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Detailed Lesson Plan

Locomotor Movements


At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

a. Discuss Locomotor Movements
b. Demonstrate different locomotor skills
c. Identify the locomotor skills of walk, jog, run, hop, jump, slide, and gallop


Topic: Locomotor Movements
Materials: Computer, Cellphone, PowerPoint Presentation


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Classroom Management Good afternoon, Ma’am. We are fine! And yes we have
Good day class! How is your day? I hope you nice connection so far!
are all okay and safe and good internet

Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy

Ok that’s good to hear it so let’s begin our Name. Thy
class now lead the prayer now class anyone Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in
can lead Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive
our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against
us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from
evil. Amen

You may now take your seats, Ok class were (checking attendance).
going to check attendance now say present if
you’re here
B. Motivation

Before we start our lesson, I prepared an

energizer which is you gonns identify iif is Yes, Ma’am we are ready!!!
this locomotor or not ill post the picture the
one you can get the answer will be receiving
a token! So are you ready class!

(Erika raise his hand)

Ma’am, slide is a locomotor movements

SLIDE (Karla raise his hand)

Ma’am Locomotor movement is the act or
Very Good Erika! power of moving from place to place
Our lesson for today is all about Locomotor

(Miguel raise his hand)

Very Good Karla how about others do you
Ma’am There are several locomotor
have any idea about Locomotor Movements
movements that will successfully transfer
weight from one location to another

Very Good Miguel!

C. Presentation

So back to our lesson to our lesson What

is Locomotor Movement

Locomotor Movements - These are

movements where the body travels (Karla raise his hand)
through space from one location to Ma’am what are the example of locomotor
another. Locomotor movements primarity
use the feet for support however, the body
can travel on other parts such as the hands
and feet.

Locomotor movement is movement that

travels through general space. Locomotor
skills are the basic foundation of human
movement. Locomotor movements are
walking, running,galloping, hopping,
jogging, leaping, skipping, sliding,
jumping,swimming, flying, sliding, etc.

This is the example of Lovomotor

Movement Karla

Walk - The walk is a transfer of weight

from one foot to the other. Usually the
heel touches first.

Run - The run is a transfer of weight from

one foot to the other however, the body is
propelled into the air and suspended
between run steps.

Jump - The jump required the body to

push off from one or both feet. Most
common is a two foot take off and two
foot landing. A jump can take off on one
foot and land on two or take off from two
feet and land one one foot.

Hop - The hop requires a push-off from

one foot and landing on the same foot.

Leap - A leap is performed by pushing off

from one foot and landing on the other
foot. The body is suspended in the and
between the push off and the landing. Can
be combined with a run or walk.

Skip - A combination of a step and a hop

on the same foot followed by a step and
hop on the other foot. The rhythm is
uneven long -short. Long (the step) and
short (the hop).

Gallop - A forward movement where one

foot leads the gallop while the other foot
follows. The lead foot steps with a bent
knee and pushes off into the air and
landing on the trailing foot. The rhythm is
uneven, long -short. Long (the step) and
short (the landing).

Slide - Is similar to a gallop performed

with the right or left foot leading. The
rhythm is uneven, long -short. Long (the
step) and short (the landing).

IV. Generalization (Christrian raise his hand)

Ma’am I learnwhqat is the locomotor movements
Who can summary or give what and its example because how the movement of it.
he learned to our lesson for today?
Good job Christian who else? Its already okay ma’am
Verry Good!
V. Application

Make a video of example of Locomotor


VI. Evaluation

Answer True or False for each statement.

1. Leap is when you push off two feet foot and land on two feet?
2. Crawling is not a Locomotor Movement?
3. Locomotor movements take me from one place to another?
4. Marching is not a locomotor movement?
5. When I slide I am moving backwards?

VII. Assignment
Make a list of at least five types of locomotor skills. You can refer to the lesson, but try to
recall as many from memory as you can, or come up with some of your own. At the top of your
list, provide the definition of locomotor skills.

Example: Galloping.

Prepared by:

Pre-Service Teacher

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher

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