Proposed Water Distribution System For The Sitio OF Barangay Indahag, Cagayan de Oro City: A Case Study

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A Thesis Presented to the

Faculty of the College of Engineering
Liceo de Cagayan University
Cagayan de Oro City


In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering




Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page iii



in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil
MICHAEL REXEL ESLIT has been examined, accepted and recommended for Oral


Approved by the committee on Oral Examination with the grade of




Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of
Date of Proposal Defense .
Dean, College of Engineering

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Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Objectives of the study

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

Significance of the Study

Definition of Terms


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Research Setting

Research Design

Research Instruments

Data Gathering Procedure

Statistical Techniques


Water Source Safe Yield

Deep Well Water Source Data

Water Distribution System Analysis
using EPANET
Estimated Material Cost



Summary Of Findings
Summary of Findings for WDS EPANET
Summary of Findings for the Estimated Cost of the
Proposed Design



A. Letter of Consent …
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B. Figures and Plates …

C. Survey Questionnaires …
D. Timeframe …
E. Curriculum Vitae

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1 Discharge Data Calculation
2 Demand Criteria
3 Demand Parameters and Factors
4 Roughness Coefficients for Pipes
5 Detailed Computation for HDPE Pipe
6 Detailed Computation for HDPE Fittings and Valves
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1 Schematic Diagram of the study
2 Lot Area
3 Number of Households
4 Frame of Proposed Water Distribution Design Network
5 System Flow Balance
6 Pressure Head on Minimum And Maximum Demand
7 Velocity on Minimum and Maximum Demand
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Chapter 1


To meet the ever-increasing water demand of the world's population, experts must
provide the necessary and uniform amount of water via a well-designed network of pipes
known as water supply. Infrastructure for collecting, transmitting, handling, processing, and
distributing water to households, commercial businesses, agriculture, and irrigation, as well
as public needs such as firefighting and street flushing. Water supply schemes must also meet
government, commercial, and industrial requirements.
According to Hickey (2008), A well-designed water distribution system is able to
convey sufficient amount of water required for 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. The
function of a water distribution system is to deliver water to all customers of the system in
sufficient quantity for potable drinking water and fire protection purposes, at the appropriate
pressure, with minimal loss, of safe and acceptable quality, and as economically as possible.
However, in many cases the water source limits this condition to happen. In this situation, the
ground water source’s safe yield takes place. According to Tan (2011), the safe yield of the
groundwater reservoir is the maximum safe extraction from the groundwater without
unnecessary effects.
EPANET is a software application used throughout the world to
model water distribution systems. It was developed as a tool for understanding the movement
and fate of drinking water constituents within distribution systems, and can be used for many
different types of applications in distribution systems analysis.
The residents of Sitio Moloypoloy of Barangay Indahag, Cagayan de Oro City
Misamis Oriental was in need of water distribution to deliver water to consumers with
appropriate quantity which allows the free flow of water. Currently the residents would have
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to travel to another Sitio which is approximately 1 mile from the location to procure
necessary amount of water for their daily need. They would do this on a daily basis early in
the morning and not just on one instance. The study will design a water distribution and
drainage system to meet the needs of people in the Sitio of Barangay Indahag. The purpose
of this research is to analyze and design a water distribution system using EPANET software
that would cater the daily need of water for the community.

The Barangay Water System

Data shown on Table 1 was gathered by the researchers using volumetric method.
Table 1.
Discharge Data Calculation (Chapter 4 under Objective 2)
Hour m m m LxWxH VOLUME x

1 1 2.27 0.81 0.58 1.066446 1066.446

2 1 2.27 0.81 0.56 1.029672 1029.672
3 1 2.27 0.81 0.57 1.048059 1048.059
4 1 2.27 0.81 0.58 1.066446 1066.446
5 1 2.27 0.81 0.57 1.048059 1048.059

Table 1: Discharge Data Calculation

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Theoretical and Conceptual Framework

Design Consideration:

 Main source of
water Proposed Water
 Area Population Simulation Distribution System in
 Water Demand of Sitio Residents
 Pump Requirement EPANET
 Distribution
 Water tanks

Project Cost

Figure 1. Schematic Diagram of the study

Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of the water distribution system, showing the
relationship of the independent and dependent variables. Within the figure is the input such
as the location, population, water demand and the process and output of the study.

With EPANET, users can perform extended-period simulation of the hydraulic and water
quality behavior within pressurized pipe networks, which consist of pipes, nodes (junctions),
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pumps, valves, storage tanks, and reservoirs. It can be used to track the flow of water in each
pipe, the pressure at each node, the height of the water in each tank, a chemical
concentration, the age of the water, and source tracing throughout the network during a
simulation period. EPANET's user interface provides a visual network editor that simplifies
the process of building pipe network models and editing their properties and data. Various
data reporting and visualization tools are used to assist in interpreting the results of a network
analysis, including color-coded network maps, data tables, energy usage, reaction,
calibration, time series graphs, and profile and contour plots. (Environmental Protection

Bernoulli’s theorem, in fluid dynamics, relation among the pressure, velocity, and

elevation in a moving fluid (liquid or gas), the compressibility and viscosity (internal
friction) of which are negligible and the flow of which is steady, or laminar. First derived
(1738) by the Swiss mathematician Daniel Bernoulli, the theorem states, in effect, that the
total mechanical energy of the flowing fluid, comprising the energy associated with fluid
pressure, the gravitational potential energy of elevation, and the kinetic energy of fluid
motion, remains constant. Bernoulli’s theorem is the principle of energy conservation for
ideal fluids in steady, or streamline, flow and is the basis for many engineering applications.
Bernoulli's principle relates the pressure of a fluid to its elevation and its speed. Bernoulli's
equation can be used to approximate these parameters in water, air or any fluid that has very
low viscosity. (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006.)

Objectives of the Study

The study aims to have the feasible design for the development of water distribution
system for the Sitio of barangay Indahag, Cagayan de Oro Misamis Oriental. The aims of the
study are as follows:
1. To determine the profile of Sitio Moloypoloy
2. To determine the parameters needed for EPANET
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3. To design a water distribution system using EPANET 2.0

4. To determine the cost analysis of the proposed water distribution system

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The purpose of this research is to improve the water distribution system in the
selected Sitio of barangay Indahag, Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental. The scope of the
study was restricted to the Moloypoloy Sitio of Barangay Indahag and its residents. The
study focuses on water distribution design based on the type and capacity of the water source.
This study proposed a gravity-based water distribution system with minimal external power
required to keep the flow going. It entails gathering data on the capacity of the water source
to supply water for current and future demands, as well as the number of household
consumers who use the water. Data such as a topographic map and the barangay's land area
are also required. The researchers will also canvas the cost of materials required for the water
distribution system to one of the major sources of Cagayan de Oro, BMA Construction
Supply. The water distribution system designed by the researchers will also be limited to the
current number of residents in the area.
The aim of this analysis is to determine the aquifer's capacity to meet the design
pumping rate, not to test it as a water source. The device suggested a delivery system that
combined gravity and pumping with a storage tank. For economic considerations, the
proposed water delivery scheme would consider repurposing existing tanks. Furthermore, the
researchers will only focus on the design of water distribution, including the reservoir.

Significance of the Study

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This study aims to provide improvement of the water supply for the households of the
sitio. Furthermore, the estimated safe yield of the water supply and the estimated total cost of
expanding the water distribution system were determined through this analysis. This would
ensure that the citizens of the Barangay have a regular supply of water in their homes on a
daily basis. The results of this study serve as a foundation for developing a water distribution
system. This proposed water distribution system will benefit the residents of Sitio of
barangay Indahag, Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental in their day to day life activities.

Definition of Terms

Culvert. This term refers to a closed channel that allows water to flow under a road.
Design Discharge Capacity. This term refers to the amount of water in cubic meters per
minute that the design dimensions of a channel can carry.
Discharge. This term refers to the amount of fluid passing a section in unit time.
EPANET (Environmental Protection Agency Network). This refers to a software
application used throughout the world to model water distribution systems. It was developed
as a tool for understanding the movement and fate of drinking water constituents within
distribution systems and can be used for many different types of applications in distribution
systems analysis.
Junction. This term refers to two areas/pipes that are joined.
Nodes. This term refers to a place where lines in a network cross or meet.
Google Earth- Google Earth is a computer program that renders a regularly updated 3D
representation of Earth based primarily on satellite imagery.
Reservoir. This term refers to a place or container used to store water.
TANK – Used to store water coming from a water source.
PUMP – Used to extract large amounts of water from the water source.
VALVE- are mechanisms or devices to regulate or control the flow of liquid or gas within a
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Safe Yield. This term refers to "safe or dependable yield" and "safe yield" are "maintainable"
and available continuously during projected future conditions; the volume of water per unit
time that could be safely pumped from the well, as determined by a pumping test.
Water demand. This term refers to the amount of water required for a given purpose.
Water Distribution. This term refers to physical works that deliver water from the water
source to the intended end point user.
Water pipe. This term refers to any pipe or tube designed to transport treated drinking water
to consumers.
Water Source. This term refers to natural resources of water that are potentially useful.

Chapter 2


This chapter provides guidance and design of water distribution system. A review of
past researches by different researchers was discussed below.

Water Distribution System

It is vital to provide the adequate and uniform amount of water through the
engineered network of tubes to meet the water requirement of the continually increasing
population. General features of the area such as information about the main source of water,
area population, water demand, pump requirement, distribution network and water tanks are
essential for efficient water distribution system design (Kumar et al., 2015).
According to Swamee and Sharma (2000), gravity flow water distribution systems are
beneficial where sufficient elevation difference is accessible to allow the water to flow from
an input point (source) to the terminal point of the distribution system in required amount and
pressure head. What is generally significant in such frameworks is that no outer power is
required to move the water, along these lines accomplishing more prominent economy and
unwavering quality. In a gravity framework the water flows from an input point, which is at
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the most elevation, to every other purpose of the system. Such systems are commonly
conceivable in hilly landscape where the spring of water is a characteristic water course,
which can be tapped by developing an intake chamber. Regularly relying on the geography
and accessibility of land, the water treatment plant and a reservoir are 9 additionally built at
source point to guarantee water quality and amount. The gravity flow water distribution
systems have single or multiple input sources with branched or potentially looped system
configuration relying on the nearby conditions, geography, accessibility of sources and the
water necessities.

Water Distribution System Elevated Water Tank

A regular water tower is developed of either steel, reinforced or pressurized concrete,
or block, and incorporates a bowl of either spherical or cylindrical shape, is around 50 feet
(16 meters) in distance across and has a maximum elevation of roughly 120 feet. The clients
of the water supply (a town, industry, or only a structure) need to have water pressure to keep
up the safety of the water supply. The elevation of the water tower gives the hydrostatic
pressure to the water supply system and it might be enhanced with a pump. The volume of
the reservoir and diameter of the pipe give and sustain flow rate. At the point when the water
level in a genuine elevated tank drops to the base of the elevated bowl, the tank is basically
empty. The wet focus riser pipe, which is 11 close to 36 inches in diameter, does not qualify
as a water storage. Thus, the water pressure gave by the genuine elevated tank drops rapidly
to Zero (0) following the water in the elevated tank tumbles to the base of the tank. The work
of elevated water tanks during seismic earthquakes is of much enthusiasm to engineers, not
just due to the significance of these tanks in controlling flames, yet additionally in light of the
fact that the basic structure of an elevated tank is moderately simple to dissect and,
subsequently, the investigation of tanks can be instructive with regards to the conduct of
structures during quakes (Housner 1963).

EPANET Simulation
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EPANET is a computer program that simulates hydraulic and water quality behavior
over an extended period of time within pressurized pipe networks. EPANET tracks the water
flow in each pipe, the pressure at each node, the water height in each tank, and the
concentration of a chemical species throughout the network over a simulation period
consisting of multiple time steps. Water distribution system hydraulic assessment and
simulation are previous steps to be achieved before simulating water quality (Sathyanathan et
al., 2016). There are many case studies using EPANET as an instrument in the design and
planning of a scheme for water distribution. For example, the study conducted by
(Sathyanathan et. al 2016), in SRM University, Kattankulathur, Chennai, India used
EPANET software for controlling the water variability supplied to customers. The research
also seeks to design the entire campus using EPANET for a 24/7 water distribution system.
12 During the simulation, changes were noted at different nodes at each hour in chosen
parameters such as flow, velocity, head and water pressure. The SRM campus water
distribution network comprises of 29 standardized material pipes, 32 intersections, 5 pumps
and 1 source reservoir from which water is pumped and subsequently circulated throughout
the network. The pipes used in the 250 mm uniform diameter network system. Throughout
the network scheme, cast iron tubes with 85 roughness coefficients are used.
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Chapter 3


This chapter explains how the study was carried out. It represents the various
procedures and strategies for identifying the necessary data and information for the analysis
and evaluation of the proposed design of the water distribution system for the Sitio of
barangay Indahag, Cagayan de Oro, Misamis Oriental. It comprises the research design,
project location and research process.

Research Setting
The study will take part on the Sitio of Barangay Indahag, Cagayan de Oro City,
Misamis Oriental. The area in the barangay is one of the target locations of a provincial road
in the near future. The land zoning in the area is classified as residential and ideal for
residential settlement. The researchers aim to design a water distribution system in the Sitio
for the comfort ability of the residents. Hence thereof, water has been one of the most
important element in this study.
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Research Design
This study will be made by using a quantitative research approach. The quantitative
type of method involves a scientific and mathematical data to understand the problem. The
quantitative research method is a technique which are used to solve and collect quantitative
data values or any information relating to numbers and anything that is measurable. This type
of research design is well suited for this research as data and information requires scientific
approach and mathematical techniques to ensure accuracy and satisfaction of results.

Research Process
This phase will include data gathering such as geographical survey for elevations and
distance. Data gathering includes the simulation of EPANET and QGIS software, report of
findings and its application. The researchers will gather data regarding the number of
households and estimate water consumptions based on the demand parameters standards.
Surveys of the layouts and maps of the area will also be conducted to properly design the
water system.

Water Supply Distribution System Design Method

Water distribution design parameters include the design period, average number of
persons per households, design population, water consumption rate, and average daily
demand. Computation of these parameters is based on the Philippine Criteria and Standards.

Design Life
This study takes a 10-year design life into account. The American Water Works
Association (AWWA, 1992) recommends that water conveyance frameworks be completely
re-evaluated every 5 or 10 years as a base minimum for requirements that would be set on by
advancement reproduction over a 20-year time span into the future.
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According to RWS Volume 1 Design Manual, the advantage of the ten-year design
period is the water system facilities are capable of meeting the demand over a longer period.
No major investment cost is expected during the 10- year design period and disadvantage is
higher initial capital cost will require initial tariffs to be set higher.

Projected Population
The number of populations will be derived based on the number of households from
the researcher of the Sitio. Based on the Economical Social Data Booklet of United Nation
the average number of persons per household is 4.7 or say 5 persons per household.
According to the United Nations Economical Social Data Booklet, the average number of
people per household is 4.7, or 5 people per household.
Number of households = 36
Household Number of persons per household = 5 person

Design Criteria
a. Water Storage
Water Tank - the volume and velocity of the water source will differ in the layout of
the water tank or storage. The design and analysis of the structure is also included.
b. Elevation
The elevation data were taken from surveying the vicinity and through the map of the area.
c. Type of Demand
Unit Consumptions Level III House Connections: 80 - 100 Liter per capita per day
Domestic or Residential Demand Average of 100 Liter per capita per day
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d. Demand Parameter
Table 2.
Demand Criteria
Classification Per Capita Demand (Liters per capita per day)
a. Domestic Connection (House 80 – 100 lpd
Connection Level III)
b. Non-Revenue Water 20% of the Total Demand for New System
c. Total Demand Total Population Multiplied by Projected
Population served Multiplied by the Estimated
per Capita Consumption
d. Average Daily Demand Projected Population Serve multiplied by the
estimated per Capita Consumption including
Non0Revenue Water

Source: Water supply system Design Criteria and Standards

Table 3.
Demand Parameters and Factors
Demand Parameter Demand Factor
Minimum Day Demand 0.3 of average demand
Average Day Demand 1.0
Maximum Day Demand 1.3 of average day demand
Peak Hour Demand 2.5 of ADD (> 1,000 connections)
3.0 of ADD (< 1,000 connections)
Source: Rural Water Supply Vol. 1: Design Manual

The peak hour demand is one of the important most factors in designing a water distribution
system. The water distribution system must be capable of delivering water in peak hours.
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Formula of Pipe Head Loss

In this study the Hazen-Williams roughness coefficient will be used to calculate the
estimated friction head losses in water pipe.
hf 10.67 Q 1.852
Ś= =
L C 1.852 d 4.8704
S = Hydraulic Slope
hf = Head Loss (m)
L = Length of Pipe (m)
Q = Volume flow rate (𝑚3⁄𝑠)
C = Pipe roughness coefficient
d = inside pipe of diameter (m)

Roughness Coefficients for Pipes

Table 4.
Roughness Coefficients for Pipes
Pipe Material Diameters Roughness Coefficient of Pipes

300mm 150
Plastic (HDPE)
< 300mm 140
Source: Rural Water Supply Vol. 1: Design Manual

Due to its applicability for a secure and durable pipe venture, HDPE pipe will be used for the
water distribution system design. HDPE tube has 50 -100 years of service life. It also
functional and does not have any effect on the environment.
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Pipeline Design Criteria

The criteria for the design of the pipeline is taken from the Rural Water Supply Design
Manual. The distribution pipelines must be designed to handle the peak hour demand of the
1. Minimum pressure at the remotest end of the system = 3m
2. Maximum velocity of flow pipes
a. Transmission Line = 3.00m/s
b. Distribution Line = 1.50m/s
3. Minimum velocity of flow in pipes = 0.40m/s
4. Demand Factor: varies from 0.3 (minimum demand) to 3.0 (peak-demand)
5. Allowable head loss: minimum = 0.50m/1000m, maximum = 10m/1000m Allowable
pressure: minimum = 3m, maximum = 70m

Simulation of WDS in EPANET 2.0

The researchers will consider all the design parameters and input basic data from
computed water demand per household, elevation, up to the size of the tank, then let the
model run to its required criteria.
1) Draw up a water distribution system network representation.
2) Edit the properties of the system element objects. It includes the entry of required
data in different objects;
• Pumps
• Junctions
• Reservoirs
• Tank
• Pipes
• Valves
3) Describe the operation of the system
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4) Select a set of analysis

5) Run a hydraulic analysis
6) View the results of the analysis
7) Repeat the process until the desired result of the design is attained

Project Cost Estimate

At this point, the researchers will estimate the cost of the materials required for the
proposed design of the water distribution system, such as pipes. The canvas form was
distributed to the city's major suppliers in order to compare the material costs required for the
estimation. The cost of pipes was estimated per linear meter. The cost estimation format was
developed in accordance with DPWH Department Order No. 197 series 2016.

Research Instruments
EPANET is a widely used program for modeling the hydraulic and water quality behavior of
drinking water distribution systems. Its water quality component is limited to tracking the
transport and fate of just a single chemical species, such as fluoride used in a tracer study or
free chlorine used in a disinfectant decay study. This manual describes an extension to the
original EPANET that allows it to model any system of multiple, interacting chemical
species. This capability has been incorporated into both a stand-alone executable program as
well as a toolkit library of functions that programmers can use to build custom applications.
This set of software tools is referred to as EPANET-MSX, where MSX stands for Multi-
Species Extension (Rossman, 2000). Nodal outflows in a pressure deficient water distribution
network depend on available nodal heads. Thus, node-head flow relationship exists at each
node which are solved along with other appropriate equations for simulation. While using
EPANET for such simulation, source code needs to be modified to obtain direct solution. The
other way is to use EPANET iteratively wherein node head-flow relationships are satisfied
externally. Herein, a simple non-iterative method is suggested in which artificial string of
Check Valve, Flow Control Valve, and Emitter are added in series at each demand node to
model pressure deficient water distribution network (Sayyed, 2014).
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Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers conducted a data gathering on the output of the water source,
however due to the constraints of the pandemic the number of households were based of the
real time update using Google Map and the lay out of the design was based there. The
researchers also went to the barangay hall to gather data on the population of the area
however they can only provide the population of the entire citio.
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Chapter 4


This chapter discusses the total population, Pipe layout plan, Average Daily Demand
of water and the results on the EPANET simulation for the water distribution design as well
as he is corresponding estimation of materials for the proposed designs.
1. To determine the profile of Sitio Moloypoloy
2. To determine the parameters needed for EPANET
3. To design a water distribution system using EPANET 2.0
4. To determine the cost analysis of the proposed water distribution system
(Water Source Safe Yield
Safe yield is the safe amount of water that can be withdrawn from the well water
source without producing an undesired effect. This undesired effect can be manifest as
reduction on groundwater discharge. The safe yield can be identified in many ways, but the
usual and most convenient method to use is the pumping test method or termed by the
COWD as “Aquifer Testing”. The safe yield will be calculated of how much GPM the
Aquifer output has, which can be verified using a constant discharge test.

Deep Well Water Source Data

The researchers conducted a manual testing to determine the LPM of the Aquifer. The
researchers performed a manual test in random intervals for acquiring the output of the
source of the aquifer in liters per minute. The aquifer has been the source of supply from the
researched site but they had to collect water manually with the use of containers for years as
well as other location which already have a WDS. In order to attain safe yield the
researcher’s WDS design must contain specifics in order to cater the water needs such as
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increasing the number of water tank and its capacity to have continuous supply of water for
days should the source have fail to produce the desired amount in a specific day.)

Objective 1. To determine the profile of Sitio Moloypoloy

*number of households
A. Population
The area of the study is only a part of Sitio Moloypoloy that has no water line, the
researcher visited the barangay hall for the total population of the said area but is unable
to provide the specific number of household in a given area but the entire sitio. The
researcher then did a survey of the area and checked the Google earth in order to get the
exact number of household. The researchers considered 5 persons per household. The
area consists of 36 households therefore, there is a total of population of 180 persons.

Figure 2: Lot Area

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Figure 3: Number of Households

Objective 2: To determine the parameters needed for EPANET

A. Average Daily Demand Of Water

(A) Average Daily Demand Per Capita = 100 LPD (liters per day)
(B) Average No. of person per Household = 5 capita
(C) No. of Household in the Community = 36 household
(D) Total Demand = A*B*C
= (100) (5) (36)
= 18,000 LPD
(E) Non-Renewable Water = 20% of total daily water demand
= (18,000) (1.2)
= 21,600 LPD
Total = 21,600 liters per day or 21.6 cubic meter per day

The flow rates are expressed in liters per second. Figure 4.3 shows the frame of the
proposed water distribution design. Figure 4.3 shows the system flow balance between the
inflow and outflow on the system.

Objective 3. To design a water distribution system using EPANET 2.0

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Figure 4: Frame of Proposed Water Distribution Design Network

Figure 5 shows the system flow balance between the inflow and outflow on the system for 48
hours operation. The red line represents the flow of water on the given time period. The
graph indicates that the pump is operating in 12am - 1 am, 7am-9am. On the other hand,
green lines represent the water consumption using 48-hour demand pattern, which can be
found in appendix A.3.

Figure 5: System flow balance

The tabulated data on junction ID, elevation, and base demand can be found on appendix E.1.
On minimum and maximum demand operation, the pressure on all junctions has are all
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within the standard requirement between 3m and 70m, which is shown on figure 6. The 1.715
pressure located on J-1 was due to elevation of tank 2 equal at J-1 which gives it a low
pressure. In addition, it indicates that the J-1 has low pressure due to the presence of a valve
at the minimum demand but at the maximum demand the pressure required is achieved.
Therefore, this low pressure does not cause any negative effect on the system.

Figure 6: Pressure Head on Minimum and Maximum Demand

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The tabulated pipeline data of the system which in includes the pipeline length, pipeline
diameter with its corresponding Hazen William’s roughness coefficient can be found on
appendix E.4. The maximum allowable velocity on pipelines was 1.5 m/s for distribution
pipeline. Figure 7 shows the velocities on the system during the minimum and maximum
demand operation. It shows that the velocities of the pipeline were too low which could
eventually result to pipeline sedimentation. Pipeline diameters was increased to test if this
velocity would give a visible higher value. Unfortunately, it only gives a negligible amount
of change 45 on the velocities of pipelines. Therefore, to accommodate this issue, flush
junctions are added on the end of every pipeline of every tank for the monthly flushing of

Figure 7: Velocity on Minimum and Maximum Demand

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Objective 4. To determine the cost analysis of the proposed water distribution system
The cost of a project is one of the key factors to consider in implementing a proposed design.
In most cases, the most economical approach is always provided taking into account the
effectiveness. Table 5 and Table 6 are the estimated quantity and cost of design analyzed
using Detailed Unit Price Analysis (DUPA) provided by DPWH. The prices of the materials

Detailed Unit Price Analysis (DUPA)

No. of Hourl Amount
  Description Person Hours y Rate (Php)
A Labor        
  Foreman 1 120 173 20760
  Skilled Laborer 2 120 62.5 7500
  Unskilled Laborer 4 120 51.52 6182.4
  Total       34442.4
Cost in
B Equipment %      
10% of
  Minor Tools labor     3444.24
  Total Estimated Labor Cost       37886.64
Quantit Unit Amount
C Materials Unit y Cost (Php)
  SDR11 HDPE Pipe 65mmᴓ x 60m m 832 11000 152533.3333
  SDR11 HDPE Pipe 50mmᴓ x 60m m 281 6190 28989.83333
  SDR11 HDPE Pipe 20mmᴓ x 100m m 146 1534.5 2240.37
  SDR11 HDPE Pipe 15mmᴓ x 90m m 347 960 3701.333333
  Total       187464.87
Cost in Amount
D Others %     (Php)
  Overhead, Contigency & Misc. 15%     28119.7305
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 26

  Contractor's Profit 10%     18746.487
  VAT 5%     9373.2435
  Total       56239.461
E Total Estimated Cost       281590.971

Table 5: Detailed Computation for HDPE Pipe

Detailed Unit Price Analysis (DUPA)

No. of
Perso Hourl Amount
  Description n Hours y Rate (Php)
A Labor        
  Foreman 1 120 173 20760
  Skilled Laborer 2 120 62.5 7500
  Unskilled Laborer 4 120 51.52 6182.4
  Total       34442.4
B Equipment in %      
  Minor Tools labor     3444.24
  Total Estimated Labor Cost       37886.64
Quantit Unit Amount
C Materials Unit y Cost (Php)
  65mm Shut off valve pcs 1 1500 1500
65 mm Ø P.E Compression Fittings
  Cross Tee pcs 1 1190 1190
50 mm Ø P.E Compression Fittings
  Cross Tee pcs 2 812 1624
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 27

20 mm Ø P.E Compression Fittings

  Cross Tee pcs 1 110 110
65 mm Ø P.E Compression Fittings
  Tee pcs 1 770 770
20 mm Ø P.E Compression Fittings
  Tee pcs 8 60 480
15 mm Ø P.E Compression Fittings
  Tee pcs 7 42 294
65mm x 15 mm Ø P.E Coupling
  Reducer Compression Fittings pcs 1 980 980
50mm x 15 mm Ø P.E Coupling
  Reducer Compression Fittings pcs 6 857 5142
20mm x 15 mm Ø P.E Coupling
  Reducer Compression Fittings pcs 7 540 3780
50mm x 65mm Ø P.E Coupling
  Reducer Compression Fittings pcs 4 1450 5800
50mm x 20 mm Ø P.E Compression
  Fittings Tee Reducer pcs 5 1200 6000
50mm Ø P.E Compression Fittings
  Tee pcs 4 365 1460
65 mm Ø P.E Compression Fittings
  Tee pcs 1 770 770
  65 mm Ø P.E Straight Coupling pcs 4 265 1060
  50 mm Ø P.E Straight Coupling pcs 1 180 180
  65mm 90degree elbow pcs 10 680 6800
  Tefflon Tape roll 100 8 800
  Plastic Solvent ml 50 150 7500
  125 cu.m Tank pcs 1 35000 35000
40GS50 Goulds 2" Submersible Well
  Pump pcs 1 40000 40000
  Total       119740

Cost Amount
D Others in %     (Php)
Overhead, Contigency & Misc.
  (OCM) 15%     17961
  Contractor's Profit 10%     11974
  VAT 5%     5987
  Total       35922
E Total Estimated Cost       4
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 28

Table 6: Detailed Computation for HDPE Fittings and Valves



This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendations.

Summary of Findings
This study aims to investigate the water source capability to supply water and design a water
distribution system using EPANET software for Barangay Indahag, Citio Moloypoloy.
Significantly, this study aims to analyze and interpret the results of the data collected for the
water source safe yield, results simulation in EPANET, and the estimated cost of the system

Summary of Findings for WDS EPANET Simulation

The results of the simulation of the proposed design showed the following:
1. The water consumption per capita per day is 100 LPD
2. The average daily demand (ADD) is the total volume of water consumption required for
the projected population. The ADD for the study area with 180 population is 5,840 LPD.
3. All the junctions met the pressure requirement during minimum and maximum demand.
Therefore, the demand in each junction was attained.
4. Most of the pipelines have not attained the required velocity during the minimum and
maximum demand.
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 29

5.Three flushing hydrant post in proposed for every tank to accommodate the probable
sedimentation due to low velocities on pipes.

Summary of Findings for the Estimated Cost of the Proposed Design

The result of the projects estimated cost gives the following:
a. The grand total cost of the proposed project is 475,139.611.

1. The water source can produce a safe yield of 25000 lpd–25500 lpd even without the use of
the pump which is lesser than the average daily demand which is 22,200 lpd.
2. Based on the results of simulation done in EPANET, the proposed design run successfully.
The demand on all junctions was met by the designed system.
3. The total project cost calculated using Detailed Unit Price Analysis (DUPA) is

a. At least monthly flushing maintenance is recommended to diminish the possible
sediment build-up on pipelines and tanks.
b. 40GS50 Goulds 4" Submersible Well Pump is the recommended for the well to
operate only on its safe yield based on the specification resulted in the simulation of
c. hydrant
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 30


Arjun Kumar, Kankesh Kumar, Bharanidharan B., Neha Matial, Eshita Dey, Mahan Singh,
Vivek Thakur, Sarit Sharma, Neeraj Malhotra (2015), Design of Water Distribution
System Using EPANET, International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), ISSN:
2320-5407, Vol. 3, No. 9, 789-812, S

Christie, C., & Martin, B. (2011). Estimating The Safe Yield of Surface Water Supply
Reservoir System. New Jersey: New Jersey.

George W. Housner (1963), The Dynamic Behavior of Water Tanks, Bulletin of the
Seismological Society of America, ISSN: 1943-3573, Vol. 53, No. 2, 381-387,
February 1963, retrieved:

Hickey, H. E. (2008). Water Supply Systems. Washington, DC.: U.S. Fire Administration.

Khadri, S. F., & Moharir, K. (2016). Characterization of aquifer parameter in basaltic hard
rock region through pumping test methods: a case study of Man River basin in Akola
and Buldhana Districts Maharashtra India. Model. Earth Syst. Environ
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 31

Meinzer, O. E. (1931). Outline of Methods for Estimating Ground Water Supply.

Washington D.C, United States: United States Government Printing Office,

Meyland, S. J. (2011). Examining safe yield and sustainable yield for groundwater supplies
and moving to managed yield as water resource limits become a reality. WIT Press.

Prabhata K. Swamee, Ashok K. Sharma (2000), Gravity Flow Water Distribution System
Design, Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology-AQUA, ISSN: 0003-
7214, Vol. 49, No. 4, 169-179, June 2000, retrieved:

QGIS Development Team (2019). QGIS geographic information system. Open source
geospatial foundation project. Retrieved from

Rossman, L.A. (2000) EPANET 2 Users Manual. EPA/600/R-00/057, U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH.

Roy D. Glenn (2009), Water Tank, US007487619B2, February 2009, retrieved:
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 32

Sathyanathan R., Mozammil Hasan, V.T. Deeptha (2016), Water Distribution Network
Design for SRM University using EPANET, Asian Journal of Applied Sciences
(AJAS), ISSN: 2321-0893, Vol. 4, No.3, 669-679, June 2016, retrieved:

Tan, R. P. (2011). Designing a Raw Water Fee Scheme for Groundwater. Cagayan de Oro,
Misamis Oriental, Philippines, Region 10: Economy and Environment Program for
Southeast Asia (EEPSEA) publications. Retrieved November 20,

Wilson, E. S. (2005). Safe Yeid of an Aquifer. Retrieved from

Water System Council. (2014). Well Care :Information for you About Determining the Yield
of Well. Retrieved from Determining the Yield of a Well:

Dile et al., 2016. Y.T. Dile, P. Daggupati, C. George, R. Srinivasan, J. Arnol Introducing a

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Software, 85 (2016), pp. 129-138
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 33



Design Parameters:
(A) No. of households = 36
(B) Average Daily Demand Per Capita = 100 LPD
(C) Average No. of persons per Household = 5

(D) Total Demand = A*B*C

= (36) (100) (5)
=18,000 LPD

(E) Non – Renewable Water = 20% of Total Demand

(F) Average Daily Demand = D*E
= (18,000) (1.2)
= 21,600 LPD
= 0.243 LPS

(G) Minimum Daily Demand Factor = 0.3

(H) Total Minimum Daily Demand = F*G

Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 34

= 21,600 (0.3)
= 6,480 LPD
= 0.075 LPS

(I) Maximum Daily Demand Factor = 1.3

(J) Total Maximum Daily Demand = F*I

= (21,600) (1.3)
= 28,080 LPD
= 0.325 LPS

(K) Volume of Three Existing Tanks

TANK LENGTH (meters) WIDTH (meters) HEIGHT (meters)

T-1 5 5 5
T-2 5 5 5

I.1 Volume of Tank A

(a) Volume = L*W*H
= (5) (5) (5)
= 125 cu.m
(b) Wall Volume = Height*Perimeter*Thickness
= (5) (20) (0.10)
= 10 cu.m
(c) Total Volume Capacity = a - b
= 125 – 10
= 115 cu.m
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 35

= 115,000 L



Time Multiplier
1:00 AM 0.2
2:00 AM 0.2
3:00 AM 0.3
4:00 AM 0.5
5:00 AM 1
6:00 AM 2
7:00 AM 2.5
8:00 AM 2
9:00 AM 1.3
10:00 AM 1
11:00 AM 0.7
12:00 PM 1
1:00 PM 0.7
2:00 PM 0.5
3:00 PM 0.6
4:00 PM 1.3
5:00 PM 1.9
6:00 PM 2.2
7:00 PM 1.8
8:00 PM 1
9:00 PM 0.6
10:00 PM 0.3
11:00 PM 0.2
12:00 AM 0.2

A.4 Pump Curve

Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 36

Design Parameters:

(A) Average Daily Demand Per Capita = 100 LPD

(B) Average No. of Persons per Household = 5

(D) Total Demand = A*B*C

= (100) (5)
= 500 LPD

(E) Non-Renewable Water = 20% of Total Demand

(F) Average Daily Demand = D*E

Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 37

= (500) (1.2)
= 600 LPD
= 0.007 LPS

Design Parameter:

(G) Minimum Demand Factor = F*0.2

= 0.007(0.2)
= 0.0014 LPS


Design Parameter:

(H) Maximum Demand Factor = F*2.5

= 0.007(2.5)
= 0.0175 LPS
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 38


C.1 Junction Data

Elevation Base Demand
Node ID m LPS
J-1 86 0
J-2 84 0
J-3 83 0
J-4 83 0.007
J-5 78 0
J-6 82 0.007
J-7 81 0.007
J-8 75 0
J-9 75 0.007
J-10 75 0
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 39

J-11 73 0
J-12 72 0.007
J-13 73 0.007
J-14 74 0.007
J-15 75 0.007
J-16 74 0.007
J-17 74 0.007
J-18 81 0.007
J-19 74 0
J-20 74 0.007
J-22 71 0.007
J-23 70 0.007
J-24 74 0.007
J-25 75 0.007
J-26 75 0
J-27 73 0
J-28 64 0.007
J-29 65 0
J-30 63 0
J-31 61 0.007
J-32 62 0.007
J-33 62 0.007
J-34 63 0.007
J-35 63 0.007
J-36 64 0.007
J-37 62 0.007
J-38 62 0.007
J-39 61 0.007
J-40 80 0
J-41 73 0.007
J-42 72 0
J-43 70 0.007
J-44 72 0
J-45 72 0
J-46 69 0
J-47 66 0
J-48 65 0.007
J-49 64 0.007
J-50 62 0.007
J-51 62 0.007
J-52 66 0.007
J-53 67 0.007
J-54 68 0.007
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 40

J-55 69 0.007
Resvr R-1 39 #N/A
Tank T-1 116 #N/A
Tank T-2 86 #N/A

C.2 Junction data on its Min. demand

Demand Head Pressure
Node ID LPS m m
J-1 0 87.715 1.715
J-2 0 87.715 3.715
J-3 0 87.715 4.715
J-4 0.001 87.715 4.715
J-5 0 87.714 9.714
J-6 0.001 87.714 5.714
J-7 0.001 87.714 6.714
J-8 0 87.714 12.714
J-9 0.001 87.714 12.714
J-10 0 87.712 12.712
J-11 0 87.712 14.712
J-12 0.001 87.712 15.712
J-13 0.001 87.711 14.711
J-14 0.001 87.711 13.711
J-15 0.001 87.712 12.712
J-16 0.001 87.711 13.711
J-17 0.001 87.711 13.711
J-18 0.001 87.714 6.714
J-19 0 87.714 13.714
J-20 0.001 87.713 13.713
J-22 0.001 87.713 16.713
J-23 0.001 87.713 17.713
J-24 0.001 87.713 13.713
J-25 0.001 87.713 12.713
J-26 0 87.714 12.714
J-27 0 87.714 14.714
J-28 0.001 87.713 23.713
J-29 0 87.713 22.713
J-30 0 87.713 24.713
J-31 0.001 87.711 26.711
J-32 0.001 87.71 25.71
J-33 0.001 87.709 25.709
J-34 0.001 87.711 24.711
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 41

J-35 0.001 87.711 24.711

J-36 0.001 87.71 23.71
J-37 0.001 87.71 25.71
J-38 0.001 87.71 25.71
J-39 0.001 87.709 26.709
J-40 0 87.714 7.714
J-41 0.001 87.714 14.714
J-42 0 87.714 15.714
J-43 0.001 87.714 17.714
J-44 0 87.714 15.714
J-45 0 87.714 15.714
J-46 0 87.714 18.714
J-47 0 87.714 21.714
J-48 0.001 87.711 22.711
J-49 0.001 87.71 23.71
J-50 0.001 87.708 25.708
J-51 0.001 87.708 25.708
J-52 0.001 87.712 21.712
J-53 0.001 87.712 20.712
J-54 0.001 87.713 19.713
J-55 0.001 87.713 18.713
Resvr R-1 -1.809 39 0
Tank T-1 -3.098 116.537 0.537
Tank T-2 4.856 87.715 1.715

C.3 Junction on Maximum demand

Demand Head Pressure
Node ID LPS m m
J-1 0 89.262 3.262
J-2 0 89.256 5.256
J-3 0 89.256 6.256
J-4 0.018 89.187 6.187
J-5 0 89.172 11.172
J-6 0.018 89.113 7.113
J-7 0.018 89.094 8.094
J-8 0 89.159 14.159
J-9 0.018 89.137 14.137
J-10 0 88.951 13.951
J-11 0 88.939 15.939
J-12 0.018 88.907 16.907
J-13 0.018 88.803 15.803
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 42

J-14 0.018 88.829 14.829

J-15 0.018 88.88 13.88
J-16 0.018 88.851 14.851
J-17 0.018 88.848 14.848
J-18 0.018 89.1 8.1
J-19 0 89.091 15.091
J-20 0.018 89.069 15.069
J-22 0.018 89.007 18.007
J-23 0.018 88.973 18.973
J-24 0.018 88.973 14.973
J-25 0.018 88.989 13.989
J-26 0 89.092 14.092
J-27 0 89.083 16.083
J-28 0.018 89.037 25.037
J-29 0 89.059 24.059
J-30 0 89.05 26.05
J-31 0.018 88.859 27.859
J-32 0.018 88.732 26.732
J-33 0.018 88.607 26.607
J-34 0.018 88.837 25.837
J-35 0.018 88.761 25.761
J-36 0.018 88.703 24.703
J-37 0.018 88.715 26.715
J-38 0.018 88.743 26.743
J-39 0.018 88.55 27.55
J-40 0 89.13 9.13
J-41 0.018 89.097 16.097
J-42 0 89.12 17.12
J-43 0.018 89.096 19.096
J-44 0 89.12 17.12
J-45 0 89.12 17.12
J-46 0 89.111 20.111
J-47 0 89.11 23.11
J-48 0.018 88.827 23.827
J-49 0.018 88.691 24.691
J-50 0.018 88.51 26.51
J-51 0.018 88.491 26.491
J-52 0.018 88.925 22.925
J-53 0.018 88.962 21.962
J-54 0.018 89.003 21.003
J-55 0.018 89.037 20.037
Resvr R-1 -1.813 39 0
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 43

Tank T-1 -2.913 116.152 0.152

Tank T-2 4.096 89.262 3.262

C.4 Pipeline data

Length Diameter Roughness
Link ID m mm
Pipe P-1 509 65 110
Pipe P-2 5.08 65 110
Pipe P-3 10.57 50 110
Pipe P-4 27.4 15 100
Pipe P-5 70.1 65 110
Pipe P-6 26.4 20 100
Pipe P-7 7.41 15 100
Pipe P-8 12.7 15 100
Pipe P-9 11.4 15 100
Pipe P-10 15.1 20 100
Pipe P-11 19.6 20 100
Pipe P-12 12.8 15 100
Pipe P-13 10.4 15 100
Pipe P-14 13.5 15 100
Pipe P-15 8.68 15 100
Pipe P-16 12.2 20 100
Pipe P-17 50 50 100
Pipe P-18 28.7 15 100
Pipe P-19 17.6 20 100
Pipe P-20 9.44 20 100
Pipe P-21 7.18 15 100
Pipe P-22 18.3 15 100
Pipe P-23 23.2 15 100
Pipe P-24 23 15 100
Pipe P-25 13.8 15 100
Pipe P-26 23.8 20 100
Pipe P-27 6.64 15 100
Pipe P-28 8.68 15 100
Pipe P-29 25 50 110
Pipe P-30 8.4 50 110
Pipe P-31 4.78 20 100
Pipe P-33 13.6 15 100
Pipe P-35 11.4 15 100
Pipe P-36 6.23 15 100
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 44

Pipe P-37 21.2 50 110

Pipe P-38 55.6 50 110
Pipe P-39 64.4 65 110
Pipe P-40 43.2 50 110
Pipe P-41 19.5 50 110
Pipe P-42 8.65 15 100
Pipe P-43 7.14 15 100
Pipe P-44 20 15 100
Pipe P-45 7.54 15 100
Pipe P-46 9.26 20 100
Pipe P-47 7.23 20 100
Pipe P-48 4.51 15 100
Pipe P-49 14.9 15 100
Pipe P-50 9.22 50 110
Pipe P-51 9.39 15 100
Pipe P-52 4.35 50 110
Pipe P-53 9.79 15 100
Pipe P-54 33.6 50 110
Pipe P-55 83.4 65 110
Pipe P-56 27.7 20 100
Pump PUMP-1 #N/A #N/A #N/A
Valve V-1 #N/A 65 #N/A

C.5 Pipeline in minimum demand

Flow Velocity Unit Headloss
Link ID LPS m/s m/km
Pipe P-1 4.907 1.479 56.625
Pipe P-2 0.05 0.015 0.013
Pipe P-3 0.001 0.001 0
Pipe P-4 0.001 0.008 0.023
Pipe P-5 0.049 0.015 0.011
Pipe P-6 0.003 0.009 0.021
Pipe P-7 0.001 0.008 0.023
Pipe P-8 0.001 0.008 0.023
Pipe P-9 0.001 0.008 0.023
Pipe P-10 0.004 0.013 0.044
Pipe P-11 0.001 0.004 0.006
Pipe P-12 0.001 0.008 0.023
Pipe P-13 0.001 0.008 0.023
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 45

Pipe P-14 0.003 0.016 0.084

Pipe P-15 0.001 0.008 0.024
Pipe P-16 0.008 0.027 0.159
Pipe P-17 0.01 0.005 0.002
Pipe P-18 0.001 0.008 0.023
Pipe P-19 0.007 0.022 0.113
Pipe P-20 0.006 0.018 0.075
Pipe P-21 0.001 0.008 0.023
Pipe P-22 0.001 0.008 0.023
Pipe P-23 0.001 0.008 0.023
Pipe P-24 0.001 0.008 0.023
Pipe P-25 0.003 0.016 0.084
Pipe P-26 0.006 0.018 0.075
Pipe P-27 0.004 0.024 0.178
Pipe P-28 0.001 0.008 0.023
Pipe P-29 0.013 0.006 0.003
Pipe P-30 0.004 0.002 0.001
Pipe P-31 0.004 0.013 0.043
Pipe P-33 0.001 0.008 0.023
Pipe P-35 0.003 0.016 0.084
Pipe P-36 0.001 0.008 0.024
Pipe P-37 0.014 0.007 0.004
Pipe P-38 0.014 0.007 0.004
Pipe P-39 0.035 0.011 0.006
Pipe P-40 0.021 0.011 0.008
Pipe P-41 0.006 0.003 0
Pipe P-42 0.006 0.032 0.303
Pipe P-43 0.004 0.024 0.178
Pipe P-44 0.003 0.016 0.084
Pipe P-45 0.001 0.008 0.023
Pipe P-46 0.006 0.018 0.074
Pipe P-47 0.004 0.013 0.044
Pipe P-48 0.003 0.016 0.085
Pipe P-49 0.001 0.008 0.023
Pipe P-50 0.003 0.001 0.001
Pipe P-51 0.001 0.008 0.023
Pipe P-52 0.001 0.001 0
Pipe P-53 0.001 0.008 0.023
Pipe P-54 0.011 0.006 0.003
Pipe P-55 0.014 0.004 0.001
Pipe P-56 0.003 0.009 0.021
Pump PUMP-1 1.809 0 -77.537
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 46

Valve V-1 4.907 1.479 0

C.6 Pipeline in maximum demand

Flow Velocity Unit Headloss
Link ID LPS m/s m/km
Pipe P-1 4.726 1.424 52.828
Pipe P-2 0.63 0.19 1.263
Pipe P-3 0.018 0.009 0.006
Pipe P-4 0.018 0.099 2.503
Pipe P-5 0.613 0.185 1.201
Pipe P-6 0.035 0.111 2.225
Pipe P-7 0.018 0.099 2.503
Pipe P-8 0.018 0.099 2.503
Pipe P-9 0.018 0.099 2.503
Pipe P-10 0.052 0.167 4.714
Pipe P-11 0.018 0.056 0.616
Pipe P-12 0.018 0.099 2.502
Pipe P-13 0.018 0.099 2.503
Pipe P-14 0.035 0.198 9.034
Pipe P-15 0.018 0.099 2.502
Pipe P-16 0.105 0.334 17.02
Pipe P-17 0.122 0.062 0.261
Pipe P-18 0.018 0.099 2.503
Pipe P-19 0.087 0.279 12.143
Pipe P-20 0.07 0.223 8.032
Pipe P-21 0.018 0.099 2.503
Pipe P-22 0.018 0.099 2.503
Pipe P-23 0.018 0.099 2.503
Pipe P-24 0.018 0.099 2.503
Pipe P-25 0.035 0.198 9.034
Pipe P-26 0.07 0.223 8.032
Pipe P-27 0.052 0.297 19.144
Pipe P-28 0.018 0.099 2.502
Pipe P-29 0.157 0.08 0.348
Pipe P-30 0.052 0.027 0.045
Pipe P-31 0.052 0.167 4.715
Pipe P-33 0.018 0.099 2.503
Pipe P-35 0.035 0.198 9.034
Pipe P-36 0.018 0.099 2.502
Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 47

Pipe P-37 0.175 0.089 0.423

Pipe P-38 0.175 0.089 0.423
Pipe P-39 0.438 0.132 0.644
Pipe P-40 0.262 0.134 0.897
Pipe P-41 0.07 0.036 0.078
Pipe P-42 0.07 0.396 32.614
Pipe P-43 0.052 0.297 19.144
Pipe P-44 0.035 0.198 9.034
Pipe P-45 0.018 0.099 2.503
Pipe P-46 0.07 0.223 8.032
Pipe P-47 0.052 0.167 4.715
Pipe P-48 0.035 0.198 9.034
Pipe P-49 0.018 0.099 2.503
Pipe P-50 0.035 0.018 0.022
Pipe P-51 0.018 0.099 2.502
Pipe P-52 0.018 0.009 0.006
Pipe P-53 0.018 0.099 2.503
Pipe P-54 0.14 0.071 0.28
Pipe P-55 0.175 0.053 0.118
Pipe P-56 0.035 0.111 2.225
Pump PUMP-1 1.813 0 -77.152
Valve V-1 4.726 1.424 0



Name: Khristian Dejay V. Alvis

Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 48

Address: BLK 15, LT 44, Cherry St., Lessandra Heights, Gran Europa, Brgy. Lumbia,
Cagayan de Oro city

Email Address:


Name of Father: Demetrio A. Alvis

Name of Mother: Jocelyn V. Alvis

School Graduated:
Elementary: Philippine School Doha
High School: Philippine School Doha



Name: Samuel Jayson G. Calma

Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 49

Address: Zone 2B, Cugman, Cagayan de Oro City

Email Address:


Name of Father: Renie A. Calma

Name of Mother: Elda G. Calma

School Graduated:
Elementary: Cugman Elementary School
High School: Cugman National High School



Name: Michael Rexel P. Eslit

Liceo de Cagayan University College of Engineering Page 50

Address: Cluster 23A, The Courtyards, Carmen, Cagayan de oro city

Email Address:


Name of Father: Rex M. Eslit

Name of Mother: Elma Mae P. Eslit

School Graduated:
Elementary: City Central School
High School: Corpus Christi High school
College: Misamis University


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