‘Don't use the buses,’ he said to Montgomery blacks. The Montgomery Bus Boycott started. It lasted more than a year. Because no blacks ‘were travelling on the buses, the bus company was losing money. After a year, the ‘Whites Only’ notices disappeared and black people went back on the buses. ‘a) Where was Rosa Parks sitting on the bus? b) Where was she going? ©) Who wanted her seat? ‘d) Why did she refuse? ‘¢) Why were the Montgomery buses losing money during 1956? @ Look at the facts about Mahatma Gandhi in Enter 3. Write about another political fighter, Martin Luther King Jr, in the same way. Take half of the sentence from Column 1 and the other half from Column 2. Example: King was studying in Pennsylvania when he learned about the ideas of Mahatma Gandhi, Column 1 Column 2 1948 studying in Pennsylvania = 1948 learned about Mahatma Gandhi 1951-55 studying at Boston University ™ 1953 married Coretta Scott 1955 working in the church in = 1955-6 police arrested Rosa Parks Montgomery, Alabama "= 1963 march on Washington and famous speech “Ihave a dream...’ 1965-73 Americans fighting in Vietnam "#1963 Time Magazine’s Man of the Year April 4 1968 staying at the Lorraine ™ 1964 won Nobel Peace Prize Motel in Memphis, Tennessee April 4 1968 standing on the balcony = April 4 1968 James Earl Ray shot King in of the Lorraine Motel Memphis, Tennessee SRUTEUMTMATEIE 9 Fighters for rights rast continuous aD @ work in pairs. ask each other three questions about what you were doing yesterday, last week or last month.. ® Look at the story about Rosa Parks in Step up 2. Imagine you are a friend of Rosa's. I's twenty years later. Someone comes to interview you about the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Describe what happened. @) write sentences about these pictures. Use as, when or while and the past continuous and the past simple. a) | was dreaming about food when an apple fell on my head. ® Research: choose another fighter for rights and peace, for example Nelson Mandela or ‘Aung San Suu Kyi, or another person you admire. Find out some information about them and present a fact file to the class. ED

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