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Destiny McDaniel

MUS 150

Professor Guerrero

15 December 2021

Musicianship Reflection

Before taking this course, to me composing/arranging was sitting down with a sheet of

manuscript paper and making your ideas come to life on the idea. I never thought about using

programs like Garageband and audacity to actually write music. I believe this is a good approach

for those who want to get into composing/arranging music but don’t know where to start. It is

incredibly easy to hear each part you write and make edits when needed. These programs give

you a great sense of what instruments sound good together, how to create harmonies and

different intervals, and rhythm writing. I truly learned a lot through these projects and have a

newfound love for arranging and composing.

While I can’t provide anything to show the progression of my work over the semester, I

can reflect upon it. One thing that shocked me the most with each assignment is the difference

between my initial ideas upon receiving the assignment and what I actually end up submitting. I

do believe the main reason for this is due to my little experience within arranging/composing and

just not knowing how exactly to execute each idea that comes to mind. However, I am always

happy with the results and really enjoyed playing around with different features within the

programs used.

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