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CSE 4404: Algorithms Lab

Lab 8

Solving problems related to Dynamic Programming (basics)

Problem A
Find the nth Fibonacci number using the following methods:
a) Basic recursion
b) Top-down with memorization
c) Bottom-up approach
For each of the approaches find out the number of recursive/iterative calls required to solve the
problem. Also find the time required for each approach. (Resource related to clock functions is
given in another file.)

Sample input: 40

Sample Output: (the time might vary for each machine)

(Test your code for n=40, 41, 42…50 etc. and try to understand the improvement using Dynamic
Problem B

Write a program to find the factorials of all numbers from 1 to n using the following methods:
a) Basic recursion
b) Top-down with memorization
c) Bottom-up approach

For each of the approaches find out the number of recursive/iterative calls required to solve the
problem. Also find the time required for each approach. (Resource related to clock functions is
given in another file.)

(use some large numbers to understand the improvement)

(1)! = 1
(2)! = 2
(3)! = 6
(4)! = 10
(5)! = 15
Problem C
An array is given of length n and its index starts from 1. The array consists of characters from
1…9. Count the number of even numbers (i.e. 2,4,6,8) for every index i (1≤ i ≤ n). For an index i,
the result should be calculated from I to the end of the array.






Given array is 574674546476

for index 1
Number of even numbers from 5 to end of the string is 7 so the result of index 1 is 7.
for index 2
Number of even numbers from 7 to end of the string is 7 so the result of index 2 is 7.
for index 3
Number of even numbers from 4 to end of the string is 7 so the result of index 3 is 7.
for index 3
Number of even numbers from 6 to end of the string is 6 so the result of index 4 is 6.....

(Solve the problem using the following methods:

a) Top-down with memorization
b) Bottom-up approach)
Problem D
Given a rod of length n inches and a table of prices pi for I = 1, 2 . . . n, determine the maximum
revenue rn obtainable by cutting up the rod and selling the pieces. Note that if the price pi for a rod
of length n is large enough, an optimal solution may require no cutting at all.

Input: (the price for each of rod having length 1…n)

Length i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Price pi 1 5 8 9 10 17 17 20 24 30

r1 = 1 from solution 1 = 1 (no cuts)
r2 = 5 from solution 2 = 2 (no cuts)
r3 = 8 from solution 3 = 3 (no cuts)
r4 = 10 from solution 4 = 2 + 2
r5 = 13 from solution 5 = 2 + 3
r6 = 17 from solution 6 = 6 (no cuts)
r7 = 18 from solution 7 = 1+6
r8 = 22 from solution 8 = 2 + 6
r9 = 25 from solution 9 = 3 + 6
r10 = 30 from solution 10 = 10 (no cuts)
(Solve the problem using the following methods:
c) Basic recursion
d) Top-down with memorization
e) Bottom-up approach)

(Find pseudo-code from the book)

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