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Global IEC for Markets


Ayush Joshi & Arif Hussain

Inclusive Development for Environment And Learning Foundation
L-2/76, MDDA Colony
PO Defence Colony,
Dehradun, Uttarakhand-248001

IDEAL Foundation is a NON-Profit Social Enterprise based in Uttarakhand with current
office in Dehradun. IDEAL along with its supporting arm NUTS India have been involved in
awareness and creative education from the very beginning thus providing solutions for
environmental,social and cultural issues. The major part of our work lies in the research to
bring out creative and factual knowledge to make general masses educate on the
complexities of various subjects across descipline.
As an Inclusive organization we not only understand the importance of education in
general but also of the sexual reproductive health as well as gender based violence which
has been a critical issue in India for centuries, and thus with regular partnerships with our
friends we are trying to understand the lags and stigmas around and thus by supporting
our partner organizations we have been regularly creating awareness about it as well as
menstrual hygiene and taking regular help from our psychologists, biology teachers and
gynecologists is a benefit and having access to such practitioners adds value to provide
beneficial and is part of the process for us in form of research and development.
1. Development of SRH Toolkit
2. Validate factual information through IEC material

Creative Experience
Our creative arm has 7+ years of working in the creative industry. We have worked on
multiple creative projects with MNCs, organisations, Research Institutions, Non Profits,
NGOS, firms, Governments and individuals globally. With proficiency in Visual
Communication, we provide a wide range of creative services like logo design, brand
identity design, illustrations, marketing, animations (2D and 3D), websites, product design,
photography, stationery, corporate gifts, etc. Apart from this, we also bring along in the
team an experienced educator and trainer who has conducted multiple workshops for
school children and women.


I. Research and Content Creation


Toolkits and IEC materials are impactful strategies that needs due diligence of
information based on global facts and scientific evidences that will allow girls and
women in various regions curate, understand and act upon the provided
information and lead a healthy life thus Research and Development of content will
be the first goal which will take 18 days from the date of initiation to dig in, study
and validate what information to use based on guidelines of communications and
globally acknowledged keywords to use to gain wider acceptance that triggers better
project outcomes and benefits to triggeries.

II. Design planning and strategies.

While one team is digging into addressing the research another team will be
developing strategies to look at and research globally appreciated textures and
influential design plans to be infused with the strong call-to-action (this will happen
parallel to the 18 days period).

III. Translation and Transliteration.

The base documentation will be in English language and upon acceptance by the
Organization will be translated and transliterated within 14 days (post research) and
upon a go ahead we then will start putting in the designs and content together in
the graphics.

IV. Putting everything Together and deliveries

Upon a confirmation on above we move forward to get the designs and content put
together in all the requested formats and specification to be delivered all of it on
day 60th of the 2 Month period

Budget & Motivation

Sr. Item Quantities Amount (INR)

1. Designing cost Inclusive of all 1,22,000

items mentioned
in the
2 Content creation Inclusive of all 51,450
items mentioned
in the
3. Translation and Transliteration For all the material 63,195
4. Educator and Psychologist Consultation 10,000
5. Contingencies and out of pocket @ 10% 24664.50
TOTAL 271309.50

Over the last 7 years we have catered to a range and variety of customers from various
backgrounds and subjects some of them are mentioned below:
1. Bane and co

2. Sight and Life

3. DSM

4. Milk Basket

5. Youth alliance of India

6. Teach for India

7. Development Alternatives

8. Nature Science Initiative

9. Filmkaar

10. Healing forest

11. Do-No-Trash

12. Hilans, Govt. of Uttarakhand.

13. GMVN, Govt. of Uttarakhand.


14. Been There, Doon That.

15. Saheli trust

16. Indian School of Democracy ,etCetera.

Some of our Work Samples are attached below


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