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MIN-320 Topic 2

Spiritual Practices
There are a variety of spiritual disciplines that can be used to grow in your spiritual journey. There are some disciplines like Bible
reading and prayer that are foundational for all believers, and other disciplines that may vary according to one's personality, gifting,
and passions.
This assignment will ask you to examine the biblical background of both foundational and personal spiritual disciplines. You will be
asked to examine Bible reading, prayer, and Scripture memory, and then choose two additional spiritual disciplines (for example,
fasting, meditation, worship, evangelism) that you practice, or can start practicing, to grow in your relationship with Christ.
In no more than 50 words in each section, complete the Spiritual Disciplines chart by giving biblical support for each discipline and
explaining how you will apply the spiritual disciplines in your life.

Spiritual Discipline Biblical Support Real Life Application

1. Bible Reading Ephesians 4:11–15 states I understand it should be more consistent and because of these reasons as well as
that Reading the Bible others I'll be putting better practice into my life.I will be separating my head from
key to growing your my heart while reading the Bible so I can have understanding but feed my heart
relationship with God and hear God as well.
and gaining knowledge
He gives us as well as
being rooted in the truth
of God’s word. It is key
to having His
understanding so that we
have a solid faith and to
grow His kingdom.
2. Prayer Luke 11 Here we see the Prayer is a constant thing in my life, and I am proud to say that. Something I could
disciples notice Jesus be better at is praying for things around me. I often praise God and pray about
praying and become myself only occasionally praying for others. Being mor intentional of praying for
curious on how they others constantly.

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should pray. Jesus then
goes on to teach them
how they should pray
and why praying to God
is important for growth
in relationship with the
Father as well as the
blessings that will be
available to us.
3. Scripture Memory Psalm 119:9-13 teaches I have never thought scripture memory was apart of discipline and knowing what I
how someone can know now I will be practicing it for my times of temptation as well as so I am able
always remain in God to speak about the gospel clearly in conversation.
through scripture
memorization and
having His knowledge in
our hearts. V.11-13
speaks about using it to
remember the laws of
God so that we will not
sin. 2Timothy3:16,
Memorizing Gods word
to be able to teach and
become more righteous.
4. Solitude Exodus 14:14 talks Solitude is a practice I can apply in my life to trust God deeper. I struggle with
about being still and letting go of my life and allowing God to work. For example, I struggle with
allowing God to fight for finding my will to do school and that’s because I never rest and never let God take
you. It speaks about control.
allowing God to work
and run your life while
you just rest in Him.
5. worship Psalm 29:2 Speaks about This is a discipline I am good at in this moment of my life. Both the heart song
worshiping God and aspect but as well as worshiping Him in everything I do. It really is a posture of
only worshiping God. It heart and sometimes I need to correct but it could always be stronger I can always
shows that it goes deeper grow deeper.

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than singing a song but
it’s the way you live a
life of serving God.

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