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Assignment: 3

Types of files format

1. APPX – Microsoft Application Package (.appx)
2. BKF – Microsoft backup  (.bkf)
3. EXE – Executable (.exe)
4. GIF – Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)
5. HTML – Hyper Text markup language (.html)
6. PAF –  Portable Application File (.paf)
7. PHP – personal home page (.php) 
8. RAR  – Rar Archive (.rar)
9. SIT  – StuffIt (.sitx)
10. TGZ – G zipped tar file (.tar.gz)
11. TB – Tabbery Virtual Desktop Tab file (.tb)
12. TIB –  Acronis True Image backup  (.tib)
13. UUE – Unified utility engine (.uue)
14. TIFF –  Tagged Image File Format  (.tif or .tiff)
15. 3DMF –  QuickDraw 3D Metafile  (.3dmf)
16. 3MF –  Microsoft 3D Manufacturing Format (.3mf)[3]
17. 3DS  –  legacy 3D Studio Model (.3ds)
18. AC –  AC3D Model (.ac)
19. AN8 –  Anim8or Model (.an8)
20. AOI – Art of Illusion Model (.aoi)
21. ASM –  PTC Creo assembly (.asm)
22. B3D –  Blitz3D Model (.b3d)
23. BLEND –  Blender  (.blend)
24. BLOCK –  Blender encrypted blend files (.block)
25. C4D –  Cinema 4D  (.c4d)
26. Cal3D –  Cal3D  (.cal3d)
27. CFL –  Compressed File Library  (.cfl)
28. COB –  Caligari Object  (.cob)
29. CORE3D – Coreona 3D Coreona 3D Virtual File (.core3d)
30. CTM –  OpenCTM  (.ctm)
31. DAE –  COLLADA  (.dae)
32. DPM –  deepMesh  (.dpm)
33. DTS –  Torque Game Engine  (.dts)
34. FACT –  Electric Image  (.fac)
35. FBX – Autodesk FBX  (.fbx)
36. GLM – Ghoul Mesh (.glm)
37. IO –  Bricklink 2.0 Model File (.io)
38. IOB –  Imagine (3D modeling software)  (.iob)
39. JAS –  Cheetah 3D file (.jas)
40. LDR –  LDraw Model File (.ldr)
41. LWO –  Lightwave Object (.lwo)
42. LWS –  Lightwave Scene (.lws)
43. LXF –  LEGO Digital Designer Model file (.lxf)
44. LXO – Luxology Modo (software) file (.lxo)
45. M3D – Model3D (.m3d)
46. MA – Autodesk Maya ASCII File (.ma)
47. MAX – Autodesk 3D Studio Max file (.max)
48. MB – Autodesk Maya Binary File (.mb)
49. MPD –  LDraw Multi-Part Document Model File (.mpd)
50. MD2  –  Quake 2 model format (.md2)
51. MD3  –  Quake 3 model format (.md3)
52. MD5  –  Doom 3 model format (.md5)
53. MESH – New York University (.m)
54. MESH – Meshwork Model (.mesh)
55. MM3D – Misfit Model 3d (.mm3d)
56. NIF –  Gamebryo NetImmerse File (.nif)
57. OBJ –  Wavefront .obj file  (.obj)
58. OFF –  OFF Object file format  (.off)
59. OGEX –  Open Game Engine Exchange (OpenGEX) format (.ogex)
60. PRT –  PTC Creo part (.prt)
61. POV –  POV-Ray document (.pov)
62. R3D –  Realsoft 3D (Real-3D) (.r3d)
63. RWX –  RenderWare Object (.rwx)
64. SIA – Nevercenter Silo Object (.sia)
65. SIB – Nevercenter Silo Object (.sib)
66. SKP –  Google Sketchup file (.skp)
67. SLDASM –  SolidWorks Assembly Document (.sldasm)
68. SLDPRT –  SolidWorks Part Document (.sldprt)
69. SMD –  Valve Studiomdl Data format (.smd)
70. U3D –  Universal 3D format (.u3d)
71. USD –  Universal Scene Description  (.usd)
72. USDC – Universal Scene Description , Binary format (.usdc)
73. USDZ –  Universal Scene Description Zip  (.usdz)
74. VIM –  Revizto visual information model format (.vimproj)
75. VRML97 –  VRML Virtual reality modeling language (.wrl)
76. VUE –  Vue scene file (.vue)
77. VWX –  Vectorworks  (.vwx)
78. WINGS –  Wings3D  (.wings)
79. W3D – Westwood 3D Model (.w3d)
80. X –  DirectX 3D Model  (.x)
81. X3D –  Extensible 3D  (.x3d)
82. Z3D –  Zmodeler  (.z3d)
83. VBX – Visual Basic extensions (.VBX)
84. OCX  – Object Control extensions (.OCX)
85. TLB  – Windows Type Library (.TLB)
86. PS – PostScript  (.ps, .ps.gz)
87. CML –  Chemical Markup Language  (CML) (.cml)
88. CTAB – Chemical table file  (.mol, .sd, .sdf)
89. JCAMP – Joint Committee on Atomic and Molecular Physical Data  (.dx, .jdx)
90. SMILES – Simplified molecular input line entry specification  (.smi)
91. DICOM – Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine  (.dcm)
92. ADB –  Ada body
93. ADS –  Ada specification
94. AHK –  AutoHotkey script file
95. AS –  Adobe Flash ActionScript File
96. AU3 –  AutoIt version 3
97. BAT –  Batch file
98. BAS –  QBasic & QuickBASIC
99. BTM –  Batch file
100. CLASS – Compiled Java binary
101. CLJS –  ClojureScript
102. CMD –  Batch file
103. Coffee –  CoffeeScript
104. C –  C
105. CPP –  C++
106. CS –  C#
107. INO –  Arduino sketch (program)
108. EGG –  Chicken
109. EGT – EGT Asterisk Application Source File, EGT Universal Document
110. ERB –  Embedded Ruby, Ruby on Rails Script File
111. GO –  Go
112. HTA –  HTML Application
113. IBI – Icarus script
114. ICI –  ICI
115. IJS –  J script
116. ITCL –  Itcl
117. JS –  JavaScript and JScript(.js)
118. JSFL –  Adobe JavaScript language
119. KT –  Kotlin
120. LUA –  Lua
121. M –  Mathematica package file
122. MRC –  MIRC Script
123. NCF –  NetWare Command File (scripting for Novell's NetWare OS)
124. NUC – compiled script
125. NUD –  C++ External module written in C++
126. NUT –  Squirrel
127. O – Compiled and optimized C/C++ binary
128. PDE –  Processing (programming language), Processing script
129. PL – Perl
130. PM –  Perl module
131. PS1 –  Windows PowerShell shell script
132. PSC1 – Windows PowerShell console file
133. PSD1 –  Windows PowerShell data file
134. PSM1 –  Windows PowerShell module file
135. PYC –  Python byte code files
136. PYO –  Python
137. R –  R scripts
138. RB –  Ruby
139. RDP –  RDP connection
140. red –  Red scripts
141. RS –  Rust (programming language)
142. SCPT –  Applescript
143. SDL –  State Description Language
144. SH –  Shell script
145. SYJS – SyMAT JavaScript
146. SYPY – SyMAT Python
147. TCL –  Tcl
148. TNS –  Ti-Nspire Code/File
149. VBS –  Visual Basic Script
150. XPL – XProc script/pipeline

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