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(On 11th, 13th, 15th, 18th, 20th, & 22nd May 2021)

Health is Wealth Health for All


Estd. : On 27th April 1987

GV Chalapathi Memorial
(A Voluntary Service Organisation)
Opp. Scientist Hostel No.2, DRDO township,
C.V. Raman Nagar BENGALURU 560 093

Founder & President : PV Satyanarayana

E - mail :
Mobile No. : 93430 94787

Dr. GVC - HSRF Homoeopathy For Every Home (Lessons – 49 to 54) Page 1 of 20

Nux Vomica:
1. Ambitious.
2. Intelligent or intellectual. Egoistic.
3. Commanding, Dominating or dictatorial.
4. Anger and irritability.
5. Impatience and hurried.
6. Censorious, criticising or fault finding.
7. Scolding and abusive.

Calcarea Carb.:
1. Feeling “I am weak” or “powerless”.
2. Fear of meeting new people.
3. Fear of going to new places.
4. Fear of facing new situations.
5. Fear of facing challenges.
6. Aversion to physical strain due to physical weakness.
7. Fears that others may observe his weakness.

1. Calcarea internal feeling with Nux vomica or Sulphur external picture is

Lycopodium. It is 350 million years old huge tree. Yet it has survived despite all
the geological and climatic changes. Over the years it reduced to a fern called
Club Moss.
Sulph  Calc.Carb.  Lyco  Sulphur  Calc.Carb.  Lyco. This is the
cycle to be follwed. At any cost this cycle should not be disturbed.
If disturbed it may cause adverse effect.

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Sulphur Calcarea Carb.


In this cycle of Calc.Carb.  Lyco  Sulphur if Lyco leans towards Calcarea,

he is more apprehensive, slower, insecure feeling. If Lyco leans towards
Sulph., he is confident, assertive, intellectual, egoistic and energetic.

2. Lyco person looks cool and composed, pleasant, self-contained and reserved,
Has got capacity to adapt to changing scenario and varying environments. He
knows how to survive in changing scenarios and situations. He is very
diplomatic. It is very difficult to understand what is there in his mind.
3. Quite Contradictory attitudes: Egotism --- Cowardice,
Headstrong --- Lack of confidence,
Dictatorial --- Timidity.

4. Scared of superiors or strong persons and very obedient to them. Very rude
and dictatorial towards people on whom he can command or weak persons
(subordinates or family members who are depending on him). Fear of
breaking down under stress.
5. Lack of faith in his own abilities. So, lack of self-confidence. This is mainly

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due to pressure of parents to perform well in studies and all other activities in
childhood. Struggle to achieve to be respected. So, anxiety to perform and
fear of failure.
6. Fear of undertaking new challenges, facing new situations and meeting new
people. Aversion to change the job, change the house, change the place etc.
Develops anticipatory anxiety due to lack of confidence. Fears others may
observe his weakness and hides it. Outwardly puts up show of braveness.
7. Cannot bear least contradiction. Dominating, dictatorial. Family members are
oppressed. Where ever possible he will try to dominate and dictate. If it is
not possible he will be submissive or friendly. Emotionally he is not much
8. Lyco depends on people, but he does not want people to depend on him.
Fear of responsibility. Nux does not depend on others but likes others to
depend on him. Nux wants responsibility. Lyco want to escape from
responsibility. He always pushes his responsibilities on others.
9. Fear of being alone and wants company of known person at least in beside
room. It is miserable to be among unknown people. Nux Vom. can be alone
but needs people to execute his commands.
10. He is impatient and hurried. Cannot wait. Does things fast but not necessarily
in an orderly manner. Anxious to complete the task and come out of it.
11. Very ambitious. Love of power and want to acquire by hook or crook. He
may adopt any method or means or may use anybody to get the power. He
feels without power he is weak and useless. Which class of our society
represent this quality? – Politicians.
12. Nux wants to reach higher position by his sheer ability, hard work and
intelligence. He commands the people with his own capability. Which class

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of our society he belongs? -- Executives. Nux Vomica is more rash, more
adamant, more forceful and expressive. More impulsive and more explosive.
13. Lyco is reluctant for arguments or negotiations. If there is some discussion
and opposite party makes some strong point, Lyco will walk out. He
withdraws from unproductive situations. He wants to be like stately
ambassador whereas NM insists upon arguing or fighting, even a losing battle
to the bitter end.
14. He is clever at avoiding direct confrontation. He diverts the topic. Even in the
house he does not like confrontations.
15. He avoids rupturing relationships. Discord or breaking with others is
undignified and below his reputation. Feels that he will not be respected.
16. He can enjoy having heated debates with opponent in the courts, board
meetings, parliament or assembly and later he can sit with his opponent,
making lots of jokes and enjoys the company of opponent leaving
professional rivalry aside.
17. When forced to change his opinion, he justifies it, “What I said yesterday was
for yesterday and today is different”. -- Politicians
18. He overlooks past discords and does not brood on past unpleasant incidents.
NM broods on it. He looks forward for new life. His philosophy is that more
can be achieved by mending than breaking.
19. He makes a point of maintaining social harmony by forgiving and forgetting.
If needed Puls and Lyco can apologise. Lyco apologises to maintain harmony.
But he does not believe that he is wrong. Puls apologises because he cannot
take the risk of breaking the relationship as he is depending on the other
20. Lyco likes to receive compliments or appreciation or flattery. Likes to be
honoured and recognised as leader.

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21. He takes credit for the good work done by others or for any success.
22. He makes others as scapegoats for his own incapability or failures.
23. He boasts and makes promises for which he does not feel responsible.
24. He does not believe anybody easily. He is very suspicious. He does not want
to tell the truth. He tells what the others like. He will not reveal easily what
is there in his mind. Secretive.
25. He will prepare well for any type of public performance. He believes he can
perform better than anybody else. But he fears that his memory will fail, he
may not perform well, his self-esteem may suffer and he may lose his
26. So, has fear before appearing in public. Anticipatory apprehension prior to
performance. But he performs very well. Still next time he will have same
fear. Lyco is handsome and clean. Puls is pretty. Phosphorus is attractive.
Arsenic is aristocratic.
27. If he is sick, wife has to do lot of service to him. If his wife is sick he is not
concerned. His day to day needs to be attended by her, otherwise he
becomes irritable. He is very selfish and no emotional attachment.
28. When he comes to a Homoeopath as a patient, it is very difficult to extract
proper information from him. He does not give much information about the
illness, aggravations, ameliorations, likes and dislikes. He says “I eat all types
of food, I can bear all types of weather, that is not a problem, this is not a
problem, I can manage, I have got only this problem and give medicine only
for this” etc. For any question he gives round about answers and confuses the
Doctor. Doctor gets confused and exhausted. He has tendency to exaggerate
his illness.
29. Has high selfesteem. Believes that he knows best at all times. He feels that he
is a right thinking person. Sulph will also have this type of feeling but less

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stronger than Lyco. Arsenic feels “I am always right”. Has an aggressive
overtone, which is uncharacteristic of Lycopodium.
30. He does not want any type of changes. This contradicts our earlier
understanding of adaptability. This is the complexity in him. He is adaptable
at larger issues, but conservative about habits, diet, health, family etc.
31. When situation changes, he will also change. He does not become confused
like Phos or split like Lachesis or lost like NM. He is stable and balanced.
32. If there is some problem, what will Ars. Alb and Nux do? They think how to
solve the problem? But Lyco thinks how to avoid the problem or does not
feel that there is a problem. Keeps it aside. It will get solved on its own.
33. Lyco parent defends bad behaviour of his or her child and finds fault with
other children. He is fault finding natured.
34. Speaks with an air of command. If required he will accept compromise to
achieve his goal. In dealing with other people he does not expect very high.
He is more realistic about others’ limitations. He is more practical. He believes
that ‘A bird in hand is worth two in the bush’. He tries to manage with the
men and material available.
35. In contrast to this Ars.Alb and NM have high expectations. Leaving one bird in
hand try to catch two in the bush. They will be left empty handed.
36. So, his lower and realistic expectations facilitate smooth and easy
37. He is a very diplomatic manager. If he feels that his subordinates will not
obey him, then he will not push them to work very hard or expect more and
more like Nux, Ars.Alb or NM. So they feel comfortable to work under a Lyco
38. He underestimates his opponents or others intellectual capabilities. He thinks
he is more capable than others.

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39. Very stable and balanced person. He is called moderate. Lyco makes himself
likable and respected by others. He want to be good with everybody and goes
out to please others. He usually has number of known people rather than few
close friends of NM.
40. Though he is not so close to the friends he gives more importance to the
friends than family. Very courteous and gracious. He is sportive at failures.
But feels others are responsible for his failures. He feels that he is born under
lucky star. He believes in his luck and fortune.
41. He plans well for the success. He succeeds well in academic career and
personal relationships but not much attached. He uses others for his success
and may not bother about them if they are not useful anymore.
42. Lyco person with positive attitude is a grateful person. He remembers the
favour done by others and returns when he gets an opportunity. He is
affected by gratitude as well as ungratefulness of others. He weeps while
watching sentimental scenes of both joy and sorrow.
43. Lyco personalities, puts up a good show. They achieve top positions as
politicians, bureaucrats, lawyers, heads of religious, educational, social,
political institutions and business houses. These people will have all the
qualities required to run prestigious institutions. They inspire the trust &
confidence, reliability, shows authority and adaptability.
44. Where it is a necessity he is organised, neat and clean. Otherwise he is
disorganised, unclean, lazy and negligent.

Multiple Uses of Lyco:

1. It is a great liver remedy. Works well on all right sided problems. Symptoms
appear on right and shift to left and are worse 4 to 8 PM. Deep seated,
progressive, chronic diseases.
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2. Mind: Loss of memory. Uses wrong words to express. Struggles to recollect
the names of familiar people. Cannot read what he writes.
Lack of selfconfidence. Afraid to be alone. Extremely sensitive. Little things
annoy. Debility and sadness in the morning. Ailments from fear, anger,
vexation and sadness. Best remedy for persons intellectually keen, but weak
muscular power and lack of self-confidence. Fear and anxiety to start any
new task.
3. Head: Pressing headache on vertex. Pain in temples and occiput. Great
falling of hair. Premature baldness or grey hair. Giddiness in the morning on
4. Eyes: Day or night blindness. Sees only one half of an object. Ulceration and
redness of eye lids. Styes on lids. Eyes half open during sleep.
5. Ears: Humming and roaring sound in ears with hardness of hearing, every
noise causes peculiar echo. Thick, yellow, offensive discharge and deafness.
Eczema about and behind ears.
6. Nose: Nose block. Scanty and corrosive discharge from nose. Nostrils
ulcerated. Crusts and elastic plugs. Fan like motion of nasal alae.
7. Face: Looks more aged due to withered and wrinkled face. Blue circles
around eyes and greyish-yellow colour of face. Copper coloured eruptions,
itching and scaly herpes in face. Flushes of heat. Twitching of muscles. Twists
face & mouth.
8. Mouth: Toothache with swelling of cheeks, relieved by warm application.
Teeth excessively painful to touch. Gums bleed when touched or cleaning
the teeth. Bad smell from mouth. Dryness of mouth without thirst. Blisters
on tongue. Inflammation or ulceration with stitching pain in throat and
tonsils on swallowing, beginning on right side and shifting to left. Better by
warm drinks and worse by cold drinks. Diphtheria.

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10. Stomach: Hungry, but eating few mouthful of food causes fullness in
stomach. Excessive eater. Eating increases his hunger. In the middle of night,
wakes up with hunger and must eat something to go back to sleep. He wants
hot food and he feels better by that. He can drink coffee and tea piping hot
without burning his mouth. He is very fond of sweets and it causes distress.
11. Abdomen: Many of the indigestion problems especially bloating of stomach
and lower abdomen with excessive gas formation immediately after eating
even little food, rumbling and gurgling in the stomach, sour eructations, lot of
burning, pain, fullness not relieved by belching. Passes bad smelling flatus
(downward gas). Pain in lower abdomen shooting right to left.
Good remedy for all types of liver disorders and jaundice. Right sided hernia.
12. Stool: Ineffectual urge for stool, hard, difficult, small, incomplete. Piles very
painful to touch and aching.
13. Urine: Red sand in urine, has to strain to pass urine. Backache before
urinating and clears after flow. Retention of urine. Frequent urination during
night. Child cries before urinating.
14. Male: Impotence, no erection, penis small cold and relaxed. Premature
ejaculation. Goes into sleep during the act of sex. Strong desire but
imperfect erection. Enlarged prostrate. Feels weakness & tiredness after sex.
15. Female: Menses too late, last too long, too profuse. Vagina dry and coition
painful. Bleeding from genitals during stool. Pain in right ovary or shifts from
right ovary to left ovary. White discharge irritating and burning.
16. Respiratory. Severe cough with expectoration grey, thick, bloody, purulent
and salty. Tickling in chest as from sulphur fumes with breathlessness.
Asthmatic attacks, better by moving in open air. Anybody who has not been
well since the attack of pneumonia, a neglected case, especially of right lung.
It safeguards pneumonia person running towards Tuberculosis.

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17. Heart: Palpitation at night and cannot lie on left side.
18. Back: Feeling of burning between scalpulae as of hot coals. Pain in small of
19. Hands & Legs: Chronic gout with chalky deposits in joints. Tearing pain in
shoulder and elbow joints. Numbness, drawing and tearing in limbs worse at
rest or night. Pain in heels as if stepping on pebbles. Right sided sciatica.
Cannot lie on painful side.
20. Skin: It is an excellent remedy for all types of skin problems, including chronic
eczema and Psoriasis which are associated with urinary, gastric and liver
disorders. Violent itching, fissured eruptions, ulcers, abscesses. Worse by
warm application and better by cold application.
21. Fever: Chill between 3 & 4 pm, followed by sweat. Feels as if lying on ice.
One chill is followed by another.
22. Sleep: Dream of accidents. Drowsy during day. He gets up after 4 a.m. and
he is a very active performer during Brahmi Muhurtham (4 to 6 a.m.).
23. All problems worse, right side, right to left, from above downward, 4 PM to 8
PM, from heat or warm room, hot air, bed. Better, by motion, after midnight,
from warm food and drinks, on getting cold, from being uncovered.
Note : Modalities (worse & Better) of each Remedy are most important in

selection of Remedy for a patient.

24. As a thumb rule, all problems associated with mucus membranes are better
with warm application e.g. mouth, throat, stomach etc. and external
problems are better with cold application. e.g. eczema, joint pains etc. That
means his internal modalities are entirely different from external modalities.
It represents Lycopodium personality.
25. Lycopodium is also called as Vegetable Sulphur or Chilly Sulphur.

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1. Nat. Mur. is potentised common salt, we use every day. It belongs to Mineral Kingdom.
It was proved by Dr. Hahnemann. It belongs to Sycotic miasm.

2. Salt possesses number of unique properties. It absorbs, retains, condenses,

crystallises and preserves. Salt brings good taste to our food.

3. Potentised salt (Homoeo medicine) helps in proper distribution of water to all the tissue
cells of the body. So it corrects excessive dryness or moisture or accumulation of water
(oedema) in any part of the body due to improper distribution of water.

4. It corrects the diseases caused from excess salt eating or living at seashore. It also
removes craving for salt and salty food.

5. Chief remedy to prevent and cure problems of summer heat and Sun-stroke.

6. Good remedy for emotional people, especially for women and girls. Wants to be alone
to cry. They do not like to be consoled. Consolation makes them worse.

7. It corrects misplaced love, for e.g. 20 years young girl falling in love with 60 years old,
married man.

8. Fear of emotional hurt. Does not hurt others and does not want to get hurt by
others. Easily gets offended. Hatredness towards the person who had offended.

9. Diseases originated from grief, fright, anger, disappointment etc.

10. Dandruff with white scales on scalp. Loss of hair due to weak hair follicles, bald spots.
Dryness of hair. Loss of hair in nursing mothers.

11. Throbbing and blinding headache, as if many small hammers are hitting the brain.

Headache worse in the morning, exposure to sun, sunrise to sunset, during menses
and from eye strain. Anaemic headache of school children especially girls.

12. Eyes watering with redness and burning on eye strain. Zig-zag lights flashing in front
of the eyes. Early stage of cataract. Eye muscles weak and stiff. Letters run together
while reading. Protruding of eye balls due to Thyroid problem.

13. Roaring, buzzing, humming and ringing in ears. Painful cracking in the ears when
chewing food. Itching behind ears. All this is because of dryness.

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14. Violent sneezing and severe watery discharge from nose lasting for three days and
then turning into severe nose block. Loss of smell and taste. Cold with watering or
dryness. Nose bleed on stooping or coughing.

15. Face oily and earthy complexion. Watery blisters around the lips and nose.

16. Frothy coating on tongue with bubbles on sides. Lips and corners of mouth dry,
ulcerated and cracked. Numbness and tingling of tongue, lips and nose.

17. Excessive saliva with constant spitting of frothy mucus. Sensation of hair on tongue.
Tongue heavy and difficult speech. Children learn to talk slowly.

18. Feels hungry, eats well, yet loses flesh (Hyperthyroidism) becomes thin.

19. Unquenchable thirst. While eating sweats a lot especially on and around nose.
Aversion to bread, fats and slimy things. Desire for salty, bitter, sour things, Sea food and
milk. Anxiety in stomach rises into head.

20. Heartburn and violent palpitations with shaking of whole body. Great spleen

21. Constipation on alternate days, stools dry and crumbling. Burning and stitching

pain in rectum after stool. Anus contracted, torn and bleed. Chronic painless watery
diarrhoea in the morning preceded by pinching pain in abdomen.

22. Urine involuntary when coughing, sneezing, laughing, walking etc. Has to wait for a
long time to pass urine when others are present. Pain after urination.

23. In male backache, weakness in legs and depression after intercourse. Sexual desire
with physical weakness. Suppressed gonorrhoea. Loss of hair from pubes.

24. Menses irregular or suppressed. First menses delayed for a long time. Flow usually
profuse. Vagina very dry and aversion to intercourse due to burning and pain. During
menses headache or hot feeling. Watery leucorrhoea which irritates the skin. Prolapse
of uterus with cutting pain in urethra. Ineffectual labour pains. Emaciation of breasts and
sterility. Convulsions during menses pain.

25. Whooping cough with flow of tears. Cough with bursting headache, stitches all over
the chest and pain in abdomen. Shortness of breath when going upstairs.

26. Sensation of coldness of heart. Heart and chest feels constricted. Heart’s pulsations
shake the whole body.
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27. Back pain with desire for firm support. Painful stiff neck. Dryness and cracking about
finger nails. Crackling sound in joints on movement. Numbness and tingling in fingers
and lower extremities. Ankles weak and turn easily. Weak feeling arms, legs and knees.
Buttocks emaciated in infants.

28. Profuse sweat in palms all the time. Swelling of feet and legs due to accumulation of
water (Oedema).

29. Skin greasy and oily especially on hairy parts. Eczema or any skin disease with
excessive dryness or watery oozing. Crusty eruptions in bends of limbs, margins of scalp
and behind ears. Warts on palms.

30. Good remedy to prevent and cure malarial fever and to eliminate its bad effects.
Chills between 9 and 11 am, heat and violent thirst with fever. Coldness of body,
continued chillness very marked. Fever blisters around mouth.

31. Constant desire to sleep, feels drowsy. Normal sleep does not refresh and feels
dullness in the morning. Sobs (cry) during sleep. Sleep walking. Dreams of robbers.

32. All problems worse from noise, music, warm room, lying down, about 10 AM, at
seashore, sunrise to sunset, exposure to sun, mental exertion, consolation, heat, talking
and excess salt eating. Better in open air, cold application, sweating, going without
regular meals, lying on right side, pressure against back, tight clothing.

Note : Modalities (worse & Better) of each Remedy are most important in selection of
Remedy for a patient.

Natrum Mur. Personality :

1. Natrum Mur. Person is a very decent, dignified, well behaved and very emotional.
Physically NM children are likely to be thin and delicate.

2. They have high degree of awareness and sense of responsibility. They are quite
clear and strong on mental and physical levels. NM Personalities including children
behave and talk like more matured persons beyond their age.

3. NM person likes the relationship on one to one basis with mutual respect, trust,
and understanding. She does not like the relationship of dependence like Baryta,
Calcarea, Pulsatilla etc.

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4. Any betrayal, she feels is the betrayal of her trust and faith. The feeling of NM is that she

5. will be let down or betrayed or disappointed by the person she trusts or loves. She has
fear of being emotionally hurt or disappointed. Hence she is reserved and

6. Emotionally very sensitive. She experiences the emotional pain of others. Any rejection,
ridicule, humiliation, grief would be intolerable. So, she creates a wall of in-
vulnerability around herself.

7. They enjoy the company, love and affection from trusted or loved person. Internally
they expect and demand affection from the loved person, though they do not express

8. They are so sensitive that they get hurt by slightest comment or gesture that might
imply ridicule or rejection. After being hurt several times, they learn to become
cautious and think a lot to get involved emotionally.

9. They turn to introverted activities which are emotionally safe, like listening to music, art,
reading books (romantic fiction, human relationships), dwelling on ideas and fantasies.

10. They are self-reliant. They do not like to depend or seek help from others.

11. They do not like somebody to intrude upon their private or introverted world.

12. The issue emotional pain in themselves or in others would be the end of the world for
them. They are incapable of knowingly inflicting emotional pain on others. For this
reason they become very serious and reserved. They may not make jokes that may
hurt others.

13. The central theme of NM is does not want to hurt others or hurt by others.

14. NM child is very sensitive to disharmony. Child may not react if the parents are
fighting. But, internally suffer a lot which may lead to acquiring some disease including
deep depression at much later. Generally NM children are well behaved.

15. The hysterical tendency can be seen in NM children when they are reprimanded
severely. They react to an extreme degree, falling on the floor, kicking and screaming. It
becomes worse if parents try to console or to comfort them. They will continue with
tantrum till they stop on their own.

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16. NM person will be quite and withdrawn, but with a sense of responsibility and
integrity. At a party he/she tends to sit on the side-lines watching others and imagining
how they are experiencing the enjoyment. Generally NM persons avoid attending parties,
functions, get-togethers etc. unless it is a must or obligatory.

17. If he/she is attracted to someone does not take active part to interact or to develop
friendship. It looks as if not paying any attention towards that person, but watches from
the corner of the eye which cannot be observed by others. He /she likes to fantasize
that the other person is also attracted and involved romantically.

18. Dr. Kent states that the young girl who needs NM easily falls in love with a married man
or much elderly person or someone unattainable. It causes intense anxiety and grief
which results into great introversion.

19. NM person develops intense emotional and sentimental attachment with people, but do
not show or express the feelings. Daughter may have deep attachment with father. When
father dies she does not cry or express grief in front of others, which surprises everyone.
But, she locks herself in her room and cries a lot in her pillow.

20. NM person cannot cry in presence of others. Want to be alone to cry. Becomes
introverted and spends time with her books and music. This unexpressed grief produce
various health problems from simple cold & cough to cancer.

21. Cannot pass urine or stool when others are present nearby. Even cannot participate
in sex, when other members of family are awake outside the bed room. All this arises
from the fear of ridicule, resulting in a chronic tension of sphincter muscles, which can be
relaxed only in complete privacy.

22. These people feel embarrassed when somebody puts sexy joke, either turn the face or
leave the place. She enjoys when her husband talks sexy in privacy, but she does not

23. She enjoys in sex very well, if husband is very loving. She develops aversion for sex, if
husband is harsh and hurting. Then intercourse will be very painful. Frigidity.

24. It is an excellent remedy for the people who suffer from deep depression due to grief,
disappointment, failure in love, hurt or insulted feelings etc. The person may have lot of
mood swings. Worse Moon phases or around menses time.

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25. These people like to enjoy emotional freedom and dislike any restrictions imposed by
others. With restrictions they feel suffocated and later they develop claustrophobia along
with emotional and mental rigidity.

26. They develop lot of anxiety about health, particularly heart diseases. They always
clean or wash hands and disinfect everything to avoid contamination and bacterial

27. These people are very meticulous, clean, systematic, orderly and more concerned
about punctuality of time. They are good in keeping up their commitments.

28. They are scarifying nature, live simple life and materialistic desires will be less.
Whatever clothes they wear they want to look decent and dignified. They spend less
money for themselves. They spend mostly for the needs of others or suffering people.

29. Many of the social workers/reformers are NM personalities. They like the professions like
teacher, counsellor. These people excel very well as teachers. He/she will be most
idealistic to the students. As a counsellor patiently they listen to the suffering of others
and think what if I would have been in the place of other person. These people give lot
of emotional comfort to the suffering people.

30. Shares their internal feelings/sufferings only with one or two close people either partially
or fully. Some people will not share at all about their negative feelings/emotions. They
share only good things. They do not want to give bad impression about themselves or do
not want to trouble others by sharing their sufferings.

31. They may be having number of known people or friends, but they can have only one or
two close friends with whom they can share.

32. NM personalities are highly believable, confidential, dependable and trustable.

33. When there is emotional breakdown, their compulsive control mechanism fails. Then
they openly express everything which they controlled previously. They become
shameless and may speak vulgarity. Develop shameless behaviour.

34. Natrum Mur. is an excellent deep acting remedy for various diseases including deep
depressions because of emotional trauma. It is a great gift given by Dr. Samuel
Hahnemann to the Humanity.

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35. When Homoeopath is taking the case NM person does not come out easily about his
emotional sufferings for 2 reasons. He does not want to give much trouble to the Doctor
and also feels that Doctor may not give respect if reveal everything.

Other remedies of Natrum group:

The information I am giving here is from the book Soul of Remedies by Dr. Rajan
Shankaran. I thank Dr. Rajan Sankaran for such nice Analysis. Interested can refer
this book. Also read other Materia Medicas to aquire more knowledge on these remedies.

The Natrum (sodium) person does not need relationship with too many persons.
Wants relationship with only one person and struggles to keep up that
relationship. We come across people similar to Natrum Mur personality, they are not
Natrum Mur.

Natrum Mur is combination of 2 Elements, Sodium and Chlorine.

Similarly we have Combinations.

Natrum Ars. is combination of Sodium and Arsenicum.

Natrum Carb. is combination of Sodium and Carnonate.

Natrum Phos. is combination of Sodium and Phosphorus.

Natrum Sulph is combination of Sodium and Sulphur.

Natrum Arsenicum :

Arsenic person sees the world as threatening and chaotic. He feels threatened by the
people. He cannot trust the people, though he needs them. He has lot of fears and
anxieties. He is suspious.

If we combine the core feelings of Natrum and Arsenic then what will be the main theme
of Natrum Ars. ? “I may be cheated by the person with whom I have relationship. I
cannot trust the person.”

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Suspious, mistrustful, indisposed to talk (reserved), disturbed by the conversation of
other people. He likes to be independent. Wants to be careful about everything.
Highly conscious/anxious about neatness, orderliness, health and punctuality. Feels lot
of weakness and tiredness. Confusion of mind, weak memory, aversion to mental work,
aversion to reading.

Gets anger for simple reasons. Furious of contradiction. Complaints are worse from
anger. Irritability, impatience, indifferent, anxious, no happiness and feels sad. Very
much dutiful to relationships (friends/relatives) and very caring and supporting.

Natrum Carbonicum :

The main theme of Carbonates is need for vital reaction of life, fear of death, desire to
live and need for security. “My security depends on showing vital reaction. I am
weak, I should react to get support from others for my survival.”

If we combine the core feelings of Natrum and Carbonates then what will be the main
theme of Natrum Carb ?

Natrum Carb. Person needs just one relationship and is very dependent on this one
relationship, without which she feels tremendous fear, sadness and sense of
isolation. She feels that others have separated her and she is not part of the group.
Aversion to company, yet has fear of loneliness. Has severe inferiority complex,
especially in forming relationship. “I am not good, I am not worthy, that is why other
person is not loving me.” Feels lonely and forsaken.

NC is very sensitive ,especially to separation from the beloved and to the breaking of
relationships. Lot of sadness when beloved person gone away and react to sad music.
Constant fear for everything.

NC people are quite independent and self-reliant, living their lives alone though having
good contact with others. They are social and talkative. They are organised, sincere,
honest, straightforward, non-manipulative and have strong principles. Sympathetic and
help others out of the way. They fight for others. They can be quite quarrelsome and

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Natrum Phosphoricum :

The main feeling of Phosphorus is not being loved and not cared. So, phosphorus
person will be affectionate, friendly and sympathetic in the hope that this love and care
will be reciprocated. Sensitive to the feelings of others to win affection.

Natrum Phos person feels that “the person I love is indifferent to me.” So, “I must be
affectionate, friendly, sympathetic and expressive to the person with whom I want to have
relationship. I must please him / her.”

So, Natrum Phos. personalities are self-reliant, helpful, very friendly, sensitive,
affectionate, sympathetic, talkative and social. Not reserved like Natrum Mur.

Natrum Sulphuricum :

The main feeling of Nat Sulph is “ I am rejected, disgraced, insulted or not

appreciated by the person with whom I have relationship and I must make a great effort
to gain appreciation or to be valued or respected by the other person.”

In order to be appreciated and recognised by the other person in relationship, Nat.

Sulph. Person can be industrious, caring, responsible, helpful and can be confided
in. They like to be independent and have a marked sense of pride. She makes lot of
effort to maintain the relationship. Other person can take an advantage and treat her
badly. She feels unworthy, becomes irritable and angry. Feels insulted or hurt. Lot of
sadness and disappointment. Can be quarrelsome. Sadness with suicidal thoughts.
Fears that she may not control her suicidal impulses. So, fears to be left alone.

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