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- is an equation that contains an unknown function and some of Given
its derivatives.

- is an equation that involves one or more derivates, or 1. ( x − 1) dy + sin ydx = 0

differentials. d 2x dx
2. 2
− 6x2 = 2 xy 3
dy dy
Linear Differential Equations
z z
3. y 2 + ( 2 x − 5) = e −2 x +1
- are those in w/c the dependent variable and its derivatives x y
occur in the 1st degree and are not multiplied together. d 4x  d 2x 

4. 3 4 + x 2  2  − 5 y = 0
dy  dy 
General Linear Equation of the nth order
5. 5 xy '− 1 = 1 + 3 y '''
n n −1 n−2 3
d y d y d y  t   2t
P0 ( x ) + P1 ( x ) n −1 + P2 ( x ) n − 2 + ... + Pn ( x ) y = R ( x )

dx n
dx dx 6.  4   − 7 2 = 0
   
where P0 , P1 , P2 ,..., Pn and R are function of x only.
Types of Differential equation
1. Ordinary differential equation (ODE) – is that in w/c all the 1. The number of differentiating the given equation is the same as
differential coefficients have reference to a single independent the number of arbitrary constants to be eliminated.
variable. 2. The order of the differential equation is the same as the number of
arbitrary constant present in the equation.
2. Partial differential equation (PDE) – is that in w/c there are two or 3. The desired equation is free from arbitrary constants.
more independent variables and partial differential coefficients
with respect to any of them. Example
1. Eliminate c from the equation c ( y − 3x ) = e−2 x
Degree and Order of Differential equation
2. Eliminate c1 and c2 c from the equation 2. y = c1e −4 x + c2 e 3 x
The order of a differential equation is the order of the highest 3. Eliminate c1 and c2 c from the equation y = c1 cos 3 x + c2 sin 3 x + e x
derivative that occurs in the equation. 4. Find the solution to sin ( cx − y ) = 2 x free from c.
5. Eliminate d and k from equation 3x 2 − ( y − k ) = d 2 .
The degree of a differential equation is the exponent of the highest
power of the highest order derivative, after the equation has been cleared 6. Eliminate a from equation e a sin 3 x = cos 2 y .
of fractions & radicals in the dependent variable and its derivatives.
Prepared by: R. C. RIVERA, M.Sc.
Classify of the following equations according to their

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