Right-Hand Side of The Spinal Cord

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After a traffic accident a 36-year-old patient has developed muscle paralysis of the
extremitis on the right, lost pain and thermal sensitivity on the left, and partially
lost tactile sensitivity on both sides. What part of the brain is the most likely to
be damaged?

 1.  Anterior horn of the spinal cord

 2.  Right-hand side of the spinal cord
 3.  Motor cortex on the left
 4.  Left-hand side of the spinal cord
 5.  Posterior horn of the spinal cord

137. Question
A patient got an injury of spinal marrow in a road accident that caused loss of
tactile sensation, posture sense, vibration sense. What conduction tracts are

 1.  Fascicle of Goll and cuneate fascicle

 2.  Anterior spinocerebellar tract
 3.  Rubrospinal tract
 4.  Tectospinal tract
 5.  Reticulospinal tract

84. Question
A patient has damaged spinal cord white matter in the middle area of the posterior
white column, disrupted proprioceptive sensibility of the lower limb joints and
muscles. What fibers are affected?

 1.  Fasciculus gracilis
 2.  Tr. spinocerebellaris anterior
 3.  Fasciculus cuneatus
 4.  Tr. spinocerebellaris posterior
 5.  Tr. spinothalamicus lateralis

75. Question
A patient with injury sustained to a part of the central nervous system
demonstrates disrupted coordination and movement amplitude, muscle tremor
during volitional movements, poor muscle tone. What part of the central nervous
system was injured?

 1.  Prosencephalon
 2.  Mesencephalon
 3.  Medulla oblongata
 4.  Oliencephalon
 5.  Cerebellum

104. Question
After a craniocerebral injury a patient has lost the ability to recognize shapes of
objects by touch (stereognosis). What area of cerebral cortex normally contains the
relevant center?
 1.  Angular gyrus
 2.  Postcentral gyrus
 3.  Superior parietal lobule
 4.  Supramarginal gyrus
 5.  Inferior parietal lobule

27. Question
During investigation of patient, it was found formation in the white substance of
cerebral hemispheres with location in the knee and frontal part of posterior crus of
internal capsule. Fibres of what conductive tract of the brain will be disrupted?

 1.  Tr. frontothalamicus
 2.  Tr. pyramidalis
 3.  Tr. frontopontinus
 4.  Tr. parietooccipitopontinus
 5.  Тr. thalamocorticalis

55. Question
A patient was diagnosed with paralysis of facial and masticatory muscles. The
haematoma is inside the genu of internal capsule. What conduction tract is

 1.  Tr. cortico-spinalis
 2.  Tr. cortico-nuclearis
 3.  Tr. cortico-thalamicus
 4.  Tr. cortico-fronto-pontinus
 5.  Tr. cortico-temporo-parieto-occipito-pontinus

184. Question
As a result of a continuous chronic encephalopathy a patient has developed
spontaneous motions and disorder of torso muscle tone. These are the symptoms of
the disorder of the following conduction tract:

 1.  Tractus spinothalamicus
 2.  Tractus rubrospinalis
 3.  Tractus corticospinalis
 4.  Tractus corticonuclearis
 5.  Tractus tectospinalis

63. Question
After a craniocerebral trauma a patient lost the ability to execute learned
purposeful movements (apraxia). The injury is most likely localized in the
following region of the cerebral cortex:

 1.  Gyrus parahippocampalis
 2.  Gyrus supramarginalis
 3.  Gyrus paracentralis
 4.  Gyrus angularis
 5.  Gyrus lingualis
33. Question
A laboratory experiment on a dog was used to study central parts of auditory
system. One of the mesencephalon structures was destroyed. The dog has lost the
orienting response to auditory signals. What structure was destroyed?

 1.  Superior colliculi of corpora quadrigemina

 2.  Reticular formation nuclei
 3.  Inferior colliculi of corpora quadrigemina
 4.  Substantia nigra
 5.  Red nucleus

53. Question
In a cat with decerebrate rigidity the muscle tone is to be decreased. This can be
achieved by:

 1.  Destruction of the vestibular nuclei of Deiters

 2.  Stimulation of the vestibulocochlear nerve
 3.  Stimulation of the ampullar vestibular receptors
 4.  Stimulation of the vestibular nuclei of Deiters
 5.  Stimulation of the otolithic vestibular receptors

182. Question
In the course of an experiment thalamocortical tracts of an animal were cut. What
type of sensory perception remained intact?

 1.  Visual
 2.  Olfactory
 3.  Nociceptive
 4.  Auditory
 5.  Exteroreceptive

141. Question
During  an  animal  experiment, surgical damage of certain brain structures has
caused deep prolonged sleep. What structure is most likely to cause such condition,
if damaged?

 1.  Basal ganglion
 2.  Red nuclei
 3.  Reticular formation
 4.  Cerebral cortex
 5.  Hippocampus

12. Question
In the experiment on the animal the part of the cerebral cortex hemispheres was
removed. It caused elimination of previously formed conditioned reflex to the light
irritation. What part of the cortex was removed?

 1.  Temporal lobe
 2.  Limbic cortex
 3.  Postcentral convolution
 4.  Occipital cortex
 5.  Precentral convolution

32. Question
A patient has a haemorrhage into the posterior central gyrus. What type of
sensitivity on the opposite side will be disturbed?

 1.  Olfactory
 2.  Auditory
 3.  Auditory and visual
 4.  Skin and proprioceptive
 5.  Visual

42. Question
As a result of spinal-cord trauma a 33 y.o. man has a disturbed pain and
temperature sensitivity that is caused by damage of the following tract:

 1.  Spinothalamic
 2.  Medial spinocortical
 3.  Posterior spinocerebellar
 4.  Anterior spinocerebellar
 5.  Lateral spinocortical

45. Question
An animal has an increased tonus of extensor muscles. This the result of intensified
information transmission to the motoneurons of the spinal cord through the
following descending pathways:

 1.  Lateral corticospinal
 2.  Rubrospinal
 3.  Vestibulospinal
 4.  Reticulospinal
 5.  Medial corticospinal

79. Question
Due to cranial trauma the patient developed the symptoms: intention tremor,
dysmetry, adiadochokinesis, dysarthria. What structure of the brain is injured?

 1.  Pale sphere
 2.  Striatum
 3.  Motor cortex
 4.  Black substance
 5.  Cerebellum

142. Question
A patient with disturbed cerebral circulation has problems with deglutition. What
part of brain was damaged?

 1.  Midbrain
 2.  Interbrain
 3.  Forebrain
 4.  Cervical part of spinal cord
 5.  Brainstem

145. Question
A patient staggers and walks astraddle. He has hypomyotonia of arm and leg
muscles, staccato speech. In what brain section is this affection localized?

 1.  Motor cortex
 2.  Cerebellum
 3.  Red nucleus
 4.  Putamen
 5.  Caudate nucleus

4. Question
One of sections of central nervous system has layerwise arrangement of
neurocytes. Among them there are cells of the following forms: stellate, fusiform,
horizontal, pyramidal. What section of central nervous system is this structure
typical for?

 1.  Medulla oblongata
 2.  Spinal cord
 3.  Cortex of cerebrum
 4.  Hypothalamus
 5.  Cerebellum

71. Question
The patient’s pyramids of the medulla oblongata are damaged by tumor growth. As
a result the conduction of nervous impulses will be impaired in the following

 1.  Tr. spinocerebellaris
 2.  Tr. corticonuclearis
 3.  Tr. corticopontinus
 4.  Tr. dentatorubralis
 5.  Tr. corticospinalis

2. Question
After a craniocerebral trauma a patient lost the ability to execute
learned purposeful movements (apraxia). The injury is most
likely localized in the following region of the cerebral cortex:

 1.  Gyrus parahippocampalis
 2.  Gyrus lingualis
 3.  Gyrus supramarginalis
 4.  Gyrus paracentralis
 5.  Gyrus angularis

77. Question
A patient consulted a doctor about loss of taste sensitivity on the
tongue root. The doctor revealed that it is caused by nerve
affection. Which nerve is it?

 1.  Superlaryngeal nerve
 2.  Facial nerve
 3.  Vagus nerve
 4.  Glossopharyngeal
 5.  Trigeminal nerve

114. Question
An animal has an increased tonus of extensor muscles. This the
result of intensified information transmission to the motoneurons
of the spinal cord through the following descending pathways:

 1.  Reticulospinal
 2.  Vestibulospinal
 3.  Rubrospinal
 4.  Lateral corticospinal
 5.  Medial corticospinal

32. Question
After a spinal trauma the patient was lost proprioceptive sensitivity in the lower
half of the body and in the lower limbs. What sensory conduction pathway was
likely damaged, leading to the loss of sensitivity?

 1.  Tr. Spino-thalamicus anterior

 2.  Fasciculus gracilis (Goll column)
 3.  Tr. Spino-thalamicus lateralis
 4.  Tr. Spino-cerebellaris ventralis (Gowers column)
 5.  Fascicuclus cuneatus (Burdach column)

87. Question
Due to a cerebral hemorrhage, the patient developed a disturbed speech perception
(sensory aphasia). What brain structure is likely to be damaged in this case?

 1.  Inferior frontal gyrus

 2.  Superior temporal gyrus
 3.  Posterior central gyrus
 4.  Superior frontal gyrus
 5.  Inferior temporal gyrus

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