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UNIT 32.33.34 ADV

Terms in this set (62)

seek/take refuge (from find shelter or protection from trouble or

sth/sb) danger.

a feeling of confusion and anxiety often felt by

culture shock
people staying in another country.

escape from a dangerous situation, place, or

flee (from) sth/ sb
person very quickly.

a person who is forced to leave their country for

political/religious reasons.

the protection a country gives to a refugee

(political) asylum
(seek asylum, apply for asylum).

a group of people with the same culture or race

ethnic minority ethnic group living in a place where most people are of a
different culture/race.

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be made to leave the place where you live and

be uprooted
go somewhere else.

the practice of treating a person or group in

discrimination discriminate v
society less fairly than others.

force sb to leave a country, often because they

deport sb deportation N
have no right to be there.

an opinion about sb/sth that is not based on

prejudice (against sb/sth)
reason or experience, especially a dislike based
prejudiced ADJ
on race, religion, etc.

connected with the place where you were born

native and lived for the first years of your life (native

a feeling of anger or hatred. sYN hostility. a

animosity (towards sb) faith
strong belief in sth (this is often a religious faith).

a fixed idea of what a particular type of person

Stereotype or thing is like, but which is often not true in
reality. stereotypical ADJ.

the process of becoming a full member of a

group or society. integrate (into sth).

live without quarrelling with others. a feeling of

live at peace with sb
sadness mixed with pleasure when you think of
happy times in the past. nostalgic ADJ.

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desire a strong wish (have no desire to do sth).

put your name on an official list (enrol = register

register (at/for/with sth)
to join a course, school, etc.).

the act of sending sb to get professional help

(be referred to sb).

advice from another person (i.e. not the original

second opinion

meant to be kept secret (strictly confidential).

confidential confidentiality N (protect patient/ client

fml failure to give proper care or attention.

negligent ADJ.

fml reach, enter, or use sth (gain/have access to

access sth

out of hours when a surgery, office, etc. is closed.

medical treatment intended to improve sb's

cosmetic surgery appearance (surgical repair after accidents,
burns, etc. is called plastic surgery).

free of charge If sth is free of charge it costs you nothing.

find or obtain sth (get hold of sb = find or

get hold of sth
contact sb).

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a piece or period of research on the

clinical trial
effectiveness or safety of drugs or treatment.

treatments that are not part of traditional

complementary medicine
Western medicine, e.g. acupuncture.

put sb at (their) ease make sb feel relaxed and not nervous.

keep sb informed continue to give sb information about sth.

perfectly clean (also spotlessly clean). sYN


paying careful attention to every detail. sYN


nothing is too much trouble = sb is always ready to help.

a medical operation in which only a very small

keyhole surgery
cut is made in the body.

INF a situation full of confusion due to a mistake.

sYN muddle.

second to none If a treatment is second to none, it is the best.

rushed off your feet extremely busy, with too many things to do.

take (no) notice of sb/sth pay (no) attention to sth/sb.

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having a low rank in an organization or

profession. OPP senior.

a written statement by a political party saying

what they believe in and what they intend to do.

the organization that provides local government

council in a city or area. A councillor is an elected
member of the council.

support or defend sth/sb. sYN Sstick up for sb

stand up for sth/sb

on behalf of sb/ on sb's as the representative of sb.


a person who lives in a particular place. (This is

also a meaning of citizen, although citizen can
also mean a person with legal rights in a

think that sth/sb is important and deserves

take sth/sb seriously

the right to take part in deciding sth (give sb a

say/have a say in sth).

give sth officially to sb/sth for a particular

allocate sth

ensure sth make sure that sth happens or is definite.

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a sum of money given, often by the government,

for a purpose.

(of work) done by people (volunteers) who

choose to do it without being paid (the
Voluntary voluntary sector includes organizations called
charities/ charity organizations, which help
people in need).

the most important chosen or elected official in

a town or city.

allowed by rules or laws to do or receive sth.

OPp ineligible.

A person or thing with a high profile gets

high profile attention and is easily noticed (a high-profile

a person who speaks on behalf of a group or an


promote sth help sth to happen or develop. promotion N.

the amount of money a person or organization

budget has to spend on sth (set a budget = decide a

carefully planned in order to achieve a particular

goal. strategy N.

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happening or existing across the whole of a city

(also nationwide, worldwide)

the activity of keeping order in a place, using the

police. police v.

a business or government department that

agency provides a particular service
(employment/advertising/travel agency).

a system of roads, lines, wires, etc. that are

network connected to each other (rail/

chair (a meeting) be in charge of (a meeting) (see spotlight).

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